7 research outputs found

    Characteristics of InP/InGaAs HPT-based Optically Injection-Locked Self-oscillating Optoelectronic Mixers and Their Influence on RoF System Performance

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    Abstract A 30GHz optically injection-locked self-oscillating optoelectronic mixer (OIL-SOM) is implemented with a high-performance InP/InGaAs heterojunction phototransistor. The sub-harmonic conversion efficiency and phase noise characteristics of OIL-SOM are investigated and used for analyzing OIL-SOM-based 60GHz radio-on-fiber downlink data transmission performance. The OIL-SOM characteristics provide lower and upper boundaries for the input optical LO power range within which the link performance does not significantly depend on input optical LO power. Index Terms: heterojunction phototransistor (HPT), optically injection-locked selfoscillating optoelectronic mixer (OIL-SOM), phase noise, conversion efficiency, 60GHz, radio-on-fiber system, optical LO power

    Preparation of Acid and Oxidation Catalysts Utilizing Lacunary Sites of Polyoxometalates as Useful Chemical Reaction Field

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    Three olefin-containing organosilyl derivatives supported on the mono-lacunaryDawson polyoxometalate (POM), [α2-P2W17O61{(RSi)2O}]6– (R = {CH2=C(CH3)COO(CH2)3}; 1,{CH2=CHCOO(CH2)3}; 2 and {CH2=CH}; 3), as Me2NH2 salts, which can act as precursors forthe immobilization of the POMs in polymer networks, were obtained by the 2:1 molar ratioreaction of the organosilyl precursor RSi(OCH3)3 with K10[α2-P2W17O61]·19H2O in acidicMeOH/H2O mixed solutions. These compounds were unequivocally characterized withcomplete elemental analysis, TG/DTA, FT-IR, solution (1H, 13C, 29Si, 31P, and 183W) NMR,and X-ray crystallography. X-ray crystallography revealed that the two organic chainsconnected through an -Si-O-Si- bond were grafted onto the mono-lacunary site of the POM.The four-coordination of each Si atom was attained with the bridging oxygen atom, theterminal organic group R in the organosilyl group, and two of the four oxygen atoms in themono-lacunary site of the POM. In the solid-state, two POMs (1, 3) were represented as C1symmetry, on the other hand, 2 could be depicted as an approximate Cs symmetry. In thesolution, all POMs were represented as Cs symmetry owing to mobility of the organicchains.■短 報■ 2007 年度神奈川大学総合理学研究所共同研究助成論

    Thoracic Radiotherapy for Mediastinal Nodal Recurrence

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    Radiotherapy has been used to treat loco-regional recurrences located at various intra-thoracic sites, but longterm survival of these patients has been rarely observed. We report herein a lung adenocarcinoma patient with locoregional recurrence, who was successfully treated with high-dose radiotherapy. The patient could survive with no evidence of recurrence 5 years after thoracic irradiation. It is probably safe to administrate high-dose radiotherapy for some loco-regional recurrent patients with favorable prognostic factors such as good PS, no body weight loss. Further studies will be required to define a favorable subset of patients most likely to benefit from an aggressive approach