43 research outputs found

    Nutritive value of parts and whole maize plant for silage differing in grain maturity

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    Silaža kukuruza zauzima veliki dio obroka mliječnih krava i tovnih goveda u RH, odnosno, znatno pridonosi podmirenju dnevnih potreba životinja za hranjivim tvarima i energijom. Hranjivost biljke kukuruza teško se procjenjuje zbog vrlo različitog morfološkog i kemijskog sastava glavnih dijelova, te vrlo različite razgradljivosti hranjivih tvari u buragu. Zrelost biljke kukuruza i njezina zrna, prinos zrna i dijelova biljke, te ukupni i pojedinačni sastav i struktura vlakana čimbenici su koji utječu na razgradljivost, te posljedično i na ukupnu hranjivu vrijednost silažnog kukuruza. Navedene promjene osobina kukuruza povezane su s različitim vremenom sjetve i košnje, te je cilj istraživanja utvrditi promjene u kemijskom sastavu, razgradljivosti i energetskoj vrijednosti kukuruza za silažu u različitim stadijima zrelosti, utvrditi promjene u masenom udjelu i hranjivosti dijelova biljke kukuruza, te odrediti optimalni stadij zrelosti za spremanja silaže cijele biljke kukuruza, obzirom na njen najveći potencijal za proizvodnju mlijeka. Korišten je hibrid kukuruza Bc 304 (BC Institut, Zagreb) sijan u dva perioda 01.05. i 17.05 na parceli Fakultetskog dobra Maksimir. Uzorci kukuruza su uzimani u tri stadija zrelosti, prema vizualnoj procjeni po "mliječnoj crti" (1/3, ½, 2/3). Uzgoj kukuruza različitih stadija zrelosti uzrokovao je povećanje udjela zrna sa zrenjem biljke, uz istovremeno opadanje udjela vegetativnih dijelova; stabljike i njenih dijelova (donjeg i gornjeg dijela) i listova (donjih i gornjih), dok su kod ostalih vegetativnih dijelova kukuruza promjene samo relativne (p≥0,05). Samim porastom zrna u ukupnoj masi silažnog kukuruza dolazi samo do relativnog povećanja NEL-a (p≥0,05). Starije biljke obično imaju i nešto veći sadržaj škroba, bez negativnog djelovanja na razgradljivost vlakana (NDV), te se stoga omogućava farmerima da odgode vrijeme košnje kukuruza do 2/3 (do 40% ST) mliječne linije čime dobivaju zreliji kukuruz s više škroba, ali bez štetnog utjecaja na razgradljivost vlakana, a s druge strane silažna masa je još uvijek dovoljno vlažna za odvijanje optimalne fermentacije, koja rezultira kvalitetnom silažom. Osim utjecaja na navedene parametre hranjivosti biljke kukuruza za silažu, kasnije košenog kukuruza, pri zrelosti od 2/3 mliječne linije, potencijalno osigurava i najvišu proizvodnju mlijeka hranimo li krave silažom od takvog kukuruza.The introduction points to the importance of corn silage in the diet of dairy cows and heifers, and gives a brief overview of the factors, which influence the nutritional value of whole plant silage corn. One of the main factors on which it depends nutrition and fermentation of corn silage is the stage of maturity of the crop at harvest time. Under field conditions, stage of maturity is usually determined by the development „milk line” of grain since it is robust and reliable indicator of accumulation and dry matter content in the crop of maize intended for the production of silage from the whole plant. Literature Review provide us a detailed overview of the results of domestic and foreign research on the influence of stage of maturity on the yield of silage mass and nutritional value of silage maize. From these results it is clear that the harvest at different stages of maturity of crops leads to significant changes in nutrient contents of corn silage, but the mechanism underlying these changes is relatively poorly understood. Nutritional value of the whole plant corn silage is difficult to determine because of the very different chemical compositions in major parts of the maize plant (stem, grain and cob). Furthermore, relatively well researched impact of stages of maturity on the nutritional value of the whole plant corn stalks and grain somewhat, but there are almost no data on changes in other parts of the plant such as leaf blades and leaves sleeves, cobs, husks and shank of corn cobs. Materials and Methods are appropriately selected and fully integrate the hypotheses testing. In the research