391 research outputs found

    Impacts of Parental Resources on Child Educational Outcomes: Assets and Mediating Pathways

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    Scholars have begun to pay more attention to the role of parental wealth in children\u27s educational attainment. There is still no consensus on how different types of assets contribute to children\u27s educational outcomes. Also, asset effects on high school dropout are not examined to date, and mediating pathways of social-psychological characteristics are more investigated with educational achievement: e.g. measured by test scores, GPA) rather than educational attainment. In response to these academic gaps, this study investigates: 1) the effects of parental assets in child\u27s educational attainment from high school dropout to college degree attainment and: 2) the mediating roles played by parental involvement in child\u27s education, child\u27s educational expectations, and child\u27s self-esteem in the impacts of parental economic resources on child\u27s educational attainments. The study sample: N=632) is drawn from the Child and Young Adult data supplement to the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979. Dependent variables are four educational attainments examined for 8 years since 9th/10th grade: ever dropped out of high school, high school completion, college attendance, and college degree attainment. To measure distinct impacts of different types of assets, independent variables include parental assets: net worth, gross financial assets, gross non-financial assets, and homeownership) and liabilities: secured and unsecured debts), along with income. Other parental and child\u27s characteristics are controlled, such as child\u27s cognitive ability, gender, race, school quality, mother\u27s education and marital status, and urban residence. Logistic regression analyses are employed with weighted data, and the mediating effects are tested using Baron and Kenny: 1986)\u27s approach. Study findings support significant effects of parental assets in child\u27s education. Income is significantly associated with high school completion, college attendance, and college degree attainment, but not with high school dropout. It is notable that the significance of income generally disappears when specific measures of assets and liabilities are taken into account. Financial assets, non-financial assets, and homeownership are generally significant predictors across all educational attainments examined, while net worth is significantly associated only with high school dropout. Another major finding is on mediating effects. Child\u27s educational expectations partially mediate the effects of net worth and financial assets on the risk of high school dropout correspondingly. In addition, the effect of financial assets on high school completion is partially mediated by child\u27s educational expectations. Empirical evidence supports the claim that innovative asset-building programs and policies, such as 529 college savings plans and Child Development Accounts, are essentially relevant and important to secure household assets specific to children\u27s education and afford children more opportunities to achieve higher levels of education

    Impacts of Parental Resources on Child Educational Outcomes: Assets and Mediating Pathways

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    Session 2: Family Resources. Presenter: Youngmi Kim, Ph.D., Washington University (2010) - "Impacts of Parental Resources on Child Educational Outcomes: Assests and Mediating Pathways".The Ohio State University College of Social Wor

    Evolution of political parties and the party system in South Korea

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    Digital populism in South Korea?

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    La interacción de la resiliencia docente y el desarrollo profesional: Casos de profesores principiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en Corea del Sur

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    This qualitative study explores teacher resilience among two Korean EFL teachers during teacher professional development. Although the positive psychology movement has drawn attention to teacher resilience in education, its importance remains undervalued in English language teaching. This research investigates the challenges that one male and one female beginning teachers in their twenties face in maintaining resilience, including those that arise from intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental factors. Intrapersonal factors hinder teachers’ ability to bounce back from adversity, while inadequate teaching skills and the burden of emotional labour negatively impact in-service teachers’ resilience. Interpersonal challenges involve interactions with students, parents, and colleagues, and environmental factors relate to the rigid national curriculum and assessment plans. However, this study found that positive self-reflection and support from students, colleagues, and the teaching community can help teachers withstand adversity. This study suggests that to promote resilience, pre- and in-service programmes should offer effective classroom management skills and coping strategies to manage emotional labour and support teachers’ professional growth.Este estudio cualitativo explora la resiliencia docente entre dos docentes coreanos de EFL durante el desarrollo profesional docente. Aunque el movimiento de la psicología positiva ha llamado la atención sobre la resiliencia de los docentes en la educación, su importancia sigue infravalorada en la enseñanza del idioma inglés. Esta investigación investiga los desafíos que enfrentan un docente principiante y una docente de veintitantos años para mantener la resiliencia, incluidos los que surgen de factores intrapersonales, interpersonales y ambientales. Los factores intrapersonales obstaculizan la capacidad de los docentes para recuperarse de la adversidad, mientras que las habilidades docentes inadecuadas y la carga del trabajo emocional impactan negativamente en la resiliencia de los docentes en servicio. Los desafíos interpersonales involucran interacciones con estudiantes, padres y colegas, y los factores ambientales se relacionan con el rígido currículo nacional y los planes de evaluación. Sin embargo, este estudio encontró que la auto-reflexión positiva y el apoyo de otros pueden ayudar a los maestros a sobrellevar la adversidad. Este estudio sugiere que para promover la resiliencia, los programas previos y en servicio deberían ofrecer habilidades efectivas de gestión del aula y estrategias de afrontamiento para gestionar el trabajo emocional y apoyar el crecimiento profesional de los docentes

    The SEED for Oklahoma Kids Experiment: Comparison of Treatment and Control Groups

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    The SEED for Oklahoma Kids Experiment: Comparison of Treatment and Control Group

    Do Parental Assets Matter for Children\u27s Educational Attainment?: Evidence From Mediation Tests

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    This study investigates (1) the effects of parental assets on children’s educational attainment from high school completion to college degree attainment, and (2) mediating roles played by parental involvement, child’s educational expectations, and child’s self-esteem. The study sample (N=632) is drawn from the Child and Young Adult data supplement to the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979. Results indicate that parental assets are associated with children’s later educational attainment. Financial assets and home-ownership are significantly associated with high school completion and college attendance. In addition, family income becomes non-significant when specific measures of assets and liabilities are taken into account. Non-financial assets and income are significant predictors of college degree attainment. Children’s educational expectations mediate the effect of financial assets on high school completion. Empirical evidence provides support for asset-building programs and policies designed to promote long-term educational attainment

    Seoul Hope Plus Savings Accounts: Asset-Building Program for Low-Income Households in Seoul (Second-Year Collaborative Research Report)

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    Seoul Hope Plus Savings Accounts: Asset-Building Program for Low-Income Households in Seoul (Second-Year Collaborative Research Report