30 research outputs found

    Using Random Sequence Primers in the Polymerase Chain Reaction to identify Gender-Specific Genetic Markers in House Wrens

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    In order to fully understand the biology of asexually reproducing organism, it is essential that one is able to distinguish the males from the females. In determining the gender of monomorphic birds, standard techniques including visual identification, surgery, and karyotyping are impossible or impractical for large-scale studies. A reliable gender identification method that uses genetic markers identified within the DNA would be an asset to the researcher because it would require only a minimal blood sample which could be collected in the field without harming the bird and stored easily for long periods of time. Griffiths and Tiwari (1993) described such a technique based on the generation of RAPD markers (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). The use of RAPDs involves the amplification of genomic DNA in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers of arbitrary oligonucleotide sequence to generate-a range of DNA fragments that can be separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. This study employs this method to generate a reliable sex probe for the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), using RAPDs to isolate female-specific markers from random locations on the W sex chromosome. Results indicate that after extensive manipulation of the Griffiths and Tiwari protocol, consistent PCR amplification of house wren DNA was achieved. However, further research is necessary to find a primer that will yield W specific fragments in large samples of wrens. If successful, the sex probe will be used in future studies of house wren reproductive strategy. Specifically, gender identification information of house wren nestlings will be used to investigate the maternal condition hypothesis

    The Adirondack Archipelago

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    Comparative phylogeographic analysis suggests a shared history among eastern North American boreal forest birds

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    Accepted author manuscriptPhylogeographic structure within high-latitude North American birds is likely shaped by a history of isolation in refugia during Pleistocene glaciations. Previous studies of individual species have come to diverse conclusions regarding the number and location of likely refugia, but no studies have explicitly tested for biogeographic concordance in a comparative phylogeographic framework. Here we use a hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences from 653 individuals of 6 bird species that are currently co-distributed in the boreal forest of North America to test for biogeographic congruence. We find support for congruent phylogeographic patterns across species, with shallow divergence dating to the Holocene within each species. Combining genetic results with paleodistribution modeling, we propose that these species shared a single Pleistocene refugium south of the ice sheets in eastern North America. Additionally, we assess modern geographic genetic structure within species, focusing on Newfoundland and disjunct high-elevation populations at the southern periphery of ranges. We find evidence for a “periphery effect” in some species with significant genetic structure among peripheral populations and between peripheral and central populations. Our results suggest that reduced gene flow among peripheral populations, rather than discordant biogeographic histories, can explain the small differences in genetic structure and levels of genetic diversity among co-distributed boreal forest birdsYe

    New Species of Extinct Rails (Aves: Rallidae) from Archaeological Sites in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.

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    v. ill. 23 cm.QuarterlyWe examined 53 bones of rails (Rallidae), previously referred to Gallirallus n. spp., from archaeological sites on four islands in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. We describe three new, extinct, flightless species of Gallirallus: G. roletti (Tahuata), G. gracilitibia (Ua Huka), and G. epulare (Nuku Hiva). Two bones from Hiva Oa, although probably representing another extinct species of Gallirallus, are regarded as an inadequate basis for describing a species. At first human contact, the genus Gallirallus probably included many scores if not hundreds of flightless species on islands from the far western Pacific (Okinawa, Philippines, Halmahera) eastward across most of Oceania. As currently understood, the Marquesas Islands represent the eastern range limit of Gallirallus

