32 research outputs found

    Conditioned place preference for social interaction in rats: contribution of sensory components

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    A main challenge in the therapy of drug dependent individuals is to help them reactivate interest in non-drug-associated activities. We previously developed a rat experimental model based on the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm in which only four 15-min episodes of social interaction with a gender- and weight-matched male Sprague Dawley rat (1) reversed CPP from cocaine to social interaction despite continuing cocaine training and (2) prevented the reinstatement of cocaine CPP. In the present study, we investigated which of the sensory modalities of the composite stimulus “social interaction” contributes most to the rats' preference for it. If touch was limited by steel bars spaced at a distance of 2 cm and running across the whole length of a partitioning, CPP was still acquired, albeit to a lesser degree. If both rats were placed on the same side of a partitioning, rats did not develop CPP for social interaction. Thus, decreasing the available area for social interaction from 750 to 375 cm2 prevented the acquisition of CPP to social interaction despite the fact that animals could touch each other more intensely than through the bars of the partitioning. When touch was fully restricted by a glass screen dividing the conditioning chambers, and the only sensory modalities left were visual and olfactory cues, place preference shifted to place aversion. Overall, our findings indicate that the major rewarding sensory component of the composite stimulus “social interaction” is touch (taction)

    Preventive role of social interaction for cocaine conditioned place preference: correlation with FosB/DeltaFosB and pCREB expression in rat mesocorticolimbic areas

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    The worsening of drug abuse by drug-associated social interaction is a well-studied phenomenon. In contrast, the molecular mechanisms of the beneficial effect of social interaction, if offered as a mutually exclusive choice to drugs of abuse, are under-investigated. In a rat place preference conditioning (CPP) paradigm, four 15 min episodes of social interaction with a gender- and weight-matched male early-adult conspecific inhibited cocaine-induced reinstatement of cocaine CPP, a model of relapse. These protective effects of social interaction were paralleled by a reduced activation, as assessed by Zif268 expression, in brain areas known to play pivotal roles in drug-seeking behavior. Here we show that social interaction during extinction of cocaine CPP also reduced cocaine-CPP-stimulated FosB expression in the nucleus accumbens shell and core. In addition, social interaction during cocaine CPP extinction increased pCREB (cAMP response element binding protein) expression in the nucleus accumbens shell and the cingulate cortex area 1 (Cg1). Our results show that FosB and pCREB may be implicated in the protective effect of social interaction against cocaine-induced reinstatement of CPP. Thus, social interaction, if offered in a context that is clearly distinct from the previously drug-associated one, may profoundly inhibit relapse to cocaine addiction

    Cost-effectiveness analysis for SilAtro-5-90 adjuvant treatment in the management of recurrent tonsillitis, compared with usual care only

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    Purpose: Antibiotics are one possible treatment for patients with recurrent acute throat infections (ATI), but effectiveness can be modest. In view of worries over antibiotic resistance, treatment pathways that reduce recurrence of ATI are essential from a public health perspective. Integrative treatment strategies can be an option but there is still a high demand to provide evidence of their cost effectiveness. Methods: We constructed a 4-state Markov model to compare the cost-effectiveness of SilAtro-5-90 as adjuvant homeopathic therapy to care as usual with care as usual alone in reducing the recurrence of ATI for children and adults with suspected moderate recurrent tonsillitis. The analysis was performed from a societal perspective in Germany over a 2-year period. Results are reported separately for children < 12 and for individuals aged 12 and over. The model draws on evidence from a multi-centre randomised clinical trial that found this strategy effective in reducing recurrence of ATI. Costs in 2019 € and outcomes after 1 year are discounted at a rate of 3% per annum. Results: For adults and adolescents aged 12 years and over, incremental cost per ATI averted in the adjuvant therapy group was €156.64. If individuals enter the model on average with a history of 3.33 previous ATIs, adjuvant therapy has both lower costs and better outcomes than care as usual. For children (< 12 years) adjuvant therapy had both lower costs and ATI than care as usual. The economic case is stronger if adjuvant treatment reduces surgical referral. At a hypothetical cost per ATI averted threshold of €1000 probabilistic sensitivity analysis suggests Silatro-5-90 has a 65% (adults) and 71% (children) chance of being cost-effective. Conclusion: Our results indicate the importance of considering homeopathy as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of ATIs in individuals with recurrent tonsillitis from a socio-economic perspective. Further evaluation should assess how differences in uptake and sustained use of homeopathic adjuvant therapy, as well as changing patterns of antibiotic prescribing, impact on cost effectiveness

    Differential Effects of Accumbens Core vs. Shell Lesions in a Rat Concurrent Conditioned Place Preference Paradigm for Cocaine vs. Social Interaction

