50 research outputs found

    Mini Break Intervention in Preventing Asthenopia among Drawing Workers using Standard and Widescreen Size VDT at Construction Company in Jakarta

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    AbstractBackground,Minibreak intervention may solve asthenopia which has a main problem among workers using VDT. Asthenopia is measured with near point convergence (NPC). The purpose of this study was to determine convergence power difference that mini break produces between workers using standard VDT and widescreen VDT. Methods, Sixty six workers were divided into four groups: minibreak and no minibreak intervention in standard VDT users and widescreen VDT users. The difference of NPC before and after 4 hours of VDT exposure and 4 hours of exposure with a 15 minute minibreakwere measured in all groups using RAF ruler.  Results,  Minibreak intervention resulted in a significant difference of convergence power between workers using standard VDT (p=0.000) and widescreen VDT (p=0.000).   But the differences of convergence between standard VDT and widescreen VDT were not significant in those given minibreak (p=0.9694) and those not given (p=0.6251). Conclusion, Mini break intervention produced significant differences in convergence power between both groups but the size of the VDT had no effect. Keywords: Asthenopia, VDT, near point convergence, mini break AbstrakLatar Belakang, Mini break dapat menjadi solusi untuk kelelahan mata yang menjadi masalah utama pada pekerja dengan pekerjaan menggambar menggunakan VDT.  Kelelahan mata dapat diukur dengan mengukurnear point convergence (NPC). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan NPC yang dihasilkan oleh mini break pada pekerja yang menggunakan VDT standar dan wide screen. Metode, Enam puluh enam pekerja dibagi menjadi empat kelompok: mini break dan tanpa mini break pada pekerja VDT  standar dan wide screen. Perbedaan NPC sebelum dan sesudah pajanan VDT selama 4 jam terus-menerus tanpa mini break dan pajanan selama 4 jam dengan mini break 15 menit di tengah-tengah diukur pada semua grup menggunakan RAF ruler. Hasil, Intervensi mini break menghasilkan perbedaan bermakna pada kekuatan konvergensi antara pekerja yang menggunakan   VDT   standar   (p=0.000)   dan   VDT  widescreen   (p=0.000).   Namun   perbedaan konvergensi antara VDT standar dan widescreen tidak berbeda bermakna pada grup yang diberikan mini break (p=0.9694) dan tanpa mini break (p=0.6251). Kesimpulan, Intervensi mini break menghasilkan kekuatan konvergensi yang berbeda antara dua kelompok pekerja, namun hal tersebut tidak dipengaruhi oleh ukuran VDT. Kata kunci: Mata lelah, VDT, pekerja gambar, near point convergence, mini break

    The Effectiveness of Home and Hospital Enteral Nutrition: A Preliminary Study

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    Home enteral nutrition (EN) at dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital (RSMH) was rare. Its acceptability and effectiveness were not known. This study was aimed to determine the effectiveness of home EN compared with EN for hospitalized patients as the control group. We conducted a preliminary quasi-experimental study with anthropometric measurements every seven days until the twenty-eighth day. There were 15 subjects for each group. The acceptability rate of home EN was 100%. The mean of initial weight for height (WHZ T0) between the control group and home EN group was -2.83 (2.49) vs -2.46 (2.44). The mean of WHZ at T7 was -2.51 (2.29) vs -1,99 (2.49). There was an increase in each group (P=0.009), but the difference was not significant (P=0.584). Complications occurred in 13.3% of subjects in the control group and 66.7% in the home EN group. There was a significant WHZ change affected by complications, but the change was not significant (P=0.186). We concluded that home enteral nutrition had the same effectiveness as in the hospital.

