89 research outputs found

    Reflection of Genomic Selection in Practice – use of Genomic Brown Swiss Bulls in Slovenia

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    For seven years Slovenia has been collaborating in international genomic Brown Swiss cattle evaluation - InterGenomics project. Th is research aimed to provide an estimation of practical contribution of genomic selection. For that purpose, data records of routine breeding value evaluations (EBV12) for Slovenian Brown Swiss cattle were used. Th e data for years 2013 – 2016 were obtained for up to 877 herds. Region (P = 0.0032) and year (P = 0.0063) significantly affected percent of genomically evaluated bulls used in herd. Th is percent most greatly and significantly decreased with an increase of the average parity (b = -3.93%, P < 0.0001). Although these effects had no statistically significant effect, the increase in the estimated value for herd based on a test day milk yield evaluation breeding value and the total merit index for dual purpose justifies the use of genomically evaluated bulls to some extent (about 25% of all bulls). Results did not confirm connection between greater genetic gain and breeders’ choice of genomically evaluated bulls

    Reflection of Genomic Selection in Practice – use of Genomic Brown Swiss Bulls in Slovenia

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    For seven years Slovenia has been collaborating in international genomic Brown Swiss cattle evaluation - InterGenomics project. Th is research aimed to provide an estimation of practical contribution of genomic selection. For that purpose, data records of routine breeding value evaluations (EBV12) for Slovenian Brown Swiss cattle were used. Th e data for years 2013 – 2016 were obtained for up to 877 herds. Region (P = 0.0032) and year (P = 0.0063) significantly affected percent of genomically evaluated bulls used in herd. Th is percent most greatly and significantly decreased with an increase of the average parity (b = -3.93%, P < 0.0001). Although these effects had no statistically significant effect, the increase in the estimated value for herd based on a test day milk yield evaluation breeding value and the total merit index for dual purpose justifies the use of genomically evaluated bulls to some extent (about 25% of all bulls). Results did not confirm connection between greater genetic gain and breeders’ choice of genomically evaluated bulls

