511 research outputs found

    From Comparison to Collaboration: Experiments with a New Scholarly and Political Form

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    Society and the workplace are two factors that are important for the individual's health status. It is important that the individuals has the right skills to take care of their health. For organizations, it is important to strive for the welfare of their employees. This has proven to have a positive impact on work performance, reduced absenteeism and reduced costs for rehabilitation. In 2007, the local authorities in Umeå implemented a wellness offering for all employees working in the municipality administration. They later saw a need to assist employees who needed help getting started with new exercise habits. This study aims to examine how the participants in the "Get Started Programme", succeeded in creating lasting exercise habits , 3-4 years after completing the program. Research questions are: How have the participants increased their knowledge practically and theoretically after the programme has finished? How have the participants succeeded in creating the content of the programme in their daily lives? How do the participants assess their health compared to before they participated in the programme? Are there any beneficial factors highlighted by the participants as during the program? The study was conducted on the basis of semi-structured interviews with eight voluntary participants who previously participated in the Get Started Programme. The results show that six of the eight participants succeeded to get started with the goals for behavioral change, and still maintain a sufficient physical activity level today. Participants who do not consider themselves to have succeeded in reaching the goals they set up in the beginning of the program, point out that they have the tools needed to go on and continue the behavioral change they strive for

    Decarbonization of construction supply chains - Achieving net-zero carbon emissions in the supply chains linked to the construction of buildings and transport infrastructure

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    Sweden has committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to a net-zero level by Year 2045. In Sweden, about 20% of its annual CO2 emissions are from the manufacture, transport and processing of materials for both the construction and refurbishment of buildings and transport infrastructure. Cement and steel, together with diesel use in construction processes and material transport account for the majority of the CO2 emissions associated with building and infrastructure construction.This thesis assesses the challenges associated with reducing CO2 emissions from the supply chains for buildings and transport infrastructure construction. The main aim is to determine the extent to which abatement technologies across the supply chain can reduce the GHG emissions associated with construction if combined to exploit their full potential, while identifying key barriers towards their implementation.The work takes its starting point from material, energy and emissions flow analyses conducted across the construction supply chain, followed by the development of stylized models, which are subsequently used for scenario analysis. This quantitative analysis work is integrated with a participatory process that involves relevant stakeholders in the assessment process. The participatory process serves to identify the main abatement options, as well as to adjust decisions and assumptions regarding abatement portfolios and timelines, so as to make these as realistic and feasible as possible. Supported by a comprehensive literature review, a detailed inventory of abatement options in the supply chain of building and transport infrastructure construction is developed. This includes technologies and practices that are currently available and that are deemed available on a timescale up to Year 2045.The results show that on a national level, it is possible to reduce GHG emissions associated with the construction of buildings and transport infrastructure by 50% up to Year 2030, through applying already available measures. Moreover, it will be feasible to reach close-to-zero emissions by Year 2045, with this requiring comprehensive measures across-the-board, including breakthrough technologies for heavy vehicles, cement and steel production. Attaining the full abatement potential of measures that are already available would rely on sufficient availability of sustainably produced second-generation biofuels, requiring accelerated implementation of alternative abatement measures, involving optimization of material use, mass handling and transport systems, as well as the use of alternative materials and designs, with focus on circularity and material efficiency measures. To realize the potential linked to applying measures across the supply chain, there is a need for extensive collaboration along the whole value chain. Policy measures and procurement strategies should be aligned to support these measures with a clear supply chain focus, so as to enable balanced risk sharing and the involvement of contractors early in the planning and design process.The results also illustrate the importance of intensifying efforts to identify and manage both soft and hard barriers to implementation and the importance of acting promptly to implement available measures (e.g., material efficiency, recycling and material/fuel substitution measures) while actively planning for long-term measures (electrification of heavy vehicles and low-CO2 steel or cement). There are immediate and clear needs to prepare for deeper abatement and associated transformative shifts and to consider carefully the pathway towards these goals while avoiding pitfalls along the way, such as an over-reliance on biofuels or cost optimizations that cannot be scaled up to the levels required to reach deep emissions reductions.Therefore, strategic planning must be initiated as early as possible, as lead times related to planning, securing permits and construction of the support infrastructure (renewable electricity supply, electricity grid expansion, hydrogen storage, CCS infrastructure) and piloting and upscaling to commercial scale of the actual production units will all influence the speed of change

