80 research outputs found

    Kinematic Evolution of Simulated Star-Forming Galaxies

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    Recent observations have shown that star-forming galaxies like our own Milky Way evolve kinematically into ordered thin disks over the last ~8 billion years since z=1.2, undergoing a process of "disk settling." For the first time, we study the kinematic evolution of a suite of four state of the art "zoom in" hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation and evolution in a fully cosmological context and compare with these observations. Until now, robust measurements of the internal kinematics of simulated galaxies were lacking as the simulations suffered from low resolution, overproduction of stars, and overly massive bulges. The current generation of simulations has made great progress in overcoming these difficulties and is ready for a kinematic analysis. We show that simulated galaxies follow the same kinematic trends as real galaxies: they progressively decrease in disordered motions (sigma_g) and increase in ordered rotation (Vrot) with time. The slopes of the relations between both sigma_g and Vrot with redshift are consistent between the simulations and the observations. In addition, the morphologies of the simulated galaxies become less disturbed with time, also consistent with observations, and they both have similarly large scatter. This match between the simulated and observed trends is a significant success for the current generation of simulations, and a first step in determining the physical processes behind disk settling.Comment: ApJ accepted; 6 pages; A pdf with full resolution figures can be found at https://db.tt/8y4Vzaff (2.8M

    The Rise and Fall of Star Formation Histories of Blue Galaxies at Redshifts 0.2 < z < 1.4

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    Popular cosmological scenarios predict that galaxies form hierarchically from the merger of many progenitor, each with their own unique star formation history (SFH). We use the approach recently developed by Pacifici et al. to constrain the SFHs of 4517 blue (presumably star-forming) galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the range O.2 < z < 1:4 from the All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). This consists in the Bayesian analysis of the observed galaxy spectral ' energy distributions with a comprehensive library of synthetic spectra assembled using state-of-the-art models of star formation and chemical enrichment histories, stellar population synthesis, nebular emission and attenuation by dust. We constrain the SFH of each galaxy in our sample by comparing the observed fluxes in the B, R,l and K(sub s) bands and rest-frame optical emission-line luminosities with those of one million model spectral energy distributions. We explore the dependence of the resulting SFH on galaxy stellar mass and redshift. We find that the average SFHs of high-mass galaxies rise and fall in a roughly symmetric bell-shaped manner, while those of low-mass galaxies rise progressively in time, consistent with the typically stronger activity of star formation in low-mass compared to high-mass galaxies. For galaxies of all masses, the star formation activity rises more rapidly at high than at low redshift. These findings imply that the standard approximation of exponentially declining SFHs wIdely used to interpret observed galaxy spectral energy distributions is not appropriate to constrain the physical parameters of star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshifts

    Dark and Baryonic Matter in Bright Spiral Galaxies: I.Near-infrared and Optical Broadband Surface Photometry of 30 Galaxies

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    We present photometrically calibrated images and surface photometry in the B, V, R, J, H, and K-bands of 25, and in the g, r, and K-bands of 5 nearby bright (Bo_T<12.5 mag) spiral galaxies with inclinations between 30-65 degrees spanning the Hubble Sequence from Sa to Scd. Data are from The Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey, the Two Micron All Sky Survey, and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Second Data Release. Radial surface brightness profiles are extracted, and integrated magnitudes are measured from the profiles. Axis ratios, position angles, and scale lengths are measured from the near-infrared images. A 1-dimensional bulge/disk decomposition is performed on the near-infrared images of galaxies with a non-negligible bulge component, and an exponential disk is fit to the radial surface brightness profiles of the remaining galaxies.Comment: 28 page

    The angular momentum of baryons and dark matter halos revisited

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    Recent theoretical studies have shown that galaxies at high redshift are fed by cold, dense gas filaments, suggesting angular momentum transport by gas differs from that by dark matter. Revisiting this issue using high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamics simulations with adaptive mesh refinement, we find that at the time of accretion, gas and dark matter do carry a similar amount of specific angular momentum, but that it is systematically higher than that of the dark matter halo as a whole. At high redshift, freshly accreted gas rapidly streams into the central region of the halo, directly depositing this large amount of angular momentum within a sphere of radius r=0.1rvir. In contrast, dark matter particles pass through the central region unscathed, and a fraction of them ends up populating the outer regions of the halo (r/rvir>0.1), redistributing angular momentum in the process. As a result, large-scale motions of the cosmic web have to be considered as the origin of gas angular momentum rather than its virialised dark matter halo host. This generic result holds for halos of all masses at all redshifts, as radiative cooling ensures that a significant fraction of baryons remain trapped at the centre of the halos. Despite this injection of angular momentum enriched gas, we predict an amount for stellar discs which is in fair agreement with observations at z=0. This arises because the total specific angular momentum of the baryons remains close to that of dark matter halos. We propose a new scenario where gas efficiently carries the angular momentum generated by large-scale structure motions deep inside dark matter halos, redistributing it only in the vicinity of the disc.Comment: 15 pages,12 figures, submitted to MNRA