are used standard and modern methods for the analysis of plant material, which makes this research repeatable and verifiable. Material and methods are described in accordance with established objectives and research hypotheses. Original research results are obtained by conducting a two factorial experiment for one year at test field Maksimir. Factors study were periods of sowing (optimal and subsequent) and stage of maturity of corn grain. Due to organizational and technical reasons, field trial instead of randomized complete block design was set up by split-plot with three replicates. For research purposes maize hybrid Bc 304 was grown under intensive cropping. Samples of corn to determine the nutritional and other studied traits were taken at three stages of maturity: at 1/3 stage of the milk line, 2/3 stage of milk line and at physiological maturity. Representative dissection samples of plants are separated into sections as follows: the lower part of the stem (part of the stem below the node from which emerges the uppermost cob), the upper part of the stem, the leaf blades of the lower leaves (leaf blades of leaves below node from which emerges cob), the leaf blades of upper leaves, sleeves of lower and upper leaves, leaf husks, cob shank, cob and grain. On these parts as well as on samples of the whole plant was determined structural fiber content, dry matter, ash, crude fat, crude fiber, crude protein and calculative soluble carbohydrates, neutral and acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin according to AOAC standards. Starch content in the grain and dry matter digestibility are determined of plant parts as well as the whole plant. Net energy for lactation is calculated and estimated overall nutritive value expressed in kilos of milk produced per ton of corn silage and kilos of milk per unit area. Data processing was performed by appropriate model of analysis of variance and post hoc tests to compare means after a significant F-test. The results are logically discussed in relation to the hypothesis and research goals without unnecessary repetition of results. The results are compared with the results of other domestic and foreign researchers. The author in the discussion pointed to the advantages and disadvantages of the applied methodology for sampling corn silage. The results are consistent with previous research and critically explained with those results that are in contradiction with them that is explained by the specific environmental conditions in which is performed field experiment. Finally, it is concluded that the chemical composition, digestibility and energy value of the parts and the whole plant maize were not significantly changed for silage maize grown in two planting. In contrast, in the later stages of grain maturity, there is a significant increase in the content of lignin in the stalk and cob, and increased content of fiber fractions in most parts of the maize plant, especially in the stalk and leaf sleeves, the cob and husks. With the maturing plants had a decrease ash content, crude fat and proteins in the leaf blades of the upper and lower leaves, while expected changes in fiber fraction are not statistically significant. Consequently, there was a major reduction in dry matter digestibility of leaf sleeves, husks and cob. However, this decline in digestibility of most vegetative parts did not affect the digestibility of whole plant corn due to the compensatory effect of increasing the content of highly digestible grain in the plant and starch in the grain. With maturing plants expected to increase the yield of the whole plant as a result of increased weight and grain yield. Despite the increase in weight of grain and starch accumulation in grains in the later stages of grain maturity, there was not found an increase of the energy value. This is because at the same time there was increased content of non-degradable lignin in the lower part of the stem. Significant growth of potential milk production per unit area was determined for silage maize in the later stages of maturity, but not as a result of changes in nutritional plants but due to the increased yield of whole plant corn

