35,794 research outputs found

    On Branes Ending on Branes in Supergravity

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    We study the eleven-dimensional supergravity and the classical solutions corresponding to M2-branes ending on M5-branes. We obtain the generic BPS configuration representing two sets of parallel M5-branes with (1+1) commonly longitudinal directions and M2-branes stretching between them. We also discuss how the brane creation is described in supergravity.Comment: 12 pages with 1 figure, Typos correcte

    New perspective in fisheries product development: importance of seaweeds as biomass resources

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    Brown seaweeds have an important role to preserve coastal ecosystems. Brown seaweeds are also major class for aquacultured seaweeds. They contain valuable nutrients and bioactive components and some of them have not been found in terrestrial plants. Especially, much attention has been paid to brown seaweed lipids because of their high functionality. Several brown seaweeds show high total lipids (TL) contents, ranging from 10-20 wt% per dry weight. The lipids are rich in functional 18:4n-3, 20:5n-3 and 20:4n-6. Brown seaweed TL also contains fucoxanthin as a key functional compound. Brown seaweed lipids show anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects, which are mainly due to the up-regulatory effect of fucoxanthin on energy expenditure in abdominal white adipose tissue and glucose utilization in muscle

    Generalized Pauli-Villars Regularization and the Covariant Form of Anomalies

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    In the generalized Pauli-Villars regularization of chiral gauge theory proposed by Frolov and Slavnov , it is important to specify how to sum the contributions from an infinite number of regulator fields. It is shown that an explicit sum of contributions from an infinite number of fields in anomaly-free gauge theory essentially results in a specific choice of regulator in the past formulation of covariant anomalies. We show this correspondence by reformulating the generalized Pauli- Villars regularization as a regularization of composite current operators. We thus naturally understand why the covariant fermion number anomaly in the Weinberg-Salam theory is reproduced in the generalized Pauli-Villars regularization. A salient feature of the covariant regularization,which is not implemented in the lagrangian level in general but works for any chiral theory and gives rise to covariant anomalies , is that it spoils the Bose symmetry in anomalous theory. The covariant regularization however preserves the Bose symmetry as well as gauge invariance in anomaly-free gauge theory.Comment: 26pages late

    Intracranial transplantation of the tumor induced by adenovirus type 12 in Syrian hamster--an experimental brain tumor model

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    A method of intracranial transplantation of the tumor induced by adenovirus type 12 in syrian hamster has been described. The incidence of intracranial tumor development was 86 (90.5 %) out of 95 animals and the average survival time and tumor size at death were 15.1 days and 4.1 mm in diameter respectively. The consistency of the days of death after intracranial transplantation of the tumor was remarkable. The transplanted tumors developed preferentially at the site of implantation and tumor cell seeding and tumor growing took place rarely along the ventricular system. Glial or lymphoid cell response to the tumor was not observed at any stage after transplantation in surrounding cerebral tissues of the animals. Histomorphologically, no elementary differences were observed between intracranially transplanted tumors and serially transplanted subcutaneous tumors. These facts permit the system to be applied to an experimental brain tumor model as large-scale testing.</p
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