17 research outputs found

    Appendix B. Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for visitor species with no significant differences between observed values and null expectations at both study sites in June 2004.

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    Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for visitor species with no significant differences between observed values and null expectations at both study sites in June 2004

    Appendix F. Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for all visitor species combined for each monthly network.

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    Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for all visitor species combined for each monthly network

    Appendix G. Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for each visitor taxon with significant results across all monthly networks.

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    Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for each visitor taxon with significant results across all monthly networks

    Appendix C. Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for visitor taxa at both study sites in June 2004.

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    Comparisons of numbers of flower-visitor links per time interval between observed networks and null model results for visitor taxa at both study sites in June 2004

    Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analyses of changes in the composition of floral meadows through time and among cities.

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    <p>A. Perennial meadows across all cities, separated by survey round. B. Annual meadows across all cities, separated by survey round. In A and B, letters and ellipses show the centroid and 95% confidence limits for each survey round. C. Perennial meadows across all survey rounds, separated by city. D. Annual meadows across all survey rounds, separated by city. In C and D, letters and ellipses show the centroid and 95% confidence limits for each city. In D. the centroid for Bristol is hidden by, and almost identical to, the centroid for Leeds.</p