    The use of new technologies in horse selection

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    Received: 2018-09-12 | Accepted: 2018-11-27 | Available online: 2018-12-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.186-189Most successful selection strategies are not in use in horse selection. This study describes the use of current strategies of selection in horse breeding and tries to answers why well known, scientifically proven selection strategies are still not implemented. In the era of genomic selection (GS) in animal breeding, decision making in horse selection, even classical breeding values (BV), are not fully taken advantage of. Breeding organizations (BO) which implement BVs as selection criteria in their breeding programs show great success in genetic gain. However, a horse's achievements and the popularity of its relatives still plays an important role in selection level. Genomic based selection tools in horse breeding have limitations in quantitative traits since it is difficult to establish reference population. Mendelian traits have been studied for several years, especially those related to horse health and functional longevity (long sport or race careers), yet there are still only a small number of validated mendelian traits offered for horses. The important benefit of GS is the prevention of related mating based on genomic data, in addition to pedigree data. The specialty in horse breeding is the use of cloning. From the point of view of genetic variability, cloning is useful in enabling geldings or non-genetically infertile animals to carry genes to next generations. In sport and race BOs, breeding stallions from foreign BOs are frequently used. In such cases a need for comparable BVs exists. These factors were the motivation behind the establishment of Interstallion 20 years ago. Due to difficulties in BO collaboration, Interstallion has not been as successful as planned. On the whole, it is expected that the sector of horse selection will need to change considerably in the future. Keywords: breeding value, cloning selection, genomic selection, inbreeding, strategiesReferencesÁrnason, T. (1984) Genetic studies on conformation and performance of Icelandic toelter horses: IV Best linear unbiased prediction of ten correlated traits by use of an animal model. Acta Agric. Scand. 34, 450–462.Broere Jazz (2018) Jazz – one in a million. [Online] Alblasserdam. Available at: http://www.broerejazz.com/en/sperma-bestellen/ [Accessed 12 August 2018].FMITCHELL07 (2009) Inbreeding to broodmares: an in-depth statistical analysis of the Rasmussen Factor, Part 1 [Online] https://fmitchell07.wordpress.com/2009/07/29/inbreeding-to-broodmares-an-in-depth-statistical-analysis-of-the-rasmussen-factor-part-1/ [Accessed 12 August 2018].Henderson, C. R. (1953) Estimation of variance and covariance components. Biometrics, 9, 226–252.Jorjani, H., Jakobsen, J., Hjerpe, E., Palucci, V., Dürr, J. (2012) Status of genomic evaluation in the Brown Swiss populations. Interbull Bull., 46, pp. 46–54.Koenen, E. (2005) Publication of breeding values: Interstallion guidelines. Workshop "Use of genetic evaluations in sport horse breeding" Warendorf, Germany. [Online] In: Leuven: KU Leuven. Available at: https://www.biw.kuleuven.be/Genlog/livgen/research/interstallion/workshop_docs/koenen1.pdf [Accessed 12 August 2018].Koenen, E., Aldridge, L.I., Philipsson, J. (2004) An overview of breeding objectives for warmblood sport horses. Livestock Production Science, 88(1-2), pp. 77-84.Liljenstolpe, C. (2009) Horses in Europe. [Online] Maarslet: WBFSH. Available at: http://www.wbfsh.org/files/EU%20Equus%202009.pdf [Accessed 16 August 2018].Mark, T. (2013) Genomic selection for performance and health http://www.wbfsh.org/files/Thomas_Mark_Genomic_Selection_in_Horse_Breeding_Oct._7th_2013_Warsaw.pdf [Accessed 12 August 2018].OMIA (2018) Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA). [Online] Maarslet: WBFSH. Available at:   http://omia.org/home/ [Accessed 6 September 2018].Philipsson, J. (2009) Mace for horse evaluations. Interstallion: Workshop Le Pin au Haras, 26th March 2009. [Online. Available at: ]https://www.biw.kuleuven.be/Genlog/livgen/research/interstallion/workshop_LePin/I_MACE%20for%20horse%20evaluations.pdf [Accessed 12 August 2018].Reed, T. (2018) Johan Knaap on genomic selection – an interview. [Online]. Available at: http://www.irish-warmblood.com/pdf/Johan_Knaap_on_Genomic_Selection.pdf [Accessed 6 September 2018].Reis, A.P., Palmer, E., Nakhla, M. (2012) Biotechnologies of reproduction in the horse: what has changed? In: Book of Abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science Wageningen. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.Shelbourne Farm. (2018) Cruising Clones. [Online]. Available at: http://www.shelbournefarm.com/stallions/cruising-clones/ [Accessed 6 September 2018].Stock, K., Quinn Brady, K., Christiansen, K., Viklund, Å., Cervantes, I., Ricard, A., Ducro, B., Janssens, S. (2015). Breeding objectives and practices of sport horse studbooks : Results of a worldwide inventory. In: Book of Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science Wageningen.Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.Stock, K., Viklund, Å., Cervantes, I., Ricard, A., Christiansen, K., Vangen, O., Janssens, S. (2018). The role of Interstallion in supporting international sport horse breeding by improved transparency. In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science Wageningen. Wageningen:  Wageningen Academic Publishers.Thorén Hellsten, E. (2008) International Sport Horse Data for Genetic Evaluation. Doctoral Thesis. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.Waikato (2018) Waikato Stud offers a truly world-class stallion line up. [Online]. Available at: https://waikatostud.com/stallions/ [Accessed 6 September 2018].WBFSH (2018) World breeding federation for sport horses: Breeder and Studbook rankings. [Online]. Available at: http://www.wbfsh.org/GB/Rankings/Breeder%20and%20Studbook%20rankings.aspx  [Accessed 12 September 2018]

