11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine Palmifolia (L), Merr) Terhadap Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) Pada Mencit BALB/C Yang Diinfeksi Salmonella Typhimurium

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    Latar BelakangRasio netrofil limfosit merupakan parameter yang mudah dan murah untuk mengukur respon inflamasi terhadap Salmonela thypimurium. Bawang dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) secara empiris digunakan untuk obat antibakteri dan anti inflamasi karena kandungan flavonoidnya. Penelitian bertujuan membuktikan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak bawang dayak terhadap Netrofil limfosit rasio (NLR) Mencit Balb/C yang dinfeksi Salmonella typimuriumMetodeDesain penelitian adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menilai preparat sediaan apus darah tepi penelitian sebelumnya. Sediaan apus darah tepi didapatkan dari 24 ekor tikus yang terbagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan yaitu 3 kelompok tikus yang diinfeksi Salmonella typhimurium dosis 105CFU secara intraperitoneal (K+, P1 dan P2) dan 1 kelompok yang tidak diberikan perlakuan apapun (K-). Kelompok P1 diberi terapi ekstrak umbi bawang dayak dengan dosis 3,03mg/20gr.BB dan kelompok P2 diberi dosis 6,06 mg/20gr.BB selama 7 hari. Treatment diberikan 1 kali/ perhari 12 jam paska infeksi Salmonella typhimurium. Jumlah neutrofil dan jumlah limfosit didapatkan dengan penghitungan manual. Nilai NLR adalah jumlah neutrofil dibagi jumlah neutrofil. Uji rerata beda NLR dilakukan dengan one way anova dilanjutkan dengan post hoc LSD HasilRerata NLR tiap kelompok adalah (K-): 1,03+ 0,09; (K+): 1,35+0,18;( P1): 0,86+0,05 dan (P2): 1,19 +0,22. Rerata NLR antar kelompok berbeda bermakana (p=0,001). Perbedaan tersebut terlihat jelas di antara kelompok K- dan K+ (p= 0,002); antara kelompok P1 dan K+ (p=0,001) dan antara kelompok P1 dengan P2 (p=0,01).KesimpulanPemberian ekstrak bawang dayak dosis 3,03 mg/20gr.BB berpengaruh terhadap NLR mencit BALB/C yang diinfeksi Salmonela thypimurriu


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    Turbinate Hypertrophy decreases quality of life due to  nasal obstructions symptom. Radiofrequency turbinate reduction  is minimal invasive surgical that expected to maintain nasalfunction.  The surgical procedure compromises the improvement of patients‟  quality of life. There  is nocurrent consensus the difference quality of life before and after the procedure. Cross-sectonal  design was done in 31  turbinate hypertrophy patients  with radiofrequency turbinate reduction.  Before and after the procedure, patient‟s quality of life  was assessed  using a sinonasal outcome test-22 (SNOT-22) questionnaire parameters.  Questionnaire  SNOT-22 scores before and after the procedure was analyzed by t-dependent test. Patients characteristic was 20-39 years old age, employed, has past  allergic  rhinitis. Mean of SNOT-22 total score before procedure  was  60.35 + 7,264 and the mean postoperative total score was 10.19 + 3,103. There were significant differences between  quality of life before and after radiofrequency turbinate reduction ( p <0.0001).  The better improvement symptom are nasal-throat symptom (4-79 %),  head, ear and face symptom (2,6-6,4%), diminish sleep disturbance (58,6-71,6%),disturbance activity reduce 57,4-72,8%,  and physicological stress reduce 2-25,8%. Radiofrequencyturbinate reduction improve  the quality of life turbinate hypertrophy patients  Keywords : Turbinate hypertrophy, Turbinate reduction radiofrequency, SNOT-2

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Kelembaban Kulit dengan Kejadian Pityriasis Versicolor pada Petugas Sampah di Purwodadi

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    Latar Belakang: Pityriasis versicolor (Pv) sering menyerang pekerja sampah karena paparan sinar matahari dan kelembaban udara yang tinggi di lingkungan kerja. Banyak faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap angka kejadian Pityriasis versicolor (Pv) diantaranya indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan kelembaban kulit. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional.  Sampling menggunakan purposive sampling pada petugas sampah. Hubungan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan kelembaban kulit dengan kejadian Pityriasis versikolor (Pv) dianalisis dengan Fisher Exact Test.Hasil: Proporsi PV diantara petugas sampah adalah 40 %.dari 40 responden. Proporsi  Obesitas dan overweight pada kelompok PV adalah 57,1%, sedangkan kelompok non PV sebanyak 42,9 %.. (p=0,001; RP=2,333). Proporsi kelembaban kulit pada kelompok Pityriasis versikolor (Pv) adalah kulit tidak normal 16 orang (42,1%) sedangkan non Pityriasis versikolor adalah kulit tidak normal 22 orang (57,9%) dan kulit normal 2 orang (100,0%) (p=0,508).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dengan kejadian Pityriasis versikolor pada petugas sampah. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara kelembaban kulit dengan kejadian Pityriasis versikolor pada petugas sampah