    Nutritive value of parts and whole maize plant for silage differing in grain maturity

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    Silaža kukuruza zauzima veliki dio obroka mliječnih krava i tovnih goveda u RH, odnosno, znatno pridonosi podmirenju dnevnih potreba životinja za hranjivim tvarima i energijom. Hranjivost biljke kukuruza teško se procjenjuje zbog vrlo različitog morfološkog i kemijskog sastava glavnih dijelova, te vrlo različite razgradljivosti hranjivih tvari u buragu. Zrelost biljke kukuruza i njezina zrna, prinos zrna i dijelova biljke, te ukupni i pojedinačni sastav i struktura vlakana čimbenici su koji utječu na razgradljivost, te posljedično i na ukupnu hranjivu vrijednost silažnog kukuruza. Navedene promjene osobina kukuruza povezane su s različitim vremenom sjetve i košnje, te je cilj istraživanja utvrditi promjene u kemijskom sastavu, razgradljivosti i energetskoj vrijednosti kukuruza za silažu u različitim stadijima zrelosti, utvrditi promjene u masenom udjelu i hranjivosti dijelova biljke kukuruza, te odrediti optimalni stadij zrelosti za spremanja silaže cijele biljke kukuruza, obzirom na njen najveći potencijal za proizvodnju mlijeka. Korišten je hibrid kukuruza Bc 304 (BC Institut, Zagreb) sijan u dva perioda 01.05. i 17.05 na parceli Fakultetskog dobra Maksimir. Uzorci kukuruza su uzimani u tri stadija zrelosti, prema vizualnoj procjeni po "mliječnoj crti" (1/3, ½, 2/3). Uzgoj kukuruza različitih stadija zrelosti uzrokovao je povećanje udjela zrna sa zrenjem biljke, uz istovremeno opadanje udjela vegetativnih dijelova; stabljike i njenih dijelova (donjeg i gornjeg dijela) i listova (donjih i gornjih), dok su kod ostalih vegetativnih dijelova kukuruza promjene samo relativne (p≥0,05). Samim porastom zrna u ukupnoj masi silažnog kukuruza dolazi samo do relativnog povećanja NEL-a (p≥0,05). Starije biljke obično imaju i nešto veći sadržaj škroba, bez negativnog djelovanja na razgradljivost vlakana (NDV), te se stoga omogućava farmerima da odgode vrijeme košnje kukuruza do 2/3 (do 40% ST) mliječne linije čime dobivaju zreliji kukuruz s više škroba, ali bez štetnog utjecaja na razgradljivost vlakana, a s druge strane silažna masa je još uvijek dovoljno vlažna za odvijanje optimalne fermentacije, koja rezultira kvalitetnom silažom. Osim utjecaja na navedene parametre hranjivosti biljke kukuruza za silažu, kasnije košenog kukuruza, pri zrelosti od 2/3 mliječne linije, potencijalno osigurava i najvišu proizvodnju mlijeka hranimo li krave silažom od takvog kukuruza.The introduction points to the importance of corn silage in the diet of dairy cows and heifers, and gives a brief overview of the factors, which influence the nutritional value of whole plant silage corn. One of the main factors on which it depends nutrition and fermentation of corn silage is the stage of maturity of the crop at harvest time. Under field conditions, stage of maturity is usually determined by the development „milk line” of grain since it is robust and reliable indicator of accumulation and dry matter content in the crop of maize intended for the production of silage from the whole plant. Literature Review provide us a detailed overview of the results of domestic and foreign research on the influence of stage of maturity on the yield of silage mass and nutritional value of silage maize. From these results it is clear that the harvest at different stages of maturity of crops leads to significant changes in nutrient contents of corn silage, but the mechanism underlying these changes is relatively poorly understood. Nutritional value of the whole plant corn silage is difficult to determine because of the very different chemical compositions in major parts of the maize plant (stem, grain and cob). Furthermore, relatively well researched impact of stages of maturity on the nutritional value of the whole plant corn stalks and grain somewhat, but there are almost no data on changes in other parts of the plant such as leaf blades and leaves sleeves, cobs, husks and shank of corn cobs. Materials and Methods are appropriately selected and fully integrate the hypotheses testing. In the research are used standard and modern methods for the analysis of plant material, which makes this research repeatable and verifiable. Material and methods are described in accordance with established objectives and research hypotheses. Original research results are obtained by conducting a two factorial experiment for one year at test field Maksimir. Factors study were periods of sowing (optimal and subsequent) and stage of maturity of corn grain. Due to organizational and technical reasons, field trial instead of randomized complete block design was set up by split-plot with three replicates. For research purposes maize hybrid Bc 304 was grown under intensive cropping. Samples of corn to determine the nutritional and other studied traits were taken at three stages of maturity: at 1/3 stage of the milk line, 2/3 stage of milk line and at physiological maturity. Representative dissection samples of plants are separated into sections as follows: the lower part of the stem (part of the stem below the node from which emerges the uppermost cob), the upper part of the stem, the leaf blades of the lower leaves (leaf blades of leaves below node from which emerges cob), the leaf blades of upper leaves, sleeves of lower and upper leaves, leaf husks, cob shank, cob and grain. On these parts as well as on samples of the whole plant was determined structural fiber content, dry matter, ash, crude fat, crude fiber, crude protein and calculative soluble carbohydrates, neutral and acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin according to AOAC standards. Starch content in the grain and dry matter digestibility are determined of plant parts as well as the whole plant. Net energy for lactation is calculated and estimated overall nutritive value expressed in kilos of milk produced per ton of corn silage and kilos of milk per unit area. Data processing was performed by appropriate model of analysis of variance and post hoc tests to compare means after a significant F-test. The results are logically discussed in relation to the hypothesis and research goals without unnecessary repetition of results. The results are compared with the results of other domestic and foreign researchers. The author in the discussion pointed to the advantages and disadvantages of the applied methodology for sampling corn silage. The results are consistent with previous research and critically explained with those results that are in contradiction with them that is explained by the specific environmental conditions in which is performed field experiment. Finally, it is concluded that the chemical composition, digestibility and energy value of the parts and the whole plant maize were not significantly changed for silage maize grown in two planting. In contrast, in the later stages of grain maturity, there is a significant increase in the content of lignin in the stalk and cob, and increased content of fiber fractions in most parts of the maize plant, especially in the stalk and leaf sleeves, the cob and husks. With the maturing plants had a decrease ash content, crude fat and proteins in the leaf blades of the upper and lower leaves, while expected changes in fiber fraction are not statistically significant. Consequently, there was a major reduction in dry matter digestibility of leaf sleeves, husks and cob. However, this decline in digestibility of most vegetative parts did not affect the digestibility of whole plant corn due to the compensatory effect of increasing the content of highly digestible grain in the plant and starch in the grain. With maturing plants expected to increase the yield of the whole plant as a result of increased weight and grain yield. Despite the increase in weight of grain and starch accumulation in grains in the later stages of grain maturity, there was not found an increase of the energy value. This is because at the same time there was increased content of non-degradable lignin in the lower part of the stem. Significant growth of potential milk production per unit area was determined for silage maize in the later stages of maturity, but not as a result of changes in nutritional plants but due to the increased yield of whole plant corn

