12,265 research outputs found

    Energy-momentum and angular momentum densities in gauge theories of gravity

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    In the \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory of gravity, which has been formulated on the basis of a principal fiber bundle over the space-time manifold having the covering group of the proper orthochronous Poincar\'{e} group as the structure group, we examine the tensorial properties of the dynamical energy-momentum density GTkμ{}^{G}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} and the ` ` spin" angular momentum density GSklμ{}^{G}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} of the gravitational field. They are both space-time vector densities, and transform as tensors under {\em global} SL(2,C)SL(2,C)- transformations. Under {\em local} internal translation, GTkμ{}^{G}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} is invariant, while GSklμ{}^{G}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} transforms inhomogeneously. The dynamical energy-momentum density MTkμ{}^{M}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} and the ` ` spin" angular momentum density MSklμ{}^{M}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} of the matter field are also examined, and they are known to be space-time vector densities and to obey tensorial transformation rules under internal \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge transformations. The corresponding discussions in extended new general relativity which is obtained as a teleparallel limit of \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory are also given, and energy-momentum and ` ` spin" angular momentum densities are known to be well behaved. Namely, they are all space-time vector densities, etc. In both theories, integrations of these densities on a space-like surface give the total energy-momentum and {\em total} (={\em spin}+{\em orbital}) angular momentum for asymptotically flat space-time. The tensorial properties of canonical energy-momentum and ` ` extended orbital angular momentum" densities are also examined.Comment: 18 page

    First-principles study on field evaporation for silicon atom on Si(001) surface

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    The simulations of field-evaporation processes for silicon atoms on various Si(001) surfaces are implemented using the first-principles calculations based on the real-space finite-difference method. We find that the atoms which locate on atomically flat Si(001) surfaces and at step edges are easily removed by applying external electric field, and the threshold value of the external electric field for evaporation of atoms on atomically flat Si(001) surfaces, which is predicted between 3.0 and 3.5 V/\AA, is in agreement with the experimental data of 3.8 V/\AA. In this situation, the local field around an evaporating atom does not play a crucial role. This result is instead interpreted in terms of the bond strength between an evaporating atom and surface.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Generalized Equivalence Principle in Extended New General Relativity

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    In extended new general relativity, which is formulated as a reduction of Poincareˊˉ\bar{Poincar\'e} gauge theory of gravity whose gauge group is the covering group of the Poincar\'e group, we study the problem of whether the total energy-momentum, total angular momentum and total charge are equal to the corresponding quantities of the gravitational source. We examine this for charged axi-symmetric solutions of gravitational field equations. Our main concern is the restriction on the asymptotic form of the gravitational field variables imposed by the requirement that physical quantities of the total system are equivalent to the corresponding quantities of the charged rotating source body. This requirement can be regarded as an equivalence principle in a generalized sense.Comment: 35 page

    Analysis of (K^-,K^+) inclusive spectrum with semiclassical distorted wave model

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    The inclusive K^+ momentum spectrum in the 12C(K^-,K^+) reaction is calculated by the semiclassical distorted wave (SCDW) model, including the transition to the \Xi^- bound state. The calculated spectra with the strength of the \Xi^--nucleus potential -50, -20, and +10 MeV are compared with the experimental data measured at KEK with p_{K^-}=1.65 GeV/c. The shape of the spectrum is reproduced by the calculation. Though the inclusive spectrum changes systematically depending on the potential strength, it is not possible to obtain a constraint on the potential from the present data. The calculated spectrum is found to have strong emission-angle dependence. We also investigate the incident K^- momentum dependence of the spectrum to see the effect of the Fermi motion of the target nucleons which is explicitly treated in the SCDW method.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Poincar\'{e} gauge theory of gravity

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    A Poincar\'{e} gauge theory of (2+1)-dimensional gravity is developed. Fundamental gravitational field variables are dreibein fields and Lorentz gauge potentials, and the theory is underlain with the Riemann-Cartan space-time. The most general gravitational Lagrangian density, which is at most quadratic in curvature and torsion tensors and invariant under local Lorentz transformations and under general coordinate transformations, is given. Gravitational field equations are studied in detail, and solutions of the equations for weak gravitational fields are examined for the case with a static, \lq \lq spin"less point like source. We find, among other things, the following: (1)Solutions of the vacuum Einstein equation satisfy gravitational field equations in the vacuum in this theory. (2)For a class of the parameters in the gravitational Lagrangian density, the torsion is \lq \lq frozen" at the place where \lq \lq spin" density of the source field is not vanishing. In this case, the field equation actually agrees with the Einstein equation, when the source field is \lq \lq spin"less. (3)A teleparallel theory developed in a previous paper is \lq \lq included as a solution" in a limiting case. (4)A Newtonian limit is obtainable, if the parameters in the Lagrangian density satisfy certain conditions.Comment: 27pages, RevTeX, OCU-PHYS-15

    Asymmetric Non-Abelian Orbifolds and Model Building

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    The rules for the free fermionic string model construction are extended to include general non-abelian orbifold constructions that go beyond the real fermionic approach. This generalization is also applied to the asymmetric orbifold rules recently introduced. These non-abelian orbifold rules are quite easy to use. Examples are given to illustrate their applications.Comment: 30 pages, Revtex 3.

    Analysis of dynamic characteristics of fluid force induced by labyrinth seal

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    Flow patterns of the labyrinth seal are experimentally investigated for making a mathematical model of labyrinth seal and to obtain the flow induced force of the seal. First, the flow patterns in the labyrinth chamber are studied on the circumferential flow using bubble and on the cross section of the seal chamber using aluminum powder as tracers. And next, the fluid force and its phase angle are obtained from the measured pressure distribution in the chamber and the fluid force coefficients are derived from the fluid force and the phase angle. Those are similar to the expression of oil film coefficients. As a result, it is found that the vortices exist in the labyrinth chambers and its center moves up and down periodically. The pressure drop is biggest in the first stage of chambers and next in the last stage of chambers