7 research outputs found

    Effect on Blood Pressure of Daily Lemon Ingestion and Walking

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    Background. Recent studies suggest that the daily intake of lemon (Citrus limon) has a good effect on health, but this has not been confirmed in humans. In our previous studies, it was observed that people who are conscious of their health performed more lemon intake and exercise. An analysis that took this into account was required. Methodology. For 101 middle-aged women in an island area in Hiroshima, Japan, a record of lemon ingestion efforts and the number of steps walked was carried out for five months. The change rates (Δ%) of the physical measurements, blood test, blood pressure, and pulse wave measured value during the observation period were calculated, and correlations with lemon intake and the number of steps walked were considered. As a result, it was suggested that daily lemon intake and walking are effective for high blood pressure because both showed significant negative correlation to systolic blood pressure Δ%. Conclusions. As a result of multiple linear regression analysis, it was possible that lemon ingestion is involved more greatly with the blood citric acid concentration Δ% and the number of steps with blood pressure Δ%, and it was surmised that the number of steps and lemon ingestion are related to blood pressure improvement by different action mechanisms


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    application/pdf本大学の看護学科基礎看護学領域では,以前よりCAI 教材の開発に取り組んできており,基礎看護技術の「体位変換・移乗・移送」「バイタルサイン」「罨法」「感染」「清潔」「摂食嚥下」「採血」「包帯法」についてCAI 教材を作成している。学習者の進捗度に合わせて学習できる効果的かつ効率的な教育システムを構築・運用するために,我々は今回,「採血」の教材の修正と未完成部分である「注射」「吸入」「吸引」「浣腸」「導尿」のCAI 教材を完成させ,学生へのアンケートから評価を行った。今回作成した教材はわかりやすく,自己学習の道具として役に立つなどの評価を得た。学生からの要望としては,「学内だけでなく自宅でも使えるようにしてほしい」,「もう少し詳しい説明があるともっと勉強になる」などの意見があった。学外から安全にアクセスできるe-Learning システムの導入については,運営資金の確保とサポート体制の確立が課題である。In the Nursing Department fundamental nursing area of this University, we have been working on the development of CAI teaching materials, including materials for the fundamental techniques of "Changing position, wheelchair and stretcher transfer", "Vital signs", "Fomentation", "Infection", "Hygiene", "Feeding deglutition", "Taking blood samples", and "Bandaging". To construct and to operate an effective, efficient educational system that could adapt to learners' level of progress, we improved "Taking blood samples" and added materials for "Injections", "Inhalation", "Suction", "Enema", and "Urethral catheterization". We carried out a self-report questionnaire survey among students to evaluate the teaching materials. Results from the questionnaire indicated that students rated the materials highly. Opinions such as "I would like to use it not only at college but also at home" and "With a little more explanation, it would lead to more effective study" were expressed. With regard to introducing an e-Learning system that can be safely accessed from outside the college, securing necessary operational funding and establishing a support system remain issues for future consideration.報告|Report