    Nutritive value of parts and whole maize plant for silage differing in grain maturity

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    Silaža kukuruza zauzima veliki dio obroka mliječnih krava i tovnih goveda u RH, odnosno, znatno pridonosi podmirenju dnevnih potreba životinja za hranjivim tvarima i energijom. Hranjivost biljke kukuruza teško se procjenjuje zbog vrlo različitog morfološkog i kemijskog sastava glavnih dijelova, te vrlo različite razgradljivosti hranjivih tvari u buragu. Zrelost biljke kukuruza i njezina zrna, prinos zrna i dijelova biljke, te ukupni i pojedinačni sastav i struktura vlakana čimbenici su koji utječu na razgradljivost, te posljedično i na ukupnu hranjivu vrijednost silažnog kukuruza. Navedene promjene osobina kukuruza povezane su s različitim vremenom sjetve i košnje, te je cilj istraživanja utvrditi promjene u kemijskom sastavu, razgradljivosti i energetskoj vrijednosti kukuruza za silažu u različitim stadijima zrelosti, utvrditi promjene u masenom udjelu i hranjivosti dijelova biljke kukuruza, te odrediti optimalni stadij zrelosti za spremanja silaže cijele biljke kukuruza, obzirom na njen najveći potencijal za proizvodnju mlijeka. Korišten je hibrid kukuruza Bc 304 (BC Institut, Zagreb) sijan u dva perioda 01.05. i 17.05 na parceli Fakultetskog dobra Maksimir. Uzorci kukuruza su uzimani u tri stadija zrelosti, prema vizualnoj procjeni po "mliječnoj crti" (1/3, ½, 2/3). Uzgoj kukuruza različitih stadija zrelosti uzrokovao je povećanje udjela zrna sa zrenjem biljke, uz istovremeno opadanje udjela vegetativnih dijelova; stabljike i njenih dijelova (donjeg i gornjeg dijela) i listova (donjih i gornjih), dok su kod ostalih vegetativnih dijelova kukuruza promjene samo relativne (p≥0,05). Samim porastom zrna u ukupnoj masi silažnog kukuruza dolazi samo do relativnog povećanja NEL-a (p≥0,05). Starije biljke obično imaju i nešto veći sadržaj škroba, bez negativnog djelovanja na razgradljivost vlakana (NDV), te se stoga omogućava farmerima da odgode vrijeme košnje kukuruza do 2/3 (do 40% ST) mliječne linije čime dobivaju zreliji kukuruz s više škroba, ali bez štetnog utjecaja na razgradljivost vlakana, a s druge strane silažna masa je još uvijek dovoljno vlažna za odvijanje optimalne fermentacije, koja rezultira kvalitetnom silažom. Osim utjecaja na navedene parametre hranjivosti biljke kukuruza za silažu, kasnije košenog kukuruza, pri zrelosti od 2/3 mliječne linije, potencijalno osigurava i najvišu proizvodnju mlijeka hranimo li krave silažom od takvog kukuruza.The introduction points to the importance of corn silage in the diet of dairy cows and heifers, and gives a brief overview of the factors, which influence the nutritional value of whole plant silage corn. One of the main factors on which it depends nutrition and fermentation of corn silage is the stage of maturity of the crop at harvest time. Under field conditions, stage of maturity is usually determined by the development „milk line” of grain since it is robust and reliable indicator of accumulation and dry matter content in the crop of maize intended for the production of silage from the whole plant. Literature Review provide us a detailed overview of the results of domestic and foreign research on the influence of stage of maturity on the yield of silage mass and nutritional value of silage maize. From these results it is clear that the harvest at different stages of maturity of crops leads to significant changes in nutrient contents of corn silage, but the mechanism underlying these changes is relatively poorly understood. Nutritional value of the whole plant corn silage is difficult to determine because of the very different chemical compositions in major parts of the maize plant (stem, grain and cob). Furthermore, relatively well researched impact of stages of maturity on the nutritional value of the whole plant corn stalks and grain somewhat, but there are almost no data on changes in other parts of the plant such as leaf blades and leaves sleeves, cobs, husks and shank of corn cobs. Materials and Methods are appropriately selected and fully integrate the hypotheses testing. In the research are used standard