    Correlations Between Somatic Cells Count and Milk Composition with Regard to the Season

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    On four farms with 1100 cows of Black-and-White breed the correlations between somatic cell count (SCC) in milk and milk composition in different seasons of the year were studied. Three-year data from AP milk recording were analysed (years 2000 to 2002), which meant 29,298 samples of milk. Milk fat, proteins and lactose were determined using Milco-Scan while somatic cells were determined with Fossomatic 90. The three-year average content of fat was 4.16 % (CV=18.75 %), 3.41 % (CV=12.02 %) of proteins, and 4.58 % (CV=5.68 %) of lactose. SCC averaged to 499.2 x 103 / ml milk. The threeyear average showed a statistically significant (p≤ 0.0001) positive correlation between LSCC and fat content (0.130) and protein content (0.240), and a statistically highly significant negative correlation between LSCC and lactose content (-0.423) and daily milk production (-0.286). In special seasons of the year the correlations for fat (0.177), proteins (0.287) and amount of milk (- 0.327) were the highest in spring, while (-0.461) in autumn for lactose; all of them were statistically highly significant. The milk composition was in a statistically highly significant correlation with SCC in milk and year season

    Ternura de la carne de caballo

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    Među brojnim svojstvima koje povezujemo s kakvoćom konjskog mesa, jedno od najkompleksnijih je svakako njegova mekoća. Iako svojstvo mekoće ima važnu ulogu u sveukupnoj prihvaćenosti i kakvoći konjskog mesa percipiranoj od strane potrošača ono je još uvijek nedovoljno istraženo. Pri tome svakako treba uzeti u obzir da je mekoća mesa pod utjecajem odvijanja brojnih strukturnih i biokemijskih promjena koje se ugrubo mogu podijeliti na one vezane uz sadržaj i svojstva vezivnog tkiva, sadržaj intramuskularne masti, dužinu sarkomere i degradaciju miofibrilarnih proteina. Njihove interakcije su kompleksne i dodatno ovisne o hlađenju, električnoj stimulaciji, načinu vješanja polovica, mehaničkom omekšavanju mesa, zrenju, korištenju različitih marinada te uvjetima tijekom termičke obrade. Izuzev toga, svakako treba uzeti u obzir sustav uzgoja, pasminu, spol, dob i anatomsku lokaciju. Istraživanja bi svakako trebala uzeti u obzir prethodno navedeno te se intenzivnije usmjeriti prema novim spoznajama i popularizaciji kakvoće konjskog mesaTenderness is, without doubt, one of the most complex among the numerous traits associated with horsemeat quality. Even though tenderness is an important factor in the overall acceptance and quality of horsemeat perceived by consumers, it requires further investigation. It should be taken into account that meat tenderness is influenced by numerous structural and biochemical changes that can be classified as those related to the amount and quality of connective tissue, intramuscular lipid content (marbling), sarcomere length, and myofibrillar protein degradation. Their interactions are complex and additionally dependent on cooling, electrical stimulation, carcass hanging, mechanical tenderisation of meat, aging, use of different marinades, and conditions during the thermal treatment. The tenderness of meat is additionally influenced by livestock production system, breed, gender, age, and anatomic location. Further research should take into account all of the above mentioned factors and more intensely focus on new insights and the promotion of horsemeat quality.Von den vielen Eigenschaften, die mit der Qualität von Pferdefleisch in Verbindung gebracht werden, ist eines der komplexesten mit Sicherheit seine Zartheit. Obwohl die Zartheit eine bedeutende Rolle für die allgemeine Akzeptanz und die Qualität von Pferdefleisch unter den Verbrauchern hat, ist diese Eigenschaft immer noch nicht ausreichend untersucht. Hier sollte jedoch bedacht werden, dass die Zartheit von Fleisch durch zahlreiche strukturelle und biochemische Veränderungen beeinflusst wird, die in Verbindung mit dem Inhalt und den Eigenschaften des Bindegewebes, der Zusammensetzung des intramuskulären Fettes, der Sarkomerlänge und der Degradierung der myofibrillären Proteine in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Ihre Wechselwirkungen sind komplex und hängen zusätzlich von der Kühlung, der elektrischen Stimulation, der Hängemethode der Hälften, der mechanischen Verbesserung der Zartheit von Fleisch, der Reifung, der Verwendung diverser