67 research outputs found

    Profil Agribisnis dan Dukungan Teknologi dalam Agribisnis Kacang Tanah di Indonesia

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    Tanaman kacang tanah pada lahan kering memberikan kontribusi pendapatan yang signifikan (60%) bagi petani, sehingga terus ditanam petani meskipun kurang mendapat perhatian yang memadai dari para pihak yang berkepentingan dalam agribusnis kacang tanah. Daya tampung tenaga kerja pada agribisnis kacang tanah untuk sektor industri primer relatif terbatas dengan laju pertambahan luas panen 1,3%. Akses terhadap teknologi belum tampak menggeliat dalam lima tahun terakhir ini. Kenaikan harga input dan upah tenaga kerja yang sangat tajam pada tahun 2005 dapat memperlemah akses terhadap teknologi. Kinerja teknologi petani memberikan hasil sekitar 1,5-1,7 t/ha polong kering yang dapat ditingkatkan menjadi 2,4-3,0 t/ha atau meningkat 30%-80% dengan perbaikan teknologi, namun teknologi inovatif tersebut masih tergolong padat karya dan padat modal bagi petani kacang tanah berskala kecil. Efisiensi USAhatani kacang tanah dalam jangka pendek yang paling mungkin dapat dilakukan adalah melakukan penghematan penggunaan benih dari 100-150 kg/ha dengan tanam sebar pada alur bajak berjarak 20 cm antar alur, atau sebar acak menjadi 80-90 kg/ha dengan sebar pada alur bajak berjarak 40 cm antar alur bajak. Kegiatan panen dan pasca panen yang menyerap 20% tenaga kerja dapat diserahkan kepada penebas, mengingat terbatasnya tenaga dan tiadanya lantai jemur yang memadai di tingkat petani. Pengembangan kacang tanah dengan teknologi inovatif dalam jangka pendek perlu diutamakan pada daerah pemasuk industri pengolahan skala besar di Jawa Tengah dan skala menengah di Sumatera Utara. Guna mengendalikan mutu produk perlu sosialisasi standarisasi mutu kepada para pihak terkait sehingga produk olahannya dapat bersaing di pasar Internasional

    Respon Tanaman Jagung Terhadap Pemupukan Fosfor Pada Typic Dystrudepts

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    On the acid soil, phosphorus nutrients become critical for agricultural crops growth. At the present, price of fertilizers significantly increase and fertilizers are not available. These conditions can affect on soil productivity and crop production. The objective of these research were to study the response of maize (Zea mays L.) to phosphate fertilizers on Inceptisol. The research was conducted in Cicadas Village on Typic Dystrudept. Experiment was conducted in a randomized completely block design, with 8 treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of 6 dosages of P fertilizers,which were P source is SP-36 WIKA Agro 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha-1. SP-36 and Tunisia rock phosphate (40 kg P ha-1) were used for standard. Pioneer 12 variety of maized was used as an indicator. Plot size was 5 m x 6 m and the maize was planting with distance of 75 cm x 20 cm with one seed per hole. The results showed that organic C and N, P (extracted by Bray 1), K and CEC on the soil were low. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased which was P extracted by HCl 25% from 24 to 67 mg P 100 g-1 soil and which were extracted by Bray 1 increased from 0,87 to 63.31 mg P kg-1 soil. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased plant height from 175.2 cm become to 221.1 cm. Plant height of maize using SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer (210.6 cm) was similar to plant heigh using SP-36 fertilizer (213.4 cm) but less height from Tunisia rock phosphate. The yield of maize on SP-36 WIKA Agro (4.94 t ha-1) were linely higher than SP-36 (4.69 t ha-1), significantly was higher than that of Tunisia rock phosphate. Maximum dosage of SP-36 fertilizer was 66.67 kg P ha-1, and optimum dosage was 42 kg P ha-1. Value of Relative Agronomic Effectiveness SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer was heigher than SP-36