    Rallidae Kirchman & Steadman, 2006, sensu

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    Family Rallidae <p> In Oceania, extant species of Rallidae include the crakes (<i>Porzana, Rallina</i>), swamphens (<i>Porphyrio</i>), moorhens (<i>Gallinula</i>), coots (<i>Fulica</i>), and the “typical” rails, all of which we regard as species of <i>Gallirallus sensu lato</i>. Our classification of <i>Gallirallus</i> closely follows those of Olson (1973) and Taylor (1998), although they both recognized the genus <i>Nesoclopeus</i> for <i>G</i>. <i>woodfordi</i> of the Solomon Islands and † <i>G. poecilopterus</i> of Fiji. Olson (1973) put <i>G. pectoralis</i> in <i>Dryolimnas</i> and Taylor (1998) put it in <i>Lewinia</i>. We do not follow Livezey (1998, 2003), who has advocated dividing the typical rails of Oceania among the genera <i>Gallirallus</i>, <i>Nesoclopeus, Tricholimnas</i>, <i>Cabalus,</i> and <i>Habropteryx</i> to highlight morphological distinctiveness associated with flightlessness. Thus, we include in <i>Gallirallus</i> the historically known species <i>australis, philippensis, calayanensis, owstoni, okinawae, † wakensis, torquatus, insignis, † sylvestris, † dieffenbachii, † modestus, woodfordi</i>, † <i>poecilopterus</i>, <i>striatus,</i> and <i>pectoralis,</i> and the fossil species <i>† ripleyi, † huiatua, † vekamatolu, † storrsolsoni, †roletti, † gracilitibia,</i> and <i>† epulare</i> (Table 2). Two of these species occur in Micronesia: the flightless Guam Rail (<i>G. owstoni</i>), formerly endemic to Guam but now extinct in the wild and survives only in captive breeding programs; and the Banded Rail (<i>G. philippensis</i>), a volant species widespread in Oceania but now occurring in Micronesia only in Palau.</p> <p>Species Flight Status Geographic Range</p> <p> <i>G. australis</i> F E New Zealand</p> <p> <i>G. dieffenbachii</i> F †H,P Chatham Islands</p> <p> <i>G. epulare</i> F †P Nuka Hiva, Marquesas</p> <p> <i>G. e r ns tm a y ri</i> F †P New Ireland, Bismarck Archipelago</p> <p> <i>G. gracilitibia</i> F †P Ua Huka, Marquesas</p> <p> <i>G. huiatua</i> F †P Niue</p> <p> <i>G. insignis</i> F E New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago</p> <p> <i>G. lafresnayanus</i> F †H New Caledonia</p> <p> <i>G. modestus</i> F †H,P Chatham Islands</p> <p> <i>G. okinawae</i> F E Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands</p> <p> <i>G. owstoni</i> F C Guam, Mariana Islands</p> <p> <i>G. pacificus</i> F? †H Tahiti, Society Islands</p> <p> <i>G. pendiculentus</i> F †P Tinian, Mariana Islands</p> <p> <i>G. philippensis</i> V E Cocos Is., Philippines, Sundas E. to Samoa, Australia, New</p> <p>Zealand</p> <p> <i>G. pisonii</i> F †P Aguiguan, Mariana Islands</p> <p> <i>G. poecilopterus</i> F †H Taveuni, Viti Levu, and Ovalau, Fiji</p> <p> <i>G. ripleyi</i> F †P Mangaia, Cook Islands</p> <p> <i>G. role t ti</i> F †P Tahuata, Marquesas</p> <p> <i>G. rovianae</i> F E New Georgia Group, Solomon Islands</p> <p> <i>G. storrsolsoni</i> F †P Huahine, Society Islands</p> <p> <i>G. sylvestris</i> F E Lord Howe Island</p> <p> <i>G. temptatus</i> F †P Rota, Mariana Islands</p> <p> <i>G. torquatus</i> V E Philippines, Sulawesi, NW New Guinea</p> <p> <i>G. vekamatolu</i> F †P ‘Eua, Tonga</p> <p> <i>G. wakensis</i> F †H Wake Island</p> <p> <i>G. w o od fo rd i</i> F E Bougainville, Santa Isabel, and Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands</p> <p> <i>G. undescribed</i> sp. F †P Ha’afeva, Tonga</p>Published as part of <i>Kirchman, Jeremy J. & Steadman, David W., 2006, Rails (Rallidae: Gallirallus) from prehistoric archaeological sites in Western Oceania, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1316</i> on pages 6-7, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/173941">10.5281/zenodo.173941</a&gt

