15 research outputs found

    Premikanje meja možnega

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    Dealing with problems in old age

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    With the increasingly aging population special attention needs to be paid to the everyday life of the older people. Specifically to the different ways in which they manage to cope with the various difficulties and problems that accompany aging. Age and the new lifestyle that accompanies retirement involve specific risks and a decline in formal cash income. The aim of this article is to inductively identify the fundamental risks faced by the older people, based on the qualitative field research data define the most common and effective coping strategies for managing these risks and present the role of intergenerational solidarity herein. The qualitative analysis that uses the grounded theory approach is based on 35 in-depth interviews. The findings show how older people employ different passive and active coping strategies in order to overcome the various problems they encounter while retaining their independence. We also present the important role of the various intervening conditions such as their health status, living location, social support network and intergenerational solidarity.Zaradi pospešenega staranja populacije je potrebno posvetiti posebno pozornost vsakdanjemu življenju starejših, še posebej njihovim različnim načinom na katere se spoprijemajo z mnogimi težavami in problemi, ki spremljajo staranje. Starost in upokojitev spremljajo značilna tveganja in upad formalnih denarnih prihodkov. V članku želimo na podlagi kvalitativnega raziskovalnega načrta z induktivnim pristopom identificirati temeljna tveganja starejših ter najbolj pogoste in učinkovite strategije za upravljanje s temi tveganji ter predstaviti vlogo medgeneracijske solidarnosti znotraj tega. Kvalitativna analiza temelji na 35 poglobljenih intervjujih z najbolj ranljivimi starejšimi posamezniki. Ugotovitve kažejo, da starejši za premagovanje različnih problemov s katerimi so soočeni uporabljajo različne aktivne in pasivne strategije za ohranjanje svoje neodvisnosti. Prav tako predstavljamo pomembno vlogo različnih intervenirajočih dejavnikov, kot sozdravstveno stanje, kraj bivanja, omrežje socialne opore in medgeneracijska solidarnost

    Ekstremni športi

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    Medosebni odnosi in zdravje v okviru soseske in skupnosti

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    V soseskah živijo ljudje v različnih medsebojnih odnosih. V članku želimo proučiti, ali so značilnosti medsebojnih odnosov prebivalcev v soseski in značilnosti njihovega zdravja povezane. V raziskavi smo to problematiko proučevali pri prebivalcih večstanovanjskih stavb v ljubljanskih soseskah. Empirični podatki so bili zbrani za anketo o medsosedskih odnosih. Ugotovitve bivariatnih analiz in multiple linearne regresije kažejo, da so za zdravje najpomembnejši že znani dejavniki, kot na primer finančno stanje gospodinjstva in starost, hkrati pa se je izkazalo, da nekateri vidiki in značilnosti medosebnih odnosov pomembno vplivajo na zdravje prebivalcev teh stanovanjskih skupnosti. Posebej smo obravnavali opolnomočenost, ki se je izkazala za pomemben dejavnik, ki bi mu morali v prihodnosti posvetiti več raziskovalne pozornosti.People living in neighbourhoods have a range of interpersonal relationships. In this article, we want to examine whether the characteristics of people\u27s interpersonal relationships in a neighbourhood and the characteristics of their health are related. We investigated this problem in a study of the population of residents of multi-apartment buildings in Ljubljana\u27s neighbourhoods. Empirical data were gathered from a survey of neighbourly relations. The findings of bivariate analyses and multiple linear regression show that already known factors such as the financial situation of the household and age remain the most important predictors of health. However, we found that certain aspects and characteristics of interpersonal relationships have a significant impact on the health of the inhabitants of these residential communities. In particular, we examined empowerment, which proved to be an important factor and should be given more research attention in the future

    Model of acceptance and use of market-ready home-based e-care services

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    Because of population aging, home-based e-care services (HBECSs) have raised interest among users and service providers. Recently, scholars have focused extensively on the needs and motives of older adults as care receivers that shape their pre-implementation acceptance of such technologies. Yet, little is known to date about post-implementation experiences and interrelationships between acceptance factors of market-ready services among care receivers and caregivers. To fill this research gap, an intervention study lasting up to eight weeks tested three market-ready HBECSs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven informal caregivers and six care receivers. Qualitative analysis combining grounded theory with thematic analysis was used to present a thematic description of participants’ experiences and inductively develop a substantive model of HBECS acceptance and use. The results detail the impact and expected benefits of such technologies and various barriers to HBECSs use in conjunction with their functionalities and users’ social interactions. Acceptance and future use are determined by a complex mix of interrelated factors. These range from contextual circumstances to characteristics of the caregivers and care receivers to the service properties and perceived outcomes of use, such as safety, psychological relief, and peace of mind

