9 research outputs found

    Modulating “Jousting” C–F---H–C Interactions with a Bit of Hydrogen Bonding

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    We have synthesized a series of molecules wherein very close C–F---H-C σ-bond interactions, which we have termed “jousting”, can be perturbed through both <i>red-</i> and <i>blue</i>-shifted hydrogen bonding effects. These interactions were induced by the placement of various functional groups geminal to the H–C bond. “Jousting” interactions appear to be an admixture of F---H hydrogen bonding and C–H bond compression. The associated electronic effects from changes in the functional group at the X-position were also studied

    Additional file 6: Table S4. of What do register-based studies tell us about migrant mental health? A scoping review

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    Appraising each included study using the guidelines set out by Bohensky et al. Description of data: Study number corresponds to the number assigned as “Quality Assessment Number” in Additional file 5: Table S3. “1” indicates criterion is fulfilled; “0” indicates criterion is not fulfilled; blank space indicates criterion is not applicable. (XLSX 20 kb

    Additional file 4: of The mental health and wellbeing of first generation migrants: a systematic-narrative review of reviews

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    List of excluded studies. Contains the titles and authors of reviews which were excluded along with reasons for exclusion. (DOCX 20 kb

    Additional file 7: Figure S2. of What do register-based studies tell us about migrant mental health? A scoping review

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    Graphing the studies included in the review by their scores against Bohensky’s quality assessment criteria. Study number corresponds to the number assigned as “Quality Assessment Number” in Additional file 5: Table S3. (DOCX 46 kb

    Astilbe japonica A. Gray

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    原著和名: アハモリシャウマ科名: ユキノシタ科 = Saxifragaceae採集地: 三重県 尾鷲市 九鬼 (紀伊 尾鷲市 九鬼)採集日: 1963/6/2採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH000747国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-95074

    Supplemental Material for Distinctive role of income in the all-cause mortality among working age migrants and the settled population in Finland: A follow-up study from 2001 to 2014

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    <p>Supplemental material, spub-ri-2017-0136-File005 for Distinctive role of income in the all-cause mortality among working age migrants and the settled population in Finland: A follow-up study from 2001 to 2014 by Kishan Patel, Anne Kouvonen, Aki Koskinen, Lauri Kokkinen, Michael Donnelly, Dermot O’Reilly and Ari Vaananen in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health</p