    Gallirallus pisonii Kirchman & Steadman, 2006, new species

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    † Gallirallus pisonii new species Holotype. Complete coracoid UF 62934 (Figure 2 A) from the Pisonia Rockshelter archaeological site, Aguiguan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Paratypes. Rostrum anterior to nares UF 62918. Incomplete mandibles UF 62912–62914, 62926, 62946, 62947. Complete quadrates UF 62888, 62889, 62941. Complete and partial vertebrae UF 62880, 62890, 62919 (lot of 10), 62933, 62943, 62955. Incomplete sterni UF 62892 / 62893 (Figure 3 A, two pieces glued together), 62922. Humeral and sternal ends of coracoids UF 62881, 62884, 62910, 62911, 62931, 62939, 62940. Anterior scapulae UF 62878, 62915, 62916. Incomplete humeri UF 62887, 62902, 62903. Distal ulna UF 62925. Distal radius UF 62953. Incomplete carpometacarpi UF 62882, 62883, 62917 (Figure 2 A), 62923, 62924. Complete phalanx 1 of digitalis majoris UF 62938. Incomplete synsacrum UF 62948. Femoral shaft UF 62875. Proximal and distal tibiotarsi UF 62876, 62894–62901, 62927, 62937, 62944. Proximal fibulae UF 62932, 62942, 62954. Proximal and distal tarsometatarsi UF 62877, 62879, 62904–62909, 62928, 62929, 62949–62952. Pedal phalanges UF 62870–62873, 62874 (lot of nine), 62855, 62886 (lot of six), 62891 (lot of 48), 62920, 62921 (lot of 13), 62930 (lot of nine), 62935, 62936 (lot of 22), 62945 (lot of 24), 62956. Diagnosis. A small to medium­sized rail (smaller than Gallirallus philippensis; Table 3) with the following unique combination of characters (summarized in Table 4). Mandible: fenestra mandibulae caudalis large. Sternum: angle of crista lateralis, relative to dorsal margin in lateral aspect, ca. 50 °; carina sterni higher than in G. owstoni but lower than in G. philippensis. Coracoid: facies articularis sternalis narrow, shallow; impressio musculo sternocoracoracoidei less concave; corpus coracoidei, in dorsal aspect, wide relative to processus procoracoideus; facies articularis clavicularis protruding little from corpus coracoidei. Scapula: in proximal aspect, area between facies articularis humeralis and facies articularis clavicularis shallow. Humerus: caput humeri shallow in proximal aspect; incisura capitis shallow. Carpometacarpus: short and slender relative to leg elements. Etymology. Named after the type locality, Pisonia Rockshelter, which in turn was named after an immense tree of Pisonia grandis that grew nearby and provided badly needed shade while Connie Bodner, Scott Derrickson, John Groves, and David Lee worked with Steadman to excavate the site in 1994. The name pisonii is a genitive adjective. mean, range, and sample size. M = male, F = female, U = unknown sex, ­­­ = cannot be evaluated. G. philippensis is volant; all others are flightless. G. owstoni G. o w s t o n i † G. temptatus † G. pisonii M F U U Guam, Marianas Guam, Marianas Rota, Marianas Aguiguan, Marianas Coracoid 23.6 22.8 22.3 24.4 Total length 22.9–24.7 21.6–24.3 1 1 7 11 Sternal facet width 6.2 5.9 5.2 6.0 6.1–6.3 5.2–6.2 1 1 7 11 Minimum shaft width 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.7 2.5–2.8 2.3–3.0 1 1 7 11 Humerus 47.5 44.7 ­­­ ­­­ Total length 45.3–51.1 42.9–46.8 7 11 Distal width 6.5 6.1 ­­­ ­­­ 6.3–6.7 5.9–6.3 7 11 Minimum shaft width 2.8 2.7 ­­­ ­­­ 2.6–3.1 2.6–3.0 7 11 Ulna 39.1 36.6 ­­­ ­­­ Total length 36.8–41.5 34.8–38.7 7 11 Minimum shaft width 3.0 2.7 ­­­ ­­­ 2.8–3.2 2.6–3.0 7 11 Carpometacarpus 25.0 23.6 ­­­ ­­­ Total length 23.0–26.7 22.1–25.1 7 11 Femur 56.0 52.4 ­­­ ­­­ Total length 54.0–59.2 49.2–54.6 7 11 Distal width 9.5 8.7 ­­­ ­­­ 8.9–9.9 8.4–9.0 7 11 Minimum shaft width 3.8 3.6 ­­­ ­­­ 3.3–4.0 3.4–3.9 7 11 Tarsometatarsus 51.9 48.5 47.4 ­­­ Total length 48.7–54.9 46.2–50.6 1 7 11 Proximal width 7.6 7.1 6.6 5.6 7.0–8.2 6.7–7.3 6.4–6.8 5.6–5.7 7 11 2 2 Distal width 8.0 7.4 7.4 6.1 7.4–8.5 7.2–7.6 1 1 7 11 Minimum shaft width 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.0 3.5–4.0 3.2–3.8 3.3–3.5 3.0–3.1 7 11 2 2 † G. pendiculentus G. philippensis G. philippensis U M F Tinian, Marianas Oceania* Oceania* Coracoid 21.7 26.8 23.2 Total length 20.2–23.7 26.2–27.5 21.8–24.5 7 6 6 Sternal facet width 5.6 6.6 5.5 5.3–5.9 6.1–7.3 5.1–5.9 5 6 6 Minimum shaft width 2.4 3.0 2.8 2.2–2.7 2.7–3.2 2.5–3.0 9 6 6 Humerus 42.0 51.3 45.6 Total length 41.2–42.7 49.2–53.0 41.5–49.3 2 6 6 Distal width 6.2 7.1 6.1 5.7–7.1 6.9–7.5 5.9–6.3 17 6 6 Minimum shaft width 2.8 3.3 2.9 2.6–3.1 3.2–3.4 2.7–3.3 13 5 6 Ulna 36.0 43.9 39.2 Total length 34.6–38.0 41.4–44.8 35.2–43.6 3 6 6 Minimum shaft width 2.4 3.0 2.7 2.2–2.5 2.8–3.1 2.6–2.8 9 6 6 Carpometacarpus 23.3 29.0 26.3 Total length 1 27.0­30.3 24.4­29.4 4 6 Femur 50.8 53.8 47.3 Total length 47.5­53.2 51.3­54.9 45.0­49.7 5 6 6 Distal width 8.1 8.7 7.4 7.5–9.1 8.4–9.1 7.0–7.9 9 6 6 Minimum shaft width 3.4 4.0 3.3 3.1–3.5 3.7–4.2 3.1–3.5 7 6 6 Tarsometatarsus 41.6 48.0 42.5 Total length 38.4–46.5 45.3–49.0 40.8–45.2 7 6 6 Proximal width 6.2 7.0 6.1 5.6–7.3 6.7–7.2 5.8–6.6 17 6 6 Distal width 6.5 7.1 6.3 6.1–6.8 6.7–7.5 6.0–6.9 14 6 6 Minimum shaft width 3.1 3.5 3.0 2.7–3.7 3.1–3.6 2.8–3.3 17 6 6 Width of distal end relative to length and wide ­­­ ­­width of corpus humeri Depressio musculo brachialis deep, with distinct shallow, with shallow, with indistinct margin indistinct margin margin Carpometacarpus Remarks. We suspect that † G. pisonii probably was flightless, although skeletal measurements do not strongly support this statement. For example, the sternum UF 62892 / 62893 has a carinal depth of 10.8 mm and a sternal width at the sulcus articularis coracoidei of 10.7 mm, values that are intermediate between those in modern specimens of the volant G. philippensis and the flightless G. owstoni. The shaft of the holotypical coracoid is slender and the carpometacarpus is very small, indicating reduced flight capability. The leg bones of † G. pisonii cannot be reliably distinguished from those of G. philippensis.Published as part of Kirchman, Jeremy J. & Steadman, David W., 2006, Rails (Rallidae: Gallirallus) from prehistoric archaeological sites in Western Oceania, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1316 on pages 10-17, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17394

