120 research outputs found

    Understanding the Qur'an : a reflection

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    The Qur'an represents the last revelation from on high. It addresses the entire humanity, Muslims and non-Muslims, Jews and Christians, Arabs and non-Arabs, the sincere and the hypocrite, the friends and the opponents, the ypung and the old, the male and the female, the rich and the poor, the educated and the illiterate, the master and the slave, the king and the subject. It seeks to lead them to a blistful life in both the mundane world and in the hereafter. This relationship between the Qur'an and man entails the latter's visiting and understanding the former. But today the man is in a dilemma, knowing not how to grasp the original message of the Qur'an revealed fifteen centuries ago. He finds before him multitudes of Qur'anic commentaries that are, at times mutually conflicting with one another. He is very much keen to take a step forward towards the Qur'an but feels shy rather hesitant to do that due to his lack of confidence to identify a sound methodology of understanding the Qur'an. This book may be deemed as a modest attempts towards the quest for that sound methodology the application of which may ensure true understanding of the Qur'an

    The theory of abrogation : a critical evaluation

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    Abrogation (naskh) in the Qur'an constitutes one of the most controversial issues in the Islamic legacy. There are two groups of scholars, one supporting it and the other denying its existence in the Qur'an. A number of works representing both the views are available. This work attempts to critically analyze the arguments and the views of the supporters of the theory of nasakh, advancing a crystal clear picture that the concept of naskh in the sense of permanent abrogation hence practical invalidity of certain ayat in the Qur'an, either five (5) or five hundred (500), is untenable. All the reports concerning the views of sahabah and tabi'un scholors have been scrutinized in two chapters of this book. Most of these reports are unreliable from both the sanad (chain) and the matan (text) angles. Certain traditions reporting the matter concerning naskh appear to be authentic from sanad point of view but from the dimension of the matn they may not be acceptable. This work represents a humble endeavor of the author to prove the everlasting practical validity of each and every single statement of the Qur'an. The notion of naskh in the Qur'an starkly contrasts with the fact that the Qur'an is al-haqq (the truth) from the Lord of the universe. The author has made a modest effort to highlight and reassert the same undeniablity valid reality that the Last Revelation of Allah is the truth, hence the claim of availability of abrogated rulings in the Qur'an may be considered valid

    Quranic studies : an introduction

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    Authentication of hadith : redefining the criteria

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    Robust vehicle suspension system by converting active and passive control of a vehicle to semi-active control ystem analytically

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    This research article deals with a simplified translational model of an automotive suspension system which is constructed by considering the translation motion of one wheel of a car. Passive Vehicle Suspension System is converted into Semi Active Vehicle System. Major advantage achieved by this system is that it adjusts the damping of the suspension system without the application of any actuator by using MATLAB® simulations. The semi-active control is found to control the vibration of suspension system very well

    Qur'anic & hadith studies: critical reflection on some issues

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    Al-Biqai and Islahi: a comparative study of Tafsir methodology

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    It is recognized by scholars that there is a system of coherence in the Qur’ān and that each and every verse, large and small, constitutes an integral unit of the Qur’ān. There are only two complete tafsīr (exegesis) of the Qur’ān based on the principle of coherence. One is in Arabic and the other is in Urdu. A comparative analysis of the two works shows that the coherence found in the Arabic exegesis was in its formative phase and that it was developed to its full form in the Urdu exegesis. The coherence in the Qur’ān found in the two exegesis deserves closer analysis as it may assist the rebuilding of the grand edifice of Islamic thought and life


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    Müslüman âlimler, hadis edebiyatını[oluşturan rivayetleri]n sıhhatini korumaya olan paha biçilmez katkılarından ötürü takdiri hak etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, bu edebiyatın sıhhatini daha da güçlendirmek adına bundan fazlası yapılmalıdır. Mâlik b. Enes (ö. 179 h.), Ahmed b. Hanbel (ö. 241 h.), Dârimî (ö. 255 h.), Buhârî (ö. 256 h.), Müslim (ö. 261 h.), İbn Mâce (ö. 273 h.), Ebû Dâvud (ö. 275 h.), Tirmizî (ö. 279 h.), Nesâî (ö. 303 h.), Dârekutnî (ö. 385 h.) ve Beyhakî (ö. 457 h.) gibi büyük hadis otoriteleri, hadislerin özgün, sahih ve sağlam varyantlarını tespit etmek için -esas itibariyle senedleri tetkik ederek- ellerinden geleni yapmışlardır. Ancak onlar, metinleri aynı gayretle tetkik etmemişlerdir. Günümüzde de durum değişmemiştir, öyle ki [halihazırda yapılmış] metin tetkiklerini incelemek dahi yasak addedilmektedir. Hadislerin sıhhatini tetkike hala ihtiyaç varken, metnin doğruluğunu tespite yönelik bu “kapalı kapı” açılmalıdır. Mevcut çalışma, metinleri tetkik için kriterleri yeniden belirleme yolunda bir girişimi temsil etmekte, sonrasında bu kriterleri, Buhârî ve Müslim’den seçilmiş bazı hadislere uygulamaktadır