214 research outputs found

    Crystal Structure and Pseudopolymorphism of Bisdemethoxycurcumin-Alcohol Solvates

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     Crystal structures of pseudopolymorphic (1E,6E)-1,7-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) -1,6 heptadiene-3,5-dione (bisdemethoxycurcumin, BDMC) methanol solvate BDMC・CH3OH (1) and 2-propanol solvate BDMC・(CH3) 2CHOH (2) were determined

    Analyzing the Relationship Between Poverty and Work: Exploring ways to solve the problem of the working poor (Japanese)

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    International comparison analyses have clarified that the relative poverty rate among working households in Japan is high. Based on this fact, this study analyzed the relationship between poverty and work, using the Keio Household Panel Survey 2004-2010 (KHPS). Our study showed that households where the head of the household is working as a temporary worker have a higher probability of being in poverty than households where the head of the household is unemployed and not engaged in any other income-earning activity. However, concerning the poverty dynamic, households where the head of the household is working in any capacity including temporary work are more likely to exit from poverty than households where the head of the household is not working. Needless to say, households where the head of the household is working as a regular worker have the least probability of falling into poverty, and shifting from temporary work to regular work is an effective solution for the working poor. Because of this fact, our study also analyzed the probability of shifting from temporary workers to regular workers. Results for women showed that those who invest in self-development are more likely to make the shift from temporary workers to regular workers; accordingly, investing in human capital—for instance, in the form of self-training—is important for making this shift. Moreover, among the unemployed who are in poverty, those receiving unemployment benefits and investing in job-training are more likely to get out from poverty than those not eligible for unemployment benefits. This implies that it is necessary to build a support system for those who are not eligible for unemployment benefits.

    Problem Behavior in Children and Medicalization : Based on Examination of Medical Texts from the 1960s to the 2010s

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    This paper covers the period of since the 1960s through the 2010s, tracing the process of interpreting ADHD as problem behavior in children through the administration of medication such as psychotropic drugs, from the perspective of Conrad and Schneider’s medicalization theory (Conrad and Schneider 1992=2003). Using PubMed—-a database of medical papers form around the world--and the Japan Medical Abstracts Society website, which is Japan’s leading medical paper database, we surveyed the number of papers on ADHD as well as trends in the field, comparing content. We also searched LD, a subject closely related to the topic of ADHD, adding diachronic analysis. To ascertain the source of interest on the part of medical personnel regarding ADHD, we scrutinized medical information on PubMed. This process revealed that discussions on ADHD began in the latter half of the 1960s to the 1980, followed by increased research on ADHD starting in the latter half of the 1990s. In the process of organizing previous research, we ascertained the trajectory of how diagnosis of ADHD and its treatment using psychotropic drug therapy--though previously only available in the U.S.—was subsequently made available in other countries such as the U.K., Canada, and Australia as of the 1990s. We further determined that in the U.S. it was considered a problem that the percentage of foster care children being treated with psychotropic drugs was greater than for children not in foster care. In addition, a survey of articles found on the Japan Medical Abstracts Society website concerned primarily with changes in attitudes of medical professionals regarding problem behavior in children in Japan indicated a shift in interest on the part of medical personnel from the 1980s to the 1990s from MBD to LD. This was clearly a different trajectory from that taking place in the U.S.. Meanwhile, due to the impact of internationalization of the concepts of ADHD, in Japan as well, problem behavior in children and ADHD were once again linked starting in the latter 1990s—-and the concept of ADHD also drew attention from society in general. As of the 2000s, medical professionals began to discuss theories asserting that children who were abused by their parents exhibited symptoms similar to those with ADHD. This can be considered the beginning of theories pertaining to ADHD and social protection that continue to this day

    Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession on the Teacher Training Program at Okayama University(2)

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     岡山大学では,平成25年度後期より本格実施する教職実践演習に向けて,独自で通年開講する教育学部を除く7課程認定学部と教師教育開発センター(以降,センター)が協同して準備を行っている。平成24年度後期に教育学部以外の教職希望学生を対象に15講からなる教職実践演習(以降,全学教職実践演習)の試行を実施した。試行は参加学生へのアンケート調査や授業担当者の反省会で得られた意見より,概ね期待された効果が得られた。一方,試行に参加した学生が教育実習後と比較し伸びているのか,必修科目になれば教職を目指さない学生が混じるため試行ほど成果が期待されないのではないか,等の課題が指摘された。試行の反省を基に,平成25年度前期には受講生向けに「全学教職実践演習ガイドブック」を,40 名近くの指導者向けに「全学教職実践演習ハンドブック」を作成した。本稿では試行の成果と課題及び本格実施の実際について報告する

