8 research outputs found

    Nano-FeS Inhibits UO<sub>2</sub> Reoxidation under Varied Oxic Conditions

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    Bioreductive <i>in situ</i> treatment of U-contaminated groundwater can convert soluble UĀ­(VI) species to immobile reduced UĀ­(IV) solid phases such as UO<sub>2</sub>(s) to contain U movement. Once active bioremediation is halted, UO<sub>2</sub> may be subsequently reoxidized if oxidants such as oxygen enter the reducing zone. However, iron sulfide minerals that form during bioreduction may serve as electron sources or oxygen scavengers and inhibit UO<sub>2</sub> reoxidation upon oxygen intrusion. In this study, flow-through reactor experiments examined the abiotic kinetics of UO<sub>2</sub> oxidative dissolution in the presence of oxygen and nanoparticulate FeS as a function of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and FeS content. The UO<sub>2</sub> dissolution rates in the presence of FeS were over 1 order of magnitude lower than those in the absence of FeS under otherwise comparable oxic conditions. FeS effectively scavenged DO and preferentially reacted with oxygen, contributing to a largely unreacted UO<sub>2</sub> solid phase during an ā€œinhibition periodā€ as determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The removal of DO by FeS was significant but incomplete during the inhibition period, resulting in surface-oxidation-limited dissolution and greater UO<sub>2</sub> dissolution rate with increasing influent DO concentration and decreasing FeS content. Although the rate was independent of solution pH in the range of 6.1ā€“8.1, the length of the inhibition period was shortened by substantial FeS dissolution at slightly acidic pH. The reducing capacity of FeS was greatest at basic pH where surface-mediated FeS oxidation dominated

    Surface Passivation Limited UO<sub>2</sub> Oxidative Dissolution in the Presence of FeS

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    Iron sulfide minerals produced during in situ bioremediation of U can serve as an oxygen scavenger to retard uraninite (UO<sub>2</sub>) oxidation upon oxygen intrusion. Under persistent oxygen supply, however, iron sulfides become oxidized and depleted, giving rise to elevated dissolved oxygen (DO) levels and remobilization of UĀ­(IV). The present study investigated the mechanism that regulates UO<sub>2</sub> oxidative dissolution rate in a flow-through system when oxygen breakthrough occurred as a function of mackinawite (FeS) and carbonate concentrations. The formation and evolution of surface layers on UO<sub>2</sub> were characterized using XAS and XPS. During FeS inhibition period, the continuous supply of carbonate and calcium in the influent effectively complexed and removed oxidized UĀ­(VI) to preserve an intermediate U<sub>4</sub>O<sub>9</sub> surface. When the FeS became depleted by oxidization, a transient, rapid dissolution of UO<sub>2</sub> was observed along with DO breakthrough in the reactor. This rate was greater than during the preceding FeS inhibition period and control experiments in the absence of FeS. With increasing DO, the rate slowed and the rate-limiting step shifted from surface oxidation to UĀ­(VI) detachment as UĀ­(VI) passivation layers developed. In contrast, increasing the carbonate concentrations facilitated detachment of surface-associated UĀ­(VI) complexes and impeded the formation of UĀ­(VI) passivation layer. This study demonstrates the critical role of UĀ­(VI) surface layer formation versus UĀ­(VI) detachment in controlling UO<sub>2</sub> oxidative dissolution rate during periods of variable oxygen presence under simulated groundwater conditions

    Influence of Iron Sulfides on Abiotic Oxidation of UO<sub>2</sub> by Nitrite and Dissolved Oxygen in Natural Sediments

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    Iron sulfide precipitates formed under sulfate reducing conditions may buffer UĀ­(IV) insoluble solid phases from reoxidation after oxidants re-enter the reducing zone. In this study, sediment column experiments were performed to quantify the effect of biogenic mackinawite on UĀ­(IV) stability in the presence of nitrite or dissolved oxygen (DO). Two columns, packed with sediment from an abandoned U contaminated mill tailings site near Rifle, CO, were biostimulated for 62 days with an electron donor (3 mM acetate) in the presence (BRS+) and absence (BRSāˆ’) of 7 mM sulfate. The bioreduced sediment was supplemented with synthetic uraninite (UO<sub>2</sub>(<i>s</i>)), sterilized by gamma-irradiation, and then subjected to a sequential oxidation by nitrite and DO. Biogenic iron sulfides produced in the BRS+ column, mostly as mackinawite, inhibited UĀ­(IV) reoxidation and mobilization by both nitrite and oxygen. Most of the influent nitrite (0.53 mM) exited the columns without oxidizing UO<sub>2</sub>, while a small amount of nitrite was consumed by iron sulfides precipitates. An additional 10-day supply of 0.25 mM DO influent resulted in the release of about 10% and 49% of total U in BRS+ and BRSā€“ columns, respectively. Influent DO was effectively consumed by biogenic iron sulfides in the BRS+ column, while DO and a large U spike were detected after only a brief period in the effluent in the BRSā€“ column

    Arsenic Waste Management: A Critical Review of Testing and Disposal of Arsenic-Bearing Solid Wastes Generated during Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water

