55 research outputs found

    Growth-Induced Strain in Chemical Vapor Deposited Monolayer MoS2: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation

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    Monolayer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2_2) is a promising two-dimensional (2D) material for nanoelectronic and optoelectronic applications. The large-area growth of MoS2_2 has been demonstrated using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) in a wide range of deposition temperatures from 600 {\deg}C to 1000 {\deg}C. However, a direct comparison of growth parameters and resulting material properties has not been made so far. Here, we present a systematic experimental and theoretical investigation of optical properties of monolayer MoS2_2 grown at different temperatures. Micro-Raman and photoluminescence (PL) studies reveal observable inhomogeneities in optical properties of the as-grown single crystalline grains of MoS2_2. Close examination of the Raman and PL features clearly indicate that growth-induced strain is the main source of distinct optical properties. We carry out density functional theory calculations to describe the interaction of growing MoS2_2 layers with the growth substrate as the origin of strain. Our work explains the variation of band gap energies of CVD-grown monolayer MoS2_2, extracted using PL spectroscopy, as a function of deposition temperature. The methodology has general applicability to model and predict the influence of growth conditions on strain in 2D materials.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures, 10 figures in supporting informatio

    Non-invasive Scanning Raman Spectroscopy and Tomography for Graphene Membrane Characterization

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    Graphene has extraordinary mechanical and electronic properties, making it a promising material for membrane based nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Here, chemical-vapor-deposited graphene is transferred onto target substrates to suspend it over cavities and trenches for pressure-sensor applications. The development of such devices requires suitable metrology methods, i.e., large-scale characterization techniques, to confirm and analyze successful graphene transfer with intact suspended graphene membranes. We propose fast and noninvasive Raman spectroscopy mapping to distinguish between freestanding and substrate-supported graphene, utilizing the different strain and doping levels. The technique is expanded to combine two-dimensional area scans with cross-sectional Raman spectroscopy, resulting in three-dimensional Raman tomography of membrane-based graphene NEMS. The potential of Raman tomography for in-line monitoring is further demonstrated with a methodology for automated data analysis to spatially resolve the material composition in micrometer-scale integrated devices, including free-standing and substrate-supported graphene. Raman tomography may be applied to devices composed of other two-dimensional materials as well as silicon micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Contact Resistance Study of Various Metal Electrodes with CVD Graphene

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    In this study, the contact resistance of various metals to chemical vapour deposited (CVD) monolayer graphene is investigated. Transfer length method (TLM) structures with varying widths and separation between contacts have been fabricated and electrically characterized in ambient air and vacuum condition. Electrical contacts are made with five metals: gold, nickel, nickel/gold, palladium and platinum/gold. The lowest value of 92 {\Omega}{\mu}m is observed for the contact resistance between graphene and gold, extracted from back-gated devices at an applied back-gate bias of -40 V. Measurements carried out under vacuum show larger contact resistance values when compared with measurements carried out in ambient conditions. Post processing annealing at 450{\deg}C for 1 hour in argon-95% / hydrogen-5% atmosphere results in lowering the contact resistance value which is attributed to the enhancement of the adhesion between metal and graphene. The results presented in this work provide an overview for potential contact engineering for high performance graphene-based electronic devices

    All CVD Boron Nitride Encapsulated Graphene FETs with CMOS Compatible Metal Edge Contacts

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of field effect transistors (FETs) based on chemical vapor deposited (CVD) graphene encapsulated between few layer CVD boron nitride (BN) sheets with complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible nickel edge contacts. Non-contact Tera-hertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) of large-area BN/graphene/BN (BN/G/BN) stacks reveals average sheet conductivity >1 mS/sq and average mobility of 2500 cm2^{2}/Vs. Improved output conductance is observed in direct current (DC) measurements under ambient conditions, indicating potential for radio-frequency (RF) applications. Moreover, we report a maximum voltage gain of 6 dB from a low frequency signal amplifier circuit. RF characterization of the GFETs yields an fT_{T} x Lg_{g} product of 2.64 GHzÎĽ\mum and an fMax_{Max} x Lg_{g} product of 5.88 GHzÎĽ\mum. This study presents for the first time THz-TDS usage in combination with other characterization methods for device performance assessment on BN/G/BN stacks. The results serve as a step towards scalable, all CVD 2D material-based FETs for CMOS compatible future nanoelectronic circuit architectures.Comment: 6 page

    Electron Transport across Vertical Silicon/MoS2/Graphene Heterostructures: Towards Efficient Emitter Diodes for Graphene Base Hot Electron Transistors

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    Heterostructures comprising silicon, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), and graphene are investigated with respect to the vertical current conduction mechanism. The measured current-voltage (I-V) characteristics exhibit temperature-dependent asymmetric current, indicating thermally activated charge carrier transport. The data are compared and fitted to a current transport model that confirms thermionic emission as the responsible transport mechanism across devices. Theoretical calculations in combination with the experimental data suggest that the heterojunction barrier from Si to MoS2 is linearly temperature-dependent for T = 200-300 K with a positive temperature coefficient. The temperature dependence may be attributed to a change in band gap difference between Si and MoS2, strain at the Si/MoS2 interface, or different electron effective masses in Si and MoS2, leading to a possible entropy change stemming from variation in density of states as electrons move from Si to MoS2. The low barrier formed between Si and MoS2 and the resultant thermionic emission demonstrated here make the present devices potential candidates as the emitter diode of graphene base hot electron transistors for future high-speed electronics. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society

    Assessment of wafer-level transfer techniques of graphene with respect to semiconductor industry requirements

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    Graphene is a promising candidate for future electronic applications. Manufacturing graphene-based electronic devices typically requires graphene transfer from its growth substrate to another desired substrate. This key step for device integration must be applicable at the wafer level and meet the stringent requirements of semiconductor fabrication lines. In this work, wet and semidry transfer (i.e. wafer bonding) are evaluated regarding wafer scalability, handling, potential for automation, yield, contamination and electrical performance. A wafer scale tool was developed to transfer graphene from 150 mm copper foils to 200 mm silicon wafers with-out adhesive intermediate polymers. The transferred graphene coverage ranged from 97.9% to 99.2% for wet transfer and from 17.2% to 90.8% for semidry transfer, with average cop-per contaminations of 4.7x1013^{13} (wet) and 8.2x1012^{12} atoms/cm2^2 (semidry). The corresponding electrical sheet resistance extracted from terahertz time-domain spectroscopy varied from 450 to 550 Ω/sq{\Omega}/sq for wet transfer and from 1000 to 1650 Ω/sq{\Omega}/sq for semidry transfer. Although wet transfer is superior in terms of yield, carbon contamination level and electrical quality, wafer bonding yields lower copper contamination levels and provides scalability due to existing in-dustrial tools and processes. Our conclusions can be generalized to all two-dimensional (2D) materials
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