    Gallirallus Lafresnaye 1841

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    Genus Gallirallus Lafresnaye, 1841 We refer the fossils listed below to Gallirallus rather than to other genera of Oceanic rails on the basis of these characters (see also Kirchman and Steadman 2005, 2006a, 2006 b). Rostrum: long, narrow, and shallow with elongate nares. Mandible: cotyla lateralis narrow and concave; fossa for condylus medialis quadratum (the main articulating surface of os articulare) shallow and wide. Coracoid: acrocoracoid extends medially over the sulcus musculo supracoracoidei such that the foramen triosseum is less open cranially. Scapula: facies articularis clavicularis relatively small and oriented at a more obtuse angle from corpus scapulae. Humerus: crista pectoralis thicker proximally in proximal aspect; corpus humeri in dorsal aspect uniformly stout, rather than stouter proximally; tuberculum supracondylare ventrale low, making the condylus ventralis more contiguous with the epicondylus ventralis; fossa pneumotricipitalis deep and wide with prominent crus ventrale fossae. Ulna: thin in cranial aspect with rectangular (rather than rounded) margo cranialis. Pelvis: ala preacetabularis ilii broadly continuous with crista dorsalis of synsacrum. Femur: distal end of corpus femoris becomes gradually wider; condylus medialis subcircular in medial aspect; impressio ansae musculo iliofibularis abuts sulcus fibularis; rotular groove broad. Tibiotarsus: cranio­lateral and cranio­medial margins of corpus tibiotarsi rounded rather than sharp; impressio ligamentum collateralis medialis deep and wide; facies articularis femoris large; depressio epicondylaris lateralis deep; condylus medialis subcircular in medial aspect. Tarsometatarsus: corpus tarsometatarsi much wider than deep; medial sulcus hypotarsi not enclosed; fossa parahypotarsalis medialis shallow in proximal aspect; fossa metatarsi I short and shallow; crista plantaris mediana slopes gradually (not steeply) to hypotarsus; distal end of trochlea metatarsi tertii sloped toward medial trochlea; cotyla medialis is rectangular in proximal aspect with flat (not rounded) dorsal margin. Pedal phalanges are referred on the basis of size and proportions (generally stouter than in Porzana, Poliolimnas, or Porphyrio). Here we review the fossil material from Micronesia and Melanesia, island­by­island, in each case referring the specimens to a known species of Gallirallus or using them as a basis for describing a new species. Series of skeletons of the volant Gallirallus philippensis and flightless G. owstoni form the primary basis for our comparisons of the rail fossils from the Mariana Islands.Published as part of Kirchman, Jeremy J. & Steadman, David W., 2006, Rails (Rallidae: Gallirallus) from prehistoric archaeological sites in Western Oceania, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1316 on pages 7-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17394

