15,556 research outputs found

    Reference frequency transmission over optical fiber

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    A 100-MHz reference frequency from a hydrogen maser frequency standard has been transmitted via optical fiber over a 14-km distance with a measured stability of 1.5 X 10 to the-15 power for 1000 seconds averaging time. This capability was demonstrated in a frequency distribution experiment performed in April, 1986. The reference frequency was transmitted over a single-mode fiber-optic link from Deep Space Station (DSS) 13 to DSS 12 and back. The background leading up to the experiment and the significance of stable reference frequency distribution in the Deep Space Network (DSN) is discussed. Also described are the experiment, including the fiber-optic link, the measurement method and equipment, and finally the results of the experiment

    Particle acceleration at ultrarelativistic shocks: an eigenfunction method

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    We extend the eigenfunction method of computing the power-law spectrum of particles accelerated at a relativistic shock fronts to apply to shocks of arbitrarily high Lorentz factor. In agreement with the findings of Monte-Carlo simulations, we find the index of the power-law distribution of accelerated particles which undergo isotropic diffusion in angle at an ultrarelativistic, unmagnetized shock is s=4.23 (where s=-d(ln f)/dp with f the Lorentz invariant phase-space density and p the momentum). This corresponds to a synchrotron index for uncooled electrons of a=0.62 (taking cooling into account a=1.12), where a=-d(ln F)/dn, F is the radiation flux and n the frequency. We also present an approximate analytic expression for the angular distribution of accelerated particles, which displays the effect of particle trapping by the shock: compared with the non-relativistic case the angular distribution is weighted more towards the plane of the shock and away from its normal. We investigate the sensitivity of our results to the transport properties of the particles and the presence of a magnetic field. Shocks in which the ratio of Poynting to kinetic energy flux upstream is not small are less compressive and lead to larger values of ss.Comment: Minor additions on publicatio

    External Compton emission from relativistic jets in Galactic black hole candidates and ultraluminous X-ray sources

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    Galactic binary systems that contain a black hole candidate emit hard X-rays in their low luminosity mode. We show that this emission can be understood as due to the Compton scattering of photons from the companion star and/or the accretion disk by relativistic electrons in a jet. The same electrons are also responsible for the radio emission. Two sources -- XTE J1118+480 and Cygnus X-1 -- are modelled as representatives of black holes with low and high luminosity companion stars respectively. We further show that the ultraluminous compact X-ray sources observed in nearby galaxies have the properties expected of stellar mass black holes with high luminosity companions in which the jet is oriented close to our line of sight.Comment: Submitted to A&A letters, Oct 16, 200

    Spectral and temporal signatures of ultrarelativistic protons in compact sources

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    We present calculations of the spectral and temporal radiative signatures expected from ultrarelativistic protons in compact sources. The coupling between the protons and the leptonic component is assumed to occur via Bethe-Heitler pair production. This process is treated by modeling the results of Monte-Carlo simulations and incorporating them in a time-dependent kinetic equation, that we subsequently solve numerically. Thus, the present work is, in many respects, an extension of the leptonic `one-zone' models to include hadrons. Several examples of astrophysical importance are presented, such as the signature resulting from the cooling of relativistic protons on an external black-body field and that of their cooling in the presence of radiation from injected electrons. We also investigate and refine the threshold conditions for the 'Pair Production/Synchrotron' feedback loop which operates when relativistic protons cool efficiently on the synchrotron radiation of the internally produced Bethe-Heitler pairs. We demonstrate that an additional component of injected electrons lowers the threshold for this instability.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A wind model for high energy pulses

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    A solution to the sigma problem - that of finding a mechanism capable of converting Poynting energy flux to particle-borne energy flux in a pulsar wind - was proposed several years ago by Coroniti and Michel who considered a particular prescription for magnetic reconnection in a striped wind. This prescription was later shown to be ineffective. In this paper, we discuss the basic microphysics of the reconnection process and conclude that a more rapid prescription is permissible. Assuming dissipation to set in at some distance outside the light-cylinder, we compute the resulting radiation signature and find that the synchrotron emission of heated particles appears periodic, in general showing both a pulse and an interpulse. The predicted spacing of these agrees well with observation in the case of the Crab and Vela pulsars. Using parameters appropriate for the Crab pulsar - magnetization parameter at the light cylinder sigma_L = 6 x 10^4, Lorentz factor Gamma=250 - reasonable agreement is found with the observed total pulsed luminosity. This suggest that the high-energy pulses from young pulsars originate not in the co-rotating magnetosphere within the light cylinder (as in all other models) but from the radially directed wind well outside it.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 270. WE-Heraeus Seminar on Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Supernova Remnants, Jan. 21-25, 2002, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, eds W. Becker, H. Lesch & J. Truemper. Proceedings are available as MPE-Report 27

    Pair plasma cushions in the hole-boring scenario

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    Pulses from a 10 PW laser are predicted to produce large numbers of gamma-rays and electron-positron pairs on hitting a solid target. However, a pair plasma, if it accumulates in front of the target, may partially shield it from the pulse. Using stationary, one-dimensional solutions of the two-fluid (electron-positron) and Maxwell equations, including a classical radiation reaction term, we examine this effect in the hole-boring scenario. We find the collective effects of a pair plasma "cushion" substantially reduce the reflectivity, converting the absorbed flux into high-energy gamma-rays. There is also a modest increase in the laser intensity needed to achieve threshold for a non-linear pair cascade.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Typos corrected, reference update