    Disabilities in equestrian sports from riding instructors´ perspective : a qualitative interview study

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    Det kan ibland vara svårt för personer som lever med funktionsnedsättningar att få en fungerande vardag. En del anser att det är svårt att resa och ta sig runt själva och andra känner sig som en börda för sin omgivning. Det finns studier som visar att idrottsaktiviteter inte förekommer i samma utsträckning för unga personer med funktionsnedsättningar som det gör för unga personer utan dem. Det saknas forskning som belyser ridlärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av att undervisa och leda personer med funktionsnedsättningar inom ridsporten. Det finns behov av att synliggöra vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som föreligger med pararidningen och dess framtid. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka verksamma ridlärares erfarenheter och tankar kring att undervisa elever med funktionsnedsättningar på ridskola. Frågeställningarna till studien är: Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter ser verksamma ridlärare med ridundervisning för ryttare med funktionsnedsättningar? Hur förhåller sig ridlärare kring frågan angående pararidningens utvecklingsmöjligheter på Sveriges ridskolor? Den här studien grundades på intervjuer med sex verksamma ridlärare på sex olika ridskolor under februari till mars månad år 2021. Ridskolorna valdes ut via handplockat urval och var de som erbjöd pararidning till sina elever. På grund av rådande situation med Covid-19 genomfördes intervjuerna digitalt då fysiska besök inte var lämpligt. Frågorna som ställdes i intervjuerna var semistrukturerade vilket resulterade i att alla respondenter inte fick exakt samma frågor även om de 20 grundfrågorna var samma för samtliga. Svaren analyserades genom tematiska innehållsanalyser och jämfördes sinsemellan vilket sedan genererade i kategorier kopplade till frågeställningarna. Kategorierna blev följande: Ridgrupperna där resultat som antal elever, antal grupper och antal minuter per lektion ingick. Mål för eleverna bestod av resultat om gruppernas mål eller ryttarnas individuella mål. Målen kunde antingen vara personlighetsmässiga eller prestationsmässiga men också om verksamheten hade mål om anläggningens utveckling. I kategorin utmaningar och möjligheter beskrivs de största skillnaderna med att undervisa personer med funktionsnedsättningar och personer utan dem samt hur respondenterna ser på verksamhetens utveckling inom området. Sista kategorin var utveckling och framtid där resultat beskrivs om hur respondenterna på respektive anläggning arbetar för att få fler medlemmar, hur eleverna anmäler sig samt om de aktivt arbetar för att bli mer attraktiva på marknaden. Genom att även redogöra för marknadsföringen blev det tydligt hur respondenterna såg på frågan kring ridskolornas framtid och utveckling. Ridlärarnas perspektiv på utvecklingen och framtiden för pararidning på ridskolor skiljde sig åt beroende på hur stor verksamheten var och hur väl ekonomin tillät förändringar. Resultaten i studien visade på att de största utmaningarna med undervisning av funktionsnedsatta personer var att nå fram till eleverna på ett sätt som fick alla att förstå. Eleverna med funktionsnedsättningar behövde fler resurser och mer pedagogiska instruktörer. Möjligheterna som betonades var att ridningen gav en lycka för både elever och instruktörer att uppnå något tillsammans. Såväl kroppslig och rörlig utveckling som personlig utveckling. Det var tydligt att ridlärare bör vara både flexibla och uppfinningsrika i sin undervisning. Slutsatsen av den här intervjustudien var att utmaningarna av att undervisa ryttare med funktionsnedsättningar är fler än möjligheterna. Utmaningarna var att skapa en säker miljö och att kunna nå fram till eleverna på ett pedagogisk vis. Ytterligare utmaningar var anläggningarnas faciliteter samt att få verksamheten att gå runt ekonomiskt. Möjligheterna som framhölls var främst att verksamheten skapade gemenskap och gav eleverna mål att se fram emot, exempelvis tävling. Det fanns stor utvecklingspotential gällande utvecklingsmöjligheterna på ridskolorna. Ridlärarna hade en ambition och önskan att ridskolorna ska kunna erbjuda en ännu mer anpassad anläggning. De avsåg därför att kunna utveckla anläggningen i form av: fler ramper, bättre utrustning och pedagogiska läromedel.There is not enough research on riding instructors´ perspective of teaching riders with disabilities. It is important to acknowledge challenges and possibilities of the development for the future on riding schools in Sweden. The aim of this study is to investigate how riding instructors on Swedish riding schools teach students with disabilities to ride. The questions that were to be answered in the study was: What are the challenges and possibilities for riding instructors to teach riders with disabilities? What perspective does riding instructors´ have on the possible development for people with disabilities to ride at Swedish riding schools? In this study, six riding instructors from six different riding schools were interviewed during the months of February to Mars year of 2021. The interviews took place through digital meetings due to the situation of Covid-19. Since the questions were semi-structured the instructors were not given the exact same questions, but the 20 main questions were the same. The answers were analyzed through qualitative data analysis which were coded into categories based on the study’s questions. The results show that it is a challenge to make sure that all riders understand the instructions. Riders with disabilities needed more resources and pedagogical teachers. The main possibilities were that riders and teachers together create a social community with both bodily and personal development. The opinions of the riding instructors were very variated considering what was most challenging with their job and what the possibilities were. The conclusion of the study was that the challenges of teaching riders with disabilities were greater than the possibilities. The challenge was to create a safe environment and good communication between riders and teacher. Another challenge was to make the activity profitable. The possibilities they considered, were the fact that they create a social community in the stable and give riders with disabilities at riding schools goals to look forward to, such as competition. There was great potential regarding the opportunity of development at the riding schools. The riding instructors had an ambition and dream for riding schools to offer more adapted facilities. They wanted to develop facilities in the form of: more ramps, better equipment and pedagogical teaching aids