    Gallirallus ernstmayri Kirchman & Steadman, 2006, new species

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    † Gallirallus ernstmayri, new species Holotype. Distal humerus UF 62983 (Figure 7 A), from Balof archaeological site, New Ireland. Paratypes. From Balof site we refer the following specimens: Coracoids UF 63716, 63717, scapulae UF 63714, 63715, pelves UF 63712, 63713, distal tibiotarsi UF 62978, 62979, 62981, 62982, 62984, 62987, partial tibiotarsi UF 62985, 62986, and distal tarsometatarsus UF 62980. From Matenbek we refer one femoral shaft UF 62976, and two partial tibiotarsi UF 62975, 62977 (Figure 8 A). From Panakiwuk Cave we refer one proximal humerus UF 62973. From Matenkupkum Cave we refer one tibiotarsal shaft UF 62974. Etymology. Named in fond memory of Ernst Mayr, in recognition of his unrivaled contributions to ornithology in the Western Pacific. Diagnosis. A large rail (Table 6) the size of and perhaps closely related to Gallirallus insignis from nearby New Britain, and G. woodfordi from the Solomons, that has the following unique combination of characters. Humerus: fossa musculo brachialis narrow and ovoid as in G. i n s i g n i s, but deeper and more clearly emarginated, as in fully flightless species; condylus ventralis separated from the condylus dorsalis by a deep furrow, making the condylus ventralis more prominent in anterior and distal aspects; corpus humeri extremitas distale more rounded in cross­section with a width:depth ratio higher than in all congeners (3.1:3.8 mm in † G. ernstmayri vs. 2.5:3.6 in G. i n s i g n i s, 2.6:3.5 in G. philippensis, and 2.7:4.2 in G. woodfordi); proximal humerus similar to that in G. woodfordi in overall size and in the shape of the crista deltopectoralis, which is deeply concave in posterior aspect in both species; depression at the proximal margin of the crista deltopectoralis visible in proximal aspect (not visible in G. woodfordi). Tibiotarsus differs from that in all congeners in these characters: foramen interosseum proximale very short; impressio ligamentum collateralis medialis deeper and with a prominent margin on facies caudalis; furrow between the corpus tibiotarsi and crista fibularis deeper and longer; pons supratendineus bulges more cranially and more visible in medial aspect. Tarsometatarsus: distal portion of corpus tarsometatarsi wider but not deeper than in G. insignis; groove proximal to foramen vasculare distale short; fossa metatarsi I also relatively shorter than in all other congeneric species. Remarks. The deep, distinct fossa musculo brachialis and small relative size of the humerus of † Gallirallus ernstmayri are suggestive of reduced flight capability relative to fully volant congeners. Unfortunately, the sternum is unknown, and both the wing and leg bones are too fragmentary to permit morphometric analyses of this species’ flight ability. Gallirallus insignis from New Britain is poorly known both in nature and osteologically, but is presumed to be flightless. The islands of New Ireland and New Britain were not connected during periods of lowered sea­level in the Pleistocene. There is no extant flightless rail endemic to New Ireland today.Published as part of Kirchman, Jeremy J. & Steadman, David W., 2006, Rails (Rallidae: Gallirallus) from prehistoric archaeological sites in Western Oceania, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1316 on pages 24-27, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17394