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    ABSTRAKPerluasan lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit lebih diarahkan padalahan-lahan di luar Pulau Jawa. Lahan yang tersedia bersifat marginalseperti pada tanah Ultisols dan Oxisols. Pada lahan tanah tersebut telahmengalami pencucian yang hebat karena curah hujan yang tinggi sehinggakadar hara Mg rendah. Sumber hara Mg yang banyak digunakan adalahpupuk kiserit (Mg dan S), dolomit (Ca dan Mg) dan pupuk majemuk.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari peranan pupuk kiserit terhadappertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di kebunpembibitan Cimulang, Kabupaten Bogor (PTP. Nusantara VIII), padaFebruari – Desember 2005. Tanah yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalahUltisols dan Oxisols. Rancangan menggunakan acak kelompok, 5perlakuan, ulangan 9 kali. Satu perlakuan terdiri dari satu tanaman bibitkelapa sawit. Pupuk Mg yang digunakan adalah kiserit powder 2 Pandadan kiserit yang telah beredar di pasaran sebagai standar. Dosis pupukkiserit yang dicoba: 0; 0,5; 1,0; dan 1,5 g/tanaman. Pupuk kiserit danpupuk dasar diberikan setiap 2 minggu sekali atau 12 kali pemberian.Pemupukan pertama diberikan pada umur 1 minggu, mulai pemupukan ke-2 dosis pupuk dikalikan 2, mulai minggu ke 10 dosis pupuk dikalikan 3,dan mulai minggu ke-18 dosis pupuk dikalikan 4. Contoh tanah bulk darilapang dikeringanginkan, diayak dengan saringan 2 mm, ditimbang 20 kgdan dimasukkan ke dalam polybag. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwapemupukan kiserit pada Ultisols dapat meningkatkan tinggi, jumlah daun,diameter batang, bobot kering tanaman bibit kelapa sawit, serta mening-katkan hara Mg dalam tanah dari 1,25 menjadi 3,04 me/100 g dan kadarMg dalam tanaman menjadi 0,31 g/100 g. Pemupukan kiserit pada Oxisolsmeningkatkan tinggi, jumlah daun, diameter batang, bobot kering tanamanbibit kelapa sawit, serta meningkatkan hara Mg dalam tanah dari 0,28menjadi 2,36 me/100 g dan kadar Mg dalam tanaman menjadi 0,34 g/100g.Dosis optimum pupuk kiserit pada Ultisols dan Oxisols sama yaitu 0,80 g/tanaman. Pengaruh pupuk kiserit terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kelapa sawitdan produktivitas tanah sama dengan kiserit yang telah beredar di pasaransebagai standar.Kata kunci: Elaeis guineensis, pupuk kiserit, status hara Mg, pertumbuhantanaman, produktivitas tanahABSTRACTThe Effect of Kieserite Fertilizer to Oil Palm Growth andSoil ProductivityThe expansion of oil palm plantation is driven to outside JavaIsland. The available lands are marginal such as Ultisols and Oxisols,where intensive bleaching occurs for the high rate of rainfall, and causesthe low content of magnesium in such land. There are three sources used toprovide the Mg nutrient, such as kieserite (Mg and S), dolomite (Ca andMg) and compound fertilizer. The objective of this experiment was tostudy the effect of kieserite fertilizer on plant growth and soil productivity.This research was conducted in the seedling plot of Cimulang Site, BogorDistrict (PTP. Nusantara VIII) in February- December 2005 on Ultisolsand Oxisols using a randomized complete block design with 5 treatmentsand 9 replicates. One oil palm seedling was planted in each treatment. Thisexperiment used kieserite powder 2 Panda to provide Mg and ordinaryKieserite as the standard. The kieserite dosages were 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5g/plant. Fertilizing the plot was done every 2 weeks, using kieserite andbasic fertilizer or fertilizing 12 times, but the first fertilization was donewhen the plants reached 1 week of age. Starting on the second fertilization,the dosage was multiplied 2 times, and starting on the 10 th week, thedosage was multiplied 3 times, and starting on 18 th week the dosage offertilizing is multiplied 4 times. Bulk soil samples were air-dried, sievedpassing 2 mm siever, and put 20 kg into polybags. The research resultshowed that kieserite fertilization on Ultisols increased plant height,number of leaves, stems (leaf midrib) diameter, dry weight of biomass, Mgnutrient content in the soil (from 1.25 to 3.04 me/100 g), and alsoincreased the plant Mg content to become 0.31 g/100 g. In addition,kieserite fertilization on Oxisols increased plant height, number of leaves,stems (leaf midrib) diameter, plant dry weight of oil palm seedling, Mgnutrient content in the soil, (from 0.28 into 2.38 me/100 g), and increasedplant Mg content into 0.34 g/100 g. The optimum kieserite fertilizingdosage on Ultisols and Oxisols was just the same, i.e. 0.80 g/plant. Theeffect of these two kinds of kieserite to the plant growth and soilproductivity was just almost the same.Key words: Elaeis guineensis, kieserite fertilizer, Mg nutrient status, plantgrowth, soil productivit

