254 research outputs found

    Multi-contact Walking Pattern Generation based on Model Preview Control of 3D COM Accelerations

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    We present a multi-contact walking pattern generator based on preview-control of the 3D acceleration of the center of mass (COM). A key point in the design of our algorithm is the calculation of contact-stability constraints. Thanks to a mathematical observation on the algebraic nature of the frictional wrench cone, we show that the 3D volume of feasible COM accelerations is a always a downward-pointing cone. We reduce its computation to a convex hull of (dual) 2D points, for which optimal O(n log n) algorithms are readily available. This reformulation brings a significant speedup compared to previous methods, which allows us to compute time-varying contact-stability criteria fast enough for the control loop. Next, we propose a conservative trajectory-wide contact-stability criterion, which can be derived from COM-acceleration volumes at marginal cost and directly applied in a model-predictive controller. We finally implement this pipeline and exemplify it with the HRP-4 humanoid model in multi-contact dynamically walking scenarios

    Multi-Contact Postures Computation on Manifolds

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    International audienceWe propose a framework to generate static robot configurations satisfying a set of physical and geometrical constraints. This is done by formulating nonlinear constrained optimization problems over non-Euclidean manifolds and solving them. To do so, we present a new sequential quadratic programming (SQP) solver working natively on general manifolds, and propose an interface to easily formulate the problems, with the tedious and error-prone work automated for the user. We also introduce several new types of constraints for having more complex contacts or working on forces/torques. Our approach allows an elegant mathematical description of the constraints and we exemplify it through formulation and computation examples in complex scenarios with humanoid robots

    Singularity resolution in equality and inequality constrained hierarchical task-space control by adaptive non-linear least-squares

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    International audienceWe propose a robust method to handle kinematic and algorithmic singularities of any kinematically redundant robot under task-space hierarchical control with ordered equalities and inequalities. Our main idea is to exploit a second order model of the non-linear kinematic function, in the sense of the Newton's method in optimization. The second order information is provided by a hierarchical BFGS algorithm omitting the heavy computation required for the true Hessian. In the absence of singularities, which is robustly detected, we use the Gauss-Newton algorithm that has quadratic convergence. In all cases we keep a least-squares formulation enabling good computation performances. Our approach is demonstrated in simulation with a simple robot and a humanoid robot, and compared to state-of-the-art algorithms

    Multi-contact Planning on Humans for Physical Assistance by Humanoid

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    International audienceFor robots to interact with humans in close proximity safely and efficiently, a specialized method to compute whole-body robot posture and plan contact locations is required. In our work, a humanoid robot is used as a caregiver that is performing a physical assistance task. We propose a method for formulating and initializing a non-linear optimization posture generation problem from an intuitive description of the assistance task and the result of a human point cloud processing. The proposed method allows to plan whole-body posture and contact locations on a task-specific surface of a human body, under robot equilibrium, friction cone, torque/joint limits, collision avoidance, and assistance task inherent constraints. The proposed framework can uniformly handle any arbitrary surface generated from point clouds, for autonomously planing the contact locations and interaction forces on potentially moving, movable, and deformable surfaces, which occur in direct physical human-robot interaction. We conclude the paper with examples of posture generation for physical human-robot interaction scenarios

    Impact-Aware Multi-Contact Balance Criteria

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    Intentionally applying impacts while maintaining balance is challenging for legged robots. This study originated from observing experimental data of the humanoid robot HRP-4 intentionally hitting a wall with its right arm while standing on two feet. Strangely, violating the usual zero moment point balance criteria did not systematically result in a fall. To investigate this phenomenon, we propose the zero-step capture region for non-coplanar contacts, defined as the center of mass (CoM) velocity area, and validated it with push-recovery experiments employing the HRP-4 balancing on two non-coplanar contacts. To further enable on-purpose impacts, we compute the set of candidate post-impact CoM velocities accounting for frictional-impact dynamics in three dimensions, and restrict the entire set within the CoM velocity area to maintain balance with the sustained contacts during and after impacts. We illustrate the maximum contact velocity for various HRP-4 stances in simulation, indicating potential for integration into other task-space whole-body controllers or planners. This study is the first to address the challenging problem of applying an intentional impact with a kinematic-controlled humanoid robot on non-coplanar contacts

    Non-Decoupled Locomotion and Manipulation Planning for Low-Dimensional Systems

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    International audienceWe demonstrate the possibility of solving planning problems by inter-leaving locomotion and manipulation in a non-decoupled way. We choose three low-dimensional minimalistic robotic systems and use them to illustrate our paradigm: a basic one-legged locomotor, a two-link manipulator with a manipulated object, and a simultaneous locomotion-and-manipulation system. Using existing motion planning and control methods initially designed for either locomotion or manipulation tasks, we see how they apply to both our locomotion-only and manipulation-only systems through parallel derivations, and extend them to the simultaneous locomotion-and-manipulation system. Motion planning is solved for these three systems using two different methods : (i) a geometric path-planning-based one, and (ii) a kinematic control-theoretic-based one. Motion control is then derived by dynamically realizing the geometric paths or kinematic trajectories under the Couloumb friction model using torques as control inputs. All three methods apply successfully to all three systems, showing that the non-decoupled planning is possible

    Realistic Haptic Rendering of Interacting Deformable Objects in Virtual Environments

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    International audienceA new computer haptics algorithm to be used in general interactive manipulations of deformable virtual objects is presented. In multimodal interactive simulations, haptic feedback computation often comes from contact forces. Subsequently, the fidelity of haptic rendering depends significantly on contact space modeling. Contact and friction laws between deformable models are often simplified in up to date methods. They do not allow a "realistic" rendering of the subtleties of contact space physical phenomena (such as slip and stick effects due to friction or mechanical coupling between contacts). In this paper, we use Signorini's contact law and Coulomb's friction law as a computer haptics basis. Real-time performance is made possible thanks to a linearization of the behavior in the contact space, formulated as the so-called Delassus operator, and iteratively solved by a Gauss-Seidel type algorithm. Dynamic deformation uses corotational global formulation to obtain the Delassus operator in which the mass and stiffness ratio are dissociated from the simulation time step. This last point is crucial to keep stable haptic feedback. This global approach has been packaged, implemented, and tested. Stable and realistic 6D haptic feedback is demonstrated through a clipping task experiment
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