574 research outputs found

    Closed-loop feedback control for microfluidic systems through automated capacitive fluid height sensing

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    Precise fluid height sensing in open-channel microfluidics has long been a desirable feature for a wide range of applications. However, performing accurate measurements of the fluid level in small-scale reservoirs (<1 mL) has proven to be an elusive goal, especially if direct fluid-sensor contact needs to be avoided. In particular, gravity-driven systems used in several microfluidic applications to establish pressure gradients and impose flow remain open-loop and largely unmonitored due to these sensing limitations. Here we present an optimized self-shielded coplanar capacitive sensor design and automated control system to provide submillimeter fluid-height resolution (∼250 μm) and control of small-scale open reservoirs without the need for direct fluid contact. Results from testing and validation of our optimized sensor and system also suggest that accurate fluid height information can be used to robustly characterize, calibrate and dynamically control a range of microfluidic systems with complex pumping mechanisms, even in cell culture conditions. Capacitive sensing technology provides a scalable and cost-effective way to enable continuous monitoring and closed-loop feedback control of fluid volumes in small-scale gravity-dominated wells in a variety of microfluidic applications.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Award W911NF-12-2-0039

    Thermal Dust Emission from Proplyds, Unresolved Disks, and Shocks in the Orion Nebula

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    We present a new 11.7 micron mosaic image of the Orion nebula obtained with T-ReCS on Gemini South. The map includes the BN/KL region, the Trapezium, and OMC-1 South. Excluding BN/KL, we detect 91 point sources, with 27 known proplyds and over 30 ``naked'' stars showing no extended structure in HST images. Within the region we surveyed, 80 percent of known proplyds show detectable emission, almost 40 percent of naked stars are detected at 11.7 micron, and the fraction of all visible sources with IR excess emission is roughly 50 percent. Thermal dust emission from stars with no extended structure in HST images means that they have dust disks comparable to the size of our solar system. Proplyds and stars with IR excess show a clear anti-correlation in their spatial distribution, with proplyds clustered close to theta1C, and other infrared sources found farther away. We suspect that the clustered proplyds trace the youngest 0.5 Myr age group associated with the Trapezium, while the more uniformly-distributed sources trace the older 1-2 Myr population of the ONC. This suggests that small disks persist for a few Myr in irradiated environments, and hints that hierarchical sub-clustering has been important. Within 30 arcsec of theta1C, all proplyds are detected at 11.7 micron. The star theta1D is associated with the most prominent mid-IR dust arc in the nebula. We propose that this arc is the consequence of theta1D being the closest member of the Trapezium to the background cloud. Finally, we detect dust emission from HH jets in Orion, including HH202, HH529, HH513, and HH514. This is the first detection of mid-IR continuum emission from dust in the body of a collimated HH jet or bow shock.Comment: accepted by AJ. 27 pages, 11 figs, 4 color figs. If you actually want to see the figures, download this version: ftp://origins.colorado.edu/pub/nathans/smith.trecs.pd

    The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) Survey: Rest-Frame Optical Spectroscopy for ~1500 H-Selected Galaxies at 1.37 < z < 3.8

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    In this paper we present the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey. The MOSDEF survey aims to obtain moderate-resolution (R=3000-3650) rest-frame optical spectra (~3700-7000 Angstrom) for ~1500 galaxies at 1.37<z<3.80 in three well-studied CANDELS fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, and GOODS-N. Targets are selected in three redshift intervals: 1.37<z<1.70, 2.09<z<2.61, and 2.95<z<3.80, down to fixed H_AB (F160W) magnitudes of 24.0, 24.5 and 25.0, respectively, using the photometric and spectroscopic catalogs from the 3D-HST survey. We target both strong nebular emission lines (e.g., [OII], Hbeta, [OIII], 5008, Halpha, [NII], and [SII]) and stellar continuum and absorption features (e.g., Balmer lines, Ca-II H and K, Mgb, 4000 Angstrom break). Here we present an overview of our survey, the observational strategy, the data reduction and analysis, and the sample characteristics based on spectra obtained during the first 24 nights. To date, we have completed 21 masks, obtaining spectra for 591 galaxies. For ~80% of the targets we derive a robust redshift from either emission or absorption lines. In addition, we confirm 55 additional galaxies, which were serendipitously detected. The MOSDEF galaxy sample includes unobscured star-forming, dusty star-forming, and quiescent galaxies and spans a wide range in stellar mass (~10^9-10^11.5 Msol) and star formation rate (~10^0-10^3 Msol/yr). The spectroscopically confirmed sample is roughly representative of an H-band limited galaxy sample at these redshifts. With its large sample size, broad diversity in galaxy properties, and wealth of available ancillary data, MOSDEF will transform our understanding of the stellar, gaseous, metal, dust, and black hole content of galaxies during the time when the universe was most active.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS; 28 pages, 19 figures; MOSDEF spectroscopic redshifts available at http://mosdef.astro.berkeley.edu/Downloads.htm

