8 research outputs found

    The Level of Stress in Male and Female School Students

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    This study aimed at the level of stress in male and female school students. For the purpose of the study the researcher randomly selected 64 school students aged between 14-18 years. To collect the data researcher used students stress scale (SSS) developed by Dr. Zaki Akhtar (2011). During collection of data researcher used means and method fit for this scale. The result of the study showed boys having much more stress in comparison to girls. The study concluded that school boys are more stressful than school girls

    Level of Anxiety among Two Genders Appearing for National Level Test: A Comparative Study

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    Anxiety disorders are the most common mental, emotional and behavioral problem that occurs during exam. University students suffer to some levels of study anxiety, such as; have new experiences, environment and situation. Study anxiety is a real phenomenon. The prevalence of study anxiety has been acknowledged by students. An attempt has been made to assess and compare the level of Anxiety of 25 male students & 25 female students from the Aligarh Muslim University in Uttar Pradesh. The Purpose of the study was to assess the level of anxiety of the two Genders undergoing (UGC NET EXAM) in Physical education. The data was collected by administering “Sinha’s Anxiety scale” (SAC), to find out the level of anxiety of two genders the Data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistic i.e., Chi-square (x2), Mean, Standard deviation & t-test. The random sampling technique is used. Results revealed that the two genders students had low level anxiety during examination. After analysis of data it was found that there is no significant difference on level of Anxiety between the two genders students. The level of significance was set at 00.5. Keywords:  comparative, examination, anxiety, genders, education UGC

    Kinanthropometric Profile and Physical Performance of Athletic Track Events in Relation to Different Runners

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    The purpose of this study was to find out kinanthropometric profile of 20 Athletes of Middle distance 800 meters, & Long distance runners 5000 meters of Track Event of age 17 years were assessed for the present study. The data of athletes was collected at Athletics Summer Camp 2015 in Kashmir region. The Athletes having participation of at least two years were selected for the current study. All subjects were assessed for height, weight, girths, diameters, and skin fold thickness. The data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistic i.e., mean, standard deviation & t-test to find out the significant differences of/in middle distance and Long distance runners. The long distance runners had taller than long distance runners for standing height, upper leg length, and lower leg length. The middle distance runners 800 significantly greater in weight, skin fold measurements (p<0.05). In Body Girths and Skeletal Diameters no significant differences were found (p>0.05). It is concluded that in some of the parameters there were significant differences between middle distance & long distance runners Long distance runners athletes showed better kinanthropometric measurement. Keywords: Kinanthropometry, Bodyweight, Height, Circumference Skinfold thickness

    The Effects of a 8-Week Plyometric Training Program on Horizontal Jump

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of 8 week plyometric training programme on “Horizontal jump”. Total forty (n= 40) students, age ranging from 20 to 25 years, in which two groups were formed randomly (N=20) for Experimental and (N=20) for Control Group for this study. The experimental group performed 8 week plyometric training program of 50 minute a day, 3 times in a week in the morning sessions and the control group did not perform. Standing Broad Jump (SBJ) was used to analyze the performance. The data was analyse by using paired and grouped t-test at 0.05 level of significance. On the basis of statistical findings, the paired statistic shows the difference within the experimental and for control group; t (19) = 5.93 p < 0.001, t (19) = 3.17 p < 0.001 respectively. The grouped statistic shows the difference between experimental and control group; t (38) = 6.64 p < 0.001.So, the null hypothesis was rejected in the both cases, ultimately the experimental group post score means was statistically significantly higher than the control group, where Cohen’s D was also estimated at 2.15 which itself explanatory. So, it was conclude that there was a significant improvement on horizontal jump due to eight weeks training of selected plyometric exercises. Keywords: Plyometrics, Horizontal jum

    Sports Achievement Motivation and Sports Competition Anxiety: A Relationship Study

