325 research outputs found

    Clockwork Cosmology

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    The higher order generalisation of the clockwork mechanism to gravitational interactions provides a means to generate an exponentially suppressed coupling to matter from a fundamental theory of multiple interacting gravitons, without introducing large hierarchies in the underlying potential and without the need for a dilaton, suggesting a possible application to the hierarchy problem. We work in the framework of ghost free multi-gravity with "nearest-neighbour" interactions, and present a formalism by which one is able to construct potentials such that the theory will always exhibit this clockwork effect. We also consider cosmological solutions to the general theory, where all metrics are of FRW form, with site-dependent scale factors/lapses. We demonstrate the existence of multiple deSitter vacua where all metrics share the same Hubble parameter, and we solve the modified Einstein equations numerically for an example clockwork model constructed using our formalism, finding that the evolution of the metric that matter couples to is essentially equivalent to that of general relativity at the modified Planck scale. It is important to stress that while we focus on the application to clockwork theories, our work is entirely general and facilitates finding cosmological solutions to any ghost free multi-gravity theory with "nearest-neighbour" interactions. Moreover, we clarify previous work on the continuum limit of the theory, which is generically a scalar-tensor braneworld, using the Randall-Sundrum model as a special case and showing how the discrete-clockwork cosmological results map to the continuum results in the appropriate limit.Comment: 48 pages, 4 figure

    Bio-inspired Distributed Strain and Airflow Sensing for Small Unmanned Air Vehicle Flight Control

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    Flying animals such as birds, bats and insects all have extensive arrays of sensory or- gans distributed in their wings which provide them with detailed information about the airflow over their wings and the forces generated by this airflow. Using two small modified unmanned air vehicle platforms (UAVs), one with a distributed array of 12 strain gauge sensors and one with a chord-wise array of 4 pressure sensors, we have examined the dis- tribution of the strain and air pressure signals over the UAV wings in relation to flight conditions, including wind tunnel testing, indoor free flight and outdoor free flight. We have also characterised the signals provided by controlled gusts and natural turbulence. These sensors were then successfully used to control roll motions in the case of the strain sensor platform and pitch motions in the case of the pressure sensor platform. These results suggest that distributed mechanosensing and airflow sensing both offer advantages beyond traditional flight control based on rigid body state estimation using inertial sensing. These advantages include stall detection, gust alleviation and model-free measurement of aerodynamic forces. These advantages are likely to be important in the development of future aircraft with increasing numbers of degrees of freedom both through flexibility and active morphing.</p

    Black holes in multimetric gravity

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    We construct a wide class of black hole solutions to the general theory of ghost-free multimetric gravity in arbitrary spacetime dimension, extending and generalizing the known results in four-dimensional dRGT massive gravity and bigravity. The solutions are split into three generic classes based on whether the metrics can be simultaneously diagonalized—one of which does not exist in dRGT massive gravity nor bigravity, and is only possible when one has more than two interacting metric fields. We also linearize the general multimetric theory to determine the dynamics of the massive spin-2 modes, including examples where this can be done analytically, and use the linear theory to discuss the stability of the four-dimensional multi-Schwarzschild and multi-Kerr solutions. We explain how the instabilities that plague these solutions in dRGT massive gravity and bigravity carry across to the general multimetric theory, touching upon ideas of dimensional deconstruction to make sense of the results

    Josephson photonics with simultaneous resonances

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    Inelastic Cooper pair tunneling across a voltage-biased Josephson junction in series with one or more microwave cavities can generate photons via resonant processes in which the energy lost by the Cooper pair matches that of the photon(s) produced. We generalize previous theoretical treatments of such systems to analyze cases where two or more different photon generation processes are resonant simultaneously. We also explore in detail a specific case where the generation of a single photon in one cavity mode is simultaneously resonant with the generation of two photons in a second mode. We find that the coexistence of the two resonances leads to effective couplings between the modes which in turn generate entanglement

    Clockwork cosmology

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    The higher order generalisation of the clockwork mechanism to gravitational interactions provides a means to generate an exponentially suppressed coupling to matter from a fundamental theory of multiple interacting gravitons, without introducing large hierarchies in the underlying potential and without the need for a dilaton, suggesting a possible application to the hierarchy problem. We work in the framework of ghost free multi-gravity with "nearest-neighbour" interactions, and present a formalism by which one is able to construct potentials such that the theory will always exhibit this clockwork effect. We also consider cosmological solutions to the general theory, where all metrics are of FRW form, with site-dependent scale factors/lapses. We demonstrate the existence of multiple deSitter vacua where all metrics share the same Hubble parameter, and we solve the modified Einstein equations numerically for an example clockwork model constructed using our formalism, finding that the evolution of the metric that matter couples to is essentially equivalent to that of general relativity at the modified Planck scale. It is important to stress that while we focus on the application to clockwork theories, our work is entirely general and facilitates finding cosmological solutions to any ghost free multi-gravity theory with "nearest-neighbour" interactions. Moreover, we clarify previous work on the continuum limit of the theory, which is generically a scalar-tensor braneworld, using the Randall-Sundrum model as a special case and showing how the discrete-clockwork cosmological results map to the continuum results in the appropriate limit

    Radioactive Source Localisation via Projective Linear Reconstruction

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    Radiation mapping, through the detection of ionising gamma-ray emissions, is an important technique used across the nuclear industry to characterise environments over a range of length scales. In complex scenarios, the precise localisation and activity of radiological sources becomes difficult to determine due to the inability to directly image gamma photon emissions. This is a result of the potentially unknown number of sources combined with uncertainties associated with the source-detector separation&mdash;causing an apparent &lsquo;blurring&rsquo; of the as-detected radiation field relative to the true distribution. Accurate delimitation of distinct sources is important for decommissioning, waste processing, and homeland security. Therefore, methods for estimating the precise, &lsquo;true&rsquo; solution from radiation mapping measurements are required. Herein is presented a computational method of enhanced radiological source localisation from scanning survey measurements conducted with a robotic arm. The procedure uses an experimentally derived Detector Response Function (DRF) to perform a randomised-Kaczmarz deconvolution from robotically acquired radiation field measurements. The performance of the process is assessed on radiation maps obtained from a series of emulated waste processing scenarios. The results demonstrate a Projective Linear Reconstruction (PLR) algorithm can successfully locate a series of point sources to within 2 cm of the true locations, corresponding to resolution enhancements of between 5&times; and 10&times;

    Distributed pressure sensing–based flight control for small fixed-wing unmanned aerial systems

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    Small fixed-wing unmanned aerial systems (UAS) may require increased agility when operating in turbulent wind fields. In these conditions, conventional sensor suites could be augmented with additional flow-sensing to extend the aircraft’s usable flight envelope. Inspired by distributed sensor arrays in biological systems, a UAS with a chordwise array of pressure sensors was developed. Wind-tunnel testing characterized these sensors alongside a conventional airspeed sensor and an angle-of-attack (AoA) vane, and showed a single pressure measurement gave a linear response to AoA prestall. Flight tests initially manually piloted the vehicle through pitching maneuvers, then in a series of automated maneuvers based on closed-loop feedback using an estimate of AoA from the single pressure port. The AoA estimate was successfully used to control the attitude of the aircraft. An artificial neural network (ANN) was trained to estimate the AoA and airspeed using all pressure ports in the array, and validated using flight-trial data. The ANN more accurately estimated the AoA over a single-port method with good robustness to stall and unsteady flow. Distributed flow sensors could be used to supplement conventional flight control systems, providing enhanced information about wing flow conditions with application to systems with highly flexible or morphing wings
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