    Temporal and spatial dynamics of Fusarium spp. and mycotoxins in Swedish cereals during 16 years

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    We analysed the dynamics of Fusarium spp. and mycotoxin contamination in Swedish cereals during 2004-2018. More than 1400 cereal samples from field trials were included, collected in a monitoring programme run by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Five Fusarium mycotoxins were quantified with LC-MS/MS and fungal DNA from four species was quantified using quantitative real-time PCR. Correlation analyses revealed that deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) were mainly associated with Fusarium graminearum, but stronger correlations with F. culmorum was seen some years. Nivalenol (NIV) was associated with F. poae and the HT-2 and T-2 toxins with F. langsethiae. Clear differences in mycotoxin contamination between different cereal crops and geographical regions were identified. The highest levels of DON and ZEN were found in spring wheat in Western Sweden. For NIV, HT-2 and T-2 toxins, the levels were highest in spring oats and spring barley. Regional differences were not detected for NIV, while HT-2 and T-2 toxins were associated with the northernmost region. We found that delayed harvest was strongly associated with increased levels of DON and ZEN in several crops. However, harvest date did not influence the levels of NIV or HT-2 and T-2 toxins. Our results suggest similar distribution patterns of DON and ZEN, in contrast to NIV and HT-2 and T-2 toxins, probably mirroring the differences in the ecology of the toxin-producing Fusarium species. Timely harvest is important to reduce the risk of DON and ZEN contamination, especially for fields with other risk factors

    Diversity of wheat phyllosphere fungi in different agricultural production systems

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease affecting cereals world-wide caused by Fusarium fungi. The disease is of great economic importance especially since it is associated with contamination by harmful mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp. In recent years, several studies have reported lower mycotoxin contamination of organically produced cereals compared with those produced conventionally. An unexplored factor is differences in the microbial communities on cereal crops between the organic and conventional systems, which may exert a biocontrol effect on FHB. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of different environmental and agricultural factors on Fusarium communities and fungal phyllosphere communities in wheat in different agricultural production systems. New primers for amplifying Fusarium communities, in conjunction with 454 se-quencing, were evaluated, and Fusarium communities associated with soil and wheat kernels were successfully characterised. Comparison of fungicide-treated and untreated wheat leaves from 18 fields in Sweden in 2011 revealed that fungicide use was associ-ated with decreased evenness of fungal communities. Furthermore, organic farming was associated with increased fungal species richness on wheat leaves when pairs of 22 organically and conventionally managed fields in Sweden were compared in 2012. There was no difference in the abundance of leaf pathogens between cropping systems. Several fungal species were consistently found regardless of geographical location, year and cropping system, while fungal abundance was highly variable between fields. Both Fusarium and fungal communities were affected by agricultural intensity. How-ever, there was no difference in Fusarium community composition in wheat kernels from organically and conventionally managed fields. The method evaluated in this thesis can be used to monitor Fusarium communities in the field, which is important in order to develop strategies for limiting FHB and mycotoxin contamination. The present thesis demonstrates that fungicide use and organic farming are associated with differen-tial fungal communities in the wheat phyllosphere. This indicates that there is an oppor-tunity for the farmer to manage these communities with the aim of enhancing their biocontrol potential against plant pathogens such as Fusarium