    Serapan Hara Dan Peningkatan Produktivitas Jagung Dengan Aplikasi Pupuk NPK Majemuk

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    To increase corn yield, an optimum rate of fertilizer is needed. The aims of this study were to study the effect of the NPK compound fertilizer of 15-15-15 on maize yield and to quantify the NPK nutrients uptake. The study was conducted on Inceptisol dryland from December 2011 to April 2012. Completely randomized block design was used consisting of 8 treatments and 3 replications. The fertilizer doses were 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 kg/ha. Each treatment was added with 250 kg urea/ha. Hybrid corn of Pioneer 12 variety was planted on this experiment. The result showed that both NPK compound and single nutrients fertilizers produced the same yield of maize. The contribution of N nutrient was more pronounced than that of P2O5 or K2O for increasing the maize yield. The highest value of relative agronomic effectiveness was achieved by applying 15-15-15 NPK compound fertilizer at rate of 300 kg/ha plus 250 kg urea/ha. Fertilization of NPK increased the N uptake from 25 to 114 kg/ha, P nutrient from 9 to 51 kg/ha, and K nutrient from 12 to 66 kg/ha, and therefore increased grain yield. P and K nutrient uptake were stored in the grains higher than that in the stover. Uptake of N in the stover was relatively the same as that in the grains

    Karakterisasi Kandungan Asam Lemak Beberapa Genotipe Kacang Tanah

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    Groundnut is an economically important oil crop. Main fatty acid components of the groundnut oil are oleic and linoleic acid, which are useful to human health. Forty five groundnut genotypes were grown at the Jambegede Experimental Farm, Malang, East Java during the dry season of 2009. Samples of the harvested grains were analyzed for their fatty acid contents at the Food and Technology Laboratory, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta in 2009 using gas chromatography. Groundnut cultivar Singa produced the highest pod yield (3.59 t/ha), followed by cultivars Talam 1 and Gajah (3.10 t/ha). Fatty acid composition among genotypes varied, ranging from 37.7 to 45.7%. Oleic and linoleic acids were the major fatty acid components, accounting for 70.8-85.4% of the total fatty acid contents. The average of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, behenic, and arachidic acid contents was each 37.7%, 41.2%, 12.5%, 3.6%, and 3.0%, respectively. Genotype MLGA 0261 contained the highest oleic acid (49.3%), while MLGA 0077 contained the highest linoleic acid (48.9%). Significant negative correlation between oleic acid content with linoleic acid (-0.59**), palmitic acid (-0.49**), and behenic acid (-0.45**) was detected. These correlations indicated that high content of oleic acid would be followed by low linoleic, palmitic, and behenic acids. Based on the fatty acid content, the groundnut genotypes were divided into three groups. Group I contained palmitic, linoleic, and behenic acids above the average. Group II contained oleic and arachidic acids below the average, and Group III contained high oleic acid and low other fatty acids. Cultivars Gajah, Tapir, Turangga, Sima, Singa, Zebra, Panter, Tuban, and Talam 1 were belong to Group I, where as cultivars Badak, Landak, Jerapah, and Kancil were in the Group II, and MLGA 0261 in Group III

    Pendayagunaan Sumber Daya Genetik dalam Pengembangan Varietas Kacang Tanah Toleran Lahan Masam

