79 research outputs found

    Sexual life in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease

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    Sexual activity is an important component of patient and partner quality of life for men and women with cardiovascular disease, including many elderly patients. Older adults desire sexual intimacy when there is a partner and a health status that allows sexual relationships. Older individuals desire to love and enjoy sexual activity in relation to personal circumstances, and when health status allows them to experience close relations, most often within marriage especially in our country. Normal changes occur in the phases of sexual cycle with aging, male erectile dysfunction and female sexual dysfunction increase with age. Elderly patients are often affected by multiple organic diseases which can interfere with sexual function especially cardiovascular disease. Treating those disorders or modifying lifestyle-related risk factors may help prevent sexual dysfunction in the elderly. Sexuality is important for older adults and physicians should give their patient's opportunity to voice their concerns with sexual function and offer them alternatives for evaluation and treatment. Asking about sexual health remains difficult or embarrassing for many physicians; in addition, many patients find it difficult to raise sexual issues with their doctor

    A survey of heart tumors: clinical and echocardiographic approach

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    WOS: 000254244200014PubMed ID: 18065342Heart tumors can be primary in origin, can develop from direct extension of a neighboring tumor or they can be the manifestation of metastasis of a distant tumor. Myxomas are the most frequently encountered primary benign cardiac tumors. Primary malignant tumors of the heart are rare, and they are mostly sarcomatous in structure, Secondary heart tumors constitute a wide spectrum, nevertheless they most frequently originate from lung cancer, breast cancer and hematological malignancies. Heart tumors may involve myocardium, endocardium, epicardium, pericardium, or any combination of the aforementioned layers. On the other hand, the usual site for metastasis to the heart is the pericardium. These tumors do not have a well-established classification. Clinical findings are usually non-specific and transient in nature and frequently present late in the disease process. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography are the most widely used diagnostic modalities. Magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography may be helpful for selected cases. Surgery is the principal therapeutic option in benign tumors and when recurrences are not taken into account, they have favorable prognoses. Since surgical resection is usually incomplete in malignant tumors, therapy must be individualized for each patient; even with adjuvant chemotherapy, postoperative survival is usually short. Metastases to the heart are usually approached symptomatically except for exceptional cases

    Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases with statins in women

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar menopoz geçirmiş kadınlarda mortalite ve morbiditenin önde gelen nedenlerindendir. Menopozda görülen değişiklikler aterojenik lipit profili ile ilişkilidir. Statinlerin kardivasküler hastalıkları azaltmadaki etkinlikleri birçok randomize, plasebo kontrollü çalışmada gösterilmiştir. Bu derlemede, statinlerin menopoz geçirmiş kadınlarda hem kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, hem de bazı önemli endikasyonlardaki etkinlikleri irdelendi.Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in postmenopausal women. Menopausal changes have been shown to be related with an atherogenic lipid profile. The efficiency of statins in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has been well-documented in a variety of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. This review outlines the effectiveness of statins both in cardiac events and in some noticeable indications in postmenopausal women

