65 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Outdoor Learning Berbasis Kelompok terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS di Sdn

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    Purpose of this study were (i) How does outdoor learning methods overview of the application of the group based on the results of the fourth grade social studies at the Teachers\u27 Training College Maccini SDN Makassar (ii) Is there any influence of outdoor learning method based on learning outcomes IPS group of fourth grade in SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This research is a quantitative type of true experimental research. Techniques of collecting data through tests of student learning outcomes. The population in this study is the fourth grade students of the school year 2014/2015 The samples in this study were taken from two schools dikecamatan Makassar SDN KIP Maccini and SD Instruction Maccini ie the whole fourth grade students numbered seventy people from the large number of the population. The result showed that (i) description of the application of methods of outdoor learning group based on the results of social studies class IV in SDN Teachers\u27 Training College Maccini Makassar (ii) There is the effect of the application of methods of outdoor learning group based on learning outcomes IPS fourth grade students at SDN KIP Maccini Makassar

    Stratifikasi Sosial Petani Padi di Desa Pematang Sikek Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Emerge social stratification cause high appreciation about something by society. This research do in the Pematang Sikek village which traditional society the most appreciate is land. So, the peoples have wide land will occupy top stratum and people have a little or dont have a land will occupy under sratum. In order to, researcher do research about Social Stratification Rice Plant Farmers in The Pematang Sikek Village, Rimba Melintang Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir Regency, the purpose to understand who rice plant farmer in Pematang Sikek village be top stratum and under stratum. Then, analysing thing most appreciate other land and observe how relation social stratum. Population in the research is rice plant farmer stay in the Pematang Sikek village is 298 peoples. Sample applying random sampling technic, amount to 45 peoples. The methods to analysing data is descriptive quantitative. Technic removal data applying observation and guided interview with interview orientation. The result of research, have respondent in the top stratum around 37,8 % that majority respondent have self land with same wide or more than one hectare, income from product rice plant around one million rupiah by month, rice plant product by year around eight coma six ton, and respondent in the under social stratum around 62,2 % that majority respondent have a less land one hectare with income less one million rupiah by month or have rice plant product by year three coma three ton, and dominant occupy semi permanent house/simple. Beside land, something most appreciate in rice plan farmer society in the Pematang Sikek village is income. Social relation form interaction social process is interaction social asosiatif that cooperation inter stratum by activity community self-help and group farmer.Keyword: social stratification, rice plant, farmers

    Identifikasi Siklamat pada Kuah Dadar Gulung yang Dijual di Kawasan Pelabuhan Rambang Kota Palangka Raya

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether the rolled omelet sauce sold in the Rambang Port Area in Palangka Raya City contained artificial sweetener of cyclamate. This research is a type of experimental research by conducting a series of experiments which then obtained data from the results of the laboratory research and analyzed descriptively. The research sample was a rolled omelet sauce sold in the Rambang Port Area in Palangka Raya City. Data collection techniques using saturated sampling is by taking all the population as a sample because the population is relatively small, then the data is made in table form. Sampling was conducted on 19 May 2016 at 14.50 WIB for the first sample, at 15.00 WIB for the second sample and at 15.15 WIB for the third sample. From the identification results of artificial cyclamate sweeteners in roll omelet namely in sample 1, sample 2 and sample 3, after being tested there were no white deposits as happened in the positive control. So it can be concluded that the sample was not detected containing cyclamate

    Pengaruh Audit Internal terhadap Efektifitas Pengelolaan Penerimaan Kas pada PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa Bandung

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    Rapidly growing companies that lead the extent of the problems faced by the company, especially in terms of its operational activities. A good solution is the need for the company to create a control system is a control system that can assist management in monitoring and controlling the activities of the company. Control is an absolute must exist in every company, one of which should get good supervision is cash receipts, in addition to a very large amount, cash receipts is also one of the most important element that was instrumental in supporting the survival of the company. From the above fact it is necessary to research related to internal audit and cash receipts. Given PT.BGR daily activities much, indirect cash receipts in PT.BGR would much anyway. It is essential to do research on the implementation of internal audit, management of cash receipts, as well as the influence of the internal audit of the effectiveness of the management of cash receipts. The method used in this research is a case study method and descriptive analytic methods. namely to provide a detailed overview of the background, distinctive properties above will be used as a general thing, and provides a systematic description, factual and accurate information on the facts, as well as the influence of inter phenomenon investigated. Data was collected through literature study, observation, interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis technique is done through qualitative descriptive analysis and regression analysis. Based on the results obtained that the internal audit on PT. BGR which consists of internal audit procedures got a score of 59.69%, while the elements of the internal audit got a score of 61.14% and the management of cash receipts in PT.BGR get a score of 86%. Furthermore, to determine how much influence the internal audit of the effectiveness of the management of cash receipts in PT Bhanda Ghara Mutual Bandung branch then be calculated by measuring the coefficient of determination (kd) and kd values obtained for 42.8%. This means that the Fund Ghara PT.Bhanda Bandung branch influenced the effectiveness of the management of cash receipts internal audit and the remaining 42.8% is equal to 57.2% influenced by other factors. Internal audits are good for cash receipts need to be maintained and improved by making further improvements relating to examinations conducted. While a good cash receipts would need to be longer by continuing to hold improvements to the aspects related to cash receipts. So in the end the performance PT.Bhanda Ghara Mutual can continue to increase