    The social exclusion of the elderly

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    The elderly are in many ways more vulnerable than other groups in society. To research the vulnerabilities of the elderly, this article works with the concept of social exclusion. It analyses social exclusion using a mixed-method model drawing on secondary quantitative data combined with in-depth interviews. The quantitative data were used to identify which areas of social exclusion particularly affect older people in Slovenia. The areas observed in the study were material deprivation, spatial exclusion, poor health and access to health care, housing exclusion and interpersonal exclusion, and the fi rst three areas were identifi ed as the most problematic and widespread. The strategies the elderly use to cope with social exclusion were analysed using qualitative data and the grounded theory approach. In all areas various coping strategies were observed that indicate that the elderly are actively trying to improve their situation. It also seems that similar strategies are employed in different areas of social exclusion, the most important of them being strategies based on individualsʼ capacities and social networks

    Older people and their strategies for coping with health risks

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    Izhodišča: Članek obravnava problematiko ene najranljivejših skupin v družbi, tj. starejših, in sicer tveganja za zdravje, s katerimi se v vsakdanjem življenju srečujejo starejši po njihovi subjektivni percepciji. Nato na osnovi strategij shajanja analizira načine, na katere si starejši pomagajo, ko so soočeni z različnimi tveganji. Metode: Prispevek temelji na raziskavi z dvostopenjskim modelom z integracijo kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih metod. Kvantitativni podatki ankete na kvotnem vzorcu (N = 558) so nadgrajeni v temeljnem kvalitativnem delu, ki s pristopom "grounded theory" z večstopenjskim kodiranjem analizira 35 polstrukturiranih poglobljenih intervjujev. Rezultati: V percepciji starejših so tveganja za zdravje v veliki meri prevladujoča. Zdravstvene težave lahko močno ogrozijo kakovost življenja, ki jo kot najpomembnejšo kategorijo predstavlja neodvisnost. Starejši z različnimi aktivnimi in s pasivnimi strategijami, ki segajo od uporabe tehnologij do omejevanja in prejemanja socialne opore, shajajo z zdravje ogrožajočimi okoliščinami vsakdanjega življenja. Razprava: Analiza strategij shajanja predstavlja primeren način raziskovanja, ki pokaže starejše kot dejavne akterje, ki sami skrbijo za lastno blagostanje. Na osnovi individualnih strategij lahko tudi posredno razberemo, na katerih področjih bi družba lahko storila več za avtonomnost in vključenost starejših prebivalcev naše družbe.Introduction: This article addresses the problems of one of the most vulnerable groups in society - older people. We examine the health risks facing older people in everyday life based on their own subjective perceptions. By analysing coping strategies, we discover diverse ways older people help themselves when faced with various risks. Methods: This paper is based on a study with a two-stage mixed method research design that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The initial quantitative survey data on the quota sample (N=558) is later expanded in the primary qualitative part employing a grounded theory approach with multi-stage coding procedures, analysing 35 semistructured in-depth interviews. Results: In older peopleʼs perceptions, health risks largely dominate. Health problems can highly endanger oneʼs quality of life, which is strongly represented by the category of independence. To better cope with health-threatening circumstances of everyday life, older people use various active and passive coping strategies, ranging from the use of technological aids to self-limitation and receiving social support. Discussion: The analysis of coping strategies represents a suitable approach for observing older people as active agents promoting their own well-being. On the basis of their individual coping strategies, we are able to indirectly assess which areas we could do more in for the autonomy and social inclusion of older people in our society