    A survey of heart tumors: clinical and echocardiographic approach

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    Kalp tümörleri primer şekilde karşımıza çıkabileceği gibi, bazen komşu bir tümörün yayılımı, bazen de uzaktaki bir tümörün metastazı olarak gözlenirler. Primer benign kalp tümörleri içerisinde en sık rastlanan miksomalardır. Primer malign tümörler ise nadir görülüp çoğunlukla sarkomatöz yapıdadır. Sekonder kalp tümörleri özellikle akciğer ve memeden kaynaklanırlar veya hematolojik maligniteler sırasında ortaya çı- karlar. Kalp tümörleri miyokardı, endokardı, epikardı, perikardı veya bunların hepsini bir arada tutarlar. En sık görülen metastaz lokalizasyonu perikarddır. Bu tümörlerin iyi bir sınıflaması bulunmamaktadır. Klinik bulgular, genelde nonspesifik ve değişken olup, geç ortaya çıkarlar. Tanı metodu olarak ön planda transözofajiyal ve transtorasik ekokardiyografi kullanılır. Manyetik rezonans ve bilgisayarlı tomografiden de faydalanılan vakalar vardır. Benign tümörlerin tedavisi prensipte cerrahi olup -miksomalardaki rekürrensler göz ardı edilirse- genelde iyi prognoz gösterirler. Malign tümörlerde ise cerrahi tedavi çoğunlukla tamamlanamadığından, yaklaşımı vakaya göre tartışmak gerekir; bu durumda adjuvan kemoterapiye rağmen, ortaya çıkan metastazlar nedeni ile postoperatif ölümler çabuk gerçekleşir. Kardiyak metastazlar, istisnalar dışında semptomatik olarak ele alınırlar.Heart tumors can be primary in origin, can develop from direct extension of a neighboring tumor or they can be the manifestation of metastasis of a distant tumor. Myxomas are the most frequently encountered primary benign cardiac tumors. Primary malignant tumors of the heart are rare, and they are mostly sarcomatous in structure. Secondary heart tumors constitute a wide spectrum, nevertheless they most frequently originate from lung cancer, breast cancer and hematological malignancies. Heart tumors may involve myocardium, endocardium, epicardium, pericardium, or any combination of the aforementioned layers. On the other hand, the usual site for metastasis to the heart is the pericardium. These tumors do not have a well- established classification. Clinical findings are usually non-specific and transient in nature and frequently present late in the disease process. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography are the most widely used diagnostic modalities. Magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography may be helpful for selected cases. Surgery is the principal therapeutic option in benign tumors and when recurrences are not taken into account, they have favorable prognoses. Since surgical resection is usually incomplete in malignant tumors, therapy must be individualized for each patient; even with adjuvant chemotherapy, postoperative survival is usually short. Metastases to the heart are usually approached symptomatically except for exceptional cases

    The role of Cu content on properties of electrodeposited Fe-Cu films

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    The microstructural and magnetic properties of Fe-Cu films were studied in terms of Cu content in the films. The results of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that the Cu content in the films increases as the Cu concentration in the electrolyte is increased. The increase of the Cu content in the films makes the film morphology seem cauliflower-like structure and the films with Cu have rougher surface than pure Fe films. The X-ray diffraction revealed that the films have body-centered cubic structure of alpha-Fe, and the Fe film has the (100) preferential texture whereas the Fe-Cu film containing 9.5 wt% Cu has the (110) preferential texture. The magnetic analysis carried out by vibrating sample magnetometer showed that the increase of the Cu content in the film results in the decrease of the saturation magnetization and the increase of the coercivity, and the easy-axis direction of the magnetization is parallel to the film plane. It is seen that the microstructural and magnetic properties of the Fe-Cu films changes depending on the film content.Balıkesir Üniversitesi (BAP 2005/18)Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kalkınma Bakanlığı (2005K120170

    Electrodeposited Co-Ni films: Electrolyte pH-property relationships

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    The effect of electrolyte pH on structural, magnetic, and magnetoresistive properties of Co-Ni films was studied. The films were deposited on a titanium substrate from the electrolytes with 4.10 +/- 0.05, 3.14 +/- 0.05, and 2.14 +/- 0.05 pH values. The Co-Ni system exhibited anomalous codeposition. Structural analysis indicated that the films had (220) preferential oriented face-centered cubic structure and their surface became smoother as the electrolyte pH decreased. The compositional and magnetic analysis revealed that an increase of the Co content in the films resulted in an increase in saturation magnetization and coercivity. Magnetoresistance curves indicated that the films show anisotropic magnetoresistance. Longitudinal and transversal magnetoresistances were found to be the highest values of 8 % and 7 %, respectively, for the film deposited at a low electrolyte pH. The variation of the Co:Ni ratio in deposits caused by the change of the electrolyte pH has a considerable effect on the properties of the films.Balikesir Üniversitesi (BAP 2010/34) - (BAP 2001/02)Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kalkınma Bakanlığı (2005K120170

    Drilling and Blasting in Coal Mining

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    Strata Control for Underground Coal Mines

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    The design features of support systems for longwall panel roadways and of coal pillars are discussed in detail. The main support design methods such as empirical, numerical, and analytical methods are described. Ground-reaction curve approach for main gallery design is also presented. The widely used numerical modeling methods are presented. Monitoring techniques used to evaluate the performance of the designed support systems are given. Finally, the general guidelines for safe and economical support system and pillar design for underground coal mining are drawn