3,267 research outputs found


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    The Lesson of Single-Sex Public Education: Both Successful and Constitutional

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    Exploring the barriers to effective federal flood mitigation in the Mississippi River region.

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    This dissertation is a comprehensive study of flood mitigation in the Mississippi River region as it is impacted by federal flood policies and programs. The study begins with a historical narrative of flooding events and flood mitigation that provided the impetus for federal flood mitigation in the late 1920s. The historical narrative sheds light on issues related to federalism, path dependency, dynamic growth, and socio-culture influence during the development of flood mitigation policy. Growth machine theory is used to describe how inequality and disparate access to political power has worked to exacerbate flood disaster outcomes and how this dynamic is legitimately perpetuated via federal policies. The second half of the dissertation is focused on a comprehensive evaluation of current mitigation planning mandates, programs, and planning tools. The dissertation is divided into six chapters, covering the historical development, theoretical implications, a critique of current practices, and future recommendations for federal flood mitigation. Chapter One provides a basic overview of the issues related to federal flood mitigation and the potential shortcomings of the current system. Chapter Two delves into a historical narrative that provides a rich account of early responses to flooding and how federal flood policy developed from these experiences. Chapter Three discusses the theoretical explanations as to why exacerbated disaster impacts are a result of policy actor influences. It also covers the literature involving present mitigation planning practices. Chapter Four describes the methods used in this study to comprehensively assess mitigation planning and programs. Chapter Five discusses the findings and implications derived from the comprehensive assessment of mitigation practices. Finally, Chapter Six provides a discussion of how current federal flood mitigation policy is influenced by growth machine dynamics as evidenced through these findings. It also provides insight for improving current practices and makes recommendations for further study

    The Impact of Service-Learning on Participants in Community-Based Organizations

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    Research questions examined variables addressing the impact of service-learning on participants in community-based organizations during the 1997 summer session. The researcher set out to determine whether young people engaged in service-learning programs were likely to be involved in other service organizations, whether they are likely to continue to enroll in service-learning programs, likely to be committed to participation in voluntary service as adults, whether they value their service-learning experience, see value to themselves and to the community, and if differences exist by ethnicity and gender. A survey instrument was mailed to the six program coordinators in the study for administration to those participants present on the selected day and 340 completed surveys were returned by participants who had completed fifth grade or above. Findings indicated that more than 75% of youth were involved in other organizations which provide service to the community with Church groups having the largest number of participants. One-fifth of the students were enrolled for their second summer of participation; over two-thirds are likely to volunteer again and over 75% were satisfied with their service-learning experience. Students found service-learning to be valuable to themselves with over 80% agreement to the majority of the items in the cluster measuring this variable. Over 85% of the participants saw their service as valuable to the community. No differences existed by gender in satisfaction with service-learning but girls saw their service-learning experience as being of more value to themselves and their community than did boys. Statistically significant differences were found in satisfaction with service-learning indicating that white students were more satisfied than black students and other ethnic groups and that white students saw their experience as being of more value to themselves and their community than did black students and students from other ethnic groups. The study contains implications for both practitioners and administrators

    Prevalence of sulfonamide resistance genes in bacterial isolates from manured agricultural soils and pig slurry in the United Kingdom

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    Prevalence of three sulfonamide resistance genes, sul1, sul2 and sul3 and sulfachloropyridazine (SCP) resistance was determined in bacteria isolated from UK manured agricultural clay soils and slurry samples, over a two year period. Slurry from tylosin-fed pigs amended with SCP and oxytetracycline (OTC) was used for manuring. Sul gene positive isolates were further screened for the presence of class 1 and 2 integrons. Phenotypic resistance to SCP was significantly higher in pig slurry and post application soil than in pre-application soil. Of 5isolates, 23 % carried sul1, 18 % sul2 and 9 % sul3 only. Two percent of isolates contained all three sul genes. Class 1 and class 2 integrons were identified in 5 % and 11.7 % of sul positive isolates. In previous reports, sul1 was linked to class 1 integrons, but in this study only 8 % of sul1 positive isolates carried the intI1 gene. Sulfonamide resistant pathogens were identified in slurry amended soil and soil leachate, including Shigella flexneri, Aerococcus spp. and Acinetobacter baumanni, suggesting a potential environmental reservoir. Sulfonamide resistance in Psychrobacter, Enterococcus and Bacillus spp. is reported for the first time, and this study also provides the first description of the genotype sul1, sul2 and sul3 outside the Enterobacteriacae, and in the soil environment

