10 research outputs found

    A testi jellemzők és az énkép összefüggései 11-18 éves kor között

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    The main purposes of the present study were to compare selected body shape factors of adolescents belonging to different physical self - concept subgroups, and to identify those s omatic factors that have the strongest influence on the physical self - concept in adolescents. A randomly selected subsample of the 2nd Hungarian National Growth Study formed the sample of the analysis. Besides the anthropometric investigations the Tenness ee self - concept scale (that is a self - report measure and assesses the global self - concept and its components) was administered to altogether 3409 adolescents (1701 boys and 1708 girls, aged between 11 and 18 years). M ultinomial logistic regression was used to reveal the relationship between the absolute body dimensions, relative body dimensions, nutritional status, body mass components, body shape and physical self - concept in the studied age interval. The better the body image, the smaller the fatness was f ound in both sexes. In adolescents having negative self - concept endomorphy was significantly larger than in their age - peers with good self - concept. The presumed fact that obesity is not popular in adolescent s has been confirmed by this study. However, the underweight nutritional status was found to be attractive in the girls. These results informed us about the considerable influence of the pubertal not normal nutritional status on the discrepancy between the ideal and actual self - concepts. The strong infl uence of the other components of self - concept on the physical self - concept was evidenced as well. Keywords: 2nd Hungarian National Growth Study ; Adolescents; Obesity; Body composition; Body shape; Self - concept; Body image

    Polarized ecological traps at a mountain creek: A good practice in experiential environmental education

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    It is well-documented that highly and horizontally polarized light reflected from shiny dark artificial surfaces has adverse effects on positively polarotactic aquatic insects, including all insects, the larvae of which live in water. Such man-made surfaces may act as 'polarized ecological traps' for polarotactic insects, because they are inappropriate for the development of eggs laid by the deceived and attracted aquatic insects. We performed a field experiment on 27 May 2019 at a mountain creek and its anthropogenic environment to study this phenomenon. Our studies were carried out by Hungarian university students in a senior level biology teacher class. The methods and results can also be used in high and secondary schools. Our aim was to introduce students to the visual ecology of water insects, and help them to apply their knowledge the practice of environmental education

    Polarized ecological traps at a mountain creek - A good practice in experiential environmental education

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    It is well-documented that highly and horizontally polarized light reflected from shiny dark artificial surfaces has adverse effects on positively polarotactic aquatic insects, including all insects, the larvae of which live in water. Such man-made surfaces may act as 'polarized ecological traps' for polarotactic insects, because they are inappropriate for the development of eggs laid by the deceived and attracted aquatic insects. We performed a field experiment on 27 May 2019 at a mountain creek and its anthropogenic environment to study this phenomenon. Our studies were carried out by Hungarian university students in a senior level biology teacher class. The methods and results can also be used in high and secondary schools. Our aim was to introduce students to the visual ecology of water insects, and help them to apply their knowledge the practice of environmental education

    Body structure and physical self-concept in early adolescence

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    a testkép és a testszerkezet közötti összefüggések vizsgálata 11-14 évesekné

    Body fatness and endogenous sex hormones in the menopausal transition

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    Background Age at the final menstrual period is of clinical and public health interest because the age at which natural menopause occurs may be a marker of ageing and health, and in general the menopausal transition increases the risk of many diseases, e.g. redistribution in the pattern of adiposity during the menopausal transition may increase risk of metabolic disease. The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between the menopausal status and body fatness. Subjects and methods A random sample of 1932Hungarian women was studied. Body composition was estimated by body impedance analysis. In a subsample free estradiol and progesterone levels in saliva were quantified. Results Body fat mass increased until the late 50s and then had a decrease through senescence. Premenopausal women who were much older than the median age at menopause had a higher amount of fat than their postmenopausal age-peers, while postmenopausal women, whose menopause occurred much earlier than the median age at menopause, had less fat than their premenopausal age-peers. The body fat mass in premenopausal women with low levels of sex hormones was always below the age-median value of the menopausal status subgroups, while the body fat mass of postmenopausal women with high levels of sex hormone levels was above the age-median values. Conclusions The analysis of body fatness in the menopausal transition revealed that (1) the rate of reproductive ageing and the body fat pattern were significantly related, and (2) body fat mass of women with unexpected levels of sex hormones was related more to their hormonal levels than to their menopausal status or their age. Thus future epidemiological screenings of women exposed to higher levels of menopause-related health risks should be expanded beyond the estimation of menopausal status based only on menstrual history to include sex hormone level assessment, as well as body composition analysis

    Risk and protective factors for health behaviour in adolescence in Europe

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    Abstract The purpose of the analysis was to identify the risk and protective factors for health behaviour in European adolescents from population health status and expenditure, mental health status, sexual life, social life and education indices and the existence of national strategies, programmes. National and international databases providing information on the presumed health behaviour predictors were used in the analysis. The existence of national health strategies, the level of health expenditure, the socioeconomic conditions, the level of education and literacy had significant influence on the health-risk behaviour of adolescents in the European societies. Six clusters of European countries were extracted by considering the health behaviour risks and health protection strategies. National health strategies combined with governmental support for health prevention and action plans have the most effective impact on the health-risk behaviour of adolescents