    Pasir Kandilo Dan Kerikil Petangis Sebagai Material Local Tanah Grogot Dalam Campuran Beton

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    PASIR KANDILO DAN KERIKIL PETANGIS SEBAGAI MATERIAL LOCAL TANAH GROGOT DALAM CAMPURAN BETONKandilo Sand And Gravel Petangis As Local Material Land Grogot In Mixed ConcreteKarmila AchmadJurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan Alamatkorespondensi : Jl Soekarno Hatta Km. 08, Balikpapanemail: [email protected] the effort to utilize local material, some of Tanah Grogot people use mix concrete of Kandilo sand and Petangis Gravel instead of common material, Palu Sand and Palu Gravel. The characteristics of these local material have not been identified. The purpose of this research are to give data of Tanah Grogot local material\u27s characteristic and to get the highest concrete strength for mixing variation commonly used by Tanah Grogot people, Kalimantan Timur. There are 4 variations of mix-concrete that were used i.e. Palu Sand + Palu Gravel (PPKP), Palu Sand+Petangis Gravel (PPKG), Kandilo sand+Palu Gravel (PGKP), Kandilo sand + Petangis Gravel (PKG). The results of the test show that the best average concrete strength was received by PPKG, 32.78 MPa, and the lowest average concrete strength belong to PKG, 17.05 MPa.Keywords: Petangis gravel, local Material, Kandilo sand, Tanah GrogotAbstrakDalam upaya memanfaat material local sebagian masyarakat Tanah Grogot menggunakan campuran beton berupa pasir Kandilo dan kerikil Petangis disamping material yang umum digunakan, yaitu pasir Palu dan kerikil Palu. Untuk karakteristik dan kelayakan material local ini sebagai material bangunan belum dilakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan data terkait karakteristik material local tanah grogot dan mendapatkan kuat tekan terbaik untuk perpaduan material bangunan yang umum digunakan oleh masyarakat Tanah Grogot, Kalimantan Timur. Ada 4 variasi campuran beton yang akan digunakan yaitu Pasir Palu+Kerikil Palu (PPKP), Pasir Palu+Kerikil Petangis (PPKG), Pasir Kandilo+Kerikil Palu (PGKP), Pasir Kandilo+Kerikil Petangis (PKG). Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh kuat tekan rata-rata terbaik pada variasi sampel PPKG yaitu 23,78 MPa dan kuat tekan rata-rata terendah adalah variasi sampel PKG yaitu 17,05 MPa

    Pembuatan Biobriket dari Batang Tumbuhan Gulma Siam (Chromolaena Odorata L.) sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan briket batang gulma siam melalui variasi tepung tapioka sebagai bahan alternatif, melalui tahapan penelitian yang meliputi pembuatan briket yaitu pengeringan, karbonisasi dan pencetakan. Karakterisasi briket meliputi uji proksimasi yakni kadar air, kadar abu, kadar senyawa volatil, kerapatan dan nilai kalor. Dari hasil uji proksimasi menunjukkan bahwa briket dari batang gulma siam memperoleh nilai rata–rata 6,564% untuk kadar air, rata–rata 9,079% untuk kadar abu, rata–rata 45,548% untuk kadar senyawa volatil, rata–rata 0,54 g/Cm3 untuk kerapatan, serta rata–rata 9698,242 kal/g untuk nilai kalor yang diperoleh dari briket batang gulma siam

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Square Talkball Share terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika

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    This study aims to describe the effectiveness of mathematics learning outcomes through the learning model of think pair square talkball share on mathematics learning outcomes of students. The population in this research is the students of class VIII, with two classes as research sample that is class VIIIB and class VIIIA. Class VIIIB as an experimental class and class VIIIA as control class. The result of descriptive statistic analysis shows that the resultantness of learning result in the students of class VIIIB SMP Negeri 2 Sumarorong 90,32% complete and 9,67% not complete mean indicator of learning result of learners fulfilled. Observation results during the research, all students active in learning relationships and functions, as well as the response of learners included in the positive category. After the implementation of learning model think pair square talkball share then the result of learning mathematics achieved by students of class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Sumarorong experienced a significant increase, then the results of inferential analysis at a significant level a = 0.05 indicates that the use of learning model think pair square talkball share Effective in improving learning outcomes Mathematics in class VIII students SMP Negeri 2 Sumarorong

    Pengaruh Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia, Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi, dan Pengendalian Intern terhadap Keterandalan Pelaporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (Studi pada Pemerintah Provinsi Riau)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruhantara kapasitas sumber daya manusia, pemanfaatan teknologiinformasi, dan pengendalian intern terhadap keterandalan pelaporankeuangan pemerintah daerah pada pemerintah provinsi Riau.Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu 40 SKPD pada provinsi Riau dantiap SKPD diwakili oleh 3 orang yaitu Kepala BagianAkuntansi/Keuangan dan dua orang staf pelaporan keuangan sebagairesponden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung denganmenggunakan kuesioner yang berisikan 33 pertanyaan. Berdasarkanhasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hanya variabelpemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang berpengaruh signifikanterhadap keterandalan pelaporan keuangan pada Provinsi Riau.Sedangkan variabel kapasitas sumber daya manusia danpengendalian intern tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikanterhadap keterandalan pelaporan keuangan SKPD pada ProvinsiRiau
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