    Ekstrak Ethanol Kulit Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix) Berpotensi sebagai Agen Penurun Kolesterol : Studi In Vivo

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    Latar Belakang: Hiperkolesterolemia dapat menyebabkan penyakit cerebrovaskuler bahkan kematian. Salah satu pencegahan hiperkolesterolemia adalah dengan pemberian suplemen contohnya menggunakan kulit jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix) yang mengandung saponin, tanin dan flavonoid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan adanya pengaruh pemberian ekstrak ethanol kulit jeruk purut terhadap kadar kolesterol total pada tikus wistar jantan yang diberi diet tinggi lemak. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental  ini menggunakan metode post test only control group design. Jumlah sampel 30 ekor tikus wistar jantan dikelompokkan secara simple random sampling menjadi kelompok kontrol negative (K-), kontrol positif (K+), perlakuan 1 (P1), perlakuan 2 (P2) dan perlakuan 3 (P3). Pada kelompok K+, P1,P2 dan P3 tikus diberi minyak babi sebanyak 3 mg/200grBB/hari selama 3 minggu. Kelompok P1, P2 dan P3 diberikan ekstrak ethanol kulit jeruk purut sebesar 35 mg/200grBB/hari, 70 mg/200grBB/hari, dan 140 mg/200grBB/hari selama 3 minggu. Kadar kolesterol total dihitung dengan metode CHOD-PAP lalu dianalisis secara statistic dengan uji One Way Annova dan uji beda dengan Pos Hoc. Hasil: Dari 25 sampel, rerata kadar kolesterol total (K-):73,90 mg/dl±19,11 mg/dl; (K+):80,00 mg/dl±4,72 mg/dl; (P1):69,94 mg/dl±6,52 mg/dl; (P2):59,10 mg/dl±11,70 mg/dl; (P3):59,74 mg/dl±7,52 mg/dl. (p=0,032). Hasil uji Pos Hoc kelompok yang berbeda signifikan adalah K- dengan P2 (p=0,049), K+ dengan P2 (p=0,008) dan K+ dengan P3 (p=0,010). Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh pemberian ekstrak ethanol kulit jeruk purut terhadap kadar kolesterol total pada tikus wistar jantan yang diberi diet tinggi lemak. Dosis terendah ekstrak kulit jeruk purut yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total adalah 70 mg/200 grBB/hari

    CAPN10 SNP-19 is Associated with Susceptibility of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Javanese Case-control Study

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    BACKGROUND: The health data of Central Java, Indonesia showed that diabetes mellitus (DM) was the second most increasing non-communicable disease in the province. More than 20 genes have been reported to be associated with DM. Calpain-10 (CAPN10) polymorphism has been reported to be associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). However, the association between CAPN10 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-19 and T2DM among Javanese ethnics has never been reported. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the association.METHODS: After fasting for 8 hours, blood samples were drawn from veins of 107 T2DM and 107 non diabetic subjects. A half of the drawn blood was collected for identification of CAPN10 SNP-19, and another half for measuring triglycerides and fasting blood glucose (FBG). Identification of CAPN10 SNP-19 was performed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, while measurement of triglycerides and FBG with colorimetric enzymatic method.RESULTS: The number of T2DM Javanese subjects with 2R/3R and 3R/3R CAPN10 SNP-19 genotypes was significantly higher than the number of T2DM Javanese subjects with 2R/2R genotype (p=0.002). When each number of 2R/3R and 3R/3R T2DM subjects was compared with the number of 2R/2R T2DM subjects, the number of 2R/3R T2DM subjects was significantly higher than the number of 2R/2R T2DM subjects (p=0.000).CONCLUSION: Javanese subjects with 2R/3R and 3R/3R CAPN10 SNP19 genotypes might have susceptibility of T2DM.KEYWORDS: Calpain-10, CAPN10, polymorphism, type 2 diabetes mellitus, triglycerides, fasting blood glucos

    Melatonin, A Promising Therapeutic for Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications: A Narrative Review