and modern methods for the analysis of plant material, which makes this research repeatable and verifiable. Material and methods are described in accordance with established objectives and research hypotheses. Original research results are obtained by conducting a two factorial experiment for one year at test field Maksimir. Factors study were periods of sowing (optimal and subsequent) and stage of maturity of corn grain. Due to organizational and technical reasons, field trial instead of randomized complete block design was set up by split-plot with three replicates. For research purposes maize hybrid Bc 304 was grown under intensive cropping. Samples of corn to determine the nutritional and other studied traits were taken at three stages of maturity: at 1/3 stage of the milk line, 2/3 stage of milk line and at physiological maturity. Representative dissection samples of plants are separated into sections as follows: the lower part of the stem (part of the stem below the node from which emerges the uppermost cob), the upper part of the stem, the leaf blades of the lower leaves (leaf blades of leaves below node from which emerges cob), the leaf blades of upper leaves, sleeves of lower and upper leaves, leaf husks, cob shank, cob and grain. On these parts as well as on samples of the whole plant was determined structural fiber content, dry matter, ash, crude fat, crude fiber, crude protein and calculative soluble carbohydrates, neutral and acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin according to AOAC standards. Starch content in the grain and dry matter digestibility are determined of plant parts as well as the whole plant. Net energy for lactation is calculated and estimated overall nutritive value expressed in kilos of milk produced per ton of corn silage and kilos of milk per unit area. Data processing was performed by appropriate model of analysis of variance and post hoc tests to compare means after a significant F-test. The results are logically discussed in relation to the hypothesis and research goals without unnecessary repetition of results. The results are compared with the results of other domestic and foreign researchers. The author in the discussion pointed to the advantages and disadvantages of the applied methodology for sampling corn silage. The results are consistent with previous research and critically explained with those results that are in contradiction with them that is explained by the specific environmental conditions in which is performed field experiment. Finally, it is concluded that the chemical composition, digestibility and energy value of the parts and the whole plant maize were not significantly changed for silage maize grown in two planting. In contrast, in the later stages of grain maturity, there is a significant increase in the content of lignin in the stalk and cob, and increased content of fiber fractions in most parts of the maize plant, especially in the stalk and leaf sleeves, the cob and husks. With the maturing plants had a decrease ash content, crude fat and proteins in the leaf blades of the upper and lower leaves, while expected changes in fiber fraction are not statistically significant. Consequently, there was a major reduction in dry matter digestibility of leaf sleeves, husks and cob. However, this decline in digestibility of most vegetative parts did not affect the digestibility of whole plant corn due to the compensatory effect of increasing the content of highly digestible grain in the plant and starch in the grain. With maturing plants expected to increase the yield of the whole plant as a result of increased weight and grain yield. Despite the increase in weight of grain and starch accumulation in grains in the later stages of grain maturity, there was not found an increase of the energy value. This is because at the same time there was increased content of non-degradable lignin in the lower part of the stem. Significant growth of potential milk production per unit area was determined for silage maize in the later stages of maturity, but not as a result of changes in nutritional plants but due to the increased yield of whole plant corn