    Plasma MicroRNA-200c as A Prognostic Biomarker for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer is the 8th most prevalent cancer in women in the world. Current biomarker prognosis for ovarian cancer has numerous limitations, thus new biomarkers are needed. MicroRNAs (miRs) are considered as potential biomarkers in ovarian cancer as they are stable in blood. One candidate is miR-200c, the main regulator in epithelial transition to the mesenchyme. The aim of this study is to determine the role of miR-200c as prognostic biomarker for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC).METHODS: This is a prospective cohort study conducted at Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital in Yogyakarta from September 2015 to July 2018. Sampling was done using consecutive sampling method. Forty plasma samples of EOC subjects were included in this study. miR-200c expression was quantified using Reverse Transcriptase Quantitative Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTqPCR) with miR-16 as the reference gene.RESULTS: The expression of miR-200c was significantly higher in the group of subjects with preoperative CA-125 levels >500 U/mL (p=0.009) than the group of subjects with preoperative CA-125 levels <500 U/mL. Subjects with higher miR-200c expression had lower survival rate than subjects with lower miR-200c expression, although not statistically significant.CONCLUSION: The miR-200c could be a promising biomarker for EOC. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to clarify the prognostic value of miR200c.KEYWORDS: miR-200c, epithelial ovarian cancer, prognosis, overall surviva

    Blood Pressure Profile of Young Adults at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

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    Background: hypertension remains a global burden. Complications of unrecognized hypertension might increase mortality as shown by a WHO 2013 report that hypertension caused 9.4 million deaths worldwide. There is no prior data in Indonesia on blood pressure status in young adults with similar education levels. Medical students are at high risk of developing early hypertension due to modern lifestyle habits. This study aimed to determine the blood pressure profile of medical students as representative of the young adult population. Methods: we measured the prevalence of hypertension in medical students. All medical students who agreed to participate completed a questionnaire. Afterwards, we conducted a physical examination and obtained blood and urine samples to screen for blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and the lipid profile. Results: the prevalence of students with prehypertension or hypertension was 29.6%. The mean eGFR was 105.45 ml/min/m2. The mean total cholesterol was within normal limits. Conclusion: the prevalence of hypertension in medical students was high. This study shows that early detection of hypertension is key to treating it early and therefore to reducing morbidity and mortality

    Microscopic Examination of Fecal Leukocytes as a Simple Method to Detecting Infective Colitis in Children

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    Various pathogenic bacteria are reported as the cause of infectious colitis in children. Infectious colitis does not have a specific sign, therefore an accurate examination is required. The implementation of fecal cultures accompanied with drug resistance tests often have constraints, beside the relatively expensive costs, longer times are needed, and not all health care facilities have required instruments. On the other hand, this condition requires an immediate antibiotic therapy, so that the infection should not be continued. In daily practice, it is not uncommon to find diarrhea with the amount of fecal leukocyte 8. The sensitivity value was 83.3% and the specificity value was 45.1%. The antibiotic sensitivity test showed that one child infected  by EPEC was sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Two children infected  by Salmonella, were still sensitive to chloramphenicol, cotrimoxazole, cefixime, and ceftriaxone. Two children infected by C. Difficile were sensitive to ceftriaxone, and 1 child infected by Shigella was sensitive to cefixime, ceftriaxone and ciprofloksazine


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    Objective: Surgical procedure and adjuvant treatment of type I endometrial cancer were affected by some variables assessed preoperatively. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) is a promising modality in evaluating myometrial invasion and cervical involvement, investigating the diagnostic values of DWI in assessing myometrial invasion and cervical involvement. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. This study involved all type I endometrial cancer patients in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from April 2016 until April 2019. The depth of myometrial invasion and cervical involvement was examined using 1.5-T MR unit. The result was compared to the surgical pathologic findings as the reference standard. Results: 34 types I endometrial cancer patients were enrolled in this study. The sensitivity of DWI in evaluating myometrial invasion and cervical involvement in type I endometrial cancer was 94.12% and 57.14%, while the specificity was 64.71% and 92.59%, respectively. Conclusion: DWI can provide reliable prognostic variable information about the myometrial invasion and cervical involvement in the preoperative preparation of endometrial cancer patients

    The Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Blood Lactate Levels and Rate of Perceived Exertion in Sedentary Healthy Adults

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    The high-intensity interval training has been seen to be beneficial for various populations. This study aimed to determine the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on blood lactate levels and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in sedentary healthy adults. A pre-post study was conducted on adults that were stated healthy and sedentary on physical activity. All participants were given HIIT with a total duration of 20 minutes for 12 sessions using a treadmill. Blood lactate level and RPE was recorded on the 1st and 12th session. A significant decrease in blood lactate level and RPE after giving HIIT was found with a reduction of 1,1 mmol/ L and 2 on the Borg Scale respectively (p<0.0001). Further research is needed using field-based exercise testing to determine exercise prescription and to obtain the benefit of HIIT in populations with cardiovascular risk factors before utilizing it in patients