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease and still a health problem in the world. Melatonin is responsible to metabolize carbohydrate and regulate blood sugar levels. Several studies proved Melatonin is useful in the diabetes therapy and its complication by performing antioxidant activity through various signaling pathways. The role of the melatonin hormone in the pathogenesis of complications of diabetes mellitus is still a lot of controversy. Animal studies are still incomplete to explain the mechanism of action of melatonin. Therefore, this review aims to discuss Melatonin role administration in DM and its complications. This review was started by searching articles using electronic databases such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, SpringerLink and Pubmed between 2009-2019. Melatonin increased respiration within mitochondria; acted as antioxidant that fight free radical production; and reduced oxidative stress. It diminished proinflammatory cytokines in diabetes and prevents various DM complications on eyes, cardiac and male reproductive organs through antioxidant effects. It inhibited proinflammatory within several signaling Pathways, included PI3K/Akt-Nrf2,cGMP-PKG, Nrf-2-HO-1 and MAPK, Syk, p38MAPK pathways. There are various melatonin roles in diabetes and DM complications as a promising new breakthrough of DM treatment. It is necessary to explore Melatonin role in other DM complications. Most of this research is on experimental animals, thus clinical trial studies should be carried out in humans to make melatonin a promising therapeutic or prevention for diabetes and its complications in the futur


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    Background : Most of the causes of death in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) are coronary heart disease (CHD) with dyslipidemia as one of its risk factors. The best marker for early detection of dyslipidemia is the ratio of triglycerides to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (TG/HDL-C). In T2DM patients, glycemic control in the form of Fasting Blood Sugar (GDP) and HbA1c can be done to avoid the risk of CHD. This study aims to identify the correlation of Hba1c and GDP with the ratio of TG/HDL-K in T2DM patients with Javanese ethnicity.Methods : This research was a cross sectional study involving 107 respondents from several health centers in Semarang City with consecutive sampling method. GDP, HbA1c, and TG/HDL-K ratio were obtained from medical records. Spearman correlation statistical test was used with a significance value of p &lt;0.05. Results: The average HbA1c (7.86 ±1.97%), GDP (160.36± 76.82gr/dL), and the TG/HDL-K ratio (3.50± 2.22) exceeded the normal number. There was a weak significant correlation between GDP and the TG/HDL-K ratio (p=0.020; r=0.224) and there was no correlation between HbA1c and the TG/HDL-K ratio (p=0.549; r=0.059) in T2DM patients with Javanese ethnicity.Conclusion: The GDP of Javanese T2DM patients is weakly correlated with the TG/HDL-K ratio but not with HbA1c. Glycemic control is needed as an early marker of CHD risk in T2DM. &nbsp

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Etnis Jawa

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) often give a macrovascular complication such as Peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a sensitive and specific examination for PAD. Obesity can be a risk factor of PAD. Obesity can be classified by the BMI (Body Mass Index) classification. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of BMI with ABI in Type 2 DM (T2DM) patients of Javanese ethnicity. This study was an observational analytic research with case-control design and used a purposive sampling technique. There were 40 case samples and 40 control samples. Data analysis used the Independent T-test and Chi-square test. There was a significant differences on age (p=0,000), METs (p-value=0,003), and ABI (p-value=0,002) between the two groups. In the DM group was found that most abnormal ABIs were found in the higher BMI, even though there was no significant correlation by the statistic (p-value=0,255). BMI contributed less to the ABI value of Javanese ethnic T2DM patients

    Artemisia annua Leaf Extract Increases GLUT-4 Expression in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rat

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    BACKGROUND: The depletion of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4) affects blood glucose level in the type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patient. Herbals supplementation such as Artemisia annua is known to posses an antidiabetic potency, but its effect on long term glucose control marker, glicated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and muscle GLUT-4 expression still has not been investigated. METHODS: Twenty Wistar rats were divided into four groups (five rats per group). The C1 group was consist of healthy control rats and C2 group was consist of diabetic control rats. Diabetic condition was induced by giving high lard fat diet for 28 days, followed with 30 mg/kgBW of Streptozotocin injection at the 29th day. Meanwhile, T1 and T2 group were consist of diabetic rats, which were supplemented with 50 mg/kgBW and 100 mg/kgBW of Artemisia annua leaf extract, respectively. GLUT-4 expression and HbA1C level were measured at the 14th day post-treatment. RESULTS: The GLUT-4 was expressed 1.8 and two times higher in T1 and T2 group, respectively, compared to C2 group. Meanwhile, HbA1C level in C2 group was two times higher than C1 group (11.95±2.52 compared to 5.61±2.69, p0.05) CONCLUSION: Muscle cell’s GLUT-4 in T1 and T2 group was expressed increasingly and significantly different compared to the C2 group. HbA1C level in T2 was slightly reduced although no significant different compared to C2 group. KEYWORDS: Artemisia annua, GLUT-4, HbA1C, type 2 diabetes mellitu