13 research outputs found
Biochemical Properties and Urease, α-amylase Inhibitory Effects of Ocimum basilicum L. (Reyhan)
With the understanding of the role of antioxidants in preventing degenerative and age-related diseases caused by oxidative stress, and taking into account the multitude of pharmacological applications such as antidiabetic, antifungal, cardioprotection, immunostimulant, interest in plants rich in this respect has increased. Ocimum basilicum L. (purple) is a one-year, fragrant spice herb with its own aroma. In this study, chemical characterization of Ocimum basilicum L. plant was performed and inhibition effects on urease and a-amylase were investigated. Total phenolic content of Ocimum basilicum L. leafs ethanolic and water extracts were 320.08±2.03, 388.15±1.05 mg GAE/100g; total flavonoids were 282.57±1.12, 307.75±0.89 mg QE/100g; antioxidant capacity of samples were 0.46±0.01 and 0.52±0.02 mM Fe+2/mg extract, 0.46±0.01; IC50 values of urease were 18.77±0.22, 20.19±0.15 % and IC50 values of α-amylase were 0.47±0.01, 0.42±0.01 µg/mL, respectively. It is determined that ethanolic extract of leaves is rich in linalool, linolenin, phytol and α-humulene. The datas show that the leaves of the plant may be effective on two important diseases such as Diabetus mellitus and H. pylori
Der türkische Tomatensektor: regionale Gesichtspunkte und räumliche Marktintegration
In der Wertschöpfung der türkischen Landwirtschaft hat die Obst- und Gemüseproduktion große Bedeutung und Tafel- und Industrietomaten sind wiederum das wichtigste Einzelprodukt unter den Gemüsesorten. Das Papier beschreibt die Struktur und Entwicklung des Sektors seit den 1990-er Jahren und geht auf die Betriebsstruktur in der Primärerzeugung sowie die Situation in Handel, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung ein. Regionale Spezifika werden herausgearbeitet. Eine Analyse der Struktur und Dynamik von Verbraucherpreisen für Tafeltomaten in 22 Provinzen schließt sich an. Die Frage der Integration der Märkte für Tafeltomaten zwischen Provinzen wird mit Hilfe von Schwellen-Fehlerkorrekturmodellen untersucht, wobei handelsbehindernde Transaktionskosten berücksichtigt werden. Die Analyse der bilateralen Integrationsbeziehungen zwischen 22 Provinzen zeigt, dass entlang den Küsten ein Ring von Provinzen existiert, deren Tomatenmärkte eng mit denen anderer Provinzen verbunden sind, während die untersuchten Provinzen im Landesinneren in dieser Hinsicht relativ isoliert sind. Bei einigen Provinzpaaren findet Preistransmission nur dann statt, wenn Abweichungen vom interprovinziellen Gleichgewicht eine bestimmte Schwelle überschritten haben. -- E N G L I S H V E R S I O N: Tomatoes have the largest share among fruits and vegetables, which add substantially to the gross agricultural product in Turkey. We describe the structure and development of this sector from the year 1990 onwards, covering farms in primal production, trade facilities, processing firms, and marketing channels. An analysis of retail prices for table tomatoes in 22 provinces and their dynamics follows. Finally we employ a threshold vector error-correction model to analyse integration among the markets for table tomatoes in the presence of transaction costs. The results show a ring of integrated provinces along the coasts of Turkey, while the interior provinces are rather separated. In some cases price transmission only occurs when deviations from an interprovincial price equilibrium exceed a certain threshold.Tomatoes,Turkey,spatial market integration,Gemüse,Tomaten,Türkei,Marktintegration,Fehlerkorrekturmodell
Comparison of Two Different Methods for ProSealTM Laryngeal Mask Fixation
Objective:This prospective randomized study compared 2 different methods for ProsealTM Laryngeal Mask Airway (PLMA) fixation.Methods:Patients scheduled for ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy surgery in the lithotomy position were included in the study. General anaesthesia with PLMA was administered to the patients. To achieve PLMA fixation, patients were randomly assigned to either adjustable elastic band (Group I) or adhesive tape fixation (Group II). Fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB) evaluation and glottic image grading (grade 1-4) and lip margin distances of PLMA (M1 and M2) were evaluated before and after the surgical procedure.Results:We enrolled 116 patients. Surgery of 7 patients was postponed. PLMA dislocated in 2 patients in group II during positioning. For another patient who used adhesive tape in Group II, it was removed because it could not adhere to properly, and a new sticking plaster was used. The study was completed with 106 patients. In FOB evaluation, the number of patients with optimal FOB grade (FOB grade 1) after PLMA was inserted and fixed was more in Group I than in Group II (P = 0.01). FOB evaluation was repeated at the end of the operation, and the number of patients with the worst FOB grade (FOB grade 4) was 0 (0%) and 11 (10.5%) in Groups I and II, respectively. PLMA displaced more than 1 cm in 10 (18.9%) patients in Group I and in 30 patients (56.6%) in Group II.Conclusion:The adjustable elastic band method is simple, easy, and convenient and can be used in any surgical procedure for PLMA fixation