    Mediatorska vloga čustvene organizacijske pripadnosti za zdravje zaposlenih

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    Background and Originality: This paper aims to examine the role of organisational commitment in employee’s health, especially in the context of other work-related psychosocial factors (optimism, empowerment, stressful working conditions, job insecurity, and satisfactory payment). The study statistically examines the conceptual research model, where contrary to many other studies, it does not stop on bivariate correlations, or model with one dependent variable, as found in many other studies, but explore inner correlations among factors, thus provide more detailed insight to the relations among organisational commitment, employee’s health and work-related psychosocial factors. Method: An ISSP survey on a representative sample of citizens in Slovenia, the subsample of 589 workers was statistically analysed, using 1) a bivariate Pearson correlation test2) a hierarchical multivariate linear regression to compare two models, where to see the role of organisational commitment, health was predicted by work-related psychosocial factors in a model with and in a model without organisational commitment, and 3) structural equation modelling to understand interrelations amongst analysed concepts.Results: The study provide a model of employee’s health predicted by personal and work-related psychosocial factors. The results shows all analysed factors contribute to health, but not all directly. Health was found to be directly related to stressful working conditions, optimism, and affective organisational commitment. The latter was found to have a cruicial role also in mediating the effects of stressful working conditions, satisfactory payment and optimism on health. With our findings we contribute to the discussion on a constructive and future oriented approach to provide working conditions that would lead to committed and healthier workforce. We suggest that policy makers and human resource managers in organisations create working conditions that are focused on improving health. By doing so, affective organisational commitment should be one of the top priorities. Society: The results have a significant impact on a more detailed review of the factors that contribute to better working conditions for healthier employees. When employees are committed, they not only stay in the organisation, but they are also healthier and consequently perform better, thus benefits could be seen for employers and employees. It is useful for managers to have knowledge of psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment, as they can utilize these elements to motivate, develop, and manage employees. As working population is the one that represent the main active population in society, it is important to generate working conditions for healthier workforce. Understanding the role of organisational commitment, and other work-related psychosocial factors for health could benefit not only for organisations and employees, but for other society members, that rely on active working population, as well. Limitations / further research: The study was limited by cross-sectional approach and our sample was limited to employees in Slovenia. The study was also limited by the scope of secondary data availablehealth predictors were selected in accordance with theory and available indicators in the existing surveylimited to main factors: health, organisational commitment and work-related psychosocial factors (optimism, empowerment, stressful working conditions, job insecurity, and satisfactory payment). Future research could focus also on other health related factors (such as genetics, certain lifestyles, the environment, and susceptibility to diseases), include longitudinal approach and compare different geographical contexts.Ozadje in izvirnost: Namen tega prispevka je preučiti vlogo organizacijske pripadnosti pri zdravju zaposlenih, zlasti v kontekstu drugih psihosocialnih dejavnikov povezanih z delom (optimizem, opolnomočenje, stresni delovni pogoji, negotovost zaposlitve in zadovoljivo plačilo). Študija statistično preučuje konceptualni raziskovalni model, kjer se v nasprotju s številnimi drugimi študijami ne ustavi na bivariatnih korelacijah ali modelu z eno odvisno spremenljivko, temveč proučuje medsebojne korelacije med dejavniki in tako zagotavlja podrobnejši vpogled. na razmerja med organizacijsko pripadnostjo, zdravjem zaposlenih in z delom povezanimi psihosocialnimi dejavniki. Metoda: Anketa ISSP na reprezentativnem vzorcu prebivalcev v Sloveniji, podvzorec 589 delavcev je bil statistično analiziran z 1) bivariatnim Pearsonovim korelacijskim testom2) hierarhično multivariatno linearno regresijo za primerjavo dveh modelov, v katerih je bilo zdravje napovedovano s psihosocialnimi dejavniki, in pri tem v enem modelu modelu z in v drugem modelu brez organizacijske pripadnosti, in 3) strukturnim modeliranjem, ki omogoča razumevanje medsebojnih odnosov med vsemi analiziranimi koncepti. Rezultati: Študija prikaže model zdravja zaposlenega, ki ga napovedujejo osebni in z delom povezani psihosocialni dejavniki. Rezultati kažejo, da vsi analizirani dejavniki prispevajo k zdravju, vendar ne vsi neposredno. Ugotavljamo, da je zdravje neposredno povezano s stresnimi delovnimi pogoji, optimizmom in čustveno organizacijsko pripadnostjo. Za slednjo ugotavljamo, da ima ključno vlogo tudi pri mediiranju učinkov stresnih delovnih razmer, zadovoljivega plačila in optimizma na zdravje. Z našimi ugotovitvami prispevamo k razpravi o konstruktivnem in v prihodnost usmerjenem pristopu k zagotavljanju delovnih pogojev, ki bi vodili do pripadne in bolj zdrave delovne sile. Predlagamo, da snovalci politik in kadrovski menedžerji v organizacijah ustvarijo delovne pogoje, ki so osredotočeni na izboljšanje zdravja. Pri tem bi morala biti čustvena organizacijska pripadnost ena glavnih prednostnih nalog. Družba: Rezultati pomembno vplivajo na podrobnejši pregled dejavnikov, ki prispevajo k boljšim delovnim pogojem za bolj zdrave zaposlene. Ko so zaposleni pripadni, ne le ostanejo v organizaciji, ampak so tudi bolj zdravi in posledično bolje delajo, kar prinaša vidne koristi tako za delodajalce kot za zaposlene. Za vodje je koristno, da imajo znanje o psihološkem opolnomočenju, zadovoljstvu pri delu in organizacijski pripadnosti, kar lahko uporabijo za učinkovitejše motiviranje, razvoj in vodenje zaposlenih. Ker je delovno aktivno prebivalstvo tisto, na kateri slonijo vsi ostali v družbi, je pomembno ustvariti delovne pogoje, ki omogočajo boljše zdravje zaposlenih. Razumevanje vloge organizacijske pripadnosti in drugih z delom povezanih psihosocialnih dejavnikov za zdravje bi tako lahko koristilo ne le organizacijam in zaposlenim, ampak posredno tudi drugim članom družbe, ki se zanašajo na aktivno delovno populacijo. Omejitve / nadaljnje raziskave: Študija je bila presečna, vzorec je bil omejen na zaposlene v Sloveniji. Naša študija je bila omejena z obsegom razpoložljivih sekundarnih podatkovnapovedovalci zdravja so bili izbrani v skladu s teorijo in razpoložljivimi indikatorji v obstoječi raziskaviomejeni na glavne dejavnike: zdravje, organizacijsko pripadnost in psihosocialne dejavnike, povezane z delom (optimizem, opolnomočenje, stresni delovni pogoji, negotovost zaposlitve in zadovoljivo plačilo). Prihodnje raziskave bi se lahko osredotočile tudi na druge dejavnike, povezane z zdravjem (kot so genetika, določen življenjski slog, okolje in dovzetnost za bolezni), vključile longitudinalni pristop in primerjale različne geografske kontekste