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    Water treatment technologies for arsenic removal from groundwater have been extensively studied due to widespread arsenic contamination of drinking water sources. Central to the successful application of arsenic water treatment systems is the consideration of appropriate disposal methods for arsenic-bearing wastes generated during treatment. However, specific recommendations for arsenic waste disposal are often lacking or mentioned as an area for future research and the proper disposal and stabilization of arsenic-bearing waste remains a barrier to the successful implementation of arsenic removal technologies. This review summarizes current disposal options for arsenic-bearing wastes, including landfilling, stabilization, cow dung mixing, passive aeration, pond disposal, and soil disposal. The findings from studies that simulate these disposal conditions are included and compared to results from shorter, regulatory tests. In many instances, short-term leaching tests do not adequately address the range of conditions encountered in disposal environments. Future research directions are highlighted and include establishing regulatory test conditions that align with actual disposal conditions and evaluating nonlandfill disposal options for developing countries

    Uranium(VI) Reduction by Iron(II) Monosulfide Mackinawite

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    Reaction of aqueous uraniumĀ­(VI) with ironĀ­(II) monosulfide mackinawite in an O<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> free model system was studied by batch uptake measurements, equilibrium modeling, and <i>L</i><sub>III</sub> edge U X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Batch uptake measurements showed that UĀ­(VI) removal was almost complete over the wide pH range between 5 and 11 at the initial UĀ­(VI) concentration of 5 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“5</sup> M. Extraction by a carbonate/bicarbonate solution indicated that most of the UĀ­(VI) removed from solution was reduced to nonextractable UĀ­(IV). Equilibrium modeling using Visual MINTEQ suggested that U was in equilibrium with uraninite under the experimental conditions. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy showed that the UĀ­(IV) phase associated with mackinawite was uraninite. Oxidation experiments with dissolved O<sub>2</sub> were performed by injecting air into the sealed reaction bottles containing mackinawite samples reacted with UĀ­(VI). Dissolved U measurement and XAS confirmed that the uraninite formed from the UĀ­(VI) reduction by mackinawite did not oxidize or dissolve under the experimental conditions. This study shows that redox reactions between UĀ­(VI) and mackinawite may occur to a significant extent, implying an important role of the ferrous sulfide mineral in the redox cycling of U under sulfate reducing conditions. This study also shows that the presence of mackinawite protects uraninite from oxidation by dissolved O<sub>2</sub>. The findings of this study suggest that uraninite formation by abiotic reduction by the iron sulfide mineral under low temperature conditions is an important process in the redistribution and sequestration of U in the subsurface environments at U contaminated sites

    Optimization of Arsenic Removal Water Treatment System through Characterization of Terminal Electron Accepting Processes

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    Terminal electron accepting process (TEAP) zones developed when a simulated groundwater containing dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate, arsenate, and sulfate was treated in a fixed-bed bioreactor system consisting of two reactors (reactors A and B) in series. When the reactors were operated with an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of 20 min each, DO-, nitrate-, sulfate-, and arsenate-reducing TEAP zones were located within reactor A. As a consequence, sulfate reduction and subsequent arsenic removal through arsenic sulfide precipitation and/or arsenic adsorption on or coprecipitation with iron sulfides occurred in reactor A. This resulted in the removal of arsenic-laden solids during backwashing of reactor A. To minimize this by shifting the sulfate-reducing zone to reactor B, the EBCT of reactor A was sequentially lowered from 20 min to 15, 10, and 7 min. While 50 mg/L (0.81 mM) nitrate was completely removed at all EBCTs, more than 90% of 300 Ī¼g/L (4 Ī¼M) arsenic was removed with the total EBCT as low as 27 min. Sulfate- and arsenate-reducing bacteria were identified throughout the system through clone libraries and quantitative PCR targeting the 16S rRNA, dissimilatory (bi)Ā­sulfite reductase (<i>dsrAB</i>), and dissimilatory arsenate reductase (<i>arrA</i>) genes. Results of reverse transcriptase (RT) qPCR of partial <i>dsrAB</i> (i.e., <i>dsrA</i>) and <i>arrA</i> transcripts corresponded with system performance. The RT qPCR results indicated colocation of sulfate- and arsenate-reducing activities, in the presence of ironĀ­(II), suggesting their importance in arsenic removal

    Growth of <i>Desulfovibrio vulgaris</i> When Respiring U(VI) and Characterization of Biogenic Uraninite

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    The capacity of <i>Desulfovibrio vulgaris</i> to reduce UĀ­(VI) was studied previously with nongrowth conditions involving a high biomass concentration; thus, bacterial growth through respiration of UĀ­(VI) was not proven. In this study, we conducted a series of batch tests on UĀ­(VI) reduction by <i>D. vulgaris</i> at a low initial biomass (10 to 20 mg/L of protein) that could reveal biomass growth. <i>D. vulgaris</i> grew with UĀ­(VI) respiration alone, as well as with simultaneous sulfate reduction. Patterns of growth kinetics and solids production were affected by sulfate and Fe<sup>2+</sup>. Biogenic sulfide nonenzymatically reduced 76% of the UĀ­(VI) and greatly enhanced the overall reduction rate in the absence of Fe<sup>2+</sup> but was rapidly scavenged by Fe<sup>2+</sup> to form FeS in the presence of Fe<sup>2+</sup>. Biogenic U solids were uraninite (UO<sub>2</sub>) nanocrystallites associated with 20 mg/g biomass as protein. The crystallite thickness of UO<sub>2</sub> was 4 to 5 nm without Fe<sup>2+</sup> but was <1.4 nm in the presence of Fe<sup>2+</sup>, indicating poor crystallization inhibited by adsorbed Fe<sup>2+</sup> and other amorphous Fe solids, such as FeS or FeCO<sub>3</sub>. This work fills critical gaps in understanding the metabolic utilization of U by microorganisms and formation of UO<sub>2</sub> solids in bioremediation sites