Büyük veride hadoop ve mapreduce uygulanması ve HDFS’ye alternatif dosya sistemi geliştirilmesi
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesiref. no : 10208434119946
Implementation of HADOOP and mapreduce in big data and alternative file system development for HDFS
YÖK Tez ID: 518467Hadoop, dağıtılmış dosyalarda çok miktarda veri depolamayı sağlayan bir dosya sistemine, Hadoop Dağıtık Dosya Sistemine (HDFS) sahiptir ve iş yükünü ve depolamayı paralel hale getirerek hesaplamaları gerçekleştirmek ve büyük miktarda veri işlemek için MapReduce programlama modelini kullanmaktadır. Ayrıca hem bireylerin hem de kuruluşların büyük verileri kullanmaları için, herhangi bir veri depolama ve işleme tesislerine yatırım yapmayı ortadan kaldıran bulut bilişim teknolojisi de geliştirilmiştir. Bulut bilişim ihtiyaca göre ölçeklenebilen, anında kullanıma hazır hizmet sağlayıcılardan oluşan internet ortamını ifade etmektedir. Verilerin internet ortamında saklanması ve internet vasıtasıyla işlenmesi çeşitli güvenlik ve gizlilik sorunlarını gündeme getirmektedir. Bu tez kapsamında öncelikle büyük veri kavramı ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Daha sonra bir ana, üç bağımlı düğüm olarak dört düğüm ile bir hadoop kümesi oluşturulmuş ve kümenin performansı test edilmiştir. Düğüm, çoğaltma (replica), harita (map) ve indirgeme (reduce) sayısında, girdi dosyalarının ve HDFS blok boyutunda değişiklikler uygulanarak çeşitli testler yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, hadoopun büyük dosyaları işlemek için tasarlanan ve çok sayıda küçük dosya ile çalışırken performans sıkıntısı çeken, ayrıca kümeyi yöneten tek bir ana düğümle çalışan dosya sistemine sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Son olarak, buna alternatif bir sistem önerilmiştir. Bu sistem ile şifreleme teknikleri kullanılarak güvenlik sıkıntısı çözülmüş ve dosya yapılandırılmasında birden fazla blok boyutu kullanılarak küçük ve büyük dosyaların depolanması kolaylaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca sistem tek bir ana düğüme bağlı olmayıp birden fazla sunucu ile çalışmakta ve düğümsel problemi ortadan kaldırmaktadır.Hadoop has Hadoop Distributed File System, a file-system that allows you to store large amounts of data in distributed files and uses the MapReduce programming model to perform calculations by making workload and storage parallel and to process large amounts of data.In addition, cloud computing technology has been developed that removes investment in any data-storage and processing facilities for both individuals and organizations to use large amounts of data.Cloud computing refers to an internet environment consisting of ready-to-use service providers that can be scaled according to their needs.The storage of data on the internet and processing by means of internet brings various security and confidentiality problems.In this thesis firstly the concept of bigdata is examined in detail.Then, hadoop cluster with four nodes as one master and three slaves was created and the performance of the cluster was tested.Various tests have been done by applying changes in node, replica, map-reduce numbers and in different sizes with input files and HDFS block size.As a result, Hadoop has been observed to have file-system that is designed to handle large files and has performance bottlenecks when working with many small files, and also running on single main node that manages the cluster.Finally, alternative system has been proposed.With this system, security problem is solved by using encryption techniques and it is facilitated to store small and large files by using more than one block-size in file-configuration.In addition, the-system is not connected to single master-node but works with multiple servers and thus removes the node problem
Dynamic analysis of changes in diffusion and sorption parameters in the reaction of SO2with activated soda ash