    Ny kunskap om svampfloran på vetets blad

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    Svampfloran på bladen i stråsäd har studerats i flera vetenskapliga studier från Sverige och Danmark. Det är främst tack vare ny DNA-teknik som svampfloran har kunnat kartläggas i noggrannare detalj än med tidigare tekniker. Denna utveckling har möjliggjort större studier i fält av hur olika odlingsåtgärder påverkar svampfloran i stråsädesodling

    Brunnsröjning med kedjeröjsåg - effekter på kvarvarande bestånd

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    Vintrarna 2005 och 2007 drabbades södra Sverige av stormarna Gudrun och Per. Konsekven¬serna blev förödande framförallt för skogsbruket. Redan före stormarna fanns det mycket stora arealer ungskog i behov av röjning i Sverige. En av anledningarna till att svenska skogs¬ägare hamnat efter med röjningen var att röjningsplikten i skogsvårdslagen avskaffades år 1994. Sex år efter Gudrunstormen är tiden snart inne för förstaröjning av många av de gamla stormhyggena. Teknikutvecklingen för motormanuell röjning de sista femtio åren har varit blygsam och röjningsingreppet tenderar att utföras allt senare. Det har lett till att röjningskostnaden står för en ökande andel av skogsbrukets totala kostnader. Ett problem som ofta uppstår vid röjning av lövträd är att de röjda stubbarna skjuter stubb- och rotskott. De nya skotten har ofta stark växtkraft och kan på bara några år återigen konkurrera med huvudplantorna och ge upphov till ett förnyat röjningsbehov. Under några års tid har utveckling skett av en kedjeröjsåg med svärd och kedja istället för klinga. Sågen öppnar upp för röjningsformer som kräver mer precision som t.ex. brunnsröjning, där endast de träd som står närmast huvudplantan kapas. Under sommarhalvåret 2010 gjordes inmätningar av ett blocklagt röjningsförsök i Kronobergs län som anlagts tidigare på våren samma år. Utöver det gjordes även en mindre surveystudie över bestånd som brunnsröjts och totalröjts i Kronobergs och Jönköpings län mellan 2007-2009. Syftet med studien var att utifrån olika synvinklar, beskriva konkurrenssituationen mellan gran (Picea abies) och lövträd efter brunns- och totalröjning. I blockförsöket fanns fyra försöksled som brunnsröjdes: två olika brunnsradier med resp. utan vertikalröjning, d.v.s. kapning av sidogrenar på oröjda bistammar; ett som totalröjdes; och ett som lämnades som oröjd kontroll. I surveystudien ingick sex stycken brunnsröjda och två stycken totalröjda bestånd. Direkt efter röjning av blockförsöket hade knappt hälften av alla granar en skada som var yngre än ett år gammal. Den vanligaste skadeorsaken var viltbetning vilket förmodades bero på brist på övrigt foder. I studien fanns det ingenting som tydde på att andelen stubbar med minst en levande gren eller ett stubbskott varken efter en, två eller tre vegetationsperioder påverkas av om beståndet brunnsröjts eller totalröjts. Inväxning mot granen från oröjda bistammar sker främst ovanför den punkt där granens toppskott befinner sig under de första vegetationsperioderna efter röjning. Även om granarna två till tre år efter röjning i mycket liten utsträckning får piskskador finns en överhängande risk att skadeandelen kommer att öka de närmsta åren. När det gäller vertikalröjning kunde konstateras att när endast några få grenar kapas och toppskottet inte påverkas, skjuter trädet sällan stubbskott. Brunnsröjning kräver i dessa försök att beståndet röjs minst en gång till före gallring. Den genomförda brunnsröjningsstudien är endast en liten del av ett större röjningsprojekt som syftar till att täcka in såväl biologiska som ekonomiska aspekter för brunnsröjning och total¬röjning fram till förstagallring. Vilket alternativ som bör väljas beror på totalkostnaden och hur granarnas tillväxt och skadefrekvens påverkats av röjningsregimen. Ytterligare prestations- och konkurrensstudier krävs alltså för att få fram den röjningsregim som är mest fördelaktig på bördiga friska och fuktiga granmarker i södra Sverige.In the winters of 2005 and 2007 southern Sweden was hit by two storms, named Gudrun and Per. The consequences were devastating, especially for the forestry sector. Even before the storms, there were large areas in an urgent need of precommercial thinning (pct) in Sweden. One of the reasons to why that situation had occurred was that the imperative to perform pct in young stands was removed from the Swedish Forestry Act in 1994. Six years after the first storm there is soon time for pct of the storm damaged areas, which mainly have been regener¬ated with planted Norway spruce (Picea abies) and naturally regenerated broadleaves. Technical development of motor- manual tools for pct has been very modest the last fifty years and pct operations tend to be performed later than before. Consequently, the pct costs account for an increasing proportion of the total forest management cost. A problem that often occurs after pct of broad leaved species, is sprouting from the stumps. The shoots often show strong vitality and can in a few years compete with the main stems and give rise to a renewed need of pct. During the last years, a new brush saw with a chain instead of the tradi¬tional blade has been developed. The new technique opens up for pct forms that require more preci- sion, like for example point cleaning, where only the trees close to the main stems are cut. During the summer 2010, a pct study in the county of Kronoberg, Sweden was carried out. In addition, a small survey study on point cleaned and traditionally cleaned stands (2007-2009) in the counties of Kronoberg and Jönköping was performed. The aim of the studies was to describe the competition between Norway spruce and broad leaved trees after point cleaning and traditional pct. The first study was arranged according to a nested block design where four different point cleaning treatments were used: two various radii from the main stem, with or without vertical cleaning, i.e. cutting of side branches on uncut secondary stems; one con¬ventional pct; and no treatment (control). The survey study included six point cleaned stands and two conventionally cleaned stands. Directly after the pct in the block study, about half of all the spruces had a damage that had occurred during the last year. The most common damage was browsing from wildlife, which may depend on shortage of other fodder. In this study, there was no indication that the proportio¬n of stumps with at least one living branch or sprout after one, two or three growing seasons is affected by if the stand is point cleaned or conventionally cleaned. Lateral growth from uncut broadleaves towards the spruce, is during the first growing seasons after pct mainly taking place above the spruce´s leader. Even if only a small proportion of the spruces, two or three years after pct had whipping damage, there is an impending risk that the damage rate will increase in coming years. The vertically cleaned broadleaved trees seldom showed any sprouts when only a few branches were cut and the tree top was not affected. Point cleaning, in these kinds of stands requires at least one more pct before commercial thin¬ning. This study is part of a larger project, which aims to cover both biological and financial aspects of point cleaning and conventional pct until the time comes for commercial thinning. Which pct regime is most advantageous will depend on the total pct cost and how the spruces increment and proportion of damaged trees is affected by the regime. Additional performance and competition studies are needed to find out which pct regime is the most beneficial for spruce stands on mesic soils in southern Sweden

