43 research outputs found

    Model Kurt Lewin dalam Mengeliminasi Resistensi Perubahan Organisasi

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    Exploiting of information and communications technology (ICT) for attainment of purpose of organization, in this time have become an undoubtedly. In practice it, implementation ICT at one particular potency organization generate resistance to change of arising out in process of orthogonal transformation towards technological cultured change. This article arise concept of development of Faculty of Engineering Gorontalo State Univesity for the agenda of reaching technological cultured organization vision. In this case applied approach of model Kurt Lewin for identifying resistance available for emergence in the effort attainment of faculty vision. Model Kurt Lewin apply approach of analogis block ice (ice cube) by 3 (three) step in the mode of action. Conceptually, model Kurt Lewin can be made by alternative approach in reducing change resistance towards technological cultured faculty organization

    Model pengurusan pengetahuan untuk pemerkasaan komuniti : kajian kes di Provinsi Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Currently, Knowledge Management (KM) has become a solution to improve performance of organization. In the meantime, community empowerment is a new paradigm of human development to create, strengthen, and protect potential owned by community. In Indonesia, with regards to the issue of poverty experienced by the poor in urban areas, community empowerment has been regarded as a national programme. The aim is to sensitize the community especially leaders of organizations for the realization of humanitarian values, the principles of sustainable development in the community and community living. However, empirical studies related to it have shown that its implementation is limited because it has been perceived as result based orientation rather than the process of empowerment. In fact, empirical studies related to KM in the context of community empowerment in Indonesia are very limited. The main objective of this research is to develop a KM model to streamline the implementation of community empowerment in the Province of Gorontalo, Indonesia. This research uses qualitative method through case studies. Semi structured interviews, observations, and analysis of documentation was carried out to obtain data on the implementation of community empowerment in the Province of Gorontalo, Indonesia. Interactive Analyze model and Pattern Matching method were used to analyze the data and to develop a KM model. Research results show that people, processes, organization, and Information Technology (IT) are main components of KM in the context of community empowerment. This shows that the development of KM model must involve the entire component in balance to help strengthen the implementation of community empowerment. This research contributes to the establishment of KM model to community empowerment. In addition, the research results can be applied by the local government district with respect to the implementation of good governance and effective use of IT

    Perancangan Multimedia Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Desain Grafis Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture di SMK Negeri 4 Gorontalo

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    The basic subjects of graphic design at SMK Negeri 4 Gorontalo are subjects that are in great demand by students. Therefore, in order to improve the learning outcomes of learners, it is necessary to make some innovations in learning. However, in reality most teachers are not used to using interactive learning media and the cost of interactive learning media that attracts quite expensive prices is one of the inhibiting factors in learning. Therefore, it is considered necessary to develop an innovative and interesting learning media to be able to help students in understanding the material learned amid the difficulty of teachers obtaining interactive learning media that supports the learning process. The research conducted aims to 1). Describes the steps to design interactive multimedia-based picture and picture model learning media, and 2). Knowing the feasibility of learning media multimedia-based interactive picture and picture models according to material experts, media experts and users (students). The method used in the research was reseach and development method with ADDIE model with the results of learning media feasibility test by material expert showed feasibility percentage of 97.5% with "very feasible" category, media feasibility result according to media expert showed feasibility percentage of 79.2%% with "very feasible" category, as well as service result in user response (student) of 94.5% and categorized as "very feasible". So that it can be concluded that Interactive Learning Media based on Multimedia by using Picture and Picture learning model is very feasible to be used in the learning process. Keywords: Interactive; Multimedia; Picture and Picture

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Web Pada Mata Pelajaran Administrasi Sistem Jaringan Kelas XI TKJ di SMK Negeri 2 Limboto

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    Administrasi Sistem Jaringan merupakan mata pelajaran jurusan Teknik Komputer Jaringan di SMK Negeri 2 Limboto. Dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah, sesuai observasi yang dilakukan diperoleh permasalahan di kelas XI jurusan TKJ khususnya pada mata pelajaran Administrasi Sistem Jaringan yaitu masih kurangnya media pembelajaran yang digunakan. Di sisi lain, guru dituntut tidak hanya menguasai materi tetapi juga dituntut untuk menggunakan media pembelajaran agar pembelajaran berlangsung optimal dan menarik bagi siswa. Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) Mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis web yang membuat siswa tertarik untuk belajar, memudahkan guru mentransfer materi kepada siswa dan memudahkan siswa mengakses materi belajar. (2) Mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis web. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development dengan model pengembangan Four-D. Hasil penelitian terhadap media pembelajaran berbasis web yaitu uji validitas ahli media memperoleh nilai persentase 83% dengan kategori sangat valid, uji validitas ahli materi memperoleh nilai persentase 85,63% dengan kategori sangat valid, dan uji kepraktisan guru memperoleh nilai persentase 85% dengan kategori sangat praktis, uji kepraktisan siswa memperoleh nilai persentase 88,91% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis web dinyatakan layak berdasarkan uji validitas dan uji kepraktisan untuk digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar khususnya pada mata pelajaran Administrasi Sistem Jaringan