    Gambaran CT Scan Toraks Sesuai dengan Jenis Sitologi/Histologi pada Pasien Kanker Paru yang Merokok

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    Kanker paru merupakan&nbsp; penyebab kematian paling banyak akibat keganasan. Kanker paru memberikan gambaran CT scan yang berbeda sesuai dengan jenis sitologi/histologinya. Pemeriksaan CT scan&nbsp; toraksdengan teknik high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) dapat memperlihatkan kelainan kanker parusecara rinci. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Radiologi RSU Persahabatan, Jakarta bekerja sama denganDepartemen Pulmonologi dan Respirasi RSU Persahabatan terhadap 100 sampel yang diperoleh pada bulanNovember 2014 hingga Maret 2015. Berdasarkan jenis sitologi/histologi kanker paru (adenokarsinoma dankarsinoma sel skuamosa/KSS) tidak ditemukan&nbsp; variabel yang bermakna secara statistik&nbsp; (bentuk, letak, tepispikulasi, tepi lobulasi, nodul satelit). Variabel yang paling banyak ditemukan pada adenokarsinoma maupunKSS adalah bentuk massa, lokasi di sentral dan paru sebelah kanan. Gambaran kanker paru adenokarsinomadan KSS pada pasien merokok paling banyak berupa massa, lokasi di sentral dan lobus kanan paru


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    Objective: A pilot on duty at altitude can be exposed to hypoxia, both mild and severe. The incidence of hypoxia on a flight can be fatal, especially if hypoxia is experienced by a pilot on duty. One manifestation of hypoxia is decreased cognitive function. A pilot is required to carry out multitasking operations using cognitive functions, especially in an emergency. Therefore, decreased cognitive function due to hypoxia in a pilot can cause accidents in flight. This study aims to determine changes in cognitive function with hypoxia exposure at several altitude zones. Methods: This study used an experimental one-group pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 31 military pilots who participated in Indoctrination and Aerophysiology Training. Subjects filled 6 Cognitive Impairment Test (6 CIT) questionnaires at ground level, efficient physiological zone (10,000 ft), and physiological deficient zone (25,000 ft) in a hypobaric chamber. Results: There was a change of 6 CIT score at 10.000 ft compared to ground level (Friedman post-hoc Wilcoxon, P = 0.001). There was also a change of 6 CIT score at 25,000 ft compared to ground level (Friedman post-hoc Wilcoxon, P&lt;0.001). Conclusion: There was a change in cognitive function in the efficient physiological zone and physiological deficient zone, compared to ground level

    Evaluation of mucin changes between daily and extended wear silicone hydrogel contact lenses

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    Background: Initially, contact lenses were recommended only for daily wear because of infection and discomfort concerns. With rising demand, particularly for overnight use, extended wear lenses have gained significance. Despite concerns, intensive development of materials like Lotrafilcon B aims to meet this demand, focusing on comfort and safety. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the mucin quantity and quality changes between daily and extended wear (Lotrafilcon B), impacting eye health and comfort. Setting: The study was conducted at Kirana Eye Center, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods: This study was a single-blinded randomised clinical trial with two parallel groups. Forty (40) eligible subjects willingly participated. Mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) and Ferning-type tests were conducted. The 40 subjects with moderate myopia were then divided into a daily wear and an extended wear group. The MUC5AC test was performed at pre-fitting and at 4 weeks, whereas the Ferning-type tests were taken at pre-fitting and 1st and 4th weeks. Results: For both groups, there was a significant increase in MUC5AC levels from pre-fitting to week four, but with no significant difference between them in final MUC5AC levels. Additionally, the comparison of eyes with normal and abnormal Ferning-types between the two groups showed no significant differences at pre-fitting, 1st and 4th weeks. Conclusion: There is no significant difference in MUC5AC levels with the use of daily or extended wear (with Lotrafilcon B). Contribution: This study compares the impact of daily and extended wear Lotrafilcon B contact lenses on eye health and comfort in moderate myopia patients