40,657 research outputs found

    A study of The Rock by T.S. Eliot : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English at Massey University

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    Chapter I of this thesis is just a brief account of the genesis of The Rock: brief for fear of reproducing what has already been ably said before by Mr E. Martin Browne in his book The Making of T.S. Eliot's Plays. In this section the pageant and music-hall revue, which were the vehicles for this vaguely propagandist work, are treated, and what is so strangely important about the music-hall form of entertainment is that Eliot was very much attracted to it. This chapter, although it just sets the scene, shows the author working at a much more superficial level than ever before. Chapter II deals with the importance of Eliot's socio-religious thinking relative to The Rock in the 1930s. The authoritarian nature and very rigour of his orthodoxy may have been partly the reason why The Rock and After Strange Gods were never republished, but the important point is made clear, through these views on Christian orthodoxy and tradition, that Eliot was to be admired as perhaps the only poet and intellectual of great standing in England in the 1930s who gave his allegiance to something wholly outside himself. In addition, what is made explicit in this chapter, and held implicit throughout, is that Eliot was no turncoat who now gladly and facilely embraced the succour of Mother Church as some critics would have us believe. What is made plain is that this relatively new convert was finding a via media between facile hope and pointless despair - hence the very discipline and rigour of his Anglo-Catholic affirmations. Chapter III is about the requirements of the medium in what was in fact the first time Eliot had moved beyond a coterie audience. The demands and limitations are listed as criteria against which The Rock can only be measured; and although the choruses may be the first bad poetry Eliot had written, it is made clear that he was conscious of the seeming hollowness of ecclesiastical utterances. It may seem paradoxical that Eliot, in this propaganda setting, was actually trying to wring the neck of rhetoric, and the moral is even enforced by his inclusion of a verse-sketch which clearly shows an adulteration through rhetoric. Chapter IV reverberates on the two preceding chapters in its delineation of a return to a purified yet traditional language as well. Although the nobility of language from biblical books is still there, Eliot was for the first time using a democratic, and non-hieratic, language of ordinary man. There is a new distrust of the cunning and rhetorical, as contained in the 'objective correlative' of before, and the author is attempting a personal atone through what seems to be an authenticity and sincerity of tone. The Rock could conceivably exist without the choruses at all but they are important, unlike the prose episodes, because they were written without the various collaborators. Chapter V attempts, very briefly, to establish that The Rock was not a propagandist's hackwork but that the author was consciously groping for new forms of prosody and dramatic techniques preparatory to his later plays and poetry and, as such, the work is seen in the perspective of an important stage midway in Eliot's career as an artist and thinker

    Some remarks on the isoperimetric problem for the higher eigenvalues of the Robin and Wentzell Laplacians

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    We consider the problem of minimising the kkth eigenvalue, k≥2k \geq 2, of the (pp-)Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions with respect to all domains in RN\mathbb{R}^N of given volume MM. When k=2k=2, we prove that the second eigenvalue of the pp-Laplacian is minimised by the domain consisting of the disjoint union of two balls of equal volume, and that this is the unique domain with this property. For p=2p=2 and k≥3k \geq 3, we prove that in many cases a minimiser cannot be independent of the value of the constant α\alpha in the boundary condition, or equivalently of the volume MM. We obtain similar results for the Laplacian with generalised Wentzell boundary conditions Δu+β∂u∂ν+γu=0\Delta u + \beta \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} + \gamma u = 0.Comment: 16 page

    An investigation into unsteady base bleed for drag reduction in bluff two-box SUVs

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    This paper discusses a preliminary investigation into the use of base bleed on a production SUV using CFD analysis. The paper shows the methods used in creating the computational model and conducting the analysis, and present the findings to date. The paper shows that the reduction in drag increases as the mass flow rate of air is increased when the flow is deflected at the outlet. By controlling the turbulent wake to the rear of the vehicle, it is shown in the paper that mass flow rates of under 2kg/s can reduce drag coefficient by 8.2% with an outlet on the side of the vehicle, and that a mass flow rate of under 1.5kg/s can reduce the drag coefficient by 10.7% for an outlet on the upper section of the rear of the vehicle. The paper also discusses the feasibility of base bleed being applied to a production vehicle

    Barbaetis: A New Genus of Eastern Nearctic Mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)

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    The new genus Barbaetis Waltz and McCafferty, and new species Barbaetis benfieldi Kennedy are described from larvae collected from the New River, Virginia. Barbaetis is easily told from Baetis by the presence of procoxal osmobranchia. Cladistics of B. benfieldi, related Pseudocloeon species, and the lutheri and pavidus complexes of Baetis are presented and indicate the need for further taxonomic revision. The habitat of B. benfieldi is described in terms of several ecological parameters. The new species demonstrates a univoltine life history with postembryonic development restricted to a short springtime period

    Making the small oblique parameters large

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    We compute the oblique parameters, including the three new parameters V V , W W and X X introduced recently by the Montreal group, for the case of one scalar multiplet of arbitrary weak isospin J J and weak hypercharge Y Y . We show that, when the masses of the heaviest and lightest components of the multiplet remain constant, but J J increases, the oblique parameter U U and the three new oblique parameters increase like J3 J^3 , while T T only increases like J J . For large multiplets with masses not much higher than mZ m_Z , the oblique parameters U U and V V may become much larger than T T and S S .Comment: 9 pages, standard LATEX, 3 figures available from the authors, report CMU-HEP93-17 and DOE-ER/40682-4

    Bending vibrational data accuracy study

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    Computer program for predicting structural bending vibrational dat
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