6,759 research outputs found

    World Nematic Crystal Model of Gravity Explaining the Absence of Torsion

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    Assuming that at small distances space-time is equivalent to an elastic medium which is isotropic in space and time directions, we demonstrate that the quantum nematic liquid arising from this crystal by spontaneous proliferation of dislocations corresponds with a medium which is merely carrying curvature rigidity. This medium is at large distances indistinguishable from Einstein's spacetime of general relativity. It does not support torsion and possesses string-like curvature sources which in spacetime form world surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys. Let. B: this is a polished version of gr-qc/030703

    Fokker-Planck and Langevin Equations from Forward--Backward Path Integral

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    Starting from a forward--backward path integral of a point particle in a bath of harmonic oscillators, we derive the Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations with and without inertia. Special emphasis is placed upon the correct operator order in the time evolution operator. The crucial step is the evaluation of a Jacobian with a retarded time derivative by analytic regularization.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/31

    Efficient Algorithm for Perturbative Calculation of Multiloop Feynman Integrals

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    We present an efficient algorithm for calculating multiloop Feynman integrals perturbatively.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/29

    Integrals over Products of Distributions and Coordinate Independence of Zero-Temperature Path Integrals

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    In perturbative calculations of quantum-statistical zero-temperature path integrals in curvilinear coordinates one encounters Feynman diagrams involving multiple temporal integrals over products of distributions, which are mathematically undefined. In addition, there are terms proportional to powers of Dirac delta-functions at the origin coming from the measure of path integration. We give simple rules for integrating products of distributions in such a way that the results ensure coordinate independence of the path integrals. The rules are derived by using equations of motion and partial integration, while keeping track of certain minimal features originating in the unique definition of all singular integrals in 1ϵ1 - \epsilon dimensions. Our rules yield the same results as the much more cumbersome calculations in 1- epsilon dimensions where the limit epsilon --> 0 is taken at the end. They also agree with the rules found in an independent treatment on a finite time interval.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/33

    Universality Principle for Orbital Angular Momentum and Spin in Gravity with Torsion

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    We argue that compatibility with elementary particle physics requires gravitational theories with torsion to be unable to distinguish between orbital angular momentum and spin. An important consequence of this principle is that spinless particles must move along autoparallel trajectories, not along geodesics.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re27

    Variational Perturbation Theory for Fokker-Planck Equation with Nonlinear Drift

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    We develop a recursive method for perturbative solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation with nonlinear drift. The series expansion of the time-dependent probability density in terms of powers of the coupling constant is obtained by solving a set of first-order linear ordinary differential equations. Resumming the series in the spirit of variational perturbation theory we are able to determine the probability density for all values of the coupling constant. Comparison with numerical results shows exponential convergence with increasing order.Comment: Author Information under http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_dir

    Two-Loop Effective Potential of O(N)-Symmetric Scalar QED in 4-epsilon Dimensions

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    The effective potential of scalar QED is computed analytically up to two loops in the Landau gauge. The result is given in 4-epsilon dimensions using minimal subtraction and epsilon-expansions. In three dimensions, our calculation is intended to help throw light on unsolved problems of the superconducting phase transition, where critical exponents and the position of the tricritical point have not yet found a satisfactory explanation within the renormalization group approach.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/32

    Generating Functionals for Harmonic Expectation Values of Paths with Fixed End Points. Feynman Diagrams for Nonpolynomial Interactions

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    We introduce a general class of generating functionals for the calculation of quantum-mechanical expectation values of arbitrary functionals of fluctuating paths with fixed end points in configuration or momentum space. The generating functionals are calculated explicitly for harmonic oscillators with time-dependent frequency, and used to derive a smearing formulas for correlation functions of polynomial and nonpolynomials functions of time-dependent positions and momenta. These formulas summarize the effect of thermal and quantum fluctuations, and serve to derive generalized Wick rules and Feynman diagrams for perturbation expansions of nonpolynomial interactions.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/28

    Solution of Coulomb Path Integral in Momentum Space

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    The path integral for a point particle in a Coulomb potential is solved in momentum space. The solution permits us to give for the first time a negative answer to an old question of quantum mechanics in curved spaces raised in 1957 by DeWitt, whether the Hamiltonian of a particle in a curved space contains an additional term proportional to the curvature scalar RR. We show that this would cause experimentally wrong level spacings in the hydrogen atom. Our solution also gives a first experimental confirmation of the correctness of the measure of integration in path integrals in curved space implied by a recently discovered nonholonomic mapping principle.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re/27

    Addendum to paper: Strong-Coupling Behavior of ϕ4\phi^4-Theories and Critical Exponents [Phys. Rev. D 57, 2264 (1998)]

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    The graphical extrapolation procedure to infinite order of variational perturbation theory in a recent calculation of critical exponents of three-dimensional ϕ4\phi^4-theories at infinite couplings is improved by another way of plotting the results.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re257a/preprint.htm