    Enhancing Rehabilitation Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Thesis Title: Enhancing rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Context: Physical training with a neuromuscular focus has been shown to reduce anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. However, ACL injury remains prevalent and often leads to joint instability, which requires surgical reconstruction. Following reconstructive surgery, a minimum of 6 months supervised rehabilitation is recommended with associated with financial cost implications to the National Health Service (NHS), the patient and society. Traditionally rehabilitation is offered in a concurrent format, whereby strength and cardio-vascular endurance exercises are performed in the same session. However, accumulating evidence from healthy populations, suggests that the development of strength might be attenuated by cardio-vascular endurance conditioning performed in close temporal proximity. This thesis comprises an entirely novel investigation of potential attenuation of strength gains in rehabilitating clinical populations that is associated with temporal incompatibility of physiological conditioning stimuli. No study has previously investigated this phenomenon, whether it might compromise the efficacy of treatment or recovery, or its potential influence on objectively-measured and patients’ perception of functional, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular performance capabilities. Objectives: The purpose of this thesis was to assess the effects of reconstruction surgery and 24 weeks of non-concurrent strength and endurance rehabilitation (with 48 week post-operative follow-up) on (a) subjective (IKDC; KOOS; PP [Chapter 4]) and objective measures of function (HOP [Chapter 5]) (primary outcome measures for this thesis), and (b) objective measures of musculoskeletal (ATFD) and neuromuscular performance (PF, EMD, RFD, SMP [Chapter 5]) (secondary outcome measures), in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. The secondary aim was to evaluate the relationships amongst a subjective outcome of function (IKDC), an objective outcome of function (HOP), and the secondary objective outcomes of musculoskeletal (ATFD) and neuromuscular (PF, RFD, EMD, SMP) performance at pre-surgery and at 24 weeks post-surgery (Chapter 6). Setting: Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Design: Prospective random-allocation to group trial involving iso-volume rehabilitative intervention versus contemporary practice, using contralateral limb assessment and clinico-social approbation controls. The design compared the effects of experimental post-surgical rehabilitation comprising non-concurrent strength and endurance conditioning with two conditions of control reflecting contemporary clinical practice (matched versus minimal assessment interaction). Participants: Eighty two patients (69♂, 13♀, age: 35.4 ± 8.6 yr; time from injury to surgery 9.4 ± 6.9 months [mean ± SD]) electing to undergo unilateral ACL reconstructive surgery (semitendinosus and gracilis graft [n = 57]; central third, bone-patella tendon-bone graft [n = 25]); were allocated to groups (2:2:1 purposive sampling ratio, respectively). Nineteen patients were lost to follow-up. Intervention: A standardised traditional concurrent (CON) ACL rehabilitation programme acted as the control versus an experimental non-concurrent (NCON) ACL rehabilitation programme that involved separation of strength and cardio-vascular endurance conditioning. An additional control group (Limited testing CON) matched the CON group rehabilitation applied within contemporary clinical practice. Outcome Measures: Chapter 4: The self-perceived primary outcome measures of function IKDC, KOOS and PP were assessed on five separate occasions (pre-surgery, and at 6, 12, 24 and 48 weeks post-surgery). However, assessment occasions were purposefully reduced to pre-operative and 48 weeks post-operative for the Limited testing CON group. Chapter 5: The primary objective outcome of function was HOP; the secondary outcomes were ATFD, PF, RFD, EMD and SMP associated with the knee extensors and flexors of the injured and non-injured legs. These objective outcomes were assessed on five separate occasions (pre-surgery, and at 6, 12, 24 and 48 weeks post-surgery). However, assessment occasions were purposefully reduced to pre-operative and at 48 weeks post-operative only for the Limited testing CON group. Chapter 6 Self-perceived (IKDC) subjective knee evaluation and the objective outcome of function (HOP), and selected objective outcomes of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular performance including ATFD, PF, RFD, EMD and SMP of the knee extensors and flexors of the injured and non-injured legs where applicable; measured at pre-surgery and at 24 weeks post-surgery were analysed for association, using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. A priori alpha levels were set at p<0.05. Results: Chapter 4: Factorial analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with repeated-measures investigating the primary aim showed significant group (NCON; CON) by test occasion (pre-surgery, 6, 12. 24 and 48 weeks post-surgery) interactions for self-perceived outcomes of function IKDC, KOOS and PP confirmed increased clinical effectiveness of NCON conditioning (F(2.0, 82.9)GG = 4.0 p<0.05, F(2.2, 134.7)GG = 5.5 p<0.001, F(1.9, 121.4)GG = 14.6 p<0.001, respectively) and the group mean peak relative difference in improvement for NCON was ~5.9% - 12.7% superior to CON. The greatest interaction effect was found to occur between pre-surgery and the 12 weeks post-operative test occasion for IKDC and KOOS, and between pre-surgery and the 24 week test occasion for PP. Patterns of improvements in self-perceived fitness over time were represented by a relative effect size range of 0.71 to 1.92. Improvement patterns were not significantly different between control groups offering matched or minimised assessor-patient interaction (CON vs. Limited testing CON; pre-surgery vs. 48 weeks post-surgery) indicating that clinical approbation by patients had not contributed to the outcome. Chapter 5: Factorial analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with repeated-measures showed significant group (NCON; CON) by leg (injured/non-injured) by test occasion (pre-surgery, 6, 12, 24 and 48 weeks post-surgery) interactions of the objective measure of function (HOP) together with the secondary outcomes of ATFD, PF, RFD, EMD and SMP. Similar responses were noted for the knee extensors and flexors of the injured and non-injured legs (F(2.1, 248) GG = 4.5 to 6.6; p<0.01) and confirmed increased clinical effectiveness of NCON conditioning (range ~4.7% - 15.3% [10.8%]) better than CON between 12 and 48 weeks. Patterns of improvements in physical fitness capabilities over time were represented by a relative effect size range of 1.92 to 2.89. Improvement patterns were not significantly different between control groups offering matched or minimised assessor-patient interaction (CON vs. Limited testing CON; pre-surgery versus 48 weeks post-surgery) indicating that clinical approbation by patients had not contributed to the outcome. Chapter 6: Two-tailed probabilities were used due to the exploratory nature of this study. A limited number of weak to moderate statistically significant correlations were confirmed (ranging from r = 0.262 – 0.404; p<0.05; n=48 [amalgamated NCON and CON groups] ) between IKDC and most notably, the neuromuscular performance outcome of EMD. Conclusion: Overall, the patterning and extent of changes amongst self-perceived, functional, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular performance scores offer support for the efficacy of using non-concurrent strength and endurance conditioning to enhance post-surgery rehabilitation. The limited robustness of relationships amongst the validated and frequently-used self-perceived outcome of function [IKDC], and objectively-measured outcomes of function and musculoskeletal and neuromuscular performance suggested that each might properly reflect an important but separate aspect of clinical response and should be deployed to detect change