    Calm in the city – what can it imply, how can it expressed?

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    Uppsatsen behandlar lugn vilken är en subjektiv upplevelse, påverkad av såväl inre som yttre faktorer. Målet är att presentera lugn och dess betydelse utifrån olika infallsvinklar och försöka se på vilket sätt vi människor har behov av att finna lugnet i staden. Samt att analyserna skall leda till enkla sammanfattande illustrationer. Utgångspunkten har varit stadsbons tankar och upplevelser av lugn, såväl i allmänhet som specifikt i staden, var det finns och vad det skapas av. Korta strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med personer i Malmö och kopplats till forskning och teorier rörande ämnet. Stadsbons hälsa påverkas positivt av lugna platser, dessa minskar känslan av stress och får oss att koppla av. Vilket styrker argumentationen för skapandet av sådana miljöer. Forskning och intervjuer har analyserats och sammanfattats i aspekter vilka påverkar känslan av lugn. Flera små illustrationer av aspekterna har gjorts. Vilka tillsammans kan stärka syftet med uppsatsen, att uppmärksamma behovet av lugn och belysa vikten av att ta hänsyn till det redan i planering och utformning av platser och områden i staden.This thesis discuss calm which is a subjective experience, affected both of inner as well as external factors. The purpose is to address calmness, its meaning from different point of views and in what way we as human beings have a need to find calm in the urban area. Also that the analyses will lead to small resuming illustrations. The starting point is the city dwellers' views and experiences of calm, both generally and specifically in the city, where calmness can be felt and how it is created. Short structured interviews were made with people in Malmö and connected to research and theories regarding the subject. The city dwellers' health is positively affected of calmness, they increase the feeling of stress and helps us to relax. Which is an argument in creating calm environments. Research and interviews have been analyzed and summarized in different aspects who affect the feeling of calm. Several small illustrations of the aspects have been done. These findings can strengthen the intention with this thesis, to observe the need of calmness and elucidate the importance of it and to considerate it in planning and designing places and areas in the city

