3 research outputs found

    Managed honey bee colony losses in Canada, China, Europe, Israel and Turkey, for the winters of 2008-9 and 1009-10

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    In 2008 the COLOSS network was formed by honey bee experts from Europe and the USA. The primary objectives set by this scientific network were to explain and to prevent large scale losses of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. In June 2008 COLOSS obtained four years support from the European Union from COST and was designated as COST Action FA0803 – COLOSS (Prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes). To enable the comparison of loss data between participating countries, a standardized COLOSS questionnaire was developed. Using this questionnaire information on honey bee losses has been collected over two years. Survey data presented in this study were gathered in 2009 from 12 countries and in 2010 from 24 countries. Mean honey bee losses in Europe varied widely, between 7-22% over the 2008-9 winter and between 7-30% over the 2009-10 winter. An important finding is that for all countries which participated in 2008-9, winter losses in 2009-10 were found to be substantially higher. In 2009-10, winter losses in South East Europe were at such a low level that the factors causing the losses in other parts of Europe were absent, or at a level which did not affect colony survival. The five provinces of China, which were included in 2009-10, showed very low mean (4%) A. mellifera winter losses. In six Canadian provinces, mean winter losses in 2010 varied between 16-25%, losses in Nova Scotia (40%) being exceptionally high. In most countries and in both monitoring years, hobbyist beekeepers (1-50 colonies) experienced higher losses than practitioners with intermediate beekeeping operations (51-500 colonies). This relationship between scale of beekeeping and extent of losses effect was also observed in 2009-10, but was less pronounced. In Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland, 2008-9 mean winter losses for beekeepers who reported ‘disappeared’ colonies were significantly higher compared to mean winter losses of beekeepers who did not report ‘disappeared’ colonies. Mean 2008-9 winter losses for those beekeepers in the Netherlands who reported symptoms similar to “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD), namely: 1. no dead bees in or surrounding the hive while; 2. capped brood was present, were significantly higher than mean winter losses for those beekeepers who reported ‘disappeared’ colonies without the presence of capped brood in the empty hives. In the winter of 2009-10 in the majority of participating countries, beekeepers who reported ‘disappeared’ colonies experienced higher winter losses compared with beekeepers, who experienced winter losses but did not report ‘disappeared’ colonies

    Outcome of the workshop

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    On 4th and 5th of February 2014, 18 researchers from 13 countries attended the workshop in Graz, Austria. The workshop was supported by COLOSS, University of Graz, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Austrian Research Association. An authorized questionnaire that was drafted before the workshop was finalised during the workshop after necessary extended discussion. The questionnaire will be published on the COLOSS website to make it available to all interested countries. Deadlines and important dates for the 2014 monitoring and submission of data were established. The use of additional databases (meteorological and land use) which could be relevant for better understanding of the past and future loss data collected using the COLOSS questionnaire was explored, with input from specialists from other fields. So far only winter losses have been considered, however in southern countries summer losses appear to be more important. This issue was discussed and a decision was taken to further explore summer losses in specific southern areas ideally using a randomized approach. The general feeling was that the monitoring group currently acts as an European entity which attracts other countries, but which may require to develop a stronger European profile. For COLOSS, it would be a good initiative for similar entities to be developed independently in other continents by honey bee researchers based in those continents. Further exploration of specific requirements and conditions is needed. The issue of compliance with the EU regulations on data protection was discussed for future implementation. A jointly authored publication on winter 2012-2013 colony losses which is in press and soon to appear in the Journal of Apicultural Research was welcomed by the participants of the workshop and would be accompanied by an IBRA press release to publicise this article

    Outcome of the workshop : C.S.I. Pollen – training the national agents in Graz

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    On 6th and 7th of February 2014, 26 researchers attended a workshop in Graz, Austria. The workshop was supported by COLOSS, the University of Graz and the Dean of the Faculty of Science. Pollen is the only source of proteins for honey bee colonies and is needed to feed brood, for organ development of adult honey bees and build-up of reserves to become long lived winter bees. All participants welcomed the initiative and agreed that the pollen nutrition of honey bees is of great importance for colony health and survival, and needs to be adequately studied. A means to study the biodiversity of pollen in the supply of honey bee colonies on a large scale is through the involvement of beekeepers as Citizen Scientists (C.S.). As beekeepers cannot perform full palynological analyses, we have developed a simple estimation of pollen diversity according to the colour of corbicular pollen pellets. This allows us to obtain information on a large number of samples, but also requires standardized protocols in all participating countries. National coordinators from the following countries agreed to conduct a common investigation in 2014 and 2015 using the protocols developed for C.S.I. Pollen in pilot studies in 2013: National coordinators of the following countries were present: Austria, Croatia , Denmark, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Wales. We will re-evaluate the protocols after one year, and also invite other countries to join. As a second step, samples collected by the beekeeper can be analysed to connect pollen diversity derived from colour differentiation of pollen pellets, to the number of plant species identified by palynological analysis. The funding for this second level investigation is to be left to the national coordinators. Traditional melissopalynological methods are not as suitable for the analysis of corbicular pollen pellets compared to honey, so standardized methods for this will be developed. The methods of sub-sampling, storage and transport need to be developed. The first level C.S. Investigations in the different countries will be coordinated and data collected for joint analyses and publication