Variations in pore structure cause significant changes in diffusion resistance and adsorption characteristics during the reaction of SO2 with activated soda. Breakthrough and moment analysis of the SO2‐activated soda ash reaction showed that the effective diffusion coefficient of SO2 in the solid product (mostly Na2SO3) was about three times smaller than its value in the original activated soda. About 30% of the diffusion flux of SO2 in the solid product was found to be due to surface diffusion. The adsorption equilibrium constant of SO2 on the solid product was found to be about half the value of the adsorption equilibrium constant on activated soda. It was also determined that SO2 was irreversibly adsorbed on the solid product Na2SO3 at 200°C and 3.7 atm. The gaseous product CO2 was not adsorbed on the solid product while it was slightly adsorbed on activated soda
Turkish tomato sector – Regional aspects and spatial market integration
In der Wertschöpfung der türkischen Landwirtschaft hat die Obst- und Gemüseproduktion große Bedeutung und Tafel- und Industrietomaten sind wiederum das wichtigste Einzelprodukt unter den Gemüsesorten. Das Papier beschreibt die Struktur und Entwicklung des Sektors seit den 1990-er Jahren und geht auf die Betriebsstruktur in der Primärerzeugung sowie die Situation in Handel, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung ein. Regionale Spezifika werden herausgearbeitet. Eine Analyse der Struktur und Dynamik von Verbraucherpreisen für Tafeltomaten in 22 Provinzen schließt sich an. Die Frage der Integration der Märkte für Tafeltomaten zwischen Provinzen wird mit Hilfe von Schwellen-Fehlerkorrekturmodellen untersucht, wobei handelsbehindernde Transaktionskosten berücksichtigt werden. Die Analyse der bilateralen Integrationsbeziehungen zwischen 22 Provinzen zeigt, dass entlang den Küsten ein Ring von Provinzen existiert, deren Tomatenmärkte eng mit denen anderer Provinzen verbunden sind, während die untersuchten Provinzen im Landesinneren in dieser Hinsicht relativ isoliert sind. Bei einigen Provinzpaaren findet Preistransmission nur dann statt, wenn Abweichungen vom interprovinziellen Gleichgewicht eine bestimmte Schwelle überschritten haben.Tomatoes have the largest share among fruits and vegetables, which add substantially to the gross agricultural product in Turkey. We describe the structure and development of this sector from the year 1990 onwards, covering farms in primal production, trade facilities, processing firms, and marketing channels. An analysis of retail prices for table tomatoes in 22 provinces and their dynamics follows. Finally we employ a threshold vector error-correction model to analyse integration among the markets for table tomatoes in the presence of transaction costs. The results show a ring of integrated provinces along the coasts of Turkey, while the interior provinces are rather separated. In some cases price transmission only occurs when deviations from an interprovincial price equilibrium exceed a certain threshold
Frequency of side effects experienced in two different NIM-EMG tubes used in thyroid and parathyroid surgery; a prospective observational study
Abstract Background In this study, we observed the frequency of side effects encountered when the neural integrity monitor electromyogram endotracheal tube (NIM-EMG-ETT) was used in thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy surgeries. Methods After obtaining hospital ethics committee approval, 239 cases affiliated with the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA II-IV) who used NIM EMG tubes in thyroid and parathyroid surgery were included in the prospective observational study. Tube and patient-related complications encountered with two different NIM EMG-ETT (silicone and polyvinyl chloride-PVC) were recorded. Results The average age of the patients is 49.50 ± 13.44 years, the average BMI is 28.25 ± 4.91 kg/m2, the median surgery time is 115 (32–475) minutes, 75.7% are women, 97.5% are ASA II. Additional diseases other than thyroid and parathyroid problems were present in 77.3%. Thyroidectomy was performed in 73.2% of the patients. In our study, only 0.8% of patients with transient recurrent laryngeal nerve RLN paralysis were observed in thyroid and parathyroid surgeries performed using NIM-EMG tubes, 3 patient already had nerve involvement in the preoperative period. The most common complication was loss of stimulation response related to tubes and patient-related ventilation failure. There was no difference between the complications of silicone and PVC tubes except for irregular EMG response. Conclusions There was no significant difference in side effects other than irregular EMG response in the two different tubes we used in our study. It was observed that prolonging the surgical time increased the risk of irregular EMG response. It should not be forgotten that no matter which NIM-EMG tube is used, additional risks are encountered during the intubation and extubation process. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the usage rules recommended by the manufacturer when using NIM-EMG tubes