    Har antalet naturvärdesträd i Sverige förändrats mellan 1999-2009?

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    Forestry and forest products are vital components of the Swedish economy but the forest is also important for recreation, hunting, out-door life and conserving biodiversity. The Swedish Forest Act has two equally important objectives, production and environmental protection. Polytax is the Swedish Forest Agency´s inventory programme which monitors progress toward the two objectives in connection with regeneration fellings. It includes data on environmental protection measures taken in connection with regeneration fellings. 30 § of the Swedish Forestry Act and related regulations specify the demands for conserva-tion of nature. Modern forestry creates monocultures and to counteract that Swedish fore-stry has introduced a number of biodiversity-orientated management practices. One of them is Green-tree retention cutting (GTR) which is a modification of traditional clear-cutting and implies that some living trees are left on the cut area. The Swedish model of forestry builds on three different levels of conservation, general conservation consideration in all forest operations, voluntarily protected areas and site pro-tection. The purpose of the general conservation consideration is to pay attention to natural and historical environments and social values. It is based on § 30 of the Swedish Forestry Act. One category of the general conservation is nature trees, which is trees that have an obvious nature- or culture-value. The category involves living trees, dead trees, logs and natural or created snags. Nature trees are supposed to function as “lifeboats” for species and processes during the regeneration phase. The density of nature trees in mature forests reflects the management history during the last 80-100 years. For the formulation of guide-lines and requirements for tree retention it is important to be aware of changes in this den-sity, because it affects both the conservation possibilities and the conservation value of tree retention. The first purpose of this study is to evaluate how the density of nature trees varies over time (1999-2009). The second purpose is to see how much consideration has been given to these trees at regeneration felling during the same time period. The results show that it is a significant difference between the first five year-period and the last five years. The average number of nature trees before regenerations felling was 2,97 (1999-2003) and 2,33 (2005-2009). The degree of complete taken consideration dur-ing regeneration felling was high during the whole period with about 60 %

    Reaching net-zero carbon emissions in construction supply chains – Analysis of a Swedish road construction project

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    Recent estimates suggest that the construction sector accounts for approximately one quarter of global CO2\ua0emissions. This paper assesses the potential for reducing the climate impact of road construction. The study is\ua0structured as a participatory integrated assessment with involvement from key stakeholders in the supply chain,\ua0supported by energy and material flow mapping, an extensive literature review and a scenario analysis. Theresults indicate that it is technically possible to halve road construction CO2 emissions with today’s best available\ua0technologies and practices, to abate more than three quarters of the emissions by 2030 and achieve close to net\ua0zero emissions by 2045. Realising the current potential would rely on sufficient availability of sustainably\ua0produced second-generation biofuels, indicating a need to speed up the implementation of alternative abatementmeasures, including optimization of material use and mass handling requirements, increased recycling of steel,\ua0asphalt and aggregates and enhanced use of alternative binders in concrete. Policy measures and procurement\ua0strategies should be aligned to support these measures with a clear supply chain focus. For deep decarbonization\ua0several key opportunities and obstacles for realisation of breakthrough technologies for basic industry are\ua0highlighted – including electrification and carbon capture for steel and cement, and hybridisation and electrification\ua0for heavy transport and construction equipment. There is a clear need to prepare for deeper abatement\ua0and associated transformative shifts already now and to carefully consider the pathway of getting there while\ua0avoiding pitfalls along the way, such as overreliance on biofuels or cost optimizations which cannot be scaled up\ua0to the levels required