206 research outputs found

    Three-Component System of Language Planning: A Case Study Tuvan, Kalmyk and Karelian

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    The review of existing approaches to the study of the problem of language planning is carried out. The features of the implementation of its main aspects are studied. The definitions of the term “language planning” in domestic and foreign sociolinguistics are compared. The activity of actors is studied at the macrolevel and microlevel of language planning. Attention is paid to the goals of language planning, which include not only work on changes in the areas of language use, but also counteraction to the speech shift, which can ultimately lead to the death of the language. Language planning is viewed as a combination of three main areas: status planning, corpus planning and planned language acquisition. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of these components in relation to some of the title languages of the Russian Federation: Tuvan, Kalmyk and Karelian. It is argued that prestigious planning is the foundation for successful language fore-casting. The importance of considering both social and political components in language forecasting is emphasized. The relevance of the study is due to the need to create a base for the subsequent linguistic forecast, which is impossible without an analytical assessment of the existing linguistic situation

    International Legal Aspects of Control of Trafficking in New Psychoactive Substances

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    Aim. To analyze relevant provisions of the main national and international regulatory legal acts in the field of monitoring and control of new potentially dangerous substances.Tasks. To study the current legal regulation of legal and illicit trafficking of new psychoactive substances in the Russian Federation and the EAEU states. To examine new amendments in the legislation of the European Union regulating the substances traffic control and illicit traffic countering. To provide an overview of the procedures of new psychoactive substances scheduling under the International Drug Control Conventions. To formulate proposals for improving the national and international anti-drug legislation.Methods. The methods of logical and comparative legal analysis, as well as the legal prediction method have been used in this article.Results. The legislation of the EAEU countries in the field of the control of the legal and illicit trafficking of new psychoactive substances needs to be improved and harmonized. The substances scheduling procedures under the international drug control conventions in the EU and the UN are very difficult multi-stage and excessively long. The timing of adoption of new regulatory acts certainly does not correspond to the potential danger of uncontrolled trafficking of new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances for public health.Conclusion. The penalties under Art. 234.1 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code “Illicit trafficking of potentially dangerous psychoactive substances” should be toughened. The legal procedure for forming the state Register of new psychoactive substances must be changed. In the EAEU countries, it should be necessary to make agreement at the interstate level about a uniform approach to the introduction and content of criminal justice responses to the illicit trafficking of new psychoactive substances. In the EU countries and in the frame of the UN, the scheduling procedure under international drug control should be changed regarding new psychoactive substance. All such substances of this kind should be included in a Special Annex for which certain agreed control measures would be prescribed, with the possibility of subsequent expert evaluation of the potential danger of the substance to individual and public health. These established control measures in the fut ure might be toughened or reduced based on the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence critical review and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) position

    Legal Regulation of Electronic Voting Technologies in Kazakhstan

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    The article dwells on the experience of the elections in Kazakhstan the technology of electronic voting. The authors analyze the evolution of the implementation of the new technology voting and the reasons of temporary rejection of her

    Educational Planning in Context of Yakut, Kalmyk, and Karelian Languages

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    This article examines one component of language planning — educational planning. The main elements and indicators of this type of planning were identified. The authors discuss issues related to educational planning in three republics of the Russian Federation. The study was conducted based on the materials of the Kalmyk, Karelian, and Yakut languages. The aim of the research was to analyze educational planning as a set of existing opportunities for language learning. One of the objectives was to determine the scope and directions of activity in educational language planning. The second objective was to provide an overview of educational planning based on the materials of the Karelian, Kalmyk, and Yakut languages in synchrony and diachrony. The third objective was to analyze educational language planning according to our identified criteria and clarify the prestige of languages in the perception of speakers as a motivational factor for their study. To achieve this, the results of field research conducted in the three republics in 2021-2022 were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the ethnic self-awareness of respondents is at a high level, and the symbolic significance of national languages is significant. However, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the number of individuals interested in studying their native (national) language in school education