    Model-Independent Diagnostics of Highly Reddened Milky Way Star Clusters: Age Calibration

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    The next generation near- and mid-infrared Galactic surveys will yield a large number of new highly obscured star clusters. Detailed characterization of these new objects with spectroscopy is time-consuming. Diagnostic tools that will be able to characterize clusters based only on the available photometry will be needed to study large samples of the newly found objects. The brightness difference between the red clump and the main-sequence turn-off point have been used as a model-independent age calibrator for clusters with ages from a few 108^8 to 1010^{10} yr in the optical. Here we apply for the first time the method in the near-infrared. We calibrated this difference in KK-band, which is likely to be available for obscured clusters, and we apply it to a number of test clusters with photometry comparable to the one that will be yielded by the current or near-future surveys. The new calibration yields reliable ages over the range of ages for which the red clump is present in clusters. The slope of the relation is smoother than that of the corresponding VV-band relation, reducing the uncertainty in the age determinations with respect to the optical ones.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figure, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A meta-analysis comparing the effectiveness of alternate day fasting, the 5:2 diet, and time-restricted eating for weight loss.

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    OBJECTIVE The objective of this meta-analysis was to compare the effectiveness of different intermittent fasting (IF) regimens on weight loss, in the general population, and compare these to traditional caloric energy restriction (CER). METHODS Three databases were searched from 2011 to June 2021 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that assessed weight loss and IF, including alternate day fasting (ADF), the 5:2 diet, and time-restricted eating (TRE). A random effect network analysis was used to compare the effectiveness between the three regimens. Meta-regression analysis was presented as weighted mean differences of body weight loss. RESULTS The exploratory random effects network analysis of 24 RCTs (n = 1768) ranked ADF as the most effective, followed by CER and TRE. The meta-analysis showed that IF regimens resulted in similar weight loss to CER (mean difference 0.26 kg, 95% CI: -0.31 to 0.84; p = 0.37). Compliance was generally high (>80%) in trials shorter than 3 months. CONCLUSIONS The present meta-analysis concludes that IF is comparable to CER and a promising alternative for weight loss. Among the three regimens, ADF showed the highest effectiveness for weight loss, followed by CER and TRE. Further well-powered RCTs with longer durations of intervention are required to draw solid conclusions

    Keck-I MOSFIRE spectroscopy of compact star-forming galaxies at z≳\gtrsim2: High velocity dispersions in progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies

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    We present Keck-I MOSFIRE near-infrared spectroscopy for a sample of 13 compact star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at redshift 2≤z≤2.52\leq z \leq2.5 with star formation rates of SFR∼\sim100M⊙_{\odot} y−1^{-1} and masses of log(M/M⊙_{\odot})∼10.8\sim10.8. Their high integrated gas velocity dispersions of σint\sigma_{\rm{int}}=230−30+40^{+40}_{-30} km s−1^{-1}, as measured from emission lines of Hα_{\alpha} and [OIII], and the resultant M⋆−σint_{\star}-\sigma_{\rm{int}} relation and M⋆_{\star}−-Mdyn_{\rm{dyn}} all match well to those of compact quiescent galaxies at z∼2z\sim2, as measured from stellar absorption lines. Since log(M⋆_{\star}/Mdyn_{\rm{dyn}})=−0.06±0.2=-0.06\pm0.2 dex, these compact SFGs appear to be dynamically relaxed and more evolved, i.e., more depleted in gas and dark matter (<<13−13+17^{+17}_{-13}\%) than their non-compact SFG counterparts at the same epoch. Without infusion of external gas, depletion timescales are short, less than ∼\sim300 Myr. This discovery adds another link to our new dynamical chain of evidence that compact SFGs at z≳2z\gtrsim2 are already losing gas to become the immediate progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies by z∼2z\sim2.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    An optical and near IR study of the old open cluster NGC 2141

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    We report on CCD optical (B and V passbands) and near IR (J and K bands) observations in the region of the old open cluster NGC 2141. By combining the two sets of photometry (500 stars in common) we derive new estimates of the cluster fundamental parameters. We confirm that the cluster is 2.5 Gyrs old, but, with respect to previous investigations, we obtain a slightly larger reddening (E(B-V)=0.40), and a slightly shorter distance (3.8 kpc) from the Sun. Finally we present Luminosity Function (LF) in the V band, which is another age indicator. We provide a good fit for the age range inferred from isochrones by assuming the Kroupa et al. (1993) IMF up to MVM_V=5.0. We interpret the disagreemt at fainter magnitudes as an evidence of mass segregation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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