749 research outputs found

    Space Representation of Stochastic Processes with Delay

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    We show that a time series xtx_t evolving by a non-local update rule xt=f(xt−n,xt−k)x_t = f (x_{t-n},x_{t-k}) with two different delays k<nk<n can be mapped onto a local process in two dimensions with special time-delayed boundary conditions provided that nn and kk are coprime. For certain stochastic update rules exhibiting a non-equilibrium phase transition this mapping implies that the critical behavior does not depend on the short delay kk. In these cases, the autocorrelation function of the time series is related to the critical properties of directed percolation.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Numerical Diagonalisation Study of the Trimer Deposition-Evaporation Model in One Dimension

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    We study the model of deposition-evaporation of trimers on a line recently introduced by Barma, Grynberg and Stinchcombe. The stochastic matrix of the model can be written in the form of the Hamiltonian of a quantum spin-1/2 chain with three-spin couplings given by H= \sum\displaylimits_i [(1 - \sigma_i^-\sigma_{i+1}^-\sigma_{i+2}^-) \sigma_i^+\sigma_{i+1}^+\sigma_{i+2}^+ + h.c]. We study by exact numerical diagonalization of HH the variation of the gap in the eigenvalue spectrum with the system size for rings of size up to 30. For the sector corresponding to the initial condition in which all sites are empty, we find that the gap vanishes as L−zL^{-z} where the gap exponent zz is approximately 2.55±0.152.55\pm 0.15. This model is equivalent to an interfacial roughening model where the dynamical variables at each site are matrices. From our estimate for the gap exponent we conclude that the model belongs to a new universality class, distinct from that studied by Kardar, Parisi and Zhang.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures (included

    Active Width at a Slanted Active Boundary in Directed Percolation

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    The width W of the active region around an active moving wall in a directed percolation process diverges at the percolation threshold p_c as W \simeq A \epsilon^{-\nu_\parallel} \ln(\epsilon_0/\epsilon), with \epsilon=p_c-p, \epsilon_0 a constant, and \nu_\parallel=1.734 the critical exponent of the characteristic time needed to reach the stationary state \xi_\parallel \sim \epsilon^{-\nu_\parallel}. The logarithmic factor arises from screening of statistically independent needle shaped sub clusters in the active region. Numerical data confirm this scaling behaviour.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Directed Percolation with a Wall or Edge

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    We examine the effects of introducing a wall or edge into a directed percolation process. Scaling ansatzes are presented for the density and survival probability of a cluster in these geometries, and we make the connection to surface critical phenomena and field theory. The results of previous numerical work for a wall can thus be interpreted in terms of surface exponents satisfying scaling relations generalising those for ordinary directed percolation. New exponents for edge directed percolation are also introduced. They are calculated in mean-field theory and measured numerically in 2+1 dimensions.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to J. Phys.

    Estimation of the order parameter exponent of critical cellular automata using the enhanced coherent anomaly method.

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    The stochastic cellular automaton of Rule 18 defined by Wolfram [Rev. Mod. Phys. 55 601 (1983)] has been investigated by the enhanced coherent anomaly method. Reliable estimate was found for the ÎČ\beta critical exponent, based on moderate sized (n≀7n \le 7) clusters.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX file, figure available from [email protected]

    Compact parity conserving percolation in one-dimension

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    Compact directed percolation is known to appear at the endpoint of the directed percolation critical line of the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton in 1+1 dimension. Equivalently, such transition occurs at zero temperature in a magnetic field H, upon changing the sign of H, in the one-dimensional Glauber-Ising model with well known exponents characterising spin-cluster growth. We have investigated here numerically these exponents in the non-equilibrium generalization (NEKIM) of the Glauber model in the vicinity of the parity-conserving phase transition point of the kinks. Critical fluctuations on the level of kinks are found to affect drastically the characteristic exponents of spreading of spins while the hyperscaling relation holds in its form appropriate for compact clusters.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures embedded in the latex, final form before J.Phys.A publicatio

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Directed Percolation with Many Colors: Differentiation of Species in the Gribov Process

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    A general field theoretic model of directed percolation with many colors that is equivalent to a population model (Gribov process) with many species near their extinction thresholds is presented. It is shown that the multicritical behavior is always described by the well known exponents of Reggeon field theory. In addition this universal model shows an instability that leads in general to a total asymmetry between each pair of species of a cooperative society.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figures, uses multicol.sty, submitte

    Nature of phase transitions in a probabilistic cellular automaton with two absorbing states

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    We present a probabilistic cellular automaton with two absorbing states, which can be considered a natural extension of the Domany-Kinzel model. Despite its simplicity, it shows a very rich phase diagram, with two second-order and one first-order transition lines that meet at a tricritical point. We study the phase transitions and the critical behavior of the model using mean field approximations, direct numerical simulations and field theory. A closed form for the dynamics of the kinks between the two absorbing phases near the tricritical point is obtained, providing an exact correspondence between the presence of conserved quantities and the symmetry of absorbing states. The second-order critical curves and the kink critical dynamics are found to be in the directed percolation and parity conservation universality classes, respectively. The first order phase transition is put in evidence by examining the hysteresis cycle. We also study the "chaotic" phase, in which two replicas evolving with the same noise diverge, using mean field and numerical techniques. Finally, we show how the shape of the potential of the field-theoretic formulation of the problem can be obtained by direct numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pages with 7 figure

    Synchronization of chaotic networks with time-delayed couplings: An analytic study

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    Networks of nonlinear units with time-delayed couplings can synchronize to a common chaotic trajectory. Although the delay time may be very large, the units can synchronize completely without time shift. For networks of coupled Bernoulli maps, analytic results are derived for the stability of the chaotic synchronization manifold. For a single delay time, chaos synchronization is related to the spectral gap of the coupling matrix. For networks with multiple delay times, analytic results are obtained from the theory of polynomials. Finally, the analytic results are compared with networks of iterated tent maps and Lang-Kobayashi equations which imitate the behaviour of networks of semiconductor lasers

    Precise Critical Exponents for the Basic Contact Process

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    We calculated some of the critical exponents of the directed percolation universality class through exact numerical diagonalisations of the master operator of the one-dimensional basic contact process. Perusal of the power method together with finite-size scaling allowed us to achieve a high degree of accuracy in our estimates with relatively little computational effort. A simple reasoning leading to the appropriate choice of the microscopic time scale for time-dependent simulations of Markov chains within the so called quantum chain formulation is discussed. Our approach is applicable to any stochastic process with a finite number of absorbing states.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 9 pages, 1 figur