    Analysis of Trends and Challenges of a Worldwide Solid Waste Management with Emphasis on Covid-19 Pandemic - A Review

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    Low collection coverage, lack of a safe and appropriate destination for all generated waste and pollution caused by inadequate waste disposal procedures are probably one of the most significant threats in the current decade (2021-2030). At the beginning of 2020, a new and unforeseen challenge emerged - the COVID-19 pandemic. This article provides a brief overview of the state of waste management in the world, identifying significant challenges that arose during the pandemic. As the situation changed daily in all regions of the world, many local authorities were obliged to react urgently and adjust the current way of waste management. People\u27s habits have changed and the mandatory wearing of protective masks has increased the daily amount of plastic waste worldwide by approximately 21 000+ tons. This represented an additional burden for already under capacitated waste management systems. Also, waste collected from households in many parts of the world had to be treated as medical waste due to the COVID-19 positive people. There was a drastic increase in the daily amount of generated medical waste due to this, which in some cases was up to 6 times higher than usual

    Water-food-energy-health: the importance of environmental sustainability in the circular economy

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    Water, food, and energy are considered necessary segments to achieve the sustainable development goals. Urbanization, population growth, international trade, economic development and climate change will significantly increase the need for these three segments, which is why it is necessary to focus on equal access to water, food and energy, while adhering to the principles of the circular economy. Water is used along the entire agri-food chain, while the generated energy is needed for the production, transport and distribution of food, as well as for the extraction, pumping, lifting, collection, transport, and treatment of water. Urbanization, industrial development, and the general population of citizens also require gradually more water, as well as land for food production and expansion, which entails the need for more and more energy resources. This results in environmental degradation and impairment of environmental sustainability, which leads to the scarcity of resources and impairment of the health of living organisms. Given the importance of the topic related to the knowledge of biowaste and its management, a survey was conducted to gain insight into whether the general population of citizens is aware that by throwing food, other resources represented in the "water-energy" chain also get wasted, which leads to the disturbance of ecological stability. As expected, the results showed that our society needs further education to be able to manage waste in a sustainable way


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    Uvođenjem Sustava poljoprivrednih knjigovodstvenih podataka (FADN) u Hrvatskoj 2013. godine stvoreni su uvjeti za sustavno praćenje prihoda i rashoda na reprezentativnom uzorku poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. U ovom radu korišteni su podaci za razdoblje od 2013. do 2015. godine, i to za sljedeće tipove gospodarstava: govedarska mliječna gospodarstva (tip MLI), ostala govedarska gospodarstva (tip GOV), svinjogojska gospodarstva (tip SVI) i peradarska gospodarstva (PER). Ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike između tipova u prosječnim vrijednostima za većinu analiziranih pokazatelja. Prosječni troškovi hrane po uvjetnom grlu statistički se razlikuju i iznose od 5.566 HRK za tip SVI do 7.930 HRK za tip PER. Iako se prosječni udjel troškova hrane za domaće životinje u ukupnim troškovima razlikuje među tipovima gospodarstava, te razlike nisu statistički značajne. No, prosječni udjel vlastite hrane u troškovima hrane za domaće životinje značajno varira, i to od svega 10% (tip PER) do 83% (tip MLI). Troškovi hrane za domaće životinje po UG-u i udjel troškova hrane u ukupnim troškovima nisu korelirani s rezultatom poslovanja gospodarstva. Slaba negativna korelacija utvrđena je između udjela vlastite hrane u ukupnom trošku hrane za domaće životinje i ukupnih pokazatelja gospodarstva: broj UG-a, vrijednost proizvodnje i prodaje, ukupni troškovi i specifični troškovi (-0,277<r<-0,299).With the establishment of Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) in 2013, the conditions for systematic monitoring of revenues and expenditures on a representative sample of agricultural holdings were created in Croatia. This paper uses data for the period 2013-2015 for the following types of farms: dairy farms (MLI), other cattle farms (GOV), pig farms (SVI) and poultry farms (PER). Statistically significant differences in means between the types are found for most or the analysed indicators. The average cost of feed per livestock unit varies from HRK 5,566 for type SVI up to HRK 7,930 for type PER. Although the average proportion of feed costs in total costs differs among types of farms, the differences are not statistically significant. However, the average share of own feed in the total costs of feed varies significantly, from only 10% (type PER) to 83% (type MLI). Feed costs for domestic animals per livestock unit (LU), as well as share of feed costs in total farm costs, are not found to be significantly correlated with the farm business performance. A weak negative correlation is found between the share of own feed in the total cost of feed, and the following farm business indicators: number of LU, total value of production, total value of sales, total costs and total specific farm costs (-0.277 <r <-0.299)