Marinaden und den Bedingungen während der thermischen Behandlung ab. Außerdem sollten das Zuchtsystem, die Rasse, das Geschlecht, Alter und die anatomische Position berücksichtigt werden. Die Untersuchungen sollten in jedem Fall die erwähnten Parameter berücksichtigen und sich stärker auf neue Erkenntnisse und die Popularisierung der Qualität von Pferdefleisch konzentrieren.Tra le numerose proprietà che associamo alla qualità della carne equina, una delle più complesse è senz’altro la sua morbidezza. Sebbene essa svolga un ruolo importante nella generale accettazione e nella qualità della carne equina percepita dai consumatori, questa proprietà non è ancora sufficientemente analizzata. A questo proposito occorre considerare che la morbidezza della carne è certamente condizionata dallo svolgersi di tutta una serie di processi strutturali e biochimici che possono essere grosso modo suddivisi tra quelli legati al contenuto e alle proprietà del tessuto connettivo, quelli legati al contenuto dei grassi intramuscolari, quelli legati alla lunghezza del sarcomero e quelli legati alla degradazione delle proteine miofibrillari. Le loro interazioni sono complesse e dipendono, inoltre, dal raffreddamento, dalla stimolazione elettrica, dal modo di appendere le mezzane, dall’ammorbidimento meccanico della carne, dalla maturazione, dall’uso di varie marinature e dalle condizioni esistenti durante il trattamento termico. A parte ciò, va certamente considerato anche il sistema d’allevamento, la razza, il sesso, l’età e la locazione anatomica. Le ricerche dovrebbero prendere in considerazione quando detto e rivolgersi con maggiore intensità verso le nuove conoscenze e verso la popolarizzazione della qualità della carne equina.Entre las numerosas características en relación con la calidad de la carne de caballo, una de las más complejas es su ternura. Aunque la ternura tiene un papel importante en la aceptación general y en la calidad de la carne de caballo percibida por parte del consumidor, todavía está insuficientemente investigada. Hay que tomar en cuenta que la ternura de la carne está bajo la influencia de numerosos cambios estructurales y bioquímicos, divididos en los relacionados con el contenido y las características del tejido conectivo, el contenido en grasa intramuscular, la longitud del sarcómero y la degradación de proteínas miofibrilares. Sus interacciones son complejas y además dependientes de la refrigeración, estimulación eléctrica, de la manera de colgar las canales, el ablandamiento mecánico, la maduración, el uso de diferentes adobos y de diferentes condiciones durante el procesamiento térmico. Además, hay que considerar el sistema de cría, la raza, el sexo, la edad y la posición anatómica. Las investigaciones deberían estudiar lo antedicho y dar un enfoque más intensivo a los nuevos conocimientos y a la popularización de la calidad de la carne de caballo

    Comparison of Milk Production Traits by Istrian Pramenka between Conventional and Organic Systems in Slovenia

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    The aim of the present study was to determine differences of amount and composition of milk between conventional and organic systems in Istrian pramenka breed of sheep. Sum of the data included 838 conventional and 9238 organic samples of ewes´ milk. Each farm is classified as organic from the date of entering in organic production. Before that date farms didn´t show characteristics of organic production, therefore they were classified as conventional. The results of the present study included higher amount of morning (353.10 g) and evening milk (361.39 g) in conventional compared to morning (342.76 g) and evening milk (345.69) in organic system, significantly influenced by number of lactation (P<0.001), breeding system and breeder interaction (P<0.001). Higher content of fat in conventional system was significantly influenced by breeding system (P<0.05), breeding system and breeder interaction (P<0.001), number of lactation (P<0.01) and lactation length (P<0.001). Lower protein content in conventional system was influenced significantly by breeding system and breeder interaction (P<0.001), litter size (P<0.05) and lactation length (P<0.001). Content of lactose was higher in organic system (3.93%) compared to conventional system (3.84%) significantly influenced by breeding system (P<0.01) and number of lactation (P<0.001). According to results, differences between conventional and organic systems are the mostly influenced by breeder in Slovenia