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    Pendayagunaan Sumber Daya Genetik dalam Pengembangan Varietas Kacang Tanah Toleran Lahan Masam. Kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea (L.) Merr.) merupakan salah satu komoditas kacang-kacangan sumber lemak dan protein yang strategis dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan dan perbaikan gizi masyarakat. Luas areal panen kacang tanah 77,7% berada di Pulau Jawa, sisanya 22,3% tersebar di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, dan Papua yang merupakan lahan kering masam ataupun rawa. Diantara tanaman kacang-kacangan, kacang tanah paling adaptif dan kompetitif pada lahan masam. Luas panen kacang tanah di luar Jawa 124.806 ha, sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan luas lahan masam yang sesuai untuk tanaman semusim seperti kacang tanah. pendayagunaan 350 sumber daya genetik (SDG) kacang tanah di lahan masam, berhasil mengidentifikasi genotipe kacang tanah yang toleran pada lahan kering masam. Beberapa genotipe di antaranya telah disilangkan dengan varietas Gajah, dan galur keturunan terpilih telah diuji adaptasi pada delapan lokasi lahan kering masam. Dua galur G/92088//92088-02-B-2-8-1 (GH 3) dan G/92088//92088-02-B-2-8-2 (GH 4) dengan hasil rata-rata masing-masing 2,45 t/ha dan 2,60 t/ha polong kering, lebih tinggi dari varietas Jerapah (1,94 t/ha) dan Talam 1 (2,09 t/ha). Kacang tanah galur GH 3 dan GH 4 dilepas sebagai varietas kacang tanah toleran pada lahan kering masam dengan nama Talam 2 dan Talam 3. Bila 2% (303.590 ha) lahan kering masam di Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Papua dapat ditanami varietas kacang tanah toleran lahan masam, akan terjadi peningkatan hasil yang dapat mencukupi kekurangan produksi kacang tanah dalam negeri

    Seleksi Galur Kacang Tanah Adaptif Pada Lahan Kering Masam

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    Increasing production of groundnut through the opening of new land is considered as the best option available. The remaining land available for groundnut, however, is an acid dry land. Groundnut selection for acid soil tolerance through a preliminary yield test consisted of 100 advance lines was done in Natar Experimental Farm, Lampung, in the early dry season (MaretJuni) of 2010. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. The selected lines were then grown in South Lampung and East Lampung Districts during the late dry seasons (July-November) of 2010. The second experiment was done using a strip plot design with two replications. Applying the principal component analyses of 14 characters from the first experiment found nine characters that had KMO (Kaiser-MeyerOlkin) values higher than 0.5 and significant according to the Bartlett's test. Six of the 9 characters had high loading factors, and they were competent for further analysis. To facilitate simultaneous selection of the six characters, a cluster analysis was applied and was able to distinguish lines into three groups consisted of 27, 24, and 39 lines respectively. Finally, 8, 1, and 17 lines were selected from each of the groups. Two check varieties, Landak and Turangga, were included in group one, while variety Jerapah was included in group three. Potential yields of the selected lines ranged from 2.5 to 3.6 t dry pods/ha with scores of leaf spot disease ranged from 4.7 to 6.0 (resistant to moderately resistant). Using 10% intensity of selection, 17 lines were selected that combined both locations test (low and high Al saturated). The selected lines will be tested further in an adaptation yield trial for two seasons in various locations prior to the release as new varieties adapted to dry acid soil

    Establishment of Neochetina Spp.: Their Pattern of Local Dispersal and Age Structure at the Release Site

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    Study on the distribution pattern and age structure ofNeochetina spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) at the release site was conducted to know a) the distribution pattern of the weevil, b) its establishment status, c) its survival rate in the field, and d) relationship between the attack of the weevil and the fungus, Altemaria eichhorniae Nag Rag & Ponappa (Hyphomycetes), in causing damage to water hyacinth. This study was conducted at Situ Bagendit lake, Garut, West Java. A release and recapture method was employed to study the mode and rate of dispersal of the weevils under field conditions. Regular sample collection at two-month interval was done to evaluate the pattern of distribution and to assess the age structure under field condition. Another two months regular observation was done to assess damage severity due to adult weevils and the fungus, A. eichhorniae, on water hyacinth. Results showed, that the weevils seem to disperse actively to all directions following the presence of water hyacinth. The data also showed that the dispersal rate of the weevils was about a few meters a week. Under field conditions at Situ Bagendit lake, the weevils were about evenly distributed throughout water hyacinth mass. The density of the weevils fluctuated from time to time, but the trend slightly increased. The survival rate of the weevils at Situ Bagendit lake was estimated not more than 5%. It was suspected that various limiting factors such as various predators have caused the low population increase under field conditions. The population increase through time confirmed that the weevils have established at Situ Bagendit lake. Field data showed that there were no interaction between the damage severity of the weed caused by both weevils and the fungus
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