    Škrob u obroku konja poboljšat će mikrobiotu fecesa, in vitro probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari

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    When higher concentrations of starch are given to horses, starch degradation may shift from small intestine further to hindgut where it can cause alternation of the hindgut microbiome and unsatisfied fiber fermentation. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the daily starch intake levels of 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 g/kg body weight (BW) of the animal on the fecal in vitro digestibility of neutral detergent fibers (IVNDFD) and dry matter (IVDMD) and whether changes in fecal microbiome occur. Three horses were fed in three periods with three starch levels in the trial, designed as 3x3 latin square. The main influences were the level of starch in the horse meal and the effect of an individual animal on in vitro digestibility of three forages (straw, clover and meadow hay). The results showed that with increasing starch level, proportionally the significant increase in IVNDFD and IVDMD in all forages was observed. By increasing the starch level, the higher number of lactobacilli, amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria in the feces of the horse was recorded. It can be concluded that the daily level of starch in the horse meal up to 0.9 g/kg BW has a positive effect on fiber digestibility and feces microbiome.U slučaju viših koncentracija škroba u hrani konja mogući je pomak razgradnje škroba iz tankog crijeva i njegova povećana fermentacija u debelom i slijepom crijevu čime se narušava mikrobiota u crijevima konja i fermentacija vlakana. Istraživanje je ispitalo utjecaj dnevne razine škroba od 0,3, 0,6 i 0,9 g/kg tjelesne mase (TM) životinje u obroku konja na fekalnu in vitro probavljivost neutralnih detergent vlakana (IVNDFD) i suhe tvari (IVDMD), te da li dolazi do promjena u broju amilolitičkih, celulolitičkih bakterija i laktobacila u fecesu. Za istraživanje, dizajnirano kao 3x3 latinski kvadrat, korištena su tri konja koja su hranjena u tri perioda s tri različite dnevne razine škroba. Glavni ispitani utjecaji bili su razina škroba u obroku konja i utjecaj pojedine životinje na in vitro probavljivost tri voluminozna krmiva (slama, djetelina i livadno sijeno). Rezultati su pokazali da je s porastom dnevne razine škroba proporcijonalno zabilježeno i značajno povećanje prosječnih vrijednosti IVNDFD 9,46–11,49% te IVDMD 3,42–8,09% ovisno o tipu voluminoze. Pojedina životinja imala je signifikantan utjecaj na testirane parametre probavljivosti (svi P<0,001) osim kod IVDMD za livadno sijeno (P=0,126). Kada je udio škroba u obroku bio 0,9 g/kg TM u odnosu na 0,3 g/kg TM, zabilježena je deset puta veća brojnost laktobacila, amilolitičkih i celulolitičkih bakterija u fecesu konja. Može se zaključiti da dnevna razina škroba u obroku konja do 0,9 g/kg TM ima pozitivan utjecaj na razgradnju vlakana i mikrobiotu fecesa