    Metode za ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u holstein prvotelki

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    The aim of this research was to define methods for early prediction (based on I. milk control record) of lactation flow in Holstein heifers as well as to choose optimal one in terms of prediction fit and application simplicity. Total of 304,569 daily yield records automatically recorded on a 1,136 first lactation Holstein cows, from March 2003 till August 2008., were included in analysis. According to the test date, calving date, the age at first calving, lactation stage when I. milk control occurred and to the average milk yield in first 25th, T1 (and 25th-45th, T2) lactation days, measuring monthcalving month-age-production-time-period subgroups were formed. The parameters of analysed nonlinear and linear methods were estimated for each defined subgroup. As models evaluation measures, adjusted coefficient of determination, and average and standard deviation of error were used. Considering obtained results, in terms of total variance explanation (R2 adj), the nonlinear Wood’s method showed superiority above the linear ones (Wilmink’s, Ali-Schaeffer’s and Guo-Swalve’s method) in both time-period subgroups (T1 - 97.5 % of explained variability; T2 - 98.1 % of explained variability). Regarding the evaluation measures based on prediction error amount (eavg±eSD), the lowest average error of daily milk yield prediction (less than 0.005 kg/day), as well as of lactation milk yield prediction (less than 50 kg/lactation (T1 time-period subgroup) and less than 30 kg/lactation (T2 time-period subgroup)); were determined when Wood’s nonlinear prediction method were applied. Obtained results indicate that estimated Wood’s regression parameters could be used in routine work for early prediction of Holstein heifer’s lactation flow.Ciljevi su provedenog istraživanja bili definirati metode za ranu procjenu (temeljem podatka utvrđenog pri I. kontroli mliječnosti) laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine te izabrati optimalnu s aspekta predikcijske točnosti te aplikacijske jednostavnosti. Analizom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 304.569 zapisa dnevne količine mlijeka izmjerenih na 1136prvotelki holstein pasmine u razdoblju od ožujka 2003. do kolovoza 2008. godine. U ovisnosti o datumu mjerenja, datumu teljenja, dobi pri prvom teljenju, stadiju laktacije pri I. provedenoj kontroli mliječnosti te prosječnoj dnevnoj proizvodnji u prvih 25, T1 (te 25-45, T2) dana laktacije, kreirane su podgrupe mjesec mjerenja - mjesec teljenja - dob - proizvodnost - vremenski period. Parametri analiziranih nelinearnih i linearnih metoda procijenjeni su za svaku definiranu podgrupu. Kao mjere evaluacije korišteni su korigirani koeficijent determinacije te prosjek i standardna devijacija pogreške. Utvrđeni rezultati, s aspekta udjela pojašnjene varijabilnosti (R2 adj), ukazuju na superiornost nelinearne Woodove metode u odnosu na linearne (Wilminkova, Ali-Schaefferova, te Guo-Swalvejeva metoda) u obje podgrupe vremenskog perioda (T1 - 97,5% pojašnjene varijabilnosti; T2 - 98,1% pojašnjene varijabilnosti). Obzirom na iznos predikcijske pogreške (eavg±eSD), najmanja pogreška procjene dnevne (manje od 0,005 kg/dan), te laktacijske količine mlijeka (manje od 50 kg/laktaciji (T1 vremenski - period podgrupa), te manje od 30 kg/laktaciji (T2 vremenski - period podgrupa)); utvrđena je pri aplikaciji Woodove nelinearne metode procjene. Rezultati utvrđeni provedenim istraživanjem ukazuju na mogućnost uporabe procijenjenih Woodovih regresijskih parametara za rutinsku ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine

    Metode za ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u holstein prvotelki

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    The aim of this research was to define methods for early prediction (based on I. milk control record) of lactation flow in Holstein heifers as well as to choose optimal one in terms of prediction fit and application simplicity. Total of 304,569 daily yield records automatically recorded on a 1,136 first lactation Holstein cows, from March 2003 till August 2008., were included in analysis. According to the test date, calving date, the age at first calving, lactation stage when I. milk control occurred and to the average milk yield in first 25th, T1 (and 25th-45th, T2) lactation days, measuring monthcalving month-age-production-time-period subgroups were formed. The parameters of analysed nonlinear and linear methods were estimated for each defined subgroup. As models evaluation measures, adjusted coefficient of determination, and average and standard deviation of error were used. Considering obtained results, in terms of total variance explanation (R2 adj), the nonlinear Wood’s method showed superiority above the linear ones (Wilmink’s, Ali-Schaeffer’s and Guo-Swalve’s method) in both time-period subgroups (T1 - 97.5 % of explained variability; T2 - 98.1 % of explained variability). Regarding the evaluation measures based on prediction error amount (eavg±eSD), the lowest average error of daily milk yield prediction (less than 0.005 kg/day), as well as of lactation milk yield prediction (less than 50 kg/lactation (T1 time-period subgroup) and less than 30 kg/lactation (T2 time-period subgroup)); were determined when Wood’s nonlinear prediction method were applied. Obtained results indicate that estimated Wood’s regression parameters could be used in routine work for early prediction of Holstein heifer’s lactation flow.Ciljevi su provedenog istraživanja bili definirati metode za ranu procjenu (temeljem podatka utvrđenog pri I. kontroli mliječnosti) laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine te izabrati optimalnu s aspekta predikcijske točnosti te aplikacijske jednostavnosti. Analizom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 304.569 zapisa dnevne količine mlijeka izmjerenih na 1136prvotelki holstein pasmine u razdoblju od ožujka 2003. do kolovoza 2008. godine. U ovisnosti o datumu mjerenja, datumu teljenja, dobi pri prvom teljenju, stadiju laktacije pri I. provedenoj kontroli mliječnosti te prosječnoj dnevnoj proizvodnji u prvih 25, T1 (te 25-45, T2) dana laktacije, kreirane su podgrupe mjesec mjerenja - mjesec teljenja - dob - proizvodnost - vremenski period. Parametri analiziranih nelinearnih i linearnih metoda procijenjeni su za svaku definiranu podgrupu. Kao mjere evaluacije korišteni su korigirani koeficijent determinacije te prosjek i standardna devijacija pogreške. Utvrđeni rezultati, s aspekta udjela pojašnjene varijabilnosti (R2 adj), ukazuju na superiornost nelinearne Woodove metode u odnosu na linearne (Wilminkova, Ali-Schaefferova, te Guo-Swalvejeva metoda) u obje podgrupe vremenskog perioda (T1 - 97,5% pojašnjene varijabilnosti; T2 - 98,1% pojašnjene varijabilnosti). Obzirom na iznos predikcijske pogreške (eavg±eSD), najmanja pogreška procjene dnevne (manje od 0,005 kg/dan), te laktacijske količine mlijeka (manje od 50 kg/laktaciji (T1 vremenski - period podgrupa), te manje od 30 kg/laktaciji (T2 vremenski - period podgrupa)); utvrđena je pri aplikaciji Woodove nelinearne metode procjene. Rezultati utvrđeni provedenim istraživanjem ukazuju na mogućnost uporabe procijenjenih Woodovih regresijskih parametara za rutinsku ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine