4 research outputs found

    Reversed interfacial fractionation of carbonate and bicarbonate evidenced by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

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    The fractionation of ions at liquid interfaces and its effects on the interfacial structure are of vital importance in many scientific fields. Of particular interest is the aqueous carbonate system, which governs both the terrestrial carbon cycle and physiological respiration systems. We have investigated the relative fractionation of carbonate, bicarbonate, and carbonic acid at the liquid/vapor interface finding that both carbonate (CO32-) and carbonic acid (H2CO3) are present in higher concentrations than bicarbonate (HCO3-) in the interfacial region. While the interfacial enhancement of a neutral acid relative to a charged ion is expected, the enhancement of doubly charged, strongly hydrated carbonate anion over the singly charged, less strongly hydrated bicarbonate ion is surprising. As vibrational sum frequency generation experiments have concluded that both carbonate and bicarbonate anions are largely excluded from the air/water interface, the present results suggest that there exists a significant accumulation of carbonate below the depletion region outside of the area probed by sum frequency generation

    Prospects for the expansion of standing wave ambient pressure photoemission spectroscopy to reactions at elevated temperatures

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    Standing wave ambient pressure photoemission spectroscopy (SWAPPS) is a promising method to investigate chemical and potential gradients across solid-vapor and solid-liquid interfaces under close-to-realistic environmental conditions, far away from high vacuum. Until now, these investigations have been performed only near room temperature, but for a wide range of interfacial processes, chief among them being heterogeneous catalysis, measurements at elevated temperatures are required. One concern in these investigations is the temperature stability of the multilayer mirrors, which generate the standing wave field. At elevated temperatures, degradation of the multilayer mirror due to, for example, interdiffusion between the adjacent layers, decreases the modulation of the standing wave field, thus rendering SWAPPS experiments much harder to perform. Here, we show that multilayer mirrors consisting of alternate B4C and W layers are stable at temperatures exceeding 600 °C and are, thus, promising candidates for future studies of surface and subsurface species in heterogeneous catalytic reactions using SWAPPS