2,658 research outputs found

    Bargaining in the shadow of precedent: the surprising irrelevance of asymmetric stakes

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    We develop a model of bargaining and litigation in the context of patent licensing (or any contractual setting). Following Priest and Klein (1984) we developed a model that explicitly allows for (1) multiple parties (leading to asymmetry of stakes), (2) binding precedent, and (3) pre-dispute bargaining done in the “shadow” of precedent-setting courts. The pre-dispute bargaining creates an endogenous opportunity cost of litigation for both plaintiff and defendant; i.e., the harm is endogenous. We show that the effects of asymmetric stakes on the litigation rate and plaintiff win rate are offset by opportunity costs (forgone licensing). That is, the degree of asymmetry does not appear to substantially impact the rate of litigation or the observed win rate of plaintiffs at trial. This result is in stark contrast to the previous theoretical literature, and has implications for interpreting the empirical literature.

    An analysis of EU and US productivity developments (a total economy and industry level perspective)

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    The 1990s witnessed some important shifts in the underlying growth performances of the EU and US economies, with a significant gap opening up in terms of GDP, and more importantly, GDP per capita, growth rates. From a situation over the period 1980-1995 when EU and US living standards were growing at roughly an equivalent rate, the second half of the 1990s saw the emergence of a significant growth gap in favour of the US. These EU-US differences are mirrored at the EU Member State level, with simple measures of dispersion indicating that individual country divergences relative to the average EU performance have grown by close to 50 per cent in the 1990s compared with the 1980s. These extra- and intra-EU divergences in economic fortunes have been the subject of intense research efforts in recent years, with policy makers keen to decipher the reasons for their own respective outturns and to further refine the “magic formula†for boosting their long run growth performances. The present study will contribute to this ongoing debate regarding the sources of growth in general, with specific attention being devoted to productivity determinants given their importance in shaping medium to long run changes in living standards.GDP, United States, US, productivity, labour productivity, industry, industry level analysis, Denis, McMorrow, R�ger

    African-Born Black Women Faculty: Their Lived Experience, Challenges, and Perceived Barriers to Success and Progress in U. S. Higher Education

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    This dissertation study explored the lived experiences, challenges, and perceived barriers to progress and success encountered by African-born Black women faculty in U.S. higher education. It is imperative to contextualize the experiences of this study’s participants to gain an understanding of where their individual narratives fit within the broader landscape of diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusiveness in American colleges and universities. The focus of this study was to give a voice to the multiple dimensions of African-born black women faculty experiences in the U.S. institutions of higher learning, bringing to light how gender, race, and ethnicity inform their experiences. This study used a qualitative research methodology drawing largely on heuristic phenomenology, a process and a method used to study and discover the underlying aspects of human lived experiences. Interviews were conducted with 11 participants selected by purposeful sampling of African-born Black women currently serving or having served as faculty in varied U.S. two-year or four-year institutions of higher learning. The participants were originally from Kenya, Cameroun, Ghana, Nigeria, Serra Leone, and Senegal. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological data analysis and NVivo computer software to identify overarching themes. The analytical framework was guided by components of critical race theory and Black feminist theory, all contributing to placing the intersectionality of marginalized identities in the context in higher education. Eleven common themes emerged from the study: effective and successful career, mentor influence, insidious racism, underrepresentation, gender roles and sexism, students’ interaction, the value of education, intersection of race and gender, promotion and tenure issues, family-centered cultural orientation/family support, availability of services and resources. Based on these common themes that emerged from the participants’ narrations, findings show gender, race, and ethnicity of African-born Black women significantly impact their lived experiences, career success and progress as faculty in U.S. higher education. Implications for future practice for institutions and strategies for enhancing campus climates and diversity to better promote African-born professional abilities and to support Africans as they navigate their careers are discussed, as well as implications for current and future African-born Black women faculty

    Production function approach to calculating potential growth and output gaps - estimates for the EU Member States and the US

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    This paper describes the methodology for calculating potential growth and output gaps using a production function approach. On the basis of the Commission services Spring 2002 economic forecasts, the approach is illustrated by providing estimates for the EU's Member States, the Euro Zone and EU15 aggregates as well as for the United States.production function, growth and output, economic forecasts, Denis, Mc Morrow, R�ger

    El aprendizaje del ĂĄlgebra escolar desde una perspectiva psicolĂłgica

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    Este artĂ­culo describe algunas de las principales contribuciones de la investigaciĂłn al creciente conocimiento de los procesos cognitivos que implica el aprendizaje del ĂĄlgebra en las escuelas secundarias. TambiĂŠn se discuten los intentos continuos de los investigadores para desarrollar una teorĂ­a sobre la enseĂąanza / aprendizaje del ĂĄlgebra. Finalmente, se mencionan algunas tendencias futuras en la enseĂąanza / aprendizaje del ĂĄlgebra

    Globalisation : trends, issues and macro implications for the EU

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    Globalisation, defined as an increasingly integrated world economy, has the potential to generate the largest structural upheaval in economies since the industrial revolution. As in the past, this process is being underpinned by both technological change and by a shift in policies in many countries towards a more open, market based, system of economic governance. These policies reflect the realities of a new world order where knowledge creation and absorption and the flexibility of the regulatory and institutional frameworks will be the key determinants of the economic fortunes of economies. This paper examines the historical empirical evidence regarding globalisation and quantifies the macro benefits and costs for the EU over the coming decades.globalisation, trade integration, global productivity, terms of trade, Denis , Mc Morrow, R�ger

    Improving the quality of the personalized electronic program guide

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    As Digital TV subscribers are offered more and more channels, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to locate the right programme information at the right time. The personalized Electronic Programme Guide (pEPG) is one solution to this problem; it leverages artificial intelligence and user profiling techniques to learn about the viewing preferences of individual users in order to compile personalized viewing guides that fit their individual preferences. Very often the limited availability of profiling information is a key limiting factor in such personalized recommender systems. For example, it is well known that collaborative filtering approaches suffer significantly from the sparsity problem, which exists because the expected item-overlap between profiles is usually very low. In this article we address the sparsity problem in the Digital TV domain. We propose the use of data mining techniques as a way of supplementing meagre ratings-based profile knowledge with additional item-similarity knowledge that can be automatically discovered by mining user profiles. We argue that this new similarity knowledge can significantly enhance the performance of a recommender system in even the sparsest of profile spaces. Moreover, we provide an extensive evaluation of our approach using two large-scale, state-of-the-art online systems—PTVPlus, a personalized TV listings portal and Físchlár, an online digital video library system
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