    Integron prevalence and diversity in manured soil

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    Integron abundance and diversity were studied in soil amended with pig slurry. Real-time PCR illustrated a significant increase in class 1 integron prevalence post slurry-application with increased prevalence still evident at 10 months post-application. Culture dependent data revealed 10 genera, including putative human pathogens, carrying class 1 and 2 integrons

    Quantum communication and state transfer in spin chains

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    We investigate the time evolution of a single spin excitation state in certain linear spin chains, as a model for quantum communication. We consider first the simplest possible spin chain, where the spin chain data (the nearest neighbour interaction strengths and the magnetic field strengths) are constant throughout the chain. The time evolution of a single spin state is determined, and this time evolution is illustrated by means of an animation. Some years ago it was discovered that when the spin chain data are of a special form so-called perfect state transfer takes place. These special spin chain data can be linked to the Jacobi matrix entries of Krawtchouk polynomials or dual Hahn polynomials. We discuss here the case related to Krawtchouk polynomials, and illustrate the possibility of perfect state transfer by an animation showing the time evolution of the spin chain from an initial single spin state. Very recently, these ideas were extended to discrete orthogonal polynomials of q-hypergeometric type. Here, a remarkable result is a new analytic model where perfect state transfer is achieved: this is when the spin chain data are related to the Jacobi matrix of q-Krawtchouk polynomials. This case is discussed here, and again illustrated by means of an animation
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