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    Anxiety and Motivation are important psychological variables in sports and its need to achieve high level of competition. Without knowledge of these two variables athletes cannot give best in competition. The aim of study was to find out the relationship between Anxiety and Motivation of intervarsity Badminton players. The total sample consisted of twenty players age ranged from 17 to 25 years. Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) and Sports Achievement Motivation Test was administered to collect the data. Mean, standard deviation, and Pearsion Product Moment Correlation were computed to analyze the data at .05 level of significant. It was found that significant negative relationship between Achievement Motivation and Anxiety

    Attitudes of Students of Sports Participants about Doping in Sports

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    The main objective of the research was to test the level of knowledge and to identify students' attitudes about the use of prohibited substances (drugs) in sports. The study included a total of 100 students, of Department of Physical Education and Sports in AMU, Aligarh. M.P.E.d and B.P.E.d students participated. As a way of gathering the necessary information an a questionnaire was used, with 13 clearly defined questions (11 closed type questions and 2 open-ended type questions) which were related to the specific knowledge and attitudes about the use of doping substances in sports. It is important to note that 80% of the participants involved in any sport (sport games, athletics, martial arts, skiing, tennis), different ranks of competition. The obtained results are relevant for the global indicator of awareness, knowledge and attitudes of students about the increasing problem of today's modern sport that is called doping. Keywords: Attitudes; Prevention; Students; Questionnaire; Doping;


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    <p>Self-concept and Body image are one of the most important predictor of sports performance. The purpose of Present investigation was to examine the relationship and difference among State and All India Intervarsity soccer players on Self-concept and Body image. Present study was carried on 54 (27 State and 27 All India Intervarsity) male soccer players. The age of the subjects ranged between 17 to 21 years. Self-concept was measured by Deo (1998) questionnaire and Body image was measured by Singh (1991) questionnaire. Pearson Product moment correlation and t-test was used to analyze the data at 5% probability level. The results of the study revealed that there is insignificant relationship between Body image and Self-concept. Further it was concluded that insignificant difference exist between State and All India Intervarsity soccer players on Self-concept and Body image i.e. State and All India Intervarsity players have same level of Self-concept and Body image.</p

    Razlike u percepciji, znanjima i stavovima studenata fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta o korišćenju nedozvoljenih supstanci u sportu // Differences in Perception, Knowledge and Attitudes Students Physical Education and Sport on Use of Prohibited Substances in

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    Problem upotrebe zabranjenih supstanci (dopinga) u sportu je bio, jeste i biće aktuelan problem koji narušava sam duh sporta, ljepotu i zadovoljstvo, a vrlo često i zdravlje sportiste. Zbog toga je neophodno pristupiti rješavanju ovoga problema, ako je moguće i trajno, mada je to nekada jednostavno neizvodljivo. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 200 studenata Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, od čega 100 studenata Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu (Bosna i Hercegovina) i 100 studenata AMU Aligarh PU (Indija), starosne dobi od 18-26 godina. Od ukupnog uzorka 170 (85%) su bili ispitanici muškog pola, dok je 30 (15%) ženskog pola. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se provjeri nivo znanja i utvrde stavovi studenata i utvrde njihove međusobne razlike o upotrebi zabranjenih supstanci u sportu. Za prikupljanje neophodnih informacija korišćen je anonimni anketni upitnik sa 13 jasno definisanih pitanja, (11 pitanja zatvorenog i 2 pitanja otvorenog tipa) koja su se odnosila na određena znanja, stavove o dopingu u sportu. Dobijeni su relevantni rezultati koji su globalni pokazatelj informisanosti, znanja i stavova populacije studenata fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta o sve većem problemu današnjeg modernog sporta koga nazivamo doping. Od ukupnog uzorka, čak 85% studenata oba subuzorka su označili atletiku kao sport sa najviše doping afera, a zatim slijedi biciklizam (43%), bodi bilding i dizanje tegova (22%), dok su sportske igre sa (28%), Cricket (25%), Streljaštvo i Šah sa (19%), kao sportovi sa najmanjim brojem doping afera