    Factors related to depression among childcare worker;Cross-sectional study in Hokkaido, Japan

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    The goal of the present study was to investigate the factors related to depression among childcare workers. From November 2015 to August 2016, 358 nurseries (17.9%) answered a questionnaire. Adjusted for nursery work experience totaling more than five years, work place, cooperation in the work place, quality of sleep, hospital visiting, factors related to work of more than five years (OR=0.55, 95%CIs=(0.34, 0.91)), ability to consult troubles with boss (OR=0.36, 5%CIs=(0.18, 0.73)), to be able to take paid holidays (OR=0.49, 95%CIs=(0.27, 0.88)), having a spouse (OR=0.55, 95%CIs=(0.32, 0.94)) were considered to decrease the risk of depression. The Japanese government should prompt to improve the reatment of nurseries

    Jellyfish mucin may have potential disease-modifying effects on osteoarthritis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We aimed to study the effects of intra-articular injection of jellyfish mucin (qniumucin) on articular cartilage degeneration in a model of osteoarthritis (OA) created in rabbit knees by resection of the anterior cruciate ligament. Qniumucin was extracted from <it>Aurelia aurita </it>(moon jellyfish) and <it>Stomolophus nomurai </it>(Nomura's jellyfish) and purified by ion exchange chromatography. The OA model used 36 knees in 18 Japanese white rabbits. Purified qniumucin extracts from <it>S. nomurai </it>or <it>A. aurita </it>were used at 1 mg/ml. Rabbits were divided into four groups: a control (C) group injected with saline; a hyaluronic acid (HA)-only group (H group); two qniumucin-only groups (M groups); and two qniumucin + HA groups (MH groups). One milligram of each solution was injected intra-articularly once a week for 5 consecutive weeks, starting from 4 weeks after surgery. Ten weeks after surgery, the articular cartilage was evaluated macroscopically and histologically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the C and M groups, macroscopic cartilage defects extended to the subchondral bone medially and laterally. When the H and both MH groups were compared, only minor cartilage degeneration was observed in groups treated with qniumucin in contrast to the group without qniumucin. Histologically, densely safranin-O-stained cartilage layers were observed in the H and two MH groups, but cartilage was strongly maintained in both MH groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>At the concentrations of qniumucin used in this study, injection together with HA inhibited articular cartilage degeneration in this model of OA.</p

    TRAIL-expressing T cells induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells in the atherosclerotic plaque

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    Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are precipitated by a rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque, often at the site of T cell and macrophage infiltration. Here, we show that plaque-infiltrating CD4 T cells effectively kill vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). VSMCs sensitive to T cell–mediated killing express the death receptor DR5 (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand [TRAIL] receptor 2), and anti-TRAIL and anti-DR5 antibodies block T cell–mediated apoptosis. CD4 T cells that express TRAIL upon stimulation are expanded in patients with ACS and more effectively induce VSMC apoptosis. Adoptive transfer of plaque-derived CD4 T cells into immunodeficient mice that are engrafted with human atherosclerotic plaque results in apoptosis of VSMCs, which was prevented by coadministration of anti-TRAIL antibody. These data identify that the death pathway is triggered by TRAIL-producing CD4 T cells as a direct mechanism of VSMC apoptosis, a process which may lead to plaque destabilization

    Albumin-conjugated PEG liposome enhances tumor distribution of liposomal doxorubicin in rats

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    To evaluate the effect of coupling of recombinant human serum albumin (rHSA) onto the surface of poly(ethylene glycol)-modified liposorne (PEG liposome) on the in vivo disposition characteristics of liposomal doxorubicin (DXR), the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of DXR were evaluated after intravenous administration of rHSA-modified PEG (rHSA/PEG) liposomal DXR into tumor-bearing rats. rHSA/PEG liposome prepared using a hetero-bifunctional cross-linker, N- succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate (SPDP), efficiently encapsulated DXR (over 95%). rHSA/PEG liposomal DXR showed longer blood-circulating property than PEG liposornal DXR and the hepatic and splenic clearances of rHSA/PEG liposornal DXR were significantly smaller than those of PEG liposomal DXR. It was also demonstrated that the disposition of DXR to the heart, one of the organs for DXR-related side-effects, was significantly smaller than free DXR. Furthermore, the tumor accumulation of rHSA/PEG liposomal DXR was significantly larger than that of PEG liposomal DXR. The &#34;therapeutic index&#34;, a criterion for therapeutic outcome, for rHSA/PEG fiposornal DXR was significantly higher than PEG liposomal DXR. These results clearly indicate that rHSA-conjugation onto the surface of PEG liposome would be a useful approach to increase the effectiveness and safety of PEG liposomal DXR.</p