58 research outputs found

    The Design of Pension Pay Out Options when the Health Status during Retirement is Uncertain

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    This paper examines the optimal design of pension plans when the health status during retirement is uncertain. Assuming that the health status affects both life expectancy and the marginal utility of consumption, choice between a lump-sum payment and an annuity can be welfare-enhancing if the health status is not observable by pension plans. This result holds if the marginal utility of consumption and life expectancy are negatively correlated. On equity grounds, a lump-sum option can be justified even if the marginal utility of consumption is independent of life expectancy.pensions, lump-sum withdrawal, annuities, longevity

    Incentives to Retire Later: A Solution to the Social Security Crisis?

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    Als ein möglicher Ausweg aus der drohenden Finanzkrise umlagefinanzierter Rentensysteme wird gegenwĂ€rtig eine Anhebung des Rentenzugangsalters von vielen favorisiert. Um allerdings Arbeitnehmern einen Anreiz zur VerlĂ€ngerung der Lebensarbeitszeit zu geben, muss nach Auffassung der meisten Experten die Beziehung zwischen BeitrĂ€gen und RentenansprĂŒchen gestĂ€rkt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden die langfristigen finanziellen Konsequenzen einer solchen Reform analysiert. Wir zeigen, dass bei versicherungsmathematischen ZuschlĂ€gen fĂŒr Mehrarbeit der Beitragssatz langfristig eine steigende Funktion des tatsĂ€chlich gewĂ€hlten Rentenalters ist. DarĂŒber hinaus steigt auch die implizite Steuer, die ein reprĂ€sentativer Versicherter an die Rentenkasse zahlt, sofern das Rentenalter in Folge einer ,,steilen" Zuschlagsfunktion zunimmt. In diesem Sinne kšonnte die vorgeschlagene ,,Behandlung" die diagnostizierte ,,Krankheit" verschlimmern. Abschließend zeigen wir, wie der negative Effekt durch Aufbau eines Kapitalstocks vermieden werden kann. As one possible solution to the well-known financing crisis of unfunded social security systems, an increase in the retirement age is a popular option. To induce workers to retire later, it has been proposed to strengthen the link between retirement age and benefit level. The present paper is devoted to analyzing the long-run financial implications of such a reform. We show that with actuarial adjustments the long-run contribution rate is an increasing function of the retirement age chosen by workers. Moreover, the implicit tax paid to the pension system by a participant can increase in the long run if the retirement age rises in response to a "steep" adjustment rule. In this sense, the proposed "cure" may worsen the disease. Finally, we propose an alternative adjustment scheme which avoids these negative consequences. Finally, we show how the negative effects can be avoided by forming a capital stock from the additional revenues due to later retirement.Pay-as-you-go, retirement age, actuarial adjustment

    Langfristige Folgen einer Einbeziehung der SelbstÀndigen in die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung

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    This paper examines the consequences of including the self-employed in the German pay-as-you-go pension system. The effects on the implicit tax rate of the different generations and groups are analysed. It is demonstrated that the inclusion of the self-employed can be used to reach two objectives. First, horizontal equity between individuals of one generation can be established. Second, the implicit tax rate of the individuals previously insured in the pension system can be permanently lowered if the pension formula is appropriately modified. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Folgen einer Einbeziehung der SelbstĂ€ndigen in die gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stehen die impliziten SteuersĂ€tze fĂŒr die einzelnen Generationen und Versichertengruppen. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine Einbeziehung der SelbstĂ€ndigen nicht nur dazu geeignet ist, horizontale Gerechtigkeit zwischen den Individuen einer Generation herzustellen und die Rentenversicherung kurz- und mittelfristig zu entlasten. Zudem kann die implizite Steuerlast der bisher Versicherungspflichtigen auch langfristig gemindert werden, wenn die Rentenformel geeignet modifiziert wird.

    Premium Subsidies and Social Insurance: Substitutes or Complements?

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    Premium subsidies have been advocated as an alternative to social health insurance. These subsidies are paid if expenditure on health insurance exceeds a given share of income. In this paper, we examine whether this approach is superior to social insurance from a welfare perspective. We show that the results crucially depend on the correlation of health and productivity. For a positive correlation, we find that combining premium subsidies with social insurance is the optimal policy.social insurance, health insurance, redistributive taxation, equity

    Optionen der Weiterentwicklung des Risikostrukturausgleichs in der GKV

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    The system of risk equalization payments among German Statutory Sickness Funds is currently under intensive political debate. While some participants claim that the enormous size of the equalization payments are detrimental to effective competition among funds, others argue that there are still funds which engage heavily in risk selection and are thereby able to keep their contribution rates low. In this paper the major options for a modification of the current system are analyzed both theoretically and empirically with respect to their capacity to diminish the spread of contribution rates, while preserving incentives for an efficient delivery of health care services. In particular, we examine the inclusion of additional risk adjusters in the equalization formula and the formation of a high-risk pool. The data suggest that it is indeed possible to improve the formula without diminishing the incentives for efficiency if the risk adjusters "income" and "marital status" are included.

    Reform des Riskostrukturausgleichs in der GKV

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    Das Bundesministerium fĂŒr Gesundheit hat Ende MĂ€rz Eckpunkte zur Reform des Risikostrukturausgleichs in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung vorgelegt. Welchen Anforderungen sollte eine solche Reform genĂŒgen? --

    The Political Sustainability of a Basic Income Scheme and Social Health Insurance

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    This paper studies how society votes on the payroll taxes of a basic income and a social health insurance scheme. Individuals differ along the two most important dimensions when it comes to the design of the two welfare schemes, namely, income and risk. Even though the introduction of a basic income scheme opens up the possibility for additional redistribution, it also crowds out social health insurance. We show that when both welfare schemes are open for debate, the political equilibrium is such that only the basic income scheme prevails. At the constitutional stage we determine which welfare scheme society agrees to implement behind the veil of ignorance and with a Rawlsian objective. Since social health insurance not only redistributes income from rich to poor but also from low-risk to high-risk agents, the doubly disadvantaged in society – low-income and high-risk agents – may lose out in the political process when a basic income scheme is in place. Depending on the amount of health care expenditure and the inequalities in income and risk, it may well be that a society will find it optimal to set up an institutional framework for a social health insurance scheme only

    The Political Sustainability of a Basic Income Scheme and Social Health Insurance

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    This paper studies how society votes on the payroll taxes of a basic income and a social health insurance scheme. Individuals differ along the two most important dimensions when it comes to the design of the two welfare schemes, namely, income and risk. Even though the introduction of a basic income scheme opens up the possibility for additional redistribution, it also crowds out social health insurance. We show that when both welfare schemes are open for debate, the political equilibrium is such that only the basic income scheme prevails. At the constitutional stage we determine which welfare scheme society agrees to implement behind the veil of ignorance and with a Rawlsian objective. Since social health insurance not only redistributes income from rich to poor but also from low-risk to high-risk agents, the doubly disadvantaged in society – low-income and high-risk agents – may lose out in the political process when a basic income scheme is in place. Depending on the amount of health care expenditure and the inequalities in income and risk, it may well be that a society will find it optimal to set up an institutional framework for a social health insurance scheme only
