168 research outputs found

    Cultural shifts in developed countries in the last two centuries: Attitude to nutrition

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    Nutrition process and practices are one of the basic elements of the human routine life. This process has a significant cultural and historical imprint and subject to social changes. The paper is devoted to food studies. Food studies is the new interdisciplinary field that includes critical analysis of food and its contexts in science, art, history and society. Food studies cover wide range of sociocultural issues related to food and nutrition. All these issues reflect the approach to nutrition not as to satisfaction of basic human need in food but as to significant and historically variable sociocultural practice and part of the lifestyle. The paper examines how the attitude to various types of food and drinks has changed over the course of two centuries, as well as to nutrition in general in developed countries. The data source is a collection of books created by Google as the only source of long-term data. The time frame for the various changes has been established. Some of our results confirm the established opinions, others are unexpected

    The attitude of women in Russia to the prevention of breast cancer and ovarian cancer: Results of a sociological survey.

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    Breast cancer and ovarian cancer are among the most common causes of death for women in Russia. It has been found that women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations are at high risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer, so it is relevant to determine the nature of BRCA genes in the human genome for the prevention of cancer. The article presents the results of a sociological survey of women of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) to determine the level of their awareness of the risks of cancer development, the demand for carrying out the genetic tests to identify the predisposition to the breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and the motives of acceptance or rejection of the existing methods of diagnosis and prevention of oncological diseases. The method of collecting the empirical data was the semi-formalized interviews. The analysis revealed the need and demand for targeted integrated measures aimed at promoting the healthy lifestyle, at informing about the methods of precaution, treatment, and prevention of oncological diseases

    Локальные сети дружбы "ВКонтакте": восстановление пропущенных данных o городе проживания пользователей

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    Социальные онлайн-сети, в частности, самая популярная российская сеть "ВКонтакте", являются источником большого количества доступной информации о пользователях благодаря политике открытости данных. Это дает исследователям возможность изучения топологии сетей взаимодействий, возникающих в онлайн-среде, с применением сетевого подхода (social network analysis). Однако личные данные, которые пользователи сообщают о себе в публичных профилях, зачастую неполны: люди могут по невниманию или умышленно пропускать заполнение тех полей в профиле, которые отражают их пол, возраст, город проживания и другие персональные данные. Эти характеристики играют большую роль при построении социальных сетей в качестве атрибутов "узлов" (то есть пользователей), что позволяет выделять кластеры схожих между собой агентов и их паттерны поведения. Отсутствие некоторых данных может существенно влиять на сетевые метрики (например, размер сети, среднюю длину пути между двумя участниками, распределение числа связей между ними и другие) и искажать полученные результаты. В связи с этим возникает потребность в восполнении пропущенной части данных. В статье представлен опыт создания и применения классификатора, который позволяет определить, является ли пользователь сети "ВКонтакте", не указавший в профиле место жительства, жителем конкретного города. Классификатор был создан и апробирован на примере сети пользователей из г. Ижевска. Он основан на методе дерева решений, которое поэтапно фильтрует аккаунты через ряд вопросов, а затем принимает решение, считать ли данный аккаунт профилем ижевчанина или нет. В статье объяснен выбор основных показателей, которые помогают классификатору определить город пользователя; описан алгоритм работы классификатора и показано, как изменяется топология сети, когда в нее добавляются пропущенные данные о городе проживания пользователей

    Variations of social psychology of Russian society in last 100 years

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    © 2015 IEEE.The study compares the dynamics of a number of important socio-demographic parameters with the frequency of the use of keywords for Russian society. We have shown that the frequency of words typical for the patriarchal way of life of Russian society in the 19th century decreases with the reduction of rural population. The paper discusses the interaction of moral values of society, its state ideology and environmental changes. Similar studies were carried out earlier for the English and Chinese languages. Our results confirm the findings of these studies partially. We also have considered the connection of these processes with the frequency of the use of emotive language. Google Books Ngram was used as a source of lexical data


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    Efek krisis energi di Indonesia masih sangat dirasakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia.  Energi listrik menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat, sejalan dengan meningkatnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan pembangunan di segala bidang. Sebagai upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga listrik tersebut sekaligus penanggulangan kondisi krisis penyediaan tenaga listrik di beberapa daerah, maka dapat  memanfaatkan Potensi alam untuk dijadikan energi listrik. Salah satu Potensi alam sebagai sumber energi listrik adalah energi tenaga matahari. Matahari merupakan sumber energi utama bagi sebagian besar proses-proses yang terjadi dipermukaan bumi. Tujuan penelitian ini akan menghasilkan efisiensi solar cell dengan metode penelitian yang menggunakan beberapa beban yaitu 3 watt, 6 watt dan 9 watt dalam mempengaruhi efisiensi solar cell. Efisiensi dengan menggunakan waktu pengambilan data dari jam 08.00 sampai dengan 17.00. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu untuk beban 3 watt yaitu menghasilkan efisiensi 84 % dan untuk beban 6 watt yaitu menghasilkan efisiensi 90 % serta beban 9 watt menghasilkan menghasilkan efisiensi 86 % sehingga disimpulkan bahwa efisiensi solar cell dengan kapasitas 50 WP maksimum pada jam 12.00 siang

    The Population Need in Genetic Tests for Predisposition to Breast Cancer

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    The article presents the results of sociological survey of women of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) concerning establishment of level of awareness about risks of development of oncologic diseases, need for application of genetic tests determining predisposition to breast and ovary cancer and also motives of acceptance or nonacceptance of existing modes of diagnostic and prevention of oncologic diseases. The breast and ovary cancer are among the most prevalent causes of female mortality in Russia. It is established that females with gene mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2 have a higher risk of development of breast and ovary cancer. Therefore, to determine character of genes BRCA in human genome is actual for prevention of oncologic diseases. The early diagnostic of oncologic diseases can significantly increase effectiveness of struggle with similar illnesses. The obtained data shows superficial awareness of Russian females about problem of breast and ovary cancer. The majority knows about existence of gene predisposition to disease but are not aware of characteristics of diagnostic, prevention and treatment of of these types of oncologic diseases. The female respondents in most cases are favorable to pass genetic diagnostic. However, they demonstrate nonacceptance of such radical mode of problem solution as preventive surgery of ablation of potentially dangerous organ. The most of female respondents prefer strategies of traditional monitoring for early detection of disease. The main causes of refusal of early gene diagnostic and preventive surgery are related, besides psychological and personal phobias, to such factors as distrust to health care system and uncertainty in qualification and accessibility of medical care