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    A main challenge in the therapy of drug dependent individuals is to help them reactivate interest in non-drug-associated activities. Among these activities, social interaction is doubly important because treatment adherence itself depends on it. We previously developed a rat experimental model based on the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm in which only four 15-min episodes of social interaction with a gender- and weight-matched male conspecific (i) reversed CPP from cocaine to social interaction despite continuing cocaine training and (ii) prevented the reinstatement of cocaine CPP. In the present study, we investigated if the two subregions of the nucleus accumbens (Acb), i.e., the core (AcbC) and the shell (AcbSh), would differentially affect CPP for cocaine vs social interaction.Animals were concurrently trained for CPP pairing cocaine with one compartment and social interaction with the other (i.e., mutually exclusive stimulus presentation during training). Excitotoxic lesioning of the AcbC or the BLA shifted CPP toward social interaction, whereas AcbSh inactivation shifted CPP toward cocaine.Overall, our findings suggest that inactivation of the AcbC or the BLA is sufficient to shift CPP away from a drug of abuse toward social interaction. Lesioning the AcbSh produced the opposite effect

    Stereotactic or conformal radiotherapy for adrenal metastases: patient characteristics and outcomes in a multicenter analysis

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    To report outcome (freedom from local progression: FFLP, overall survival: OS, and toxicity) after stereotactic, palliative, or highly conformal fractionated (&gt; 12) radiotherapy (SBRT, Pall-RT, 3DCRT/IMRT) for adrenal metastases in a retrospective multicenter cohort within the framework of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO). Adrenal metastases treated with SBRT (≤ 12 fractions, biologically effective dose, (BED10) ≥ 50 Gy), 3DCRT/IMRT (&gt; 12 fractions, BED10 ≥ 50 Gy) or Pall-RT (BED10 &lt; 50 Gy) were eligible for this analysis. In addition to unadjusted FFLP (Kaplan-Meier/Log-rank), we calculated the competing-risk-adjusted local recurrence rate (CRA-LRR). 326 patients with 366 metastases were included by 21 centers (median follow-up: 11.7 months). Treatment was SBRT, 3DCRT/IMRT, and Pall-RT in 260, 27, and 79 cases, respectively. Most frequent primary tumors were non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC; 52.5%), SCLC (16.3%), and melanoma (6.7%). Unadjusted FFLP was higher after SBRT v. Pall-RT (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.026) while numerical differences in CRA-LRR between groups did not reach statistical significance (1-year CRA-LRR: 13.8%, 17.4%, and 27.7%). OS was longer after SBRT v. other groups (p &lt; 0.05) and increased in patients with locally-controlled metastases in a landmark analysis (p &lt; 0.0001). Toxicity was mostly mild; notably, 4 cases of adrenal insufficiency occurred, 2 of which were likely caused by immunotherapy or tumor progression. RT for adrenal metastases was associated with a mild toxicity profile in all groups and a favorable 1-year CRA-LRR after SBRT or 3DCRT/IMRT. 1-year FFLP was associated with longer OS. Dose-response analyses for the dataset are underway

    Orientation determination on non planar surfaces

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    The electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique is applied to investigate the structure-property relationship in coronary artery stents. For that purpose microtexture information has to be obtained on non-planar surfaces. In this paper, geometrical aspects are discussed which have to be considered when analyzing such heavily curved surfaces. Since the delicate structure of the stents causes additional difficulties, the measurements are performed on tube material the stents are cut from

    Orientation determination on non planar surfaces

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    The electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique is applied to investigate the structure-property relationship in coronary artery stents. For that purpose microtexture information has to be obtained on non-planar surfaces. In this paper, geometrical aspects are discussed which have to be considered when analyzing such heavily curved surfaces. Since the delicate structure of the stents causes additional difficulties, the measurements are performed on tube material the stents are cut from

    Brain regions associated with the acquisition of conditioned place preference for cocaine vs. social interaction

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    Positive social interaction could play an essential role in switching the preference of the substance dependent individual away from drug related activities. We have previously shown that conditioned place preference (CPP) for cocaine at the dose of 15 mg/kg and CPP for four 15-min episodes of social interaction were equally strong when rats were concurrently conditioned for place preference by pairing cocaine with one compartment and social interaction with the other. The aim of the present study was to investigate the differential activation of brain regions related to the reward circuitry after acquistion/expression of cocaine CPP or social interaction CPP. Our findings indicate that cocaine CPP and social interaction CPP activated almost the same brain regions. However, the granular insular cortex and the dorsal part of the granular insular cortex were more activated after cocaine CPP, whereas the prelimbic cortex and the core subregion of the nucleus accumbens were more activated after social interaction CPP. These results suggest that the insular cortex appears to be potently activated after drug conditioning leraning while activation of the prelimbic cortex-nucleus accumbens core projection seems to be preferentially involved in the conditioning to non-drug stimuli such as social interaction.Funding Agencies|Austrian Science Fund (FWF)|M1169-B18P23824-B18W1206-B18|Verein fur Experimentelle Psychiatrie, psychotherapic, und Pharmakologie (VEPPP)||</p

    Proceedings of the 2nd annual symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition held in 2014

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    We present the scientific abstracts of the 2nd Annual Symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Paläoernährung e.V.) which was held on November 8th 2014 in Schweinfurt, Germany. The topics presented had a great variety that included (i) a discussion of specific foods (one talk addressed the potential problems associated with cow’s milk consumption and one talk dealt with the staple foods of the Hadzda hunter-gatherers); (ii) the emerging role of ketogenic diets in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer; (iii) an overview of intermittend fasting and its effects on health and performance; (iv) an extension of evolutionary principles beyond nutrition and their incorporation into everyday life in a way we term the paleo concept