    Copyright and Digital Sovereignty

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    Digital transformation affects all social spheres bringing to life interactive technologies and virtual reality. Since the virtual (digital) space depends on the digital and creative solutions that form its technological base, insofar the legal regime of copying creative solutions affects both the freedom of creativity necessary for sustainable development and public control which is significant for maintaining the manageability of sovereign states and integrational unions.Aim. Improving the legal regime for the protection of interactive works to create a universal and harmonious information space where the rights of authors and the economic interests of software developers are protected, as well as digital sovereignty is guaranteed.Tasks. The concept development for legal protection of interactive works and the political and legal modeling of the digital (information) space presuppose the implementation of international agreements in the field of intellectual rights, as well as solution of several tasks to formalize the results of the creative activity that are perceived through digital technologies.Methods. Political and legal modeling of the digital space is carried out by introducing terminological certainty and creating a system of the interactive works protection. Such legal construction should provide effective public control while preserving creative freedom in digital space.Results. The protection of the copyright and moral rights of the authors of interactive works differs significantly from the legal protection of audiovisual artworks and literature. While the form of objective expression in computer programs may be similar to a literary artwork, their perception by the target audience is fundamentally different in that it models a virtual (digital) space, which the state administration seeks to control in recent years.Conclusion. The state administration’s tendency to digital sovereignty makes sense only if the target audience demonstrates high demand for interactive artworks published under the state jurisdiction. Since the information space is universal, the digital sovereignty of the state is inextricably linked with participation in integration unions that ensure the p roper quality of the results of creative work and create the digital space that is necessary under digital transformation for the interactive art development and the prosperity of creative corporations

    Interstitial cystitis or bladder pain syndrome: a modern view of a problem

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    The review of domestic and foreign literary sources for 2002-2014 made it possible to deepen into the problem of interstitial cystitis and put together different points of view and also to systematize the store of knowledge. Interstitial cystitis is a complex disease with marked clinical manifestation and defeat of urinary bladder with varying severity. For the purpose of diagnostics and treatment optimization of the disease in point in the review they presented the criteria whose existence will make it possible to make the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. The multifactorial etiology of the disease requires the multiplane causal and pathogenetic therapy but more often empirical and symptomatic In the article describe the algorithm of treatment of patients with the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis

    Information support of problems of electric power systems control

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    Розглянуто особливості створення систем інформаційного забезпечення в електроенергетиці. Проведено аналіз вимог ENTSO-E, що стосуються моніторингу режимних параметрів. Досліджено проблему моніторингу низькочастотних коливань режимних параметрів при об’єднанні енергосистем на паралельну роботу. Визначені часові та ієрархічні обмеження задач керування. Представлено систему збору та обробки інформації, що реєструється комплексами «Регіна-Ч» на об’єктах ОЕС України. Наведені приклади реалізації.Features of information support systems creation in power engineering are considered. The analysis of requirements ENTSO-E, concerning monitoring of operating parameters is carried out. It is investigated a problem of monitoring of low-frequency oscillation of operating parameters at association of power systems for parallel operation. Time and hierarchical limitations of control problems are defined. System of gathering and processing of the information registered on objects of Ukrainian IPS by complexes "Regina-F" are presented. Examples are resulted.Рассмотрены особенности создания систем информационного обеспечения в электроэнергетике. Проведен анализ требований ENTSO-E, касающихся мониторинга режимных параметров. Исследовано проблему мониторинга низкочастотных колебаний режимных параметров при объединении энергосистем на параллельную работу. Определены временные и иерархические ограничения задач управления. Представлено систему сбора и обработки информации регистрируемой комплексами «Регина-Ч» на объектах ОЭС Украины. Приведены примеры

    Озонотерапия аллергического дерматита у детей

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    In order to study the effectiveness of ozone therapy method there was conducted treatment of children with different forms of allergic dermatitis for 28 days. Ozone therapy as a treatment method can be used in clinical practice in combination with other physical factors and medicinal preparations. Frequency of conduction of repeated courses depends on the character of the disease and may be 1-3 cycles a year.С целью изучения эффективности метода озонотерапии проводилось лечение 28 детей с различными формами аллергического дерматита. Озонотерапия как лечебный метод может быть использован в клинической практике в сочетании с другими физическими факторами или лекарственными препаратами. Частота проведения повторных курсов зависит от характера заболевания и может составлять 1–3 цикла в год

    Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy

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    The paper is a script of a lecture given at the ISAPP-Baikal summer school in 2018. The lecture gives an overview of the Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy (TAIGA) facility including historical introduction, description of existing and future setups, and outreach and open data activities.Comment: Lectures given at the ISAPP-Baikal Summer School 2018: Exploring the Universe through multiple messengers, 12-21 July 2018, Bol'shie Koty, Russi