438 research outputs found

    The Process of Generating Single Large Combined Cloud for Grid-Free Solvers

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    Dealing with moving body problems, where one component moves relatively with respect to other, is a difficult task in CFD due to the efforts needed in grid handling for every delta change in position of the moving component. The inherent nature of mesh-free solvers reduces the efforts needed for these kinds of problems by operating on a cloud of points rather than a grid. A new method to handle moving body problems is proposed, where individual clouds are generated around each component and are combined into a single large combined cloud. The proposed method is applied to store separation problem and results generated using NAL-MCIR mesh-less solver is compared with experimental results

    Triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion in polymeric systems and model membranes

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    Triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTAUC) is gaining prominence in the field of optical spectroscopy and holds the potential to revolutionize various emerging technologies such as solar cells, bioimaging and light-activated drug release. This is attributed to its capability of converting long-wavelength photons to higher energy photons, even at low excitation power densities (~5 mW cm-2). The low excitation power density can activate the drug release without damaging the tissue by excitation radiation. The implementation of TTAUC in light-activated drug release necessitates the transfer of the upconversion system comprising sensitizer and annihilator, from solution to solid phase. However, TTAUC is most efficient in solutions and needs inert conditions. The challenge lies in the fact that diffusion plays a crucial role in molecular processes for triplet-triplet energy transfer (TTET) and triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA). In this work, liposomes with sensitizer, annihilator and drug molecules have been synthesized. Time-resolved studies of sensitizer and annihilator in lipid bilayer membranes reveal the triplet lifetime properties, the triplet lifetime of sensitizer and annihilator molecules play a vital role in determining the efficiency of energy transfer processes. The study reveals sensitizer and annihilator molecules localize within the lipid bilayer. Therefore, increasing the local concentration leads to the self-quenching of sensitizer triplets, but localization enhances the energy transfer rates. The observations made using time-resolved study of TTAUC in LUVs indicate despite the higher viscosity of the medium, energy transfer is faster in the lipid bilayer system. Long triplet lifetimes of the sensitizer and annihilators are advantageous in getting high upconversion yield, this study will be crucial in designing efficient light-activated drug delivery systems using liposomes

    Demystifying Quantum Blockchain for Healthcare

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    The application of blockchain technology can be beneficial in the field of healthcare as well as in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. In this work, the importance of blockchain is analyzed and it is observed that blockchain technology and the processes associated with it will be utilised in the healthcare systems of the future for data acquisition from sensors, automatic patient monitoring, and secure data storage. This technology substantially simplifies the process of carrying out operations because it can store a substantial quantity of data in a dispersed and secure manner, as well as enable access whenever and wherever it is required to do so. With the assistance of quantum blockchain, the benefits of quantum computing, such as the capability to acquire thermal imaging based on quantum computing and the speed with which patients may be located and monitored, can all be exploited to their full potential. Quantum blockchain is another tool that can be utilised to maintain the confidentiality, authenticity, and accessibility of data records. The processing of medical records could potentially benefit from greater speed and privacy if it combines quantum computing and blockchain technology. The authors of this paper investigate the possible benefits and applications of blockchain and quantum technologies in the field of medicine, pharmacy and healthcare systems. In this context, this work explored and compared quantum technologies and blockchain-based technologies in conjunction with other cutting-edge information and communications technologies such as ratification intelligence, machine learning, drones, and so on

    A Model for Helical Capillary Tubes for Refrigeration Systems

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    Bio-Inspired Strategies for Optimizing Radiation Therapy under Uncertainties

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    Radiation therapy is a critical component of cancer treatment. However, the delivery of radiation poses inherent challenges, particularly in minimizing radiation exposure to healthy organs surrounding the tumor site. One significant contributing factor to this challenge is the patient's respiration, which introduces uncertainties in the precise targeting of radiation. Managing these uncertainties during radiotherapy is essential to ensure effective tumor treatment while minimizing the adverse effects on healthy tissues. This research addresses the crucial objective of achieving a balanced dose distribution during radiation therapy under conditions of respiration uncertainty. To tackle this issue, we begin by developing a motion uncertainty model employing probability density functions that characterize breathing motion patterns. This model forms the foundation for our efforts to optimize radiation dose delivery. Next, we employ three bio-inspired optimization techniques: Cuckoo search optimization (CSO), flower pollination algorithm (FPA), and bat search Optimization (BSO). Our research evaluates the dose distribution in Gy on both the tumor and healthy organs by applying these bio-inspired optimization methods to identify the most effective approach. This research ultimately aids in refining the strategies used in radiation therapy planning under the challenging conditions posed by respiration uncertainty. Through the application of bio-inspired optimization techniques and a comprehensive evaluation of dose distribution, we seek to improve the precision and safety of radiation therapy, thereby advancing cancer treatment outcomes

    Method of Deriving Companion Identities Associating q-Series

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    In this paper, we have established two theorems by making use of Euler’s q-derivative and qshifted operators for a function of one variable and also for function of two variables. We derived several companion identities by applying these theorems on some known q-series identities. We deduced several special cases which are also the companion identities in the last section of the paper

    Study the incidence of abdominal malignancies presenting as acute abdomen: an observational study

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    Background: Acute abdomen is one of the most common symptoms that bring a patient to an emergency department. An abdominal malignancy may be the cause of acute abdomen at least in a number of cases. The problem with this is the poorer outcome associated with it due to the lack of preoperative evaluation and preparation and also possible contamination that occurs in case of a perforation. This study aimed at studying the incidence of abdominal malignancies in the patients presenting as acute abdomen and the various presentations in which they present. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar India. This study was done during from  March 2015 to July 2016.who required surgery for acute abdomen were taken for the study and the incidence of malignancy in these cases were statistically assessed. Results: Out of the 400 patients who were operated for non-traumatic acute abdomen 73 patients i.e. 18.25% were found to have intra-abdominal malignancy. Carcinoma colon was the commonest malignancy, 52.05%. Carcinoma stomach and rectum were the next most common malignancy. Commonest presentation was as a case of intestinal obstruction, 79.45% followed by perforation 23.28%. Conclusions: In the era were the incidence and early detection of abdominal malignancies are on a rise, a significant portion of these cases present with acute abdominal symptoms and the morbidity associated with such a presentation is of importance. Early detection of the disease by screening is the solution forthis.   Keywords: Abdominal malignancies, Incidence, Intestinal obstruction, Perforation