383 research outputs found

    "Japanischer Frühling"

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    Vom Ende des 19. bis Anfang des 20. Jh. erschienen im deutschsprachigen Raum einige Sammlungen der Nachdichtungen japanischer Lyrik. Diese Gedichte, vor allem die aus der Sammlung „Japanischer Frühling“ von Hans Bethge weckten das Interesse der zeitgenössischen Komponisten und wurden am Beginn des 20. Jh. zahlreich vertont. Diese Vertonungen österreichischer Komponisten vorzustellen und zu erforschen sind die Ziele dieser Arbeit

    Variations in amount of TSST-1 produced by clinical methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates and allelic variation in accessory gene regulator (agr) locus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>(S. aureus) is an important pathogen associated with both nosocomial and community-acquired infections and its pathogenicity is attributed to its potential to produce virulence factors. Since the amount of toxin produced is related to virulence, evaluating toxin production should be useful for controlling S. aureus infection. We previously found that some strains produce relatively large amounts of TSST-1; however, no reports have described the amount of TSST-1 produced by clinical isolates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Amounts of TSST-1 produced by clinical methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates were measured by Western blotting. We determined their accessory gene regulator (<it>agr</it>) class by PCR and investigated whether TSST-1 production correlates with variations in the class and structure of the <it>agr</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that 75% of surveyed MRSA isolates (n = 152) possessed the <it>tst </it>gene and that 96.7% belonged to <it>agr </it>class 2. The concentrations of TSST-1 secreted into culture supernatants by 34 strains measured by Western blotting differed 170-fold. Sequencing the entire <it>agr </it>locus (n = 9) revealed that some had allelic variations regardless of the amount of TSST-1 produced whereas sequencing the <it>sar</it>, sigma factor B and the <it>tst </it>promoter region revealed no significant changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The amounts of TSST-1 produced by clinical MRSA isolates varied. The present results suggest that TSST-1 production is not directly associated with the <it>agr </it>structure, but is instead controlled by unknown transcriptional/translational regulatory systems, or synthesized by multiple regulatory mechanisms that are interlinked in a complex manner.</p

    A New Microarray System to Detect Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotypes

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae, one of the most common gram-positive pathogens to colonize the human upper respiratory tract, is responsible for many severe infections, including meningitis and bacteremia. A 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine is available to protect against the 23 S. pneumoniae serotypes responsible for 90% of reported bacteremic infections. Unfortunately, current S. pneumoniae serotype testing requires a large panel of expensive antisera, assay results may be subjective, and serotype cross-reactions are common. For this study, we designed an oligonucleotide-based DNA microarray to identify glycosyltransferase gene sequences specific to each vaccine-related serotype. Out of 56 isolates representing different serotypes, only one isolate, representing serotype 23A, was not detected correctly as it could not be distinguished from serotype 23F. Our data suggest that the microarray provides a more cost-effective and reliable way of monitoring pneumococcal capsular types

    Effect of cyclic bis(3′–5′)diguanylic acid and its analogs on bacterial biofilm formation

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    Cyclic bis(3′–5′)diguanylic acid (cyclic-di-GMP) functions as a second messenger in diverse species of bacteria to trigger wide-ranging physiological changes. We measured cyclic-di-GMP and its structural analogs such as cyclic bis(3′–5′)guanylic/adenylic acid (cyclic-GpAp), cyclic bis(3′–5′)guanylic/inosinic acid (cyclic-GpIp) and monophosphorothioic acid of cyclic-di-GMP (cyclic-GpGps) for effects on the biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We constructed a knockout mutant of SA0701, which is a GGDEF motif protein relevant to diguanylate cyclase from S. aureus 2507. We confirmed that the biofilm formation of this mutant (MS2507ΔSA0701) was reduced. Cyclic-di-GMP corresponding to physiological intracellular levels given in the culture recovered the biofilm formation of MS2507ΔSA0701, whereas its analogs did not, indicating that unlike a previous suggestion, cyclic-di-GMP was involved in the positive regulation of the biofilm formation of S. aureus and its action was structurally specific. At a high concentration (200 μM), cyclic-di-GMP and its analogs showed suppression effects on the biofilm formation of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, and according to the quantification study using costat analysis, the suppression potential was in the order of cyclic-di-GMP, cyclic-GpGps, cyclic-GpAp and cyclic-GpIp, suggesting that the suppression effect was not strictly specific and the change of base structure quantitatively affected the suppression activity

    土壌改質材 FFC エースによるオオムギの生育と収量の促進効果

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    The effects of a unique soil conditioner, FFC-ace, on photosynthesis, transpiration, growth and yield of barley were examined in a field experiment. FFC-ace well-mixed with sandy soil greatly enhanced root and shoot growth, tillering and the number of grains per stock. The total yield in the treated plot increased by about 172%. The plants grown in the FFC-ace plot were greener and contained a higher level of chlorophyll, compared with the control. Photosynthesis and transpiration, which are tightly linked to productivity were also significantly enhanced at the broad range of photon flux observed in our study. The quality of grain harvested from the FFC-ace plot was similar to the control plot in terms of nutritional and inorganic components. The increased photosynthesis in the FFC-ace treated barley reflects a higher absorption of CO(2) from the atmosphere. It was also noted that the efficiency of water utilization for photosynthesis was significantly greater under the high light intensity in the treated plot. The relationship between application of FFC-ace and absorption of atmospheric CO(2) is discussed. Our investigation provides data showing that application of FFC-ace to soil significantly reduces water requirements for plant growth and yield.本報は,㈱エフエフシー・ジャパンから販売されている土壌改質材FFCエースTMの作物の生長促進効果について,2006年11月から翌年6月,本学農学部内の実験圃場で実施された,オオムギの生育ならびに収量調査に関する試験結果をとりまとめたものである.実施圃場の砂土壌にFFCエースを所定量混和した区画を設け,オオムギの種子を播種した.なお,対照区は非導入土壌とした.定期的に行った生育調査の結果,FFCエースを導入した土壌では非導入の区画と比べて,生育初期における根の生育が良好となり,地上部における分けつ数の増加とともに穂の生長も旺盛となって,1穂当たりの収穫量(粒数)の著しい増加をもたらした.結果,FFCエース導入区における全収量は非導入区と比べて約1.7倍となった.また,それぞれから収穫したオオムギ粒に含まれる栄養価ならびに無機元素類の量には,FFCエースの導入,非導入によって大きな違いは認められず,導入の効果は収量に大きく反映された.事実,調査期間中に行った測定から,FFCエースを投入した土壌で生育するオオムギ葉は高いクロロフィル量を示しており,光合成が促進されているものと考えられた.実際,播種後4ヶ月目以降,光合成ならびに蒸散速度値を測定した結果,FFCエース導入区で生育したオオムギでは常に高い値を示した.また,FFCエースの導入によって強光条件下における水利用効率が促進された.本報告では,FFCエースの投与と空気中からの二酸化炭素の吸収量との関連について考察するとともに,併せて,FFCエースの土壌への導入によって作物の生育に必要な灌水量を大きく減らすことができる可能性についても言及したい