9 research outputs found

    A new Sobolev gradient method for direct minimization of the Gross-Pitaevskii energy with rotation

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    In this paper we improve traditional steepest descent methods for the direct minimization of the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) energy with rotation at two levels. We first define a new inner product to equip the Sobolev space H1H^1 and derive the corresponding gradient. Secondly, for the treatment of the mass conservation constraint, we use a projection method that avoids more complicated approaches based on modified energy functionals or traditional normalization methods. The descent method with these two new ingredients is studied theoretically in a Hilbert space setting and we give a proof of the global existence and convergence in the asymptotic limit to a minimizer of the GP energy. The new method is implemented in both finite difference and finite element two-dimensional settings and used to compute various complex configurations with vortices of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. The new Sobolev gradient method shows better numerical performances compared to classical L2L^2 or H1H^1 gradient methods, especially when high rotation rates are considered.Comment: to appear in SIAM J Sci Computin

    Sobolev gradients and image interpolation

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    We present here a new image inpainting algorithm based on the Sobolev gradient method in conjunction with the Navier-Stokes model. The original model of Bertalmio et al is reformulated as a variational principle based on the minimization of a well chosen functional by a steepest descent method. This provides an alternative of the direct solving of a high-order partial differential equation and, consequently, allows to avoid complicated numerical schemes (min-mod limiters or anisotropic diffusion). We theoretically analyze our algorithm in an infinite dimensional setting using an evolution equation and obtain global existence and uniqueness results as well as the existence of an ω\omega-limit. Using a finite difference implementation, we demonstrate using various examples that the Sobolev gradient flow, due to its smoothing and preconditioning properties, is an effective tool for use in the image inpainting problem

    Nonlinear optimization in Hilbert space using Sobolev gradients with applications

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    The problem of finding roots or solutions of a nonlinear partial differential equation may be formulated as the problem of minimizing a sum of squared residuals. One then defines an evolution equation so that in the asymptotic limit a minimizer, and often a solution of the PDE, is obtained. The corresponding discretized nonlinear least squares problem is an often met problem in the field of numerical optimization, and thus there exist a wide variety of methods for solving such problems. We review here Newton's method from nonlinear optimization both in a discrete and continuous setting and present results of a similar nature for the Levernberg-Marquardt method. We apply these results to the Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity

    Compact Operators and the Schrödinger Equation

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    In this thesis I look at the theory of compact operators in a general Hilbert space, as well as the inverse of the Hamiltonian operator in the specific case of L2[a,b]. I show that this inverse is a compact, positive, and bounded linear operator. Also the eigenfunctions of this operator form a basis for the space of continuous functions as a subspace of L2[a,b]. A numerical method is proposed to solve for these eigenfunctions when the Hamiltonian is considered as an operator on Rn. The paper finishes with a discussion of examples of Schrödinger equations and the solutions

    Sobolev Gradients and Image Interpolation

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    A New Sobolev Gradient Method for Direct Minimization of the Gross–Pitaevskii Energy with Rotation

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