1,516 research outputs found

    Development of Layout Factor for Mechanical Shear Joints Using Finite Element Analysis

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    Analysis of the mechanical shear joints involves many variables like bolt size, number of bolts and their arrangement, flange thickness, number of members and loading condition. The work presented in this paper is concerned with the effect of fastener layout on the joint behavior. Different configurations having varying number of fasteners were analyzed using finite element analysis. The numerical simulation results were used to develop a layout effect prediction tool and to compare the load sharing by the critical bolt in the fastener arrangement. The idea to develop a tool in terms of geometric parameters for design optimization and quick calculation is not new. The proposed prediction was found to be quite effective in comparing various layouts for the same number of bolts having equal spacing with non-eccentric loading

    Effect of bolt layout on the mechanical behavior of bolted joint

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    Bi-Variate Causal Estimates of Dividend Yield, Earning Yield Ratios and Stock Index: A Case of Karachi Stock exchange

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    The study examines the relationships between Pakistan’s market stock returns, dividend yields and earning yield ratios. Specifically, it examines the existence of long-run and short-run relationships between and among stock market return, dividend yield and earnings earning yield ratios. Using the monthly data from 1997-2007, the study finds that all these fundamental variables have a strong long run relationships. As for the short run relationship, the results show significant predictive power from dividend yield to stock return and stock market return to earning yield ratio. In addition to applying vector error correction model, the results show that there is the significant long-term equilibrium between stock market index, dividend yield and earning yield ratios. Hence, fundamental variables are an important source of information in determining the stock market returns and useful to investors and other stakeholders in making their investment decisions. Keywords: Causal Relationship, Dividend Yield, Earning Yield and Stock Index

    Cholestasis of pregnancy: effects on maternal and fetal outcome

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    Background: Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) typically occurs in late pregnancy affecting 1.5-2% pregnancies. Limited data is available regarding its fetal and maternal implications. This study aims to assess the impact of ICP on maternal and fetal outcome.Methods: A total 200 patients with pruritus in later half of pregnancy were studied over a period of 18 months out of which 135 were diagnosed as ICP. Clinical and biochemical parameters like serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, and gamma glutamyl transferase was recorded. Maternal and fetal outcome was noted in the form of LSCS rate, preterm births, fetal distress and neonatal ICU admissions.Results: In this study, most common symptom was pruritus. Most of cases had onset of symptoms between 32-36 weeks. High LSCS rates were seen among cases. Intrapartum complications viz. meconium staining of amniotic fluid (57.8%), preterm delivery (11.9%), fetal distress (42.2%) were significantly higher in study population and there was high incidence of NICU admissions (49. 6% neonates) among cases mostly due to meconium aspiration and prematurity.Conclusions: ICP increases maternal morbidity and is associated with adverse perinatal outcome viz. increased risk of fetal distress, preterm births and sudden IUD at term as evidenced in this study. A timely intervention at 37-38 weeks will reduce the adverse outcomes

    The Use of Technology in English Language Teaching: A Literature Review

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    Technology is one of the important factors of progressing the teaching/learning process in the schools and universities especially for the English language teaching. It can help the teacher to present a better lesson to students. Technology is very necessary for the field of education because there are too many things that the teachers can do such as playing videos in English language or a song, movie and even a theatre show. Now a days using technology is very common in the world; however, Kurdistan public schools do not use any technology in their classes except the private schools. The ministry of education has neglected this most important factor in this age. In the pandemic most of the countries faced problems in studying in the schools because of the lock down. Most countries seek to use the technology to finish the school year and they successfully finished their school year by using E Learning and Online Zoom even other resources to rich the learning process but in Kurdistan the schools do not use any kinds of technology and our students are not familiar with the online systems and E learning because we do not apply such valuable recourses in our schools that’s why in this year we have encountered a lot of problems of finishing the schools year because our students did not know how to use and access them easily. In this research my aim is to find out the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the education and what are the reasons for not using technology in Kurdistan schools until now

    Frequency of irregular red cell alloantibodies in patients with thalassemia major: a bicenter study

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    Objective: To provide frequency and distribution pattern of various types of irregular red cell alloantibodies in patients with thalassemia major. Methods: This is a descriptive study conducted at two centers from January to December 2001. Purposive sampling was done and all patients diagnosed to have thalassemia major were included in the study. Antibody identification was carried out on serum employing commercial two-cell panel using standardized blood bank methods. If patients were found to have an irregular red cell alloantibody then the antibody identification was performed using 16 panel cells. Results: A total of ninety-seven patients were included in the study. Fifty-three patients were males and 44 females. Mean age was 10.6 years. Irregular red cell alloantibodies were found in 9 (9.2%). Mean age of patients who developed red cell alloantibody was 11.9 years. Three (33.3%) patients developed anti-K while two (22.2%) had non-specific antibody. One patient each developed anti-D (11.1%) and anti-E (11.1%). Two had anti-D (11.1%) and anti-C while the other one (11.1%) developed anti-E and anti-K. Conclusion: We concluded that there is relatively high rate of alloimmunization in our set of patients when compared to data from our region. We also suggest that red cell alloimmunization should not be overlooked in patients receiving regular blood transfusion

    Preliminary Implementation of the Next Generation Cannulation Simulator

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is a highly complex/critical lifesaving procedure known to support patients with cardiac and respiratory issues. Patients on ECMO are monitored 24/7 by a team of highly trained ECMO team comprising nurses, physicians, respiratory therapists, and perfusionists promptly intervening to any potential emergency situation. Simulation-Based Training (SBT) allows clinicians to experience and practice realistic hands-on procedures and scenarios without any risk. In ECMO, cannulation is a critical procedure performed to externally reroute the blood flow so it can be re-oxygenated by the ECMO machine before being recirculated through the patient's body. In a close collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), this project aims to develop a cost effective, realistic, and user-friendly ECMO simulator focusing on the venous and arterial cannulation procedure, The main features of this simulator include cannulation emergencies caused by low pressure flow, excessive force, recirculation, or mispositioned wire/cannula. Therefore, the ECMO cannulation simulator will not only greatly contribute to the initial and ongoing local training of HMC ECMO clinicians but also contribute to improving patient care by lowering the risks associated with the cannulation process