    On the Evolution of the Velocity-Mass-Size Relations of Disk-Dominated Galaxies over the Past 10 Billion Years

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    We study the evolution of the scaling relations between maximum circular velocity, stellar mass and optical half-light radius of star-forming disk-dominated galaxies in the context of LCDM-based galaxy formation models. Using data from the literature combined with new data from the DEEP2 and AEGIS surveys we show that there is a consistent observational and theoretical picture for the evolution of these scaling relations from z\sim 2 to z=0. The evolution of the observed stellar scaling relations is weaker than that of the virial scaling relations of dark matter haloes, which can be reproduced, both qualitatively and quantitatively, with a simple, cosmologically-motivated model for disk evolution inside growing NFW dark matter haloes. In this model optical half-light radii are smaller, both at fixed stellar mass and maximum circular velocity, at higher redshifts. This model also predicts that the scaling relations between baryonic quantities evolve even more weakly than the corresponding stellar relations. We emphasize, though, that this weak evolution does not imply that individual galaxies evolve weakly. On the contrary, individual galaxies grow strongly in mass, size and velocity, but in such a way that they move largely along the scaling relations. Finally, recent observations have claimed surprisingly large sizes for a number of star-forming disk galaxies at z \sim 2, which has caused some authors to suggest that high redshift disk galaxies have abnormally high spin parameters. However, we argue that the disk scale lengths in question have been systematically overestimated by a factor \sim 2, and that there is an offset of a factor \sim 1.4 between H\alpha sizes and optical sizes. Taking these effects into account, there is no indication that star forming galaxies at high redshifts (z\sim 2) have abnormally high spin parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted to MNRAS, minor changes to previous versio

    z~2: An Epoch of Disk Assembly

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    We explore the evolution of the internal gas kinematics of star-forming galaxies from the peak of cosmic star-formation at z2z\sim2 to today. Measurements of galaxy rotation velocity VrotV_{rot}, which quantify ordered motions, and gas velocity dispersion σg\sigma_g, which quantify disordered motions, are adopted from the DEEP2 and SIGMA surveys. This sample covers a continuous baseline in redshift from z=2.5z=2.5 to z=0.1z=0.1, spanning 10 Gyrs. At low redshift, nearly all sufficiently massive star-forming galaxies are rotationally supported (Vrot>σgV_{rot}>\sigma_g). By z=2z=2, the percentage of galaxies with rotational support has declined to 50%\% at low stellar mass (1091010M10^{9}-10^{10}\,M_{\odot}) and 70%\% at high stellar mass (10101011M10^{10}-10^{11}M_{\odot}). For Vrot>3σgV_{rot}\,>\,3\,\sigma_g, the percentage drops below 35%\% for all masses. From z=2z\,=\,2 to now, galaxies exhibit remarkably smooth kinematic evolution on average. All galaxies tend towards rotational support with time, and it is reached earlier in higher mass systems. This is mostly due to an average decline in σg\sigma_g by a factor of 3 since a redshift of 2, which is independent of mass. Over the same time period, VrotV_{rot} increases by a factor of 1.5 for low mass systems, but does not evolve for high mass systems. These trends in VrotV_{rot} and σg\sigma_g with time are at a fixed stellar mass and should not be interpreted as evolutionary tracks for galaxy populations. When galaxy populations are linked in time with abundance matching, not only does σg\sigma_g decline with time as before, but VrotV_{rot} strongly increases with time for all galaxy masses. This enhances the evolution in Vrot/σgV_{rot}/\sigma_g. These results indicate that z=2z\,=\,2 is a period of disk assembly, during which the strong rotational support present in today's massive disk galaxies is only just beginning to emerge.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap