25 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Profil Lipid Pada Remaja Obes Dan Tidak Obes Di Kecamatan Bolangitang Barat

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    : Obesity might cause dyslipidemia, marked by increased cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels, as well as reduced HDL level. Dyslipidemia is related to atherosclerosis that can result in cardiovascular diseases. This study was aimed to identify differences of lipid profiles in obese and non-obese teenagers at West Bolangitang, North Bolaang Mongondow. This was an observational analytical study with a cross sectional design conducted from October to November 2016. Subjects were 60 teenagers obtained by using consecutive sampling method and were divided into two groups: obese (29 teenagers) and non-obese (31 teenagers). Lipid profile examinations were performed on all of them. Statistical analysis of total cholesterol level of the two groups used independent t test (p=0.002) dan Pearson correlation test (p=0.028). The normality test of triglyseride level showed that data were not normally distributed, therefore, the analysis was continued with Mann-Whitney test (p=0.328) and Spearman correlation test (p=0.542). The normality test of LDL level showed that data were not normally distributed, therefore, the analysis was continued with Mann-Whitney test (p=0.004) and Spearman correlation test (p=0.032). The normality test of HDL level showed that data were not normally distributed, therefore, the analysis was continued with Mann-Whitney test (p=0.063) and Spearman correlation test (p=0.054). Conclusion: There were significant differences of total cholesterol and LDL levels but there were no significant differences of triglyceride and HDL levels between obese teenagers and non-obese teenagers

    Hubungan Obesitas Dengan Tekanan Darah Dan Aktivitas Fisik Pada Remaja Di Kota Bitung

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    : Obesity is one of the global health problem which is often found. Indonesia is a developing country with high incident of obesity. Adolescents are the age group with high levels of obesity risk. The increasing of obesity followed by increasing co-morbidity the potential to be disease in a later time. Obesity increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Hypertension in adolescents already many found. Hypertension in adolescents is problem because it can be continued in adults. one important factor which play a role in obesity is physical activity. Objective: This research to determine the relationship of obesity with blood pressure and physical activity in adolescents in Bitung. Methodology: This study was observational analytic cross sectional design. Results: There were 60 subjekts as the subject of study that meets the inclusions kriteria which have been measured. Consisted of 21 boys and 39 girls. Of 60 obese adolescents are 34 adolescents with high blood pressure, 26 adolescent with normal blood pressure, 52 adolescent with moderate physical activity, 8 adolescents with low physical activity, there is no a significant relationship with blood pressure (Chi Square Test p=0,120), and there is no a significant relationship with physical activity (Chi Square Test: p=0,486. Conclusion: There is no a relationship between obesity with blood pressure and physical activity in adolescents in Bitung

    Prevalensi Hiperkolesterolemia Pada Remaja Obes Di Kabupaten Minahasa

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    : Hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor for coronary heart diseases. Obesity is also a risk factor of hypercholesterolemia. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in obese adolescents in Tondano. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional approach. Population was students of SMK Tondano from grade one to grade three aged 13 to 18 years. Samples were obtained by using simple random sampling. Weight, height, and cholesterol level were measured. There were 54 samples of obese students: 43 females (80%) and 11 males (20%). Of the 54 samples, 6 samples had elevated levels of cholesterol: 5 females (84%) and 1 male (16%). Conclusion: Obese females were more likely to have elevated levels of cholesterol compared to obese males

    Gambaran Gula Darah Darah Pada Remaja Obes Di Minahasa

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    Obesity is an accumulation of excessive fat that can induce insulin resistance. If that happen, the blood sugar inside body will increase (hyperglycemia). Adolesence is impressionable to globalization of the high – fat and low – fiber diets such fast food or junk food. This reason of increasing prevalence of obesity and risk of diabetes mellitus. Blood sugar examination important to prevent the risk of obesity. Population in this research is all adolescence between 13 to 18 years old at Minahasa. Total of sample quantity are 54 students, which consist of 11 boys and 43 girls. Results that 4 girls (7,4%) are hyperglycemia. 11 boys and 39 girls with normal blood sugar. Mean and standar deviation of blood sugar is 82,2+21. This number can be effected by genetics, diets and physical activity of adolescence. Keywords: blood sugar, obesity, adolescence. Obesitas merupakan akumulasi lemak berlebihan yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya resistensi insulin. Bila hal ini terjadi, maka gula darah di dalam tubuh meningkat (hiperglikemia). Remaja gampang terpengaruh oleh globalisasi pada pola makan tinggi lemak dan rendah serat seperti fast food atau junk food. Sehingga meningkatkan prevalensi obesitas dan resiko terhadap diabetes mellitus. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja obes usia 13 sampai 18 tahun yang berada di Minahasa. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 54 orang, yang terdiri dari 11 laki-laki dan 43 perempuan. Penelitian ini didapatkan 4 siswa perempuan (7,4%) mengalami hiperglikemia. Sebanyak 11 siswa laki-laki dan 39 siswa perempuan mempunyai kadar gula darah dalam batas normal. Nilai rerata dan standar deviasi gula darah puasa adalah 82,2+21. Hasil penelitian dapat disebabkan faktor genetik, pola makan, dan aktivitas fisik remaja yang mudah terpengaruh dengan globalisasi

    Seroepidemiologi Toksoplasmosis Pada Masyarakat Di Desa Kumu Kabupaten Minahasa Tahun 2015

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    : Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii in humans and also in animals. Toxoplasma gondii infection is widespread in the world, about 20-90% of the populations have been exposed to this parasite, and most take place without showing specific symptoms. The purpose of this study was to determine the seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis among the villagers of kumu in district minahasa on 2015. This study was a cross sectional descriptive study. The study population was Kumu Village community. This study using blood specimens to be tested by latex agglutination test and interviews to determine the distribution of toxoplasmosis is based on risk factors. Seropositive obtained if agglutination occurs on the results of serological tests. Respondents consisted of 20 (90.90%) females and 2 (9.10%) men. The results showed 11 (50%) of respondents has toxoplasma seropositivity were distributed by age, sex, level of education, occupation, diet, hygiene, exposure to dogs, exposure to cats, and a history of miscarriage

    Kajian Anti Piretik Dan Anti Oksidan Dari Ekstrak Alga Hijau Boergesenia Forbesii

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    Alga laut yang tumbuh secara liar di pinggiran perairan merupakan salah satu tumbuhan laut yang berpotensi penting untuk industri farmasitika Indonesia. Alga hijau Boergesenia forbesii merupakan salah satu yang alga liar yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Dalam penelitian ini akan diuji aktifitas ekstrak alga hijau Boergesenia forbesii apakah memiliki aktifitas antipiretik. Metode yang digunakan untuk uji antipiretik yaitu menaikkan suhu tubuh dari hewan uji dengan memberikan larutan pepton 10% dengan dosis 150 mg/kg. Kontrol positif menggunakan 1% parasitamol dengan dosis 150 mg/kg. Hewan perlakuan menggunakan ekstrak alga hijau Boergesenia forbesii 1% denga dosis 150 mg/kg. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan ekstrak alga hijau Boergesenia forbesii memiliki aktifitas antipiretik. Tetapi perlu dilakukan penelitan lanjutan untuk diperoleh senyawa yang lebih murni lagi