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    Operated in finance and public services, the Regional Agency of Gorontalo Regency conducts local taxcollection activities, including tax reporting and payment. In the reporting process, the Regional RevenueAgency of Gorontalo Regency develops and applies the regional tax payment and reporting system throughonline-based information technology or SIM e-SPTPD. During the implementation, the users sometimesencounter several obstacles, such as a slow system, inconsistent data (missing data), and users who areilliterate about the system. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the influence of user perception on thesuccess of SIM e-SPTPD performance using the PIECES method with six independent variables(Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service), one dependent variable (Performance), andother variables related to SIM e-SPTPD performance. The study was conducted on 40 respondents whoused SIM e-SPTPD. Data in this study were collected through observation, interview, and questionnairemethods, which were then processed using multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis. From the study,the Information, Economy, and Efficiency variables positively influence the Performance variable.Meanwhile, Control and Service variables have a negative influence on Performance variables. Partially,the Information, Economy, and Efficiency variables influence the Performance variables, and the Controland Sevice were otherwise. In contrast, the variables mentioned did not influence the Performance variablesimultaneously

    Web Portal Pemasaran Telur Ayam

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    Currently, the consumption demand for eggs is always higher than the level of egg production, but there are are still few markets that provide marketing service for the sale of farming products such as eggs. In addition, chicken egg stcok itself is difficult to find manually and  has impact on its relatively high price. This study aims to build a web portal for chiken egg marketing, especially  chicken  farmers in Pilohayanga village, in terms of marketing web-based chicken egg to support business activites and MySQL databases. The finding indicates that the application off the chiken egg marketing system by using  a web application can simplify the process of marketing  or purchasing chicken eggs online.

    Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kenderaan Pengangkut Sampah di Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    Environmental And Natural Resource Agency remains experiencing a problem related to waste hauling from Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TPS) To Final Disposal Site (TPA). In addition, people living nearby the site complain about certain things such as workers cross by the garbage dump with piling up waste, workers haul the waste at an irregular time as determined, and workers take the wrong route incidentally based on their own reason. Objective of this research was to create a web-based apps system which could monitor trash hauling from Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TPS) to Final Disposal Site (TPA) in area of Limboto Sub-district, Gorontalo District. It was designed by applying prototype system development method. Result of research showed that the created waste Collection Vehicle Monitoring Information System in Gorontalo District could optimize search process for garbage dump provided by gorontalo district government

    Pendampingan Masyarakat Desa Melalui Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Desa Membangun

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan KKN tematik desa membangun adalah meningkatkan prakarsa, kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat desa dalam pembangunan desa yang partisipatif.Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah: (1) mengoptimalkan kinerja pemerintahan desa dan meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat desa dalam proses pembangunan desa, dan (2) mengefektifkan pemerintahan desa dalam mencapai pembangunan desa. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target khusus ini metode yang digunakan adalah dengan transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi melalui pelaksanaan pendampingan dan sosialisasi dalam mendorong prakarsa dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan desa

    Evaluasi Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna SIKS-NG Menggunakan Metode EUCS Di Kabupaten Bone Bolango

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    Sistem Informasi Kesejahteraan Sosial Next Generation (SIKS- NG) adalah aplikasi manajemen untuk proses perbaikan dan pengusulan data baru Basis Data Terpadu (BDT) yang mana didalamnya juga terdapat modul untuk perbaikan dan pengusulan data Bantuan Sosial Pangan (BSP) non PKH. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengguna SIKS-NG. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS). Metode EUCS mencakup lima aspek yaitu isi, keakuratan, format, kemudahan dalam penggunaan dan ketepatan waktu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah penguna SIKS-NG yang berada di Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Sampel yang dipilih dari populasi tersebut sebanyak 66 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepuasan pengguna secara keseluruhan berdasarkan evaluasi EUCS yaitu aspek content 36% yang berada pada kategori tidak baik menunjukan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap aplikasi SIKS-NG di nyatakan tidak puas, aspek accuracy 36.8% yang berada pada kategori kurang baik, aspek format 54.3% yang berada pada kategori cukup baik, aspek ease of use 52.9% yang berada pada kategori cukup baik, timeliness 36% yang berada pada kategori kurang baik

    Evaluasi Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi Akademik Unisan (SIAKUN) Menggunakan Model DeLone & McLean di Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo

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    Sejak tahun 2015 Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo menerapkan Sistem Informasi Akademik Unisan (SIAKUN) untuk menangani masalah akademik dan manajemen kemahasiswaan yang diterapkan oleh Pustikom Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo. Akan tetapi belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap SIAKUN sehingga belum diketahui kelemahan aplikasi dari aspek penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna. Selain itu, belum diketahui sejauhmana kesuksesan penerapan SIAKUN dalam mengelola data akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuksesan penerapan SIAKUN dalam mengelola data akademik dan mengetahui pengaruh setiap variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat menggunakan model DeLone McLean. Hasil dari evaluasi mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 3.13 dalam skala likert berada pada tingkat setuju dengan presentase kesuksesan memiliki nilai 72,13% yang berada pada tingkat 4 antara 61% - 80% pada kategori tinggi, sehingga penerapan SIAKUN dalam mengelola data akademik di Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo dikatakan sukses. Dengan dilakukannya evaluasi terhadap SIAKUN ini, dapat membantu pihak kampus agar dapat mengetahui apakah tujuan dari penerapan sistem sudah terpenuhi atau belum, juga dapat melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan terhadap SIAKUN agar lebih baik kedepannya