141 research outputs found

    Electrodynamics of an omega-band as deduced from optical and magnetometer data

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    We investigate an omega-band event that took place above northern Scandinavia around 02:00–02:30 UT on 9 March 1999. In our analysis we use ground based magnetometer, optical and riometer measurements together with satellite based optical images. The optical and riometer data are used to estimate the ionospheric Hall and Pedersen conductances, while ionospheric equivalent currents are obtained from the magnetometer measurements. These data sets are used as input in a local KRM calculation, which gives the ionospheric potential electric field as output, thus giving us a complete picture of the ionospheric electrodynamic state during the omega-band event. <br><br> The overall structure of the electric field and field-aligned current (FAC) provided by the local KRM method are in good agreement with previous studies. Also the <I><B>E</B></I>&times;<I><B>B</B></I> drift velocity calculated from the local KRM solution is in good qualitative agreement with the plasma velocity measured by the Finnish CUTLASS radar, giving further support for the new local KRM method. The high-resolution conductance estimates allow us to discern the detailed structure of the omega-band current system. The highest Hall and Pedersen conductances, ~50 and ~25 S, respectively, are found at the edges of the bright auroral tongue. Inside the tongue, conductances are somewhat smaller, but still significantly higher than typical background values. The electric field shows a converging pattern around the tongues, and the field strength drops from ~40 mV/m found at optically dark regions to ~10 mV/m inside the areas of enhanced conductivity. Downward FAC flow in the dark regions, while upward currents flow inside the auroral tongue. Additionally, sharp conductance gradients at the edge of an auroral tongue are associated with narrow strips of intense FACs, so that a strip of downward current flows at the eastern (leading) edge and a similar strip of upward current is present at the western (trailing) edge. The Joule heating follows the electric field pattern, so that it is diminished inside the bright auroral tongue

    Volume cross section of auroral radar backscatter and RMS plasma fluctuations inferred from coherent and incoherent scatter data: a response on backscatter volume parameters

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    Norway and Finland STARE radar measurements in the eastward auroral electrojet are combined with EISCAT CP-1 measurements of the electron density and electric field vector in the common scattering volume to investigate the variation of the auroral radar volume cross section (VCS) with the flow angle of observations (radar look direction with respect to the <I><B>E</B></I>&times;<I><B>B</I></B> electron drift). The data set available consists of ~6000 points for flow angles of 40–85° and electron drifts between 500 and 2000 m s<sup>−1</sup>. The EISCAT electron density <I>N(h)</I>-profile data are used to estimate the effective electron density, aspect angle and thickness of the backscattering layer. It is shown that the flow angle variation of the VCS is rather weak, only ~5 dB within the range of the considered flow angles. The VCS values themselves respond almost linearly to the square of both the electron drift velocity magnitude and the effective electron density. By adopting the inferred shape of the VCS variation with the flow angle and the VCS dependence upon wavelength, the relative amplitude of electrostatic electron density fluctuations over all scales is estimated. Inferred values of 2–4 percent react nearly linearly to the electron drift velocity in the range of 500–1000 m s<sup>−1</sup> but the rate of increase slows down at electron drifts >1000 m s<sup>−1</sup> and density fluctuations of ~5.5 percent due to, perhaps, progressively growing nonlinear wave losses

    Auroral electrojets during deep solar minimum at the end of solar cycle 23

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    We investigate the auroral electrojet activity during the deep minimum at the end of solar cycle 23 (2008–2009) by comparing data from the IMAGE magnetometer chain, auroral observations in Fennoscandia and Svalbard, and solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) observations from the OMNI database from that period with those recorded one solar cycle earlier. We examine the eastward and westward electrojets and the midnight sector separately. The electrojets during 2008–2009 were found to be weaker and at more poleward latitudes than during other times, but when similar driving solar wind and IMF conditions are compared, the behavior in the morning and evening sectors during 2008–2009 was similar to other periods. On the other hand, the midnight sector shows distinct behavior during 2008–2009: for similar driving conditions, the electrojets resided at further poleward latitudes and on average were weaker than during other periods. Furthermore, the substorm occurrence frequency seemed to saturate to a minimum level for very low levels of driving during 2009. This analysis suggests that the solar wind coupling to the ionosphere during 2008–2009 was similar to other periods but that the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling has features that are unique to this period of very low solar activity.Peer reviewe

    TID characterised using joint effort of incoherent scatter radar and GPS

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    Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs), which are caused by Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs), are detected and characterised by a joint analysis of the results of two measurement techniques: incoherent scatter radar and multiple-receiver GPS measurements. Both techniques to measure TIDs are already well known, but are developed further in this study, and the strengths of the two are combined, in order to obtain semi-automatic tools for objective TID detection. The incoherent scatter radar provides a good vertical range and resolution and the GPS measurements provide a good horizontal range and resolution, while both have a good temporal resolution. Using the combination of the methods, the following parameters of the TID can be determined: the time of day when the TID occurs at one location, the period length (or frequency), the vertical phase velocity, the amplitude spectral density, the vertical wavelength, the azimuth angle of horizontal orientation, the horizontal wavelength, and the horizontal phase velocity. This technique will allow a systematic characterisation of AGW-TIDs, which can be useful, among other things, for statistical analyses. The presented technique is demonstrated on data of 20 January 2010 using data from the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar in Tromsø and from the SWEPOS GPS network in Sweden. On this day around 07:00–12:00 UT, a medium-scale TID was observed from both data sets simultaneously. The TID had a period length of around 2 h, and its wave propagated southeastward with a horizontal phase velocity of about 67 m s−1 and a wavelength of about 500 km. The TID had its maximum amplitude in Tromsø at 10:00 UT. The period length detected from the GPS results was twice the main period length detected from the radar, indicating a different harmonic of the same wave. The horizontal wavelength and phase velocity are also estimated from the radar results using Hines' theory, using the WKB approximation to account for inhomogeneity of the atmosphere. The results of this estimate are higher than those detected from the GPS data. The most likely explanation for this is that Hines' theory overestimated the values, because the atmosphere was too inhomogeneous even for the WKB approximation to be valid

    Reconciliation of the Substorm Onset Determined on the Ground and at the Polar spacecraft

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    An isolated substorm on Oct. 17, 1997 during a close conjunction of the Polar spacecraft and the ground-based MIRACLE network is studied in detail. We identify signatures of substorm onset in the plasma sheet midway between the ionosphere and the equatorial plasma sheet, determine their timing relative to the ground signatures, and discuss their counterparts on the ground and in the equatorial plasma sheet. The substorm onset is determined as the negative bay onset at 2040:42(≠ 5 sec) UT coinciding with the onset of auroral precipitation, energization of plasma sheet electrons at Polar, and strong magnetic field variations perpendicular to the ambient field. Such accurate timing coincidence is consistent with the Alfvén transit time between Polar and the ionosphere. Furthermore, the timing of other field and particle signatures at Polar showed clear deviations from the onset time (≠ 2 min). This suggests that the sequence of these signatures around the onset time can be used to validate the signatures predicted by various substorm onset models