7 research outputs found

    Multiple sources of Greenland dust throughout the Holocene

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    It is contested that the mineral dust found in Greenlandic ice cores during the Holocene stems from multiple source areas. Particles entrained above a more productive, primary source dominate the signal’s multi-seasonal average. Data in sub-annual resolution, however, reveal at least one further source. Whereas distinct inputs from the primary source are visible in elevated concentration levels, various inputs of the secondary source(s) are reflected by multiple maxima in the coarse particle percentage. As long as the dust sources’ respective seasonal cycles are preserved, primary and secondary source can be distinguished. Since the two source’s ejecta eventually detected differ in size, which can be attributed to a change in atmospheric residence times, it is suggested that the secondary source is located in closer proximity to the drilling site than the primary one

    Optimization of high-resolution continuous flow analysis for transient climate signals in ice cores

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    Over the past two decades, continuousflow analy-sis (CFA) systems have been refined and widely used to measureaerosol constituents in polar and alpine ice cores in very high-depthresolution. Here we present a newly designed system consistingof sodium, ammonium, dust particles, and electrolytic meltwaterconductivity detection modules. The system is optimized for high-resolution determination of transient signals in thin layers of deeppolar ice cores. Based on standard measurements and by comparingsections of early Holocene and glacial ice from Greenland, wefindthat the new system features a depth resolution in the ice of a fewmillimeters which is considerably better than other CFA systems. Thus, the new system can resolve ice strata down to 10 mm thickness andhas the potential of identifying annual layers in both Greenland and Antarctic ice cores throughout the last glacial cycle

    Year-round CH4 and CO2 flux dynamics in two contrasting freshwater ecosystems of the subarctic

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    Lakes and wetlands, common ecosystems of the high northern latitudes, exchange large amounts of the climate-forcing gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with the atmosphere. The magnitudes of these fluxes and the processes driving them are still uncertain, particularly for subarctic and Arctic lakes where direct measurements of CH4 and CO2 emissions are often of low temporal resolution and are rarely sustained throughout the entire year. Using the eddy covariance method, we measured surface–atmosphere exchange of CH4 and CO2 during 2.5 years in a thawed fen and a shallow lake of a subarctic peatland complex. Gas exchange at the fen exhibited the expected seasonality of a subarctic wetland with maximum CH4 emissions and CO2 uptake in summer, as well as low but continuous emissions of CH4 and CO2 throughout the snow-covered winter. The seasonality of lake fluxes differed, with maximum CO2 and CH4 flux rates recorded at spring thaw. During the ice-free seasons, we could identify surface CH4 emissions as mostly ebullition events with a seasonal trend in the magnitude of the release, while a net CO2 flux indicated photosynthetic activity. We found correlations between surface CH4 emissions and surface sediment temperature, as well as between diel CO2 uptake and diel solar input. During spring, the breakdown of thermal stratification following ice thaw triggered the degassing of both CH4 and CO2. This spring burst was observed in 2 consecutive years for both gases, with a large inter-annual variability in the magnitude of the CH4 degassing. On the annual scale, spring emissions converted the lake from a small CO2 sink to a CO2 source: 80 % of total annual carbon emissions from the lake were emitted as CO2. The annual total carbon exchange per unit area was highest at the fen, which was an annual sink of carbon with respect to the atmosphere. Continuous respiration during the winter partly counteracted the fen summer sink by accounting for, as both CH4 and CO2, 33 % of annual carbon exchange. Our study shows (1) the importance of overturn periods (spring or fall) for the annual CH4 and CO2 emissions of northern lakes, (2) the significance of lakes as atmospheric carbon sources in subarctic landscapes while fens can be a strong carbon sink, and (3) the potential for ecosystem-scale eddy covariance measurements to improve the understanding of short-term processes driving lake–atmosphere exchange of CH4 and CO2

    Evaluation of aeolian dust records obtained from Polar Ice Cores

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    When an ice core sample is analysed for its aeolian dust content, it is melted and the particles detected are suspended in water. Consequently, dust measurement techniques employed in the ice core community differ from those used for in-situ studies of airborne dust. Methods commonly used to classify insolubles suspended in a liquid are either based on the particles’ interaction with light or on the detection of resistive pulses by means of Coulter counting. Data sets obtained with Coulter counters are widely accepted as references and other techniques are judged against their ability to reproduce these. Unfortunately, optically acquired ice core dust records were found to differ. By analyzing two sections of the NEEM dust record, two different evaluation procedures are discussed before a third protocol is proposed. It is found that relative changes in the archived dust load can be reproduced, while the simultaneous attainment of absolute concentrations or changes in the grain size frequency histograms in high resolution remains difficult