196 research outputs found

    Global Gene Expression Profiling of Individual Human Oocytes and Embryos Demonstrates Heterogeneity in Early Development

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    Early development in humans is characterised by low and variable embryonic viability, reflected in low fecundity and high rates of miscarriage, relative to other mammals. Data from assisted reproduction programmes provides additional evidence that this is largely mediated at the level of embryonic competence and is highly heterogeneous among embryos. Understanding the basis of this heterogeneity has important implications in a number of areas including: the regulation of early human development, disorders of pregnancy, assisted reproduction programmes, the long term health of children which may be programmed in early development, and the molecular basis of pluripotency in human stem cell populations. We have therefore investigated global gene expression profiles using polyAPCR amplification and microarray technology applied to individual human oocytes and 4-cell and blastocyst stage embryos. In order to explore the basis of any variability in detail, each developmental stage is replicated in triplicate. Our data show that although transcript profiles are highly stage-specific, within each stage they are relatively variable. We describe expression of a number of gene families and pathways including apoptosis, cell cycle and amino acid metabolism, which are variably expressed and may be reflective of embryonic developmental competence. Overall, our data suggest that heterogeneity in human embryo developmental competence is reflected in global transcript profiles, and that the vast majority of existing human embryo gene expression data based on pooled oocytes and embryos need to be reinterpreted

    Global gene expression profiling of individual human oocytes and embryos demonstrates heterogeneity in early development

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    Early development in humans is characterised by low and variable embryonic viability, reflected in low fecundity and high rates of miscarriage, relative to other mammals. Data from assisted reproduction programmes provides additional evidence that this is largely mediated at the level of embryonic competence and is highly heterogeneous among embryos. Understanding the basis of this heterogeneity has important implications in a number of areas including: the regulation of early human development, disorders of pregnancy, assisted reproduction programmes, the long term health of children which may be programmed in early development, and the molecular basis of pluripotency in human stem cell populations. We have therefore investigated global gene expression profiles using polyAPCR amplification and microarray technology applied to individual human oocytes and 4-cell and blastocyst stage embryos. In order to explore the basis of any variability in detail, each developmental stage is replicated in triplicate. Our data show that although transcript profiles are highly stage-specific, within each stage they are relatively variable. We describe expression of a number of gene families and pathways including apoptosis, cell cycle and amino acid metabolism, which are variably expressed and may be reflective of embryonic developmental competence. Overall, our data suggest that heterogeneity in human embryo developmental competence is reflected in global transcript profiles, and that the vast majority of existing human embryo gene expression data based on pooled oocytes and embryos need to be reinterpreted

    Interactome comparison of human embryonic stem cell lines with the inner cell mass and trophectoderm

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    Networks of interacting co-regulated genes distinguish the inner cell mass (ICM) from the differentiated trophectoderm (TE) in the preimplantation blastocyst, in a species specific manner. In mouse the ground state pluripotency of the ICM appears to be maintained in murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from the ICM. This is not the case for human ESCs. In order to gain insight into this phenomenon, we have used quantitative network analysis to identify how similar human (h)ESCs are to the human ICM. Using the hESC lines MAN1, HUES3 and HUES7 we have shown that all have only a limited overlap with ICM specific gene expression, but that this overlap is enriched for network properties that correspond to key aspects of function including transcription factor activity and the hierarchy of network modules. These analyses provide an important framework which highlights the developmental origins of hESCs

    Characterisation of Osteopontin in an In Vitro Model of Embryo Implantation

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    At the onset of pregnancy, embryo implantation is initiated by interactions between the endometrial epithelium and the outer trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst. Osteopontin (OPN) is expressed in the endometrium and is implicated in attachment and signalling roles at the embryo–epithelium interface. We have characterised OPN in the human endometrial epithelial Ishikawa cell line using three different monoclonal antibodies, revealing at least nine distinct molecular weight forms and a novel secretory pathway localisation in the apical domain induced by cell organisation into a confluent epithelial layer. Mouse blastocysts co-cultured with Ishikawa cell layers served to model embryo apposition, attachment and initial invasion at implantation. Exogenous OPN attenuated initial, weak embryo attachment to Ishikawa cells but did not affect the attainment of stable attachment. Notably, exogenous OPN inhibited embryonic invasion of the underlying cell layer, and this corresponded with altered expression of transcription factors associated with differentiation from trophectoderm (Gata2) to invasive trophoblast giant cells (Hand1). These data demonstrate the complexity of endometrial OPN forms and suggest that OPN regulates embryonic invasion at implantation by signalling to the trophectoder

    Shifts in soil phosphorus fractions during seasonal transitions in a riparian floodplain wetland

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    Losses of phosphorus from soil to surface waters in agricultural areas have been linked to substantial declines in water quality. Riparian wetlands can potentially intercept phosphorus mobilized from upland soils before it reaches connecting waterways, but the capacity of wetlands to buffer against downstream losses of P is poorly understood, especially in northern temperate zones. In these regions, the spring freshet releases large volumes of water from snowmelt and soil pore water during the time when microbial productivity, which transfers available P into biomass, is low. In addition, losses of P in runoff may be exacerbated by freeze-thaw cycling (FTC) in soil during late winter and early spring through the physical degradation of organic matter. We investigated P dynamics from late fall through spring thaw and into summer to assess P transfers between inorganic, organic and microbial biomass pools, as functions of season and distance from a river. The site is located on the Grand River in southern Ontario, which discharges to Lake Erie, and consists of riparian wetland and wooded areas. Reactive P (Olsen P) and microbial biomass P (PMBIO) increased with distance from the river and varied more over time in the wetland soil compared to the adjacent wooded area, reflecting higher variability in vegetation, topography and hydrology. The positive correlation between microbial biomass P and microbes linked to ammonification supports the release of N and P through mineralization pathways as spring progresses, with microbial biomass decreasing in June as plant growth increases. There was evidence for leaching of Fe and Al, and lower concentrations of total P, in the transect proximate to the river. Seasonal flooding during spring thaw contributed to a pulse of dissolved reactive P, but temperature monitoring showed that the wetland soil did not experience freeze-thaw cycling. Investigation of FTC using wetland soil in mesocosms indicated that multiple FTC (>3) were necessary to increase the pool of reactive soil P, with the highest amount of soil reactive P observed after six FTC, when dissolved reactive P also tended to increase

    Osmotic stress induces JNK-dependent embryo invasion in a model of implantation

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    In vitro culture during assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) exposes pre-implantation embryos to environmental stressors, such as non-physiological nutritional, oxidative and osmotic conditions. The effects on subsequent implantation are not well understood but could contribute to poor ART efficiency and outcomes. We have used exposure to hyperosmolarity to investigate the effects of stress on the ability of embryos to interact with endometrial cells in an in vitro model. Culturing mouse blastocysts for 2 h in medium with osmolarity raised by 400 mosmol induced blastocoel collapse and re-expansion, but did not affect subsequent attachment to, or invasion of, the endometrial epithelial Ishikawa cell line. Inhibition of stress-responsive c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity with SP600125 did not affect the intercellular interactions between these embryos and the epithelial cells. Four successive cycles of hyperosmotic stress at E5.5 had no effect on attachment, but promoted embryonic breaching of the epithelial cell layer by trophoblast giant cells in a JNK-dependent manner. These findings suggest that acute stress at the blastocyst stage may promote trophoblast breaching of the endometrial epithelium at implantation and implicates stress signalling through JNK in the process of trophectoderm differentiation into the invasive trophoblast necessary for the establishment of pregnancy. The data may lead to increased understanding of factors governing ART success rates and safety

    Apposition to endometrial epithelial cells activates mouse blastocysts for implantation.

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    How do interactions between blastocyst-stage embryos and endometrial epithelial cells regulate the early stages of implantation in an in vitro model?Mouse blastocyst apposition with human endometrial epithelial cells initiates trophectoderm differentiation to trophoblast, which goes on to breach the endometrial epithelium.In vitro models using mouse blastocysts and human endometrial cell lines have proven invaluable in the molecular characterisation of embryo attachment to endometrial epithelium at the onset of implantation. Genes involved in embryonic breaching of the endometrial epithelium have not been investigated in such in vitro models.This study used an established in vitro model of implantation to examine cellular and molecular interactions during blastocyst attachment to endometrial epithelial cells.Mouse blastocysts developed from embryonic day (E) 1.5 in vitro were hatched and co-cultured with confluent human endometrial adenocarcinoma-derived Ishikawa cells in serum-free medium. A scale of attachment stability based on blastocyst oscillation upon agitation was devised. Blastocysts were monitored for 48 h to establish the kinetics of implantation, and optical sectioning using fluorescence microscopy revealed attachment and invasion interfaces. Quantitative PCR was used to determine blastocyst gene expression. Data from a total of 680 mouse blastocysts are reported, with 3-6 experimental replicates. T-test and ANOVA analyses established statistical significance at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001.Hatched E4.5 mouse blastocysts exhibited weak attachment to confluent Ishikawa cells over the first 24 h of co-culture, with intermediate and stable attachment occurring from 28 h (E5.5 + 4 h) in a hormone-independent manner. Attached embryos fixed after 48 h (E6.5) frequently exhibited outgrowths, characterised morphologically and with antibody markers as trophoblast giant cells (TGCs), which had breached the Ishikawa cell layer. Beginning co-culture at E5.5 also resulted in intermediate and stable attachment from E5.5 + 4 h; however, these embryos did not go on to breach the Ishikawa cell layer, even when co-culture was extended to E7.5 (P < 0.01). Blastocysts cultured from E4.5 in permeable transwell inserts above Ishikawa cells before transfer to direct co-culture at E5.5 went on to attach but failed to breach the Ishikawa cell layer by E6.5 (P < 0.01). Gene expression analysis at E5.5 demonstrated that direct co-culture with Ishikawa cells from E4.5 resulted in downregulation of trophectoderm transcription factors Cdx2 (P < 0.05) and Gata3 (P < 0.05) and upregulation of the TGC transcription factor Hand1 (P < 0.05). Co-culture with non-endometrial human fibroblasts did not alter the expression of these genes.None.The in vitro model used here combines human carcinoma-derived endometrial cells with mouse embryos, in which the cellular interactions observed may not fully recapitulate those in vivo. The data gleaned from such models can be regarded as hypothesis-generating, and research is now needed to develop more sophisticated models of human implantation combining multiple primary endometrial cell types with surrogate and real human embryos.This study implicates blastocyst apposition to endometrial epithelial cells as a critical step in trophoblast differentiation required for implantation. Understanding this maternal regulation of the embryonic developmental programme may lead to novel treatments for infertility.This work was supported by funds from the charities Wellbeing of Women (RG1442) and Diabetes UK (15/0005207), and studentship support for SCB from the Anatomical Society. No conflict of interest is declared
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