Characteristics of InP/InGaAs HPT-based Optically Injection-Locked Self-oscillating Optoelectronic Mixers and Their Influence on RoF System Performance


Abstract A 30GHz optically injection-locked self-oscillating optoelectronic mixer (OIL-SOM) is implemented with a high-performance InP/InGaAs heterojunction phototransistor. The sub-harmonic conversion efficiency and phase noise characteristics of OIL-SOM are investigated and used for analyzing OIL-SOM-based 60GHz radio-on-fiber downlink data transmission performance. The OIL-SOM characteristics provide lower and upper boundaries for the input optical LO power range within which the link performance does not significantly depend on input optical LO power. Index Terms: heterojunction phototransistor (HPT), optically injection-locked selfoscillating optoelectronic mixer (OIL-SOM), phase noise, conversion efficiency